37 research outputs found


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    This work presents a case study of a 75-year-old woman breast withcancer. The investigation process used infrared image, mammography,computerized tomography (CT) and ultrasound guided biopsy toassess, stage and final diagnostic of the tumor. Each one of theseevaluations brings an isolated piece of information that results in thecorrect diagnostic, and treatment. As early diagnostic of breast cancergoes towards improvement in diagnostics and better therapeutics, it isreasonable to state that breast cancer diagnostics must be achieved asearly as possible. An association between infrared image abnormalitiesand computerized tomography is acknowledged and is assumed that acorrelation could exist. The technical literature demonstrated thattumor depth could be inferred from infrared images, but criticalinformation such as breast perfusion for accurate predictions are notavailable yet. Considering that a mathematical model could modelbreast perfusion, this study proposes that tumor morphology and depthin breast cancer could be adequately determined using mathematicalmodeling, infrared imaging, and computerized tomography incomplementary actions

    Possible implication of Orientus ishidae in “apple proliferation” epidemiology. Preliminary study in Trentino Region

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    Apple proliferation (AP) is one of the most dangerous phytoplasma diseases in apple orchards and can cause severe economic losses due to the production of small fruits with low organoleptic qualities. The disease causal agent is Candidatus phytoplasma mali, belonging to the 16SrX phytoplasma group, and nowadays it is distributed within the most important European apple-producing areas. The phytoplasma is transmitted by insects vectors, mainly by two psyllids Cacopsylla picta (Föerster) and C. melanoneura (Föerster), only occasionally by the leafhopper Fieberiella florii (Stål), but the research for new insects vectors is still ongoing. Orientus ishidae (Matsumura, 1902) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), or "Mosaic Leafhopper'' (MLH) is an East Palearctic species introduced first into USA with the import of ornamental species and it is now widespread, also in Europe. MLH has a wide range of host plants, including some cultivated species like grapevine or apple, and is studied for its ability to transmit 16SrV phytoplasmas(i.e., grapevine flavescence dorée) and Ca. P. pruni (peach-X disease). In 2019, dense MLH populations were for the first time found in apple orchards in Trentino. Given its ability to transmit phytoplasmas, an investigation was started in the summer of 2020 to establish whether MLH could play a role in the AP epidemiology . MLH specimens were collected in an orchard in Trentino at the end of July, and individually were tested by PCR techniques (primer fAT-rAS). Our results indicate that the AP phytoplasma was detected in 25% of Orientus ishidae specimens. These preliminary results revealed that an important percentage of MLH population can acquire AP. Studies on the ability of MLH to transmit AP to apples are currently ongoing to better understand its role in the AP epidemiology and the possible consequence in terms of AP managemen

    Influência da temperatura na germinação de sementes de Digitaria insularis, Leptochloa virgata, Pennisetum setosum e Sorghum halepense

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a influência de temperaturas constantes na germinação de sementes de espécies de plantas daninhas da família Poaceae que apresentam ocorrência em áreas de pastagem, para isto, foram analisadas as sementes de Digitaria insularis, Leptochloa virgata, Pennisetum setosum e Sorghum halepense coletadas manualmente de diversas plantas em áreas de pastagem. As sementes foram dispostas em caixas gerbox sobre folha dupla de papel "germitest", umedecido com água destilada equivalente a 2,5 vezes a massa do papel seco. As caixas foram incubadas em três germinadores verticais tipo MANGELSDORF com as temperaturas de 25ºC, 30ºC e 35ºC e fotoperíodo de 12 horas. As avaliações foram realizadas, efetuando-se a contagem diária das ocorrências germinativas, a partir da protrusão da radícula, durante 28 dias após o início do estudo. Os parâmetros avaliados foram porcentagem e índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG), efetuando-se a análise estatística pela análise de variância com comparação de médias pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade e transformação dos resultados de porcentagem de germinação. As temperaturas que proporcionam os melhores resultados de porcentagem e velocidade de germinação são 30 e 35°C, para as espécies de D. insularis, L. virgata e S. halepense, por outro lado, a espécie de P. setosum não apresenta germinação em nenhuma das temperaturas avaliadas (25º 30º e 35ºC) não são adequadas para a sua germinação