3,974 research outputs found

    The ethics of doing research with young drug users

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    Investigations into young people with problematic substance use raise complex issues for institutional ethics committees. The inclusion of people under 18 years old in research requires significant work in preparing applications that will meet the rigorous criteria that human research ethics committees (HREC) operate within (Bessant 2006). Additionally, researching people's experiences of drug use is fraught with all sorts of ethical conundrums because of its potential legal implications (Fitzgerald & Hamilton 1996; 1997; Moore 1993). This paper will discuss some of the complexities of doing research with these populations using my research on the life experiences of young people with problematic substance use as a case study. After I introduce the study, I explain how the philosophical paradigm of 'ethics' translates into practice. Young people and 'informed consent' are discussed; and the paradox of 'confidentiality' when researching illicit activity is explored. I then use the issue of participant payment to illustrate how the policies of frontline services and HRECs are not always in agreement. Following this, I examine the lack of ethical guidelines that protect the researcher and the implications of this lack of regulation. Finally, I explain how I have negotiated these competing definitions and, most importantly, maintained a research practice that respects and benefits the young people participating

    Gathering sensitive stories: Using care theory to guide ethical decision-making in research interviews with young people

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    Discussions of research ethics are often focused on research ethics guidelines. These guidelines are useful in designing ethical research projects but are not designed to guide the interpersonal interactions that occur once researchers are out in the field. Drawing from Noddings' care theory, this article argues that making ethical decisions when conducting in-depth interviews needs to be done on a case-by-case basis. The author's case study focuses on two key issues associated with research participants, over-disclosure and intense emotional responses, and concludes that relational ethics is the most suitable theoretical framework for guiding researchers' interpersonal practice

    Board of Landscape Architects

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    Board of Landscape Architects

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    The role of markets in food availability and market integration among smallholder farmers: the case of Western Kenya [Poster]

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    Poster presented at Tropentag 2013. International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development. "Agricultural development within the rural-urban continuum". Stuttgart-Hohenheim (Germany), Sep 17-19 2013

    The elicitation of experience-based knowledge from expert PICU nurses

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    Crop species diversity in smallholder farms in Western Kenya and their contribution to food security

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    Poster presented at First International Conference on Global Food Security. Noordwijkerhout (The Netherlands), 29 Sep - 02 Oct 2013

    Air Resources Board

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    Air Resources Board

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    The Keys to Disney’s Magic and Success

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    This research was conducted in order to compare the inner business practices of the Walt Disney Company, specifically their theme park known as the Walt Disney World Resort, to the concepts set forth by Michael Porter and his Productivity Frontier. This research was compiled with information gathered from firsthand experience as a Disney cast member, in depth explanations about Disney’s technological advancements for data collection, as well as data gathered from Walt Disney Company financial statements. After analyzing the way in which the company runs it’s extremely large service organization, it can be concluded that the Walt Disney World Resort is not only operating at an optimal level on Porter’s Productivity Frontier, but is also pushing it forward. While they are utilizing the currently available methods and technologies to increase the level of service qualities, they are also implementing new ideas in order to set the bar for other organizations as well
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