7,751 research outputs found

    Modeling of time-resolved laser-induced incandescence transients for particle sizing in high-pressure spray combustion environments: a comparative study

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    In this study experimental single-pulse, time-resolved laser-induced incandescence (TIRE-LII) signal intensity profiles acquired during transient Diesel combustion events at high pressure were processed. Experiments were performed between 0.6 and 7MPa using a high-temperature high-pressure constant volume cell and a heavy-duty Diesel engine, respectively. Three currently available LII sub-model functions were investigated in their performance for extracting ensemble mean soot particle diameters using a least-squares fitting routine, and a "quick-fit” interpolation approach, respectively. In the calculations a particle size distribution as well as the temporal and spatial intensity profile of the heating laser was taken into account. For the poorly characterized sample environments of this work, some deficiencies in these state-of-the-art data evaluation procedures were revealed. Depending on the implemented model function, significant differences in the extracted particle size parameters are apparent. We also observe that the obtained "best-fit” size parameters in the fitting procedure are biased by the choice of their respective "first-guess” initial values. This behavior may be caused by the smooth temporal profile of the LII cooling curve, giving rise to shallow local minima on the multi-parameter least squares residuals, surface sampled during the regression analysis procedure. Knowledge of the gas phase temperature of the probed medium is considered important for obtaining unbiased size parameter information from TIRE-LII measurement

    Optical diagnostics of diesel spray injections and combustion in a high-pressure high-temperature cell

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    We report on spatially and temporally resolved optical diagnostic measurements of propagation and combustion of diesel sprays introduced through a single-hole fuel injector into a constant volume, high-temperature, high-pressure cell. From shadowgraphy images in non-reacting environments of pure nitrogen, penetration lengths and dispersion angles were determined for non-vaporizing and vaporizing conditions, and found to be in reasonable agreement with standard models for liquid jet propagation and break-up. Quasi-simultaneous two-dimensional images were obtained of laser elastic light scattering, shadowgraphs and spectrally integrated flame emission in a reacting environment (cell temperature 850 K). In addition laser-induced incandescence was employed for the identification of soot-loaded regions. The simultaneously recorded spray images exhibit remarkable structural similarity and provide complementary information about the spray propagation and combustion process. The measurements also reveal the fuel vapor cloud extending well beyond the liquid core and close to the nozzle tip. Ignition takes place close to the tip of the spray within the mixing layer of fuel vapor and surrounding air. Soot is formed in the vapor core region at the tip of the liquid fuel jet. Our results support recently developed phenomenological model on diesel spray combustio

    (Non)-Renormalization of the Chiral Vortical Effect Coefficient

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    We show using diagramtic arguments that in some (but not all) cases, the temperature dependent part of the chiral vortical effect coefficient is independent of the coupling constant. An interpretation of this result in terms of quantization in the effective 3 dimensional Chern-Simons theory is also given. In the language of 3D dimensionally reduced theory, the value of the chiral vortical coefficient is related to the formula n=1n=1/12\sum_{n=1}^\infty n=-1/12. We also show that in the presence of dynamical gauge fields, the CVE coefficient is not protected from renormalization, even in the large NN limit.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. Version 2 corrects an error and calculates leading radiative correctio

    Marketing intelligence from data mining perspective : A literature review

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    The digital transformation enables enterprises to mine big data for marketing intelligence on markets, customers, products, and competitor. However, there is a lack of a comprehensive literature review on this issue. With an aim to support enterprises to accelerate the digital transformation and gain competitive advantages through exploiting marketing intelligence from big data, this paper examines the literature in the period from 2001–2018. Consequently, 76 most relevant articles are analyzed based on four marketing intelligence components (Markets, Customers, Products, and Competitors) and six data mining models (Association, Classification, Clustering, Regression, Prediction, and Sequence Discovery). The findings of this study indicate that the research area of product and customer intelligence receives most research attention. This paper also provides a roadmap to guide future research on bridging marketing and information systems through the application of data mining to exploit marketing intelligence from big data

    Consistent ADD scenario with stabilized extra dimension

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    A model with one compact extra dimension and a scalar field of Brans-Dicke type in the bulk is discussed. It describes two branes with non-zero tension embedded into the space-time with flat background. This setup allows one to use a very simple method for stabilization of the size of extra dimension. It appears that the four-dimensional Planck mass is expressed only through parameters of the scalar field potentials on the branes.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, enlarged content, corrected typo

    Effects of epitaxial strain on the growth mechanism of YBa2Cu3O7-x thin films in [YBa2Cu3O7-x / PrBa2Cu3O7-x] superlattices

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    We report on the growth mechanism of YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO). Our study is based on the analysis of ultrathin, YBa2Cu3O7-x layers in c-axis oriented YBa2Cu3O7-x / PrBa2Cu3O7-x superlattices. We have found that the release of epitaxial strain in very thin YBCO layers triggers a change in the dimensionality of the growth mode. Ultrathin, epitaxially strained, YBCO layers with thickness below 3 unit cells grow in a block by block two dimensional mode coherent over large lateral distances. Meanwhile, when thickness increases, and the strain relaxes, layer growth turns into three dimensional, resulting in rougher layers and interfaces.Comment: 10 pages + 9 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev.

    The quest for customer intelligence to support marketing decisions: A knowledge-based framework

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    The quest for customer intelligence to create value in marketing has highlighted the significance of the research focus of this paper. Customer intelligence, which is defined as understandings or insights resulting from the application of analytic techniques, plays a significant role in the survival and prosperity of enterprises in the knowledge-based economy. In this light, the paper has developed a framework of customer intelligence to support marketing decisions through the lens of knowledge-based theory. The proposed framework aims at supporting enterprises to identify the right customer data for the right customer intelligence corresponding with the right marketing decisions. In this light, four types of customer intelligence are clarified including product-aware intelligence, customer DNA intelligence, customer experience intelligence, and customer value intelligence. The applications of customer intelligence are also elucidated with relevant marketing decisions to maximize value creation. To illustrate the framework, an example is presented. The importance and originality of this study are that it responds to changes in customer intelligence in the age of massive data and covers multifaced aspects of marketing decisions