24 research outputs found

    Genetic Differentiation of the Western Capercaillie Highlights the Importance of South-Eastern Europe for Understanding the Species Phylogeography

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    The Western Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L.) is a grouse species of open boreal or high altitude forests of Eurasia. It is endangered throughout most mountain range habitat areas in Europe. Two major genetically identifiable lineages of Western Capercaillie have been described to date: the southern lineage at the species' southernmost range of distribution in Europe, and the boreal lineage. We address the question of genetic differentiation of capercaillie populations from the Rhodope and Rila Mountains in Bulgaria, across the Dinaric Mountains to the Slovenian Alps. The two lineages' contact zone and resulting conservation strategies in this so-far understudied area of distribution have not been previously determined. The results of analysis of mitochondrial DNA control region sequences of 319 samples from the studied populations show that Alpine populations were composed exclusively of boreal lineage; Dinaric populations of both, but predominantly (96%) of boreal lineage; and Rhodope-Rila populations predominantly (>90%) of southern lineage individuals. The Bulgarian mountains were identified as the core area of the southern lineage, and the Dinaric Mountains as the western contact zone between both lineages in the Balkans. Bulgarian populations appeared genetically distinct from Alpine and Dinaric populations and exhibited characteristics of a long-term stationary population, suggesting that they should be considered as a glacial relict and probably a distinct subspecies. Although all of the studied populations suffered a decline in the past, the significantly lower level of genetic diversity when compared with the neighbouring Alpine and Bulgarian populations suggests that the isolated Dinaric capercaillie is particularly vulnerable to continuing population decline. The results are discussed in the context of conservation of the species in the Balkans, its principal threats and legal protection status. Potential conservation strategies should consider the existence of the two lineages and their vulnerable Dinaric contact zone and support the specificities of the populations

    Development of method for determination of impurities in etravirine

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    Razvoj farmacije rezultirao je poboljšanjem životnih uvjeta i produljenju ljudskog vijeka. Svaki farmaceutski pripravak prolazi kroz rigoroznu kontrolu u svakom proizvodnom koraku, kako bi se definirale nečistoće i u potpunosti izbacila mogućnost neželjenih posljedica na ljudsko zdravlje. Nečistoće se mogu identificirati nizom metoda; jedna od kojih je tekućinska kromatografija visoke djelotvornosti. U ovom radu ispitivan je HIV lijek etravirin i njegova onečišćenja. Cilj rada bio je razviti analitičku metodu za određivanje onečišćenja u etravirinu. Za razvijanje metode korišten je računalni program DryLab, a metoda je validirana je prema ICH smjernicama. Postojanje razvijene metode značajno štedi vrijeme jer su optimalni parametri analize već poznati te korisnik može računati na dobro razlučivanje analita u što kraćem vremenu analize.Development of pharmaceutical science has resulted in the increase quality of life as well as in prolonging of the life span. Every pharmaceutical product is subject to rigorous control in every step of its synthesis, so that the present impurities could be strictly defined and the occurrence of unwanted effects for human health eliminated. Impurities can be identified using various analytical methods; one of them is high-performance liquid chromatography. This research is focused on HIV drug etravirine and its impurities. The aim was to develop an analytical method for determination of impurities in etravirine. Method development was supported by DryLab software, and the method was validated in accordance with ICH guidelines. The existence of developed method saves time significantly since all optimal analysis parameters are already known, thus an analyst can be certain of getting good peak resolution in short analysis time

    Development of method for determination of impurities in etravirine

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    Razvoj farmacije rezultirao je poboljšanjem životnih uvjeta i produljenju ljudskog vijeka. Svaki farmaceutski pripravak prolazi kroz rigoroznu kontrolu u svakom proizvodnom koraku, kako bi se definirale nečistoće i u potpunosti izbacila mogućnost neželjenih posljedica na ljudsko zdravlje. Nečistoće se mogu identificirati nizom metoda; jedna od kojih je tekućinska kromatografija visoke djelotvornosti. U ovom radu ispitivan je HIV lijek etravirin i njegova onečišćenja. Cilj rada bio je razviti analitičku metodu za određivanje onečišćenja u etravirinu. Za razvijanje metode korišten je računalni program DryLab, a metoda je validirana je prema ICH smjernicama. Postojanje razvijene metode značajno štedi vrijeme jer su optimalni parametri analize već poznati te korisnik može računati na dobro razlučivanje analita u što kraćem vremenu analize.Development of pharmaceutical science has resulted in the increase quality of life as well as in prolonging of the life span. Every pharmaceutical product is subject to rigorous control in every step of its synthesis, so that the present impurities could be strictly defined and the occurrence of unwanted effects for human health eliminated. Impurities can be identified using various analytical methods; one of them is high-performance liquid chromatography. This research is focused on HIV drug etravirine and its impurities. The aim was to develop an analytical method for determination of impurities in etravirine. Method development was supported by DryLab software, and the method was validated in accordance with ICH guidelines. The existence of developed method saves time significantly since all optimal analysis parameters are already known, thus an analyst can be certain of getting good peak resolution in short analysis time

    Development of analytical method for determination of active substance in pharmaceutical material

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    Razvoj farmacije rezultirao je u poboljšanju životnih uvjeta i produljenju ljudskog vijeka, no to nije bila slučajnost. Svaki farmaceutski pripravak prolazi kroz rigoroznu kontrolu na svakom sintetskom koraku, kako bi se definirale nečistoće i u potpunosti izbacila mogućnost štetnih i neželjenih posljedica na ljudsko zdravlje. Nečistoće se mogu identificirati nizom metoda, jedna od kojih je tekućinska kromatografija visoke djelotvornosti. Pri izradi ovog rada korišten je L-valinol, te njegove nečistoće etanolamin, 2-amino-1-butanol, izoleucinol, L-leucinol i alaninol. Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti i kvantificirati nečistoće u uzorku Valinola korištenjem specifične metode te validacija iste. Korišten je HPLC uređaj pri točno definiranim uvjetima te su dobiveni udjeli nečistoća u analiziranom farmaceutskom pripravku.Development of Pharmacy has resulted in the increase of living standards as well as prolonging the human life span. However, this is not a coincidence. Every pharmaceutical product is subject to rigorous control in every step of its synthesis, so that the present impurities could be strictly defined and the possibility of unwanted or hazardous consequences for human health eliminated. Impurities can be identified using an assortment of different methods, one of which is high-performance liquid chromatography. In making of this thesis, L-valinol and its impurities including ethanolamine, 2-amino-1-buthanol, isoleucinol, L-leucinol and alaninol were used. The aim of this thesis was to determine and quantify impurities present in a sample of valinol using a specific method and its validation. The HPLC machine was used in previously defined conditions and as a result amounts of impurities in analysed pharmaceutical substance were learned

    Development of analytical method for determination of active substance in pharmaceutical material

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    Razvoj farmacije rezultirao je u poboljšanju životnih uvjeta i produljenju ljudskog vijeka, no to nije bila slučajnost. Svaki farmaceutski pripravak prolazi kroz rigoroznu kontrolu na svakom sintetskom koraku, kako bi se definirale nečistoće i u potpunosti izbacila mogućnost štetnih i neželjenih posljedica na ljudsko zdravlje. Nečistoće se mogu identificirati nizom metoda, jedna od kojih je tekućinska kromatografija visoke djelotvornosti. Pri izradi ovog rada korišten je L-valinol, te njegove nečistoće etanolamin, 2-amino-1-butanol, izoleucinol, L-leucinol i alaninol. Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti i kvantificirati nečistoće u uzorku Valinola korištenjem specifične metode te validacija iste. Korišten je HPLC uređaj pri točno definiranim uvjetima te su dobiveni udjeli nečistoća u analiziranom farmaceutskom pripravku.Development of Pharmacy has resulted in the increase of living standards as well as prolonging the human life span. However, this is not a coincidence. Every pharmaceutical product is subject to rigorous control in every step of its synthesis, so that the present impurities could be strictly defined and the possibility of unwanted or hazardous consequences for human health eliminated. Impurities can be identified using an assortment of different methods, one of which is high-performance liquid chromatography. In making of this thesis, L-valinol and its impurities including ethanolamine, 2-amino-1-buthanol, isoleucinol, L-leucinol and alaninol were used. The aim of this thesis was to determine and quantify impurities present in a sample of valinol using a specific method and its validation. The HPLC machine was used in previously defined conditions and as a result amounts of impurities in analysed pharmaceutical substance were learned

    Development of analytical method for determination of active substance in pharmaceutical material

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    Razvoj farmacije rezultirao je u poboljšanju životnih uvjeta i produljenju ljudskog vijeka, no to nije bila slučajnost. Svaki farmaceutski pripravak prolazi kroz rigoroznu kontrolu na svakom sintetskom koraku, kako bi se definirale nečistoće i u potpunosti izbacila mogućnost štetnih i neželjenih posljedica na ljudsko zdravlje. Nečistoće se mogu identificirati nizom metoda, jedna od kojih je tekućinska kromatografija visoke djelotvornosti. Pri izradi ovog rada korišten je L-valinol, te njegove nečistoće etanolamin, 2-amino-1-butanol, izoleucinol, L-leucinol i alaninol. Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti i kvantificirati nečistoće u uzorku Valinola korištenjem specifične metode te validacija iste. Korišten je HPLC uređaj pri točno definiranim uvjetima te su dobiveni udjeli nečistoća u analiziranom farmaceutskom pripravku.Development of Pharmacy has resulted in the increase of living standards as well as prolonging the human life span. However, this is not a coincidence. Every pharmaceutical product is subject to rigorous control in every step of its synthesis, so that the present impurities could be strictly defined and the possibility of unwanted or hazardous consequences for human health eliminated. Impurities can be identified using an assortment of different methods, one of which is high-performance liquid chromatography. In making of this thesis, L-valinol and its impurities including ethanolamine, 2-amino-1-buthanol, isoleucinol, L-leucinol and alaninol were used. The aim of this thesis was to determine and quantify impurities present in a sample of valinol using a specific method and its validation. The HPLC machine was used in previously defined conditions and as a result amounts of impurities in analysed pharmaceutical substance were learned

    Development of method for determination of impurities in etravirine

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    Razvoj farmacije rezultirao je poboljšanjem životnih uvjeta i produljenju ljudskog vijeka. Svaki farmaceutski pripravak prolazi kroz rigoroznu kontrolu u svakom proizvodnom koraku, kako bi se definirale nečistoće i u potpunosti izbacila mogućnost neželjenih posljedica na ljudsko zdravlje. Nečistoće se mogu identificirati nizom metoda; jedna od kojih je tekućinska kromatografija visoke djelotvornosti. U ovom radu ispitivan je HIV lijek etravirin i njegova onečišćenja. Cilj rada bio je razviti analitičku metodu za određivanje onečišćenja u etravirinu. Za razvijanje metode korišten je računalni program DryLab, a metoda je validirana je prema ICH smjernicama. Postojanje razvijene metode značajno štedi vrijeme jer su optimalni parametri analize već poznati te korisnik može računati na dobro razlučivanje analita u što kraćem vremenu analize.Development of pharmaceutical science has resulted in the increase quality of life as well as in prolonging of the life span. Every pharmaceutical product is subject to rigorous control in every step of its synthesis, so that the present impurities could be strictly defined and the occurrence of unwanted effects for human health eliminated. Impurities can be identified using various analytical methods; one of them is high-performance liquid chromatography. This research is focused on HIV drug etravirine and its impurities. The aim was to develop an analytical method for determination of impurities in etravirine. Method development was supported by DryLab software, and the method was validated in accordance with ICH guidelines. The existence of developed method saves time significantly since all optimal analysis parameters are already known, thus an analyst can be certain of getting good peak resolution in short analysis time

    Capacity and Level of Service on the Zagreb Bypass

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    As the capital of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb is certainly the biggest motorway interchange, as well as the origin and destination of a large number of trips. Apart from obvious advantages, road traffic with its sudden development has caused certain undesired consequences as well, out of which the focus is on the traffic network congestion, including reduction of safety level, mainly because of the greater number of traffic accidents most pronounced in the summer months. The morning and afternoon hours see the highest traffic peaks at junctions, first of all at Buzin where long queues of vehicles are formed. In order to solve the problem the capacity and level of service need to be analysed and the attention should be drawn to the possible requirement of implementing measures in order to increase the capacity and the level of service in the corridor of the Zagreb Bypass