171 research outputs found

    A robust approach to sharp multiplier theorems for Grushin operators

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    We prove a multiplier theorem of Mihlin-Hörmander-type for operators of the form -Δx-V (x) Δy on Rd1 x ×Rd2 y , where V (x) = Σd1 j=1 Vj (xj ), the Vj are perturbations of the power law t → |t|2σ, and σ ∈ (1/2,∞). The result is sharp whenever d1 ≥ σd2. The main novelty of the result resides in its robustness: This appears to be the first sharp multiplier theorem for nonelliptic subelliptic operators allowing for step higher than two and perturbation of the coefficients. The proof hinges on precise estimates for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators, which are stable under perturbations of the potential

    Wavelength conversion at 10 Gb/s by four-wave mixing over a 30-nm interval

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    We show that the use of a long semiconductor optical amplifier increases the error-free conversion interval of a four-wave mixing (FWM)-based wavelength converter. 30-nm wavelength down-conversion and 15-nm up-conversion have been obtained at 10 Gb/s. This result is a significant improvement over the previous best performance of a FWM-based wavelength converter and suggests that the full erbium-doped fiber amplifier bandwidth can be covered with FWM wavelength converters

    30-nm wavelength conversion at 10 Gbit/s by four-wave mixing in a semiconductor optical amplifier

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    Four-wave mixing (FWM) in semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) is currently the only available strictly transparent wavelength-conversion technique, which is not penalized by phase matching. The span of the conversion is limited primarily by conversion efficiency and signal-to-noise (SNR) issues, both of which are expected to improve with the use of longer SOAs. In this paper, we demonstrate significantly enhanced performance of long converters in a system experiment at 10 Gbit/s. The experiment shows for the first time, to our knowledge, that FWM wavelength down-conversions can span the full gain bandwidth of erbium-doped fiber amplifiers

    Traditional Approaches and Emerging Biotechnologies in Grapevine Virology

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    Environmental changes and global warming may promote the emergence of unknown viruses, whose spread is favored by the trade in plant products. Viruses represent a major threat to viticulture and the wine industry. Their management is challenging and mostly relies on prophylactic measures that are intended to prevent the introduction of viruses into vineyards. Besides the use of virus-free planting material, the employment of agrochemicals is a major strategy to prevent the spread of insect vectors in vineyards. According to the goal of the European Green Deal, a 50% decrease in the use of agrochemicals is expected before 2030. Thus, the development of alternative strategies that allow the sustainable control of viral diseases in vineyards is strongly needed. Here, we present a set of innovative biotechnological tools that have been developed to induce virus resistance in plants. From transgenesis to the still-debated genome editing technologies and RNAi-based strategies, this review discusses numerous illustrative studies that highlight the effectiveness of these promising tools for the management of viral infections in grapevine. Finally, the development of viral vectors from grapevine viruses is described, revealing their positive and unconventional roles, from targets to tools, in emerging biotechnologies

    ChronoMID-Cross-modal neural networks for 3-D temporal medical imaging data.

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    ChronoMID-neural networks for temporally-varying, hence Chrono, Medical Imaging Data-makes the novel application of cross-modal convolutional neural networks (X-CNNs) to the medical domain. In this paper, we present multiple approaches for incorporating temporal information into X-CNNs and compare their performance in a case study on the classification of abnormal bone remodelling in mice. Previous work developing medical models has predominantly focused on either spatial or temporal aspects, but rarely both. Our models seek to unify these complementary sources of information and derive insights in a bottom-up, data-driven approach. As with many medical datasets, the case study herein exhibits deep rather than wide data; we apply various techniques, including extensive regularisation, to account for this. After training on a balanced set of approximately 70000 images, two of the models-those using difference maps from known reference points-outperformed a state-of-the-art convolutional neural network baseline by over 30pp (> 99% vs. 68.26%) on an unseen, balanced validation set comprising around 20000 images. These models are expected to perform well with sparse data sets based on both previous findings with X-CNNs and the representations of time used, which permit arbitrarily large and irregular gaps between data points. Our results highlight the importance of identifying a suitable description of time for a problem domain, as unsuitable descriptors may not only fail to improve a model, they may in fact confound it

    Ripartire dalla bellezza. Gestione e marketing delle opportunit\ue0 d\ub4innovazione nell\ub4albergo diffuso nei centri storici e nelle aree rurali

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    Questo libro propone un percorso di lavoro utile per creare un Albergo Diffuso remunerativo e per rendere visibili tutte le opportunit\ue0 imprenditoriali esistenti in un dato luogo. Si presentano alcune tendenze di mercato in atto in Europa importanti per il rilancio di aree fino a poco tempo fa considerate \u2018marginali'. Seguono alcuni dei programmi di finanziamento europei utilizzabili dagli operatori dell'Ospitalit\ue0 Diffusa, nonch\ue9 una short-list dei tranelli in cui si potrebbe rischiare di cadere nel progettare un'opportunit\ue0 d'impresa come l'AD. Segue un elenco delle opportunit\ue0 imprenditoriali pi\uf9 attuali e interessanti. Si sviluppa poi il lavoro necessario per gestire e per fare marketing delle opportunit\ue0. Si presentano la cornice teorica necessaria, gli strumenti di lavoro, un percorso \u2018originale' e il metodo per progettare insieme (co-progettare) le opportunit\ue0. Il testo offre in sintesi un metodo collaudato per far emergere tutte le opportunit\ue0 di soddisfazione e di spesa per i clienti, di reddito, di occupazione, d'impresa e d'investimento per gli operatori interessati

    Metodi geofisici per la caratterizzazione degli ammassi rocciosi

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    Vengono illustrati i risultati che si possono ottenere nello studio delle caratteristiche fisiche degli ammassi rocciosi con le diverse tecniche grofisich

    Micro Finite Element models of the vertebral body: Validation of local displacement predictions

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    The estimation of local and structural mechanical properties of bones with micro Finite Element (microFE) models based on Micro Computed Tomography images depends on the quality bone geometry is captured, reconstructed and modelled. The aim of this study was to validate microFE models predictions of local displacements for vertebral bodies and to evaluate the effect of the elastic tissue modulus on model’s predictions of axial forces. Four porcine thoracic vertebrae were axially compressed in situ, in a step-wise fashion and scanned at approximately 39μm resolution in preloaded and loaded conditions. A global digital volume correlation (DVC) approach was used to compute the full-field displacements. Homogeneous, isotropic and linear elastic microFE models were generated with boundary conditions assigned from the interpolated displacement field measured from the DVC. Measured and predicted local displacements were compared for the cortical and trabecular compartments in the middle of the specimens. Models were run with two different tissue moduli defined from microindentation data (12.0GPa) and a back-calculation procedure (4.6GPa). The predicted sum of axial reaction forces was compared to the experimental values for each specimen. MicroFE models predicted more than 87% of the variation in the displacement measurements (R2 = 0.87–0.99). However, model predictions of axial forces were largely overestimated (80–369%) for a tissue modulus of 12.0GPa, whereas differences in the range 10–80% were found for a back-calculated tissue modulus. The specimen with the lowest density showed a large number of elements strained beyond yield and the highest predictive errors. This study shows that the simplest microFE models can accurately predict quantitatively the local displacements and qualitatively the strain distribution within the vertebral body, independently from the considered bone types

    The role of bone metastases on the mechanical competence of human vertebrae

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    Spine is the most common site for bone metastases. The evaluation of the mechanical competence and failure location in metastatic vertebrae is a biomechanical and clinical challenge. Little is known about the failure behaviour of vertebrae with metastatic lesions. The aim of this study was to use combined micro-Computed Tomography (microCT) and time-lapsed mechanical testing to reveal the failure location in metastatic vertebrae. Fifteen spine segments, each including a metastatic and a radiologically healthy vertebra, were tested in compression up to failure within a microCT. Volumetric strains were measured using Digital Volume Correlation. The images of undeformed and deformed specimens were overlapped to identify the failure location. Vertebrae with lytic metastases experienced the largest average compressive strains (median ± standard deviation: −8506 ± 4748microstrain), followed by the vertebrae with mixed metastases (−7035 ± 15605microstrain), the radiologically healthy vertebrae (−5743 ± 5697microstrain), and the vertebrae with blastic metastases (−3150 ± 4641microstrain). Strain peaks were localised within and nearby the lytic lesions or around the blastic tissue. Failure between the endplate and the metastasis was identified in vertebrae with lytic metastases, whereas failure localised around the metastasis in vertebrae with blastic lesions. This study showed for the first time the role of metastases on the vertebral internal deformations. While lytic lesions lead to failure of the metastatic vertebra, vertebrae with blastic metastases are more likely to induce failure in the adjacent vertebrae. Nevertheless, every metastatic lesion affects the vertebral deformation differently, making it essential to assess how the lesion affects the bone microstructure. These results suggest that the properties of the lesion (type, size, location within the vertebral body) should be considered when developing clinical tools to predict the risk of fracture in patients with metastatic lesions

    Full-field strain analysis of bone-biomaterial systems produced by the implantation of osteoregenerative biomaterials in an ovine model

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    Osteoregenerative biomaterials for the treatment of bone defects are under much development, with the aim of favoring osteointegration up to complete bone regeneration. A detailed investigation of bone–biomaterial integration is vital to understand and predict the ability of such materials to promote bone formation, preventing further bone damage and supporting load-bearing regions. This study aims to characterize the ex vivo micromechanics and microdamage evolution of bone–biomaterial systems at the tissue level, combining high-resolution synchrotron microcomputed tomography, in situ mechanics and digital volume correlation. Results showed that the main microfailure events were localized close to or within the newly formed bone tissue, in proximity to the bone–biomaterial interface. The apparent nominal compressive load applied to the composite structures resulted in a complex loading scenario, mainly due to the higher heterogeneity but also to the different biomaterial degradation mechanisms. The full-field strain distribution allowed characterization of microdamage initiation and progression. The findings reported in this study provide a deeper insight into bone–biomaterial integration and micromechanics in relation to the osteoregeneration achieved in vivo for a variety of biomaterials. This could ultimately be used to improve bone tissue regeneration strategies