785 research outputs found

    On Talagrand's functional and generic chaining

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    In the study of the supremum of stochastic processes, Talagrand's chaining functionals and his generic chaining method are heavily related to the distribution of stochastic processes. In the present paper, we construct Talagrand's type functionals in the general distribution case and obtain the upper bound for the suprema of all pp-th moments of the stochastic process using the generic chaining method. As applications, we obtained the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma, the upper bound for the supremum of all pp-th moment of order 2 Gaussian chaos, and convex signal recovery in our setting

    Ride-matching and routing optimisation: Models and a large neighbourhood search heuristic

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    This paper considers a ridesharing problem on how to match riders to drivers and how to choose the best routes for vehicles. Unlike the others in the literature, we are concerned with the maximization of the average loading ratio of the entire system. Moreover, we develop a flow-dependent version of the model to characterize the impact of pick-up and drop-off congestion. In another extended model we take into account the riders’ individual evaluation on different transportation modes. Due to the large size of the resulting models, we develop a large neighbourhood search algorithm and demonstrate its efficiency

    Comprehensive Demonstration of Spin-Hall Hanle Effects in Epitaxial Pt Thin Films

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    We demonstrate a nonlinear Hall effect due to the boundary spin accumulation in Pt films grown on Al2O3 substrates. This Hall effect and the previously demonstrated Hanle magnetoresistance provide a complete picture of the spin-precession control of the spin and charge transport at the boundary of a spin-orbit coupled material, which we refer to as spin-Hall Hanle effects (SHHE). We also show that the SHHE can be employed to measure the spin diffusion length, the spin-Hall angle, and the spin relaxation time of heavy metal without the need of magnetic interface or the input from other measurements. The comprehensive demonstration of SHHE in such a simple system suggests they may be ubiquitous and needs to be considered for unravelling the spin and charge transport in more complex thin film structures of spin-orbit coupled materials
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