23 research outputs found

    Coral Reef Ecosystem Vulnerability Index to Oil Spill: Case of Pramuka Island and Belanda Island in Seribu Islands

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    Vulnerability analysis is one of the methods for determining effective management of coastal and marine resources. Seribu islands potentially affected due to oil spills. The oil spills incident in this area caused by shipwreck from traffic on Tanjung Priok port and ALKI 1, as well as accident of petroleum exploration and exploitation. At least, oil spills in Seribu Islands have been recorded since 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007 and 2008. This study aims to calculate the vulnerability index of Pramuka island and Belanda island in the Seribu Islands. This research was conducted by using a theoretical approach of vulnerability (V), which is a function of exposure (E), sensitivity (S) and adaptive capacity (AC). The parameters in exposure category are tidal type, tidal range, wave height, substrat type, and water depth. Parameters in sensitivity category are growth type of reef, slope, protected ecosystem, coverage percentage, coral density, protected species, and fish abundance. Parameters in adaptive capacity are oil spill contingency system, conservation institution, community response, and economic dependence. Data of each parameter were transformed into a score ranging from 1 to 5. The formula of vulnerability index using addition and subtraction model where; V = E + S – AC. The results indicate that Seribu Islands have vulnerability status from moderate to high, which 4.15 for Pramuka island and 6.39 for Belanda island

    Management on Coral Reef Ecosystem in the Siantan Tengah District, Anambas Islands

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    Coral reef ecosystem management in Siantan Tengah District, Anambas Islands need to be improved to obtain the optimal results. Currently, the coral reef ecosystem management is conducted sectorally, therefore, it can cause a damage on coral reef ecosystem. The purposes of this study were to analyze sustainability status of coral reefs managements in the District Central Siantan and to formulate the sustainability of coral reef ecosystem management. Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) with Rap-Insus COREMAG approach was used to analyze the sustainability status of coral reef management. The results showed that the sustainability status of coral reef management in Siantan Tengah District was sustainable with multidimensional index of 51.457. Dimensions that need to be improved to achieve the optimal management of coral reef ecosystems in a sustainable manner is social dimension to the value of sustainability by 42.324 and institutional dimensions of 49.85 which is classed as less sustainable. This results of this research are expected to be able to facilitate the stakeholders to arrange the sustainability of coral reef ecosystem management in the Siantan Tengah District

    Produktivitas Primer Fitoplankton dan Keterkaitannya dengan Unsur Hara dan Cahaya di Perairan Teluk Banten

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    Pada ekosistem perairan, keberadaan cahaya dan unsur hara di kolom air merupakan faktor utama yang mengontrol laju produktivitas primer fitoplankton. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara produktivitas primer fitoplankton dengan keberadaan intensitas cahaya dan unsur hara di kolom perairan Teluk Banten. Pengukuran produktivitas primer dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode oksigen botol terang dan gelap. Pengambilan contoh air laut untuk pengukuran produktivitas primer dan unsur hara dilakukan pada dua stasiun dengan empat titik kedalaman. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa produktivitas primer fitoplankton pada setiap kedalaman inkubasi berkisar dari 13.56-29.59 mg C/m3/jam di kedua stasiun pengamatan. Terdapat kecenderungan kolom perairan di lokasi penelitian termasuk massa airnya tercampur. Hal ini terlihat dari distribusi vertikal unsur hara yang homogen. Disamping itu, cahaya cenderung berkurang dengan bertambahnya kedalaman. Terdapat hubungan yang sangat erat antara cahaya yang ada di kolom air dengan produktivitas primer (82% dan 64%) dan sebaliknya, unsur hara dengan produktivitas primer berkorelasi lemah (berkisar antara 0.9%-16.5%). Cahaya lebih bersifat sebagai pembatas dibanding unsur hara bagi produktivitas primer

    Economic Impact From Plastic Debris On Selayar Island, South Sulawesi

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    Sampah plastik dalam jumlah besar terdeposit di pesisir Pulau Selayar yang berhadapan langsung dengan Laut Jawa selama musim barat. Sampah plastik telah menimbulkan dampak sosial dan ekonomi bagi nelayan di Pulau Selayar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji komposisi, kepadatan dan sebaran dari sampah plastik; dampak terhadap sosial dan ekonomi. Metode transek garis digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk menentukan jumlah dan sebaran sampah plastik. Ukuran sampah plastik yang diamati adalah >2,5 cm dikategorikan sebagai sampah makro. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Februari sampai Maret 2016. Dampak sampah plastik menurunkan pendapatan dari pariwisata, industri perikanan, mengganggu operasi penangkapan ikan, memerlukan pembersihan dan perbaikan pada alat langkap. Biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk perbaikan dan pembersihan kapal ikan sekitar 192,9 juta rupiah tiap tahun dan perbaikan alat tangkap 156,2 juta rupiah per tahun. Sampah plastik terdiri dari botol plastik, gelas plastik, tali dan jaring ikan, korek gas, keranjang plastik, pelampung, kemasan plastik, sikat gigi dan alat suntik. Rata-rata sampah plastik adalah 9,5 ± 2,7 item/m2 dan berat sekitar 229,2 ± 109,9 g/m2

    Spatial Distribution of Planktonic Dinoflagellate in Makassar Waters, South Sulawesi

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    The objectives of this study were to determine the harmful species of dinoflagellates, to determine the concentration of nutriens in surface waters, and to analyze factors affecting the ecological aspects of the harmful dinoflagellates. The results showed that there were 7 genus of dinoflagellates found in this study i.e., Ceratium spp., Gymnodinium sp., Dinophysis sp., Gonyaulax sp., Noctiluca sp., Protoperi-dinium spp., and Peridinium sp. Protoperidinium spp. and Ceratium spp. were the predominant species, with their abundance ranged of 9-659 cells/L and 6-556 cells/L, respectively. In temporal scale, values of DO and water light penetration were not significantly different (α>0.05), while for the parameter of nutriens, salinity, and abundance were significantly different (α<0.05). Total abundance of dinoflagellates was significantly correlated with nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate, salinity, and DO. Harmful dinoflagellate species such as Dinophysis sp. (DSP), Gymnodinium spp. (NSP and PSP), Noctiluca sp. (anaerobic), and Gonyaulax sp. (anaerobic) were observed in the study area. The high concentration of ammonia (>1 mg/L) in the waters of Losari beach also indicated that the area was affected by anthropogenic activities. Minimizing nutrient inputs from the land was becoming the most priority measure to be done to avoid such effects related to dinoflagellate harmful algae bloms