169 research outputs found

    Superposed Late Paleozoic thermal events in the southwestern Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia

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    Cambrian-Devonian sedimentary sequences within southwestern portions of the Meguma Terrane were deformed with attendant development of a regionally penetrative cleavage during low-grade regional metamorphism at ca. 400-410 Ma. Contact aureoles developed during subsequent emplacement of the Port Mouton, Shelburne and Barrington Passage plutons at ca. 370-375 Ma. Amphibole within calc-silicate horizons in the contact zones record internally discordant 40Ar/39Ar age spectra. However, 36Ar/40Ar, 39Ar/40Ar isotope correlations yield ordinate intercept values which approximate atmospheric values, and abscissa ratios corresponding to ages ranging between 38S.1±2.6 Ma and 366.9±5.6 Ma. These are interpreted to date post-contact metamorphic cooling through temperatures required for intracrystalline retention of argon. Biotite and muscovite within northern portions of the contact zones record 340-350 Ma 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages which date later post-metamorphic cooling through the lower temperatures required for mica argon closure. Intracrystalline argon systems within biotite and muscovite in southern portions of the contact zone of the Shelburne and Barrington Passage plutons were variably rejuvenated during a later rehearing associated with emplacement of plutons at ca. 315 Ma (Wedgeport Pluton) and 290 Ma (offshore, subsurface pluton). Temperatures attained during these later thermal events were not sufficient to rejuvenate hornblende argon systems. RÉSUMÉ Dans les portions sub-ouest de la Lanière de Méguma, les séries sédimentaires cambro-dévoniennes ont subi, il y a environ 400-410 Ma, une déformation qui s'accompagna du développement concomitant d'une schistosite pénétrative (à l'échelle régionale) au cours d'un métamorphisme régional de faible intensity. L'emplacement subséquent des plutons de Port Mouton, Shelburnee et Barrington Passage se manifests par l’implantation d'aureoles de métamorphisme vers 370-375 Ma. L'amphibole provenant de niveaux cake-silicates, au sein des zones de contact, présente des patrons d'âge 40Ar/39Ar marques par une discordance interne. En revanche, les courbes de corrélation des isotopes 36Ar/40Ar, 39Ar/40Ar montrent des ordonnées à l'origine se rapprochant des valeurs de l’atmosphere ainsi que des rapports en abcisse correspondant à des âges qui s'étendent de 385,1±2,6 Ma a 366,9±5,6 Ma. Ces âges dateraient, par le biais des températures nécessaires à la rétention intracristalline de l’argon, un refroidissement post-métamorphisme de contact La biotite et la muscovite provenant des portions septentrionales des zones de contact ont fixe des âges limites 40Ar/39Ar de 340-350 Maqui datent un refroidissement post-métamorphe ulténeur à l’aide des tempéraptures plus basse régissant la fermeture de l’argon dans les micas. L'emptacement par la suite d'autres plutons aux alentours de 315 Ma (Pluton de Wedgeport) et 290 Ma {pluton de sous-surf ace en off shore) engendra la réjuvenation à divers degrés des systèmes d'argon intra-cristallin chez la biotite et la muscovite provenant des secteurs méridionaux de la zone de contact des plutons de Shelburne et Barrington Passage. Les températures atteintes lors de ces demiers épisodes thermiques restèrent en deçà de celles auxquelles fait appel la réjuvenation des systèmes d'argon de la hornblende. [Traduit par le journal

    40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb mineral ages from the Brookville Gneiss: implications for terrane analysis and evolution of Avalonian "basement" in southern New Brunswick

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    New 40Ar/39Ar hornblende and U-Pb zircon data from units previously thought to represent basement to the Avalon composite terrane in southern New Brunswick yield latest Precambrian or early Cambrian metamorphic cooling ages and a late Precambrian protolith age. Hornblendes from the Brookville Gneiss and from an intrusive amphibolite body within the gneiss yield 40Ar/39Ar isotope correlation ages of 542 ± 4 and 338 ± 2 Ma, respectively. These ages are interpreted to date post-amphibolite facies metamorphic cooling. Euhedral zircons from the Point Pleasant orthogneiss, a quartz dioritic gneiss previously interpreted to be the oldest component of the Brookville Gneiss, show slight inheritance and yield 247Pb/206Pb ages ranging from 603 to 631 Ma. The youngest of these is interpreted to be a maximum age for the orthogneiss protolith. These results, together with other recent U-Pb age data, conflict with previous interpretations of the Brookville Gneiss and the metasedimentary Green Head Group with which it is associated, as a mobilized Proterozoic basement-cover succession upon which an Avalonian ensialic arc developed at c. 600-633 Ma. Instead, the age of the orthogneiss matches that of the arc, and the orthogneiss protolith is likely to have been originally intrusive into the Green Head Group. Although the arc succession is unaffected by high-grade metamorphism, the metamorphic cooling age recorded in the "basement" closely follows evidence of within-arc extension at c. 330 Ma. Hence, the arc/"basement" contrasts in tectonothermal regime could be those of varying structural level within the Avalonian arc rather than requiring the proposed existence of entirely separate terranes. RÉSUMÉ De nouvelles données 40Ar/39Ar sur hornblendes et U-Pb sur zircons, issues d'unités considérées jadis comme représentant le socle de la Lanière composite d'Avalon au Nouveau-Brunswick meridional, ont livré des âges de refroidissement métamorphique finiprécambriens ou éocambriens ainsi qu'un âge de protolithe tardipréambrien. Des hornblendes extraites du Gneiss de Brookville ont livré un âge de corrélation isotopique par 40Ar/39Ar de 542 ± 4 Ma; d'autres, provenant d'un bâti amphibolitique intrusif au sein du gneiss, ont livré un âge de 538 ± 2 Ma. On interprète ces âges comme datant le refroidissement métamorphique au-delâ du faciès à amphibolites. Des zircons idiomorphes provenant de l'orthogneiss de Point Pleasant, un gneiss quartzodioritique interprèt auparavant comme le plus ancient constituant du Gneiss de Brookville, montrent un 1éger remaniement et livrent des âges 247Pb/206Pb s'étalant de 603 à 631 Ma. On interprèté le plus jeune de ces âges comme l'âge maximal du protolithe de l'orthogneiss. Ces résultats, tout comme d'autres données U-Pbrecentes, contredisent les interprètations antérieures considéranl le Gneiss de Brookville et le Groupe métasédimentaire de Green Head, auquel il s'associe, comme une succession socle-couverture mobilisée protérozoique sur laquelle un arc sialique avalonien s'est développé il y a en v. 600 à 635 Ma. L'âge de l'orthogneiss correspond plutôt â celui de l'arc et il est probable que le protolithe de l'orthogneiss faisait à l'origine intrusion au sein du Groupe de Green Head. Bien que la succession d'arc n'ait subi aucun métamorphisme de degré é1evé l'âge de refroidissement métamorphique enregistré dans le "socle" Concorde étroitement avec la manifestation d 'une extension intra-arc vers 550 Ma. Par consequent, les contrastes de régime tectonothermique arc/"socle" pourraient reflèter les variations du niveau structural au sein de l'arc avalonien plutôt que necessiter l'existence proposée de lanières tout a fait distinctes. [Traduit par le journal

    Spontaneous magnetization of aluminum nanowires deposited on the NaCl(100) surface

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    We investigate electronic structures of Al quantum wires, both unsupported and supported on the (100) NaCl surface, using the density-functional theory. We confirm that unsupported nanowires, constrained to be linear, show magnetization when elongated beyond the equilibrium length. Allowing ions to relax, the wires deform to zig-zag structures with lower magnetization but no dimerization occurs. When an Al wire is deposited on the NaCl surface, a zig-zag geometry emerges again. The magnetization changes moderately from that for the corresponding unsupported wire. We analyse the findings using electron band structures and simple model wires.Comment: submitted to PHys. Rev.

    Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic extensional and compressional history of East Laurentian margin sequences: The Moine Supergroup, Scottish Caledonides

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    Neoproterozoic siliciclastic-dominated sequences are widespread along the eastern margin of Laurentia and are related to rifting associated with the breakout of Laurentia from the supercontinent Rodinia. Detrital zircons from the Moine Supergroup, NW Scotland, yield Archean to early Neoproterozoic U-Pb ages, consistent with derivation from the Grenville-Sveconorwegian orogen and environs and accumulation post–1000 Ma. U-Pb zircon ages for felsic and associated mafic intrusions confirm a widespread pulse of extension-related magmatism at around 870 Ma. Pegmatites yielding U-Pb zircon ages between 830 Ma and 745 Ma constrain a series of deformation and metamorphic pulses related to Knoydartian orogenesis of the host Moinerocks. Additional U-Pb zircon and monazite data, and 40Ar/39Ar ages for pegmatites and host gneisses indicate high-grade metamorphic events at ca. 458–446 Ma and ca. 426 Maduring the Caledonian orogenic cycle.The presence of early Neoproterozoic silici clastic sedimentation and deformation in the Moine and equivalent successions around the North Atlantic and their absence along strike in eastern North America reflect contrasting Laurentian paleogeography during the breakup of Rodinia. The North Atlantic realm occupied an external location on the margin of Laurentia, and this region acted as a locus for accumulation of detritus (Moine Supergroup and equivalents) derived from the Grenville-Sveconorwegian orogenic welt, which developed as a consequence of collisional assembly of Rodinia. Neoproterozoic orogenic activity corresponds with theinferred development of convergent platemargin activity along the periphery of the supercontinent. In contrast in eastern North America, which lay within the internal parts of Rodinia, sedimentation did not commence until the mid-Neoproterozoic (ca. 760 Ma) during initial stages of supercontinent fragmentation. In the North Atlantic region, this time frame corresponds to a second pulse of extension represented by units such as the Dalradian Supergroup, which unconformably overlies the predeformed Moine succession

    The granite‑hosted Variscan gold deposit from Santo António mine in the Iberian Massif (Penedono, NW Portugal): constraints from mineral chemistry, fuid inclusions, sulfur and noble gases isotopes

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    The study area is located in the Central Iberian Zone, a major tectonic unit of the Iberian Massif (Variscan belt). In this region the basement is composed of Cambrian-Ordovician sedimentary and minor volcanic rocks that underwent deformation and metamorphism during the Carboniferous. These metamorphic rocks host ca. 331–308 Ma granitic plutons emplaced during the D2 extensional and D3–D4 contractional deformation phases. The gold-bearing quartz veins from the Santo António mine (Penedono region) occur in granite formed at 310.1 ± 1.1 Ma and post-dated the peak of metamorphism. Gold–silver alloy is included in quartz, but mainly occurs in spaces between grains or micro-fractures within arsenopyrite of all three generations and less in pyrite. Late sulphides and sulphosalts were deposited along fractures mainly in arsenopyrite, and locally surrounding the gold–silver alloy grains. Ferberite, scheelite and stolzite replace arsenopyrite. The abundant aqueous carbonic fluids and the occurrence of a low-salinity fluid and their minimum possible entrapment temperature of 360–380 °C suggest that this gold-forming event began during the waning stages of the Variscan orogeny. The mean δ34S values of arsenopyrite and pyrite are − 4.7‰ and − 3.8‰, respectively. He–Ar–Ne isotopic data suggest a crustal origin. The ascent of the granite magma has provided the heat for remobilization of gold, other metals and metalloids from the metamorphic rocks. This gold-arsenopyrite deposit has thus similar characteristics as other selected gold-arsenopyrite deposits from the Iberian Massif, but it contains tungstates.El área de estudio está ubicada en la Zona Centroibérica, una importante unidad tectónica del Macizo Ibérico (cinturón varisco). En esta región el basamento está compuesto por rocas sedimentarias y volcánicas del Cámbrico-Ordovícico tectonizadas y metamorfzadas durante el Carbonífero. Estas rocas metamórfcas sirven como caja de los plutones graníticos datados en torno a 331–308 Ma y que fueron emplazados durante la fase de deformación extensional D2 y las fases de deformación contraccional D3 y D4. Las venas de cuarzo ricas en oro de la mina de Santo António (región de Penedono) que aparecen en un granito datado a los 310.1 ± 1.1 Ma son posteriores al pico metamórfco regional. La aleación de oro y plata se incluye en el cuarzo, pero se produce principalmente en los espacios entre granos o micro-fracturas dentro de arsenopirita de las tres generaciones y menos en pirita. Los sulfuros y sulfuros tardíos se depositaron a lo largo de las fracturas principalmente en arsenopirita, y alrededor de los granos de aleación de oro y plata. Ferberita, scheelita y la estolzita sustituyen a la arsenopirita. Los abundantes líquidos acuosos carbónicos y la presencia de un fuido de baja salinidad y su posible temperatura de atrapamiento mínima en torno de 360-380 ºC sugieren que este evento de formación de oro comenzó durante las etapas fnales de la orogenia varisca. Los valores medios de S de arsenopirita y pirita son − 4.7 ‰ y − 3.8 ‰, respectivamente. Los datos isotópicos de He–Ar–Ne sugieren que en el origen de los fuidos mineralizados participa la corteza continental. El ascenso del magma granítico ha provisto el calor para la movilización del oro, otros metales y metaloides desde las rocas metamórfcas. Este depósito de oroarsenopirita tiene así características similares a otros yaciamientos con arsenopirita y oro del Macizo Ibérico, pero sin embargo contienen tungstates.This research was financially supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia through the projects GOLDGranites, Orogenesis, Long-term strain/stress and Deposition of ore metals—PTDC/GEO-GEO/2446/2012: COMPETE: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-029192 and UID/GEO/04035/2013
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