27 research outputs found

    Effects of physical activity and calorie restriction on motor control and cognitive functions in obese people

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    Nutukimas daro didelę įtaką sveikatai ir medžiagų apykaitai, gali sukelti įvairių pokyčių, taip pat ir padidėjusį kraujo spaudimą, cholesterolio kiekį kraujyje ar atsparumą insulinui. Nutukimas kelia pavojų susirgti koronarinėmis širdies ligomis, insultu, cukriniu diabetu ir daugeliu vėžio formų. Europos kovos su nutukimu chartijoje, priimtoje dar 2006 m. pabaigoje, pabrėžiama, kad antsvoris ir nutukimas yra XXI a. vienas svarbiausių visuomenės sveikatai keliamų iššūkių. Pasaulio sveikatos organizacijos (PSO) duomenimis, pasiektas epideminis lygis, nes per du paskutinius dešimtmečius nutukimo paplitimas išaugo net 3 kartus ir net ketvirtis Europos regiono gyventojų yra nutukę. Tyrimo tikslas buvo nustatyti fizinio aktyvumo ir kalorijų apribojimo poveikį nutukusių žmonių judesių valdymui ir kognityvinėms funkcijoms. Tyrime dalyvavo 11 nutukusių (KMI didesnis nei 30) žmonių (9 moterys, 3 vyrai). Tyrimo trukmė 3 mėnesiai fizinio aktyvumo ir kalorijų apribojimo ir kelios dienos, kurios skiriamos kognityvinių funkcijų ir judesių valdymo testavimui. Buvo taikomas aerobinis krūvis (60–70 % max ŠSD) pasitelkiant kardiotreniruoklius ir stebint širdies susitraukimų dažnį iPulsus programa. Užsiėmimai vyko 3 kartus per savaitę pirmąjį mėnesį po 40–45 min., o likusius du mėnesius – po 60 min. Taip pat 12,5 % apribotas kalorijų kiekis. Vertinant kūno masės indeksą ir tiriamųjų svorio pokyčius prieš ir po fizinio aktyvumo ir kalorijų apribojimo taikymo, nustatytas statistiškai reikšmingas skirtumas (p < 0,05). Kognityvinių funkcijų rezultatų paprastosios reakcijos testo laikas pagerėjo ir sumažėjo 380 ms. Atminties tyrimai parodė, kad pagerėjo virbalinė atmintis – prieš tyrimą reakcijos laikas buvo 955 ± 187,09 ms, o po tyrimo siekė 850,24 ± 112,5 ms. Matematinio skaičiavimo testo reakcijos laiko rezultatai pagerėjo 322,54 ± 221,7 ms (p < 0,05). Ilgalaikės atminties teisingų atsakymų rezultatai pagerėjo (p < 0,05). Judesių valdymo rezultatų reakcijos laikas pagerėjo – paprastos (p < 0,01) ir sudėtingos reakcijos (p < 0,05). Po tris mėnesius taikyto fizinio aktyvumo ir kalorijų apribojimo sumažėjo tiriamųjų svoris ir kūno masės indeksas. Tris mėnesius taikytas fizinis aktyvumas ir kalorijų apribojimas pagerino nutukusių asmenų kognityvines funkcijas, didžiausias poveikis matyti fiksuojant atminties rodiklius. Taip pat pagerėjo nutukusių asmenų judesių valdymo rodikliai, didžiausias poveikis matyti stebint paprastų ir sudėtingų užduočių reakcijos laiką ir maksimalųjį greitį.Obesity greatly affects health and metabolic activity – it may cause various changes, including increased blood pressure, cholesterol levels, or insulin resistance. In addition, obesity is a risk factor for coronary heart diseases, stroke, diabetes and many forms of cancer. The European Charter on Counteracting Obesity, adopted at the end of 2006, emphasizes that overweight and obesity are one of the major challenges facing public health in the 21st century. According to the WHO data, the epidemic level has been reached, since over the last two decades the prevalence of obesity has increased by as much as 3 times, and even a quarter of the population in the European region are obese. Research aim was to determine the effect of physical activity and calorie restriction on motor control and cognitive functions in obese people. The study involved 11 obese people (BMI over 30) (9 women, 3 men). The duration of the study was 3 months of physical activity and calorie restriction, and several days that were devoted to testing cognitive functions and motor control. Aerobic exercise (60–70% HRmax) was applied on cardio machines monitoring the heart rate with the iPulsus program. The workouts were held 3 times a week, 40–45 minutes in the first month and 60 minutes in text two months. There was also a 12.5% calorie restriction applied. Statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) were found in the assessment of body mass index and weight changes in subjects before and after the application of physical activity and calorie restriction. In the cognitive function, the reaction time in the simple reaction test improved and decreased by to 38 ms. Verbal memory improved in memory tests – before the test, the reaction time was 955 ± 187.09 ms, and after the study it was 850.24 ± 112.5 ms. Reaction time in the mathematical calculation test improved by 322.54 ± 221.7 milliseconds (p < 0.05). Results in correct answers in the delayed recall test improved (p < 0.05). In motor control tests, simple (p < 0.01) and choice (p < 0.05) reaction time improved. After three months of physical activity and calorie restriction, the weight and body mass index in subjects decreased. Three months of physical activity and calorie restriction improved the cognitive function of obese people, most affecting their memory indices. They also improved motor control indices in obese people, with the most impact on simple and choice reaction time and maximal speed in tasks

    Ar greitų ir tikslių judesių atlikimas priklauso nuo lyties ir rankos?

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    Aim of the study was to establish the differences in men and women’s performance of speed-accuracy movements with their left (LH) and right (RH) hands. The research participants were 24 healthy right-handed subjects: 12 males (aged 20.8 ± 1.1 years) and 12 females (aged 21.4 ± 1.0 years). The research was carried out in the Laboratory of Human Motor Control at the Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education (LAPE) applying the analyzer of dynamic parameters of human leg and arm movement (DPA-1; Patent No. 5251; 2005 08 25), which is used for the qualitative estimation of the dynamic parameters of one arm and leg target movement, two arms and legs coordinated and independent target movements, when the resistance power and target are coded with different programmable parameters. The task was performed with the right and then with the left hand (50 repetitions with each hand). The subjects had two tasks: to react as quickly as possible (simple task); to react as quickly as possible and to hit the target on a computer screen quickly and accurately (complicated task). We registered the maximal and mean movement speed, reaction time, movement trajectory and intraindividual variability of the right and the left hands.Conclusions. There was no significant difference in accuracy between female and male subjects, thought female subjects performed speed-accuracy task more slowly than men. Both males and females performed the speed-accuracy task with their right hand faster and more accurately than with their left hand. Performing movements with different hands the indices of reaction time did not differ significantly. Both males and females performed movements with their right and left hands with the same intraindividual variability

    Effect of concentric concentration on muscle fatique and muscle damage depending on muscle temperature and gender

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    The aim of the present study was to establish the infl uence of concentric contraction on muscle fatigue and muscle damage depending on temperature and gender. The participants of the study were 10 healthy males, aged 19—23 years; height — 177.8 ± 5.8; weight — 78.2 ± 6.1; body fat — 7,5% (body fat mass — 5.6 kg) and 10 females, aged 18—23 years; height — 166.4 ± 5.6; weight — 56.2 ± 6.1; bodyfat — 17% (body fat mass — 10.7 kg). The participants of the study were tested on isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex Medical System PRO 3). The type of concentric contraction was automatically established by the system exercising in isokinetic regimen. Control measuring (3 times of leg extension and leg fl exion in the knee joint at the fi xed speed of 180º / s) was performed before the load, after 10 min, 30 min, 60 min and 24 h after the load; concentric load — 50 leg extensions and fl exions in the knee joint at the fi xed speed of 180º / s. Before and after muscle cooling or heating and after physical load we measured muscle temperature with needle thermometer (Ellab A / S, tipe DM 852, Denmark). Creatine kinase activity in blood serum was estimated 1 hour prior to load and 24 hours after it. Muscle pain was estimated subjectively using a 10-point scale after 24 hours after the load. The evaluated parameter was the peak torque (measured in N•m). There was a signifi cant increase (p < 0.05) in creatine kinase (CK) activity in the blood serum of both men and women after 24 hours after concentric load, compared to the control value, when the muscle was at its usual temperature, as well as after warming and cooling. A comparison of CK activity in the blood serum of men’s and women’s muscles at control temperature (1 hour prior to the load) and at their usual temperature after 24 hours after the load revealed a statistically signifi cant difference (p < 0.05).[...]

    Effect of different temperature on muscle fatigue and recovery for males and females

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    The aim of the present study was to establish the influence of muscle heating and cooling on knee flexors and extensors for males and females. Methods of the study. The participants of the study were 10 healthy male, age: 19—23 years; height — 177.8 ± 5.8; weight — 78.2 ± 6.1 and 10 female, age: 18—23 years; height — 166.4 ± 5.6; weight — 56.2 ± 6.1. The participants of the study were seated in isokinetic dynamometer. In the control panel the isokinetic regimen was selected. The type of concentric contraction is automatically established by the system exercising in this regimen. Control measuring prior to load and 10 min, 30 min, 60 min and 24 h after it (3 times of leg extension and leg flexion in the knee joint at the fixed 450º / s speed); isokinetic load — 50 leg extensions and flexions in the knee joint at the fixed 450° / s speed. Before and after muscles cooling or heating we measured muscles temperature with needle thermometer. [...]

    The analysis of muscle fatigue after physical veloergometric load of maximal intensity employing active rest

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    Tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti kojų raumenų nuovargį ir jo išnykimo eigą, kai atliekamas maksimalaus intensyvumo veloergometrinis fizinis krūvis ir pojo taikomas aktyvus poilsis. Sveiki aktyviai nesportuojantys kontrolinės grupės vyrai (amžius 20-21 metų; n=18)atliko maksimalaus intensyvumo veloergometrinį fizinį krūvį (3x30 s, poilsis tarp serijų - 4 min). Po 4 mėnesių tie patys tiriamieji (eksperimentinė grupė) atliko analogišką krūvį, tik po jo praėjus 12 minučių jie 20 minučių mynė veloergometrą, įveikdami 1 kg pasipriešinimą (dažnis - 60-70 aps./min). Krūvio ir atsigavimo metu buvo registruojami šie rodikliai: vidutinis pedalų mynimo galingumas, elektrostimuliavimu sukelta jėga raumeniui esant skirtingo ilgio , maksimalioji valinga jėga (MVJ), mažų dažnių nuovargis (MDN), laktato koncentracija kraujyje (La), kreatinkinazės (CK) aktyvumas serume, raumenų skausmas. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad atlikus maksimalaus intensyvumo veloergometrinį krūvį sumažėjo visų stimuliavimo dažnių sukelta jėga, MVJ neatsigavo iki pradinio dydžio abiejų testavimų metu, pasireiškė mažų dažnių nuovargis, kuris esant raumeniui mažo ilgio buvo ryškesnis. Aktyvus poilsis nesumažino raumens skausmo, neapsaugojo raumens nuo pažeidos, tačiau pagreitino MDN išnykimąThe aim of the research was to identify the leg muscle fatigue and its disappearance process after the execution of physical veloergometric load of maximal intensity employing active rest. Healthy, inactively engaged in sport, men in the control group (age-20-21 years; n=18) performed under the physical veloergometric load of maximal intensity (3x30 s; rest interval between the series - 4 min). After 4 months the same testees (experimental group) took part in the analogous experiment. During the 12-minute period after the load the participants pedalled on a veloergometer for 20 minutes with the resistance of 1 kg at the frequency of 60-70 t/min. These indices were registered during the load and recovery time: average pedalling capacity, the electrostimulated force at different muscle length, maximal voluntary force (MVF), low-frequency of 60-70 t/min. These indices were registered during the load and recovery time: average pedalling capacity, the electrostimulated force at different muscle length, maximal voluntary force (MVF), low-frequency fatigue (LFF), lactate concentration in the blood (La), the activity of creatinkinase (CA) in the serum, muscle pain. The results of the research demonstrate that the all-frequency induced force decreased after the performance of physical veloergometric load of maximal intensity, MVF did not reach its initial level during both tests, low-frequency fatigue resulted with the longer muscle, active rest neither lessened muscle pain nor prevented muscle injury, but hastened LFF disappearanceVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Effect of heating on knee flexors and extensors during fatiguing exercise and recovery

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    The aim of the present study was to establish the influence of muscle heating on knee-extensors and flexors, during fatiguing exercise and recovery. Ten female basketball athletes with no history of knee ligament injury performed two experiments on “Biodex System Pro 3” device. One hundred knee extensions / flexions with angular velocity of 500º / s were obtained (first experiment) and the same dynamic exercise was repeated after the quadriceps muscle had been warmed (second experiment). Before (pre-exercise), ten minutes (post-exercise), and 30 min after the fatiguing exercise, three knee extensions / flexions with angular velocity of 500º / s were performed. A blood lactate sample was taken before initial measurements and following exercise at 5 and 30 minutes. The evidence obtained in this study showed that, muscle heating before exercise decreased the peak torque of knee extensors during the first third part of exercise, likewise decreased volume of knee flexors work done. Muscle heating before the exercise had no effect on muscle recovery time, however increased a post-exercise blood lactate value