6 research outputs found

    Somatotopic Mapping of the Developing Sensorimotor Cortex in the Preterm Human Brain

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    Dall’Orso S, Steinweg J, Allievi AG, Edwards AD, Burdet E, Arichi T. Somatotopic Mapping of the Developing Sensorimotor Cortex in the Preterm Human Brain. Cerebral Cortex. 2018;28(7):2507-2515

    An eye tracking based virtual reality system for use inside magnetic resonance imaging systems

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    Copyright © The Author(s) 2021. Patients undergoing Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) often experience anxiety and sometimes distress prior to and during scanning. Here a full MRI compatible virtual reality (VR) system is described and tested with the aim of creating a radically different experience. Potential benefits could accrue from the strong sense of immersion that can be created with VR, which could create sense experiences designed to avoid the perception of being enclosed and could also provide new modes of diversion and interaction that could make even lengthy MRI examinations much less challenging. Most current VR systems rely on head mounted displays combined with head motion tracking to achieve and maintain a visceral sense of a tangible virtual world, but this technology and approach encourages physical motion, which would be unacceptable and could be physically incompatible for MRI. The proposed VR system uses gaze tracking to control and interact with a virtual world. MRI compatible cameras are used to allow real time eye tracking and robust gaze tracking is achieved through an adaptive calibration strategy in which each successive VR interaction initiated by the subject updates the gaze estimation model. A dedicated VR framework has been developed including a rich virtual world and gaze-controlled game content. To aid in achieving immersive experiences physical sensations, including noise, vibration and proprioception associated with patient table movements, have been made congruent with the presented virtual scene. A live video link allows subject-carer interaction, projecting a supportive presence into the virtual world.ERC Grant Agreement No. 319456 (dHCP project); National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre; Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [Grant Number EP/L016737/1]; Medical Research Council UK (MRC) Clinician Scientist Fellowship [MR/P008712/1] and Transition Support Award [MR/V036874/1]; EU H2020 COGIMON [ICT 644727], PH-CODING [FETOPEN 829186], TRIMANUAL[MSCA 843408]; Wellcome EPSRC Centre for Medical Engineering at King’s College London [WT 203148/Z/16/Z]


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    Este artículo revisa algunas de las premisas éticas desde las que usualmente los involucrados se acercan al manejo forestal con la finalidad de contrastarlas con nuevas aproximaciones al manejo forestal que permitan fundamentar un enfoque más diverso y humanista para los ecosistemas forestales peruanos. Para el efecto se realiza una revisión bibliográfica relevante sobre el tema y se complementa con la experiencia de campo de los autores en la Amazonia peruana. Se concluye que el sector productivo forestal peruano tiene que ampliar la comunidad moral para desarrollar una interacción más respetuosa con el bosque que supere objetivos fundamentalmente centrados solo en la madera y en los ingresos económicos. En esta perspectiva, es importante concebir a los bosques como socioecosistemas en tanto ofrece una perspectiva más integral de interrelaciones sociedad naturaleza y permite un mejor acoplamiento entre los sistemas ecológicos y sistemas sociales. Este abordaje permite religar las ciencias forestales clásicas con la filosofía, ética, estética y las ciencias de la vida. Se sostiene que sólo así se puede hablar de ciencias forestales con conciencia, con sentido de trascendencia y de sostenibilidad. Desde el pensamiento complejo es posible entender los bosques en términos más humanos escapando de las ataduras mentales de tratarlo como un recurso que sólo es útil en puedan ser explotados. Finalmente se afirma que el respeto a los bosques es una forma de respetar a la propia humanidad


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