257 research outputs found


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    In order to cope with the highly destructive particle beam of the LHC, the cleaning and collimation system must fulfill very severe requirements. The actuation system of the LHC Collimators is a key element to meet the specifications, particularly in terms of precision and reliability. Each collimator jaw has to be moved with a very high accuracy to place the active surface at the required position with respect to the proton beam; at the same time the system must be adjustable and flexible to adapt to the uncertainties and variations in the beam tuning. In this note the general design of the actuation system for the various collimator designs is presented and particular emphasis is given to the analysis of the torque which the stepper motors must provide to move the jaws in and back and to the dynamical behaviour of the system in the event of malfunctioning when auto-retraction of the jaws is required. In the appendix, details are given on the estimated performances of the actuation system for different collimator types and orientations

    Numerical simulations of tungsten targets hit by LHC proton beam

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    The unprecedented energy intensities of modern hadron accelerators yield special problems with the materials that are placed close to or into the high intensity beams. The energy stored in a single beam of LHC particle accelerator is equivalent to about 80 kg of TNT explosive, stored in a transverse beam area with a typical value of 0.2 mmĂ—0.2 mm. The materials placed close to the beam are used at, or even beyond, their damage limits. However, it is very difficult to predict structural efficiency and robustness accurately: beam-induced damage for high energy and high intensity occurs in a regime where practical experience does not exist. The interaction between high energy particle beams and metals induces a sudden non uniform temperature increase. This provokes a dynamic response of the structure entailing thermal stress waves and thermally induced vibrations or even the failure of the component. This study is performed in order to estimate the damage on a tungsten component due to the impact with a proton beam generated by LHC. The solved problems represent some accidental cases consequent to an abnormal release of the beam: the energy delivered on the components is calculated using the FLUKA code and then used as input in the numerical simulations, that are carried out via the FEM code LS-DYNA

    Tactile and proprioceptive temporal discrimination are impaired in functional tremor

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    Background and Methods: In order to obtain further information on the pathophysiology of functional tremor, we assessed tactile discrimination threshold and proprioceptive temporal discrimination motor threshold values in 11 patients with functional tremor, 11 age- and sex-matched patients with essential tremor and 13 healthy controls. Results: Tactile discrimination threshold in both the right and left side was significantly higher in patients with functional tremor than in the other groups. Proprioceptive temporal discrimination threshold for both right and left side was significantly higher in patients with functional and essential tremor than in healthy controls. No significant correlation between discrimination thresholds and duration or severity of tremor was found. Conclusions: Temporal processing of tactile and proprioceptive stimuli is impaired in patients with functional tremor. The mechanisms underlying this impaired somatosensory processing and possible ways to apply these findings clinically merit further research

    Synthesis, molecular modeling and biological evaluation of two new chicoric acid analogs

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    Two conformationally constrained compounds similar to chicoric acid but lacking the catechol and carboxyl groups were prepared. In these analogues, the single bond between the two caffeoyl fragments has been replaced with a chiral oxirane ring and both aromatic residues modified protecting completely or partially the catechol moiety as methyl ether. Preliminary molecular modelling studies carried out on the two analogues showed interactions near the active site of HIV integrase; however, in comparison with raltegravir, the biological evaluation confirmed that CAA-1 and CAA-2 were unable to inhibit infection at lower concentration

    Interaction Studies between Carbonic Anhydrase and a Sulfonamide Inhibitor by Experimental and Theoretical Approaches

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    The most used approaches in structure-based drug design possess peculiar characteristics with advantages and limitations, and thus the management of complementary data from various techniques is of particular interest to synergistically achieve the development of effective enzyme inhibitors. In this Letter, we describe the application of experimental and computational techniques to study the interactions between human carbonic anhydrases and sulfonamide inhibitors. In particular, a series of affinity-labeled carbonic anhydrase inhibitors containing sulfonamido photoprobes was designed and synthesized, and one of these compounds, a benzophenone derivative, was chosen as a model photoprobe/inhibitor. A photoaffinity labeling method followed by mass spectrometry analysis was then applied to elucidate the inhibitor binding site, and a comparison with X-ray crystallography and molecular dynamics simulation data was carried out, highlighting that to have a comprehensive view of the protein/inhibitor complex stabilization all three kinds of experiments are necessary

    Vaginal Lactoferrin Modulates PGE 2

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    Inflammation plays an important role in pregnancy, and cytokine and matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) imbalance has been associated with premature rupture of membranes and increased risk of preterm delivery. Previous studies have demonstrated that lactoferrin (LF), an iron-binding protein with anti-inflammatory properties, is able to decrease amniotic fluid (AF) levels of IL-6. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the effect of vaginal LF administration on amniotic fluid PGE2 level and MMP-TIMP system in women undergoing genetic amniocentesis. One hundred and eleven women were randomly divided into controls (n = 57) or treated with LF 4 hours before amniocentesis (n = 54). Amniotic fluid PGE2, active MMP-9 and MMP-2, and TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 concentrations were determined by commercially available assays and the values were normalized by AF creatinine concentration. PGE2, active MMP-9, and its inhibitor TIMP-1 were lower in LF-treated group than in controls (p < 0.01, p < 0.005, and p < 0.001, resp.). Conversely, active MMP-2 (p < 0.0001) and MMP-2/TIMP-2 molar ratio (p < 0.001) were increased, whilst TIMP-2 was unchanged. Our data suggest that LF administration is able to modulate the inflammatory response following amniocentesis, which may counteract cytokine and prostanoid imbalance that leads to abortion. This trial is registered with Clinical Trial number NCT02695563

    Preliminary Exploratory Study of Different Phase II Collimators

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    The LHC collimation system is installed and commissioned in different phases, following the natural evolution of the LHC performance. To improve cleaning efficiency towards the end of the low beta squeeze at 7TeV, and in stable physics conditions, it is foreseen to complement the 30 highly robust Phase I secondary collimators with low impedance Phase II collimators. At this stage, their design is not yet finalized. Possible options include metallic collimators, graphite jaws with a movable metallic foil, or collimators with metallic rotating jaws. As part of the evaluation of the different designs, the FLUKA Monte Carlo code is extensively used for calculating energy deposition and studying material damage and activation. This report outlines the simulation approach and defines the critical quantities involved

    Do demographic and clinical features and comorbidities affect the risk of spread to an additional body site in functional motor disorders?

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    The aim of this study is&nbsp;to assess changes in the body distribution and the semeiology of functional motor disorder (FMD) in patients who reported only one or more than one body site affected at FMD onset. Data were obtained from the Italian Registry of Functional Motor Disorders, which included patients with a diagnosis of clinically definite FMDs. The relationship between FMD features and spread to other body sites was estimated by multivariate Cox regression analysis. We identified 201 (49%) patients who reported only one body site affected at FMD onset and 209 (51%) who reported multiple body sites affected at onset. FMD spread from the initial site to another site in 43/201 (21.4%) patients over 5.7 ± 7.1&nbsp;years in those with only one site affected at FMD onset; FMD spread to an another body site in 29/209 (13.8%) over 5.5 ± 6.5&nbsp;years. The spread of FMD was associated with non-motor functional symptoms and psychiatric comorbidities only in the patients with one body site affected at FMD onset. Our findings provide novel insight into the natural history of FMD. The number of body sites affected at onset does not seem to have a consistent influence on the risk of spread. Furthermore, our findings suggest that psychiatric comorbidities and non-motor functional symptoms may predict the spread of FMD symptoms, at least in patients with one body site affected at onset
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