285 research outputs found

    Timing of Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV in the Setting of TB Treatment

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    The convergent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and tuberculosis (TB) pandemics continue to collectively exact significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has been a critical component in combating the scourge of these two conditions as both a preemptive and therapeutic modality. However, concomitant administration of antiretroviral and antituberculous therapies poses significant challenges, including cumulative drug toxicities, drug-drug interactions, high pill burden, and the immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS), thus complicating the management of coinfected individuals. This paper will review data from recent studies regarding the optimal timing of HAART initiation relative to TB treatment, with the ultimate goal of improving coinfection-related morbidity and mortality while mitigating toxicity resulting from concurrent treatment of both infections

    Interdisciplinary social action

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    In this article, we will first consider the starting point for change. Social change is more likely to occur when we have a passionate interest in a particular area. Often the beginning of social change occurs when we have a passionate interest in a particular area. Often the beginning of social change occurs with the recognition that something is wrong and unfair. This recognition may take the form of a flash of outrage, but the feeling is clear: this needs to change. We may not even know why we feel this way, but our intuition can steer us in the right direction. By listening and watching closely, ever present signs and guides will provide us clues and direction. The key is to be open and receptive to them. This intuition can also help us develop and maintain relationships with other critical social change partners

    Neurobehavioral Testing in Prion Disease Studies

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    The prion diseases are neurodegenerative diseases characterized by progressive neurocognitive decline and terminal dementia. In this review, we will discuss the role of neurobehavioral testing in mammalian prion disease model systems, including (1) a review of the clinical phenotype of the major prion diseases in natural disease, (2) an evidence-based summary of the benefits and shortcomings of commonly used behavioral assays, and (3) a review of the neurobehavioral testing in rodent prion models. Based upon this review, and in light of the established importance of model systems in studies of prion pathogenesis and the proven role of behavioral testing in nonprion disease neurodegenerative diseases, it is vital that prion researchers consider the clinical consequences of prion infection so as to maximize the impact of their work

    PortaX Secure Automation System Using IoT: A Survey

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    In recent times, everything around us is automated. People are looking to make things easier and easier day by day, by reducing the work they do, but not reduce the efficiency of work. The most important thing in this technically forward world, is, what we mentioned above i.e. Automation and Security. Travel needs a lot of automation in this day and age, especially Airports. The idea of a bag can check-in by itself, and tell us where it is and deprive us of the worry of continuously checking or thinking if the luggage is okay, is just a dream for most people

    ND2 as an Additional Genetic Marker to Improve Identification of Diving Ducks Involved in Bird Strikes

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    Knowing the exact species of birds involved in damaging collisions with aircraft (bird strikes) is paramount to managing and preventing these types of human–wildlife conflicts. While a standard genetic marker, or DNA barcode (mitochondrial DNA gene cytochrome-c oxidase 1, or CO1), can reliably identify most avian species, this marker cannot distinguish among some closely related species. Diving ducks within the genus Aythya are an example of congeneric waterfowl involved in bird strikes where several species pairs cannot be reliably identified with the standard DNA barcode. Here, we describe methods for using an additional genetic marker (mitochondrial DNA gene NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2, or ND2) for identification of 9 Aythya spp. Gene-specific phylogenetic trees and genetic distances among taxa reveal that ND2 is more effective than CO1 at genetic identification of diving ducks studied here. Compared with CO1, the ND2 gene tree is more statistically robust, has a minimum of 1.5 times greater genetic distance between sister clades, and resolves paraphyly in 2 clades. While CO1 is effective for identification of most bird strike cases, this study underscores the value of targeted incorporation of additional genetic markers for species identification of taxa that are known to be problematic using standard DNA barcoding

    Lipopolysaccharide-enhanced, Toll-like Receptor 4–dependent T Helper Cell Type 2 Responses to Inhaled Antigen

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    Allergic asthma is an inflammatory lung disease initiated and directed by T helper cells type 2 (Th2). The mechanism involved in generation of Th2 responses to inert inhaled antigens, however, is unknown. Epidemiological evidence suggests that exposure to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or other microbial products can influence the development and severity of asthma. However, the mechanism by which LPS influences asthma pathogenesis remains undefined. Although it is known that signaling through Toll-like receptors (TLR) is required for adaptive T helper cell type 1 (Th1) responses, it is unclear if TLRs are needed for Th2 priming. Here, we report that low level inhaled LPS signaling through TLR4 is necessary to induce Th2 responses to inhaled antigens in a mouse model of allergic sensitization. The mechanism by which LPS signaling results in Th2 sensitization involves the activation of antigen-containing dendritic cells. In contrast to low levels, inhalation of high levels of LPS with antigen results in Th1 responses. These studies suggest that the level of LPS exposure can determine the type of inflammatory response generated and provide a potential mechanistic explanation of epidemiological data on endotoxin exposure and asthma prevalence

    Development of new all-optical signal regeneration technique

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    All-optical signal regeneration have been the active research area since last decade due to evolution of nonlinear optical signal processing. Existing all-optical signal regeneration techniques are agitated in producing low Bit Error Rate (BER) of 10-10 at below than -10 dBm power received. In this paper, a new all-optical signal regeneration technique is developed by using phase sensitive amplification and designed optical phase locked signal mechanism. The developed all-optical signal regeneration technique is tested for different 10 Gb/s Differential Phase Shift Keying degraded signals. It is determined that the designed all-optical signal regeneration technique is able to provide signal regeneration with noise mitigation for degraded signals. It is analyzed that overall, for all degraded test signals, average BER of 10-13 is achieved at received power of -14 dBm. The designed technique will be helpful to enhance the performance of existing signal regeneration systems in the presence of severe noise by providing minimum BER at low received power

    Helminth resistance is mediated by differential activation of recruited monocyte-derived alveolar macrophages and arginine depletion

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    Macrophages are known to mediate anti-helminth responses, but it remains uncertain which subsets are involved or how macrophages actually kill helminths. Here, we show rapid monocyte recruitment to the lung after infection with the nematode parasite Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. In this inflamed tissue microenvironment, these monocytes differentiate into an alveolar macrophage (AM)-like phenotype, expressing both SiglecF and CD11c, surround invading parasitic larvae, and preferentially kill parasites in vitro. Monocyte-derived AMs (Mo-AMs) express type 2-associated markers and show a distinct remodeling of the chromatin landscape relative to tissue-derived AMs (TD-AMs). In particular, they express high amounts of arginase-1 (Arg1), which we demonstrate mediates helminth killing through L-arginine depletion. These studies indicate that recruited monocytes are selectively programmed in the pulmonary environment to express AM markers and an anti-helminth phenotype