17 research outputs found

    Greywater recycling: Treatment options and applications

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    Wastewater is an immense resource that could find significant applications in regions of water scarcity. Greywater has particular advantages in that it is a large source with a low organic content. Through critical analysis of data from existing greywater recycling applications, this paper presents a review of existing technologies and applications by collating a disparate information base and comparing/contrasting the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches. Simple technologies and sand filters have been shown to have a limited effect on greywater; membranes are reported to provide good solids removal but cannot efficiently tackle the organic fraction. Alternatively, biological and extensive schemes achieve a good general treatment of greywater with particularly effective removal of organics. The best overall performances were observed within schemes that combine different types of methods to ensure effective treatment of all the fractions

    The effects of teacher collaboration in Grade 9 Applied Mathematics

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    The current emphasis of many mathematics education reform documents is on the need to change the environment of mathematics classrooms from the transmission of knowledge by the teacher to the transaction of knowledge between the teacher and the students which promotes mathematical investigation and exploration. In this article, we discuss the details of a Collaborative Teacher Inquiry Project which was aimed at increasing the quality of learning of Grade 9 Applied Mathematics, while at the same time, improving professional development opportunities for the teachers. A total of 11 schools participated in this project which spanned over three semesters. Participants included teachers, department heads, curriculum leaders, and administrators. Each school created an implementation team of administrators and teachers to implement collaborative strategies and improve teaching and learning in Grade 9 Applied Mathematics. The main benefit to the participants was that they were able to increase their knowledge and skills through collaboration in six interconnected areas: (a) achieving the goals, (b) student success, (c) professional development, (d) co-planning and co-teaching opportunities, (e) increased communication, and (f) improved technological skills. Bringing in different partners to achieve a common goal was the most challenging aspect of the project