1,695 research outputs found

    Apparatus and method of capturing an orbiting spacecraft

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    Apparatus and a method of capturing an orbiting spacecraft by attaching a grapple fixture are discussed. A probe is inserted into an opening, such as a rocket nozzle, in the spacecraft until a stop on the prove mechanism contacts the spacecraft. A lever is actuated releasing a spring loaded rod which moves axially along the probe removing a covering sleeve to expose spring loaded toffle fingers which pivot open engaging the side of the opening. The probe is shortened and tensioned by turning a screw thread, pressing the fingers inside of the opening to compress the spacecraft between the toggle fingers and the stop. A grapple fixture attached to the probe, which is thus secured to the spacecraft, is engaged by appropriate retrieval means such as a remote manipulator arm

    Global Studies Initiative Final Report: Political Science: Introduction to International Relations Spring 2019

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    In this project report for the Global Studies Initiative at Parkland College, the instructor of Political Sciences 202, Introduction to International Relations, describes how the instructor adjusted a course already focused on international and multicultural issues to include increased student interaction with one another by incorporating class presentations into the curriculum

    Global Studies Initiative Faculty Report: Interdisciplinary Collaborations

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    Political Science 202 Introduction to International Relations Syllabus Spring 2019

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    This is a sample syllabus for Political Science 202, International Relations submitted as part of the Global Studies Initiatives in Social Sciences Grant at Parkland College for the 2018-2019 academic year. Already a course with a global focus, the highlights indicate changes made in instruction that encouraged students to discuss global issues with each other

    The Schooling They Need: Voicing Student Perspectives on Their Fourth Year in Senior High School

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    This study used qualitative research methods to investigate the experiences of stu‐ dents who returned to senior high school for a fourth year in order to graduate. By drawing on student voices, this collaborative research partnership with students re‐ vealed that a fourth year of high school led to stigmatization and alienation of stu‐ dents and often did not address students’ personal situations, their learning needs, or their need to graduate. Students identified desired changes in three areas: (a) school scheduling, flexibility, and graduation; (b) issues of teaching, learning, and curricu‐ lum; and (c) student desires for respect, belonging, and partnership. Implications of these findings for learners and educators are discussed. Key words: fourth‐year students, student voice, youth voice, high school completion, hermeneutic research, strength‐based research Faisant appel à des méthodes de recherche qualitative, les auteurs ont analysé les expériences d’élèves qui sont retournés au deuxième cycle du secondaire pour y effec‐ tuer une quatrième année en vue d’obtenir leur diplôme. Les témoignages recueillis auprès de ces élèves au cours de cette recherche révèlent qu’une quatrième année au deuxième cycle du secondaire a pour effet de jeter du discrédit sur eux et souvent ne répond pas à leur situation personnelle ou à leurs besoins quant à l’apprentissage ou à l’obtention de leur diplôme. Les élèves ont identifié trois domaines à améliorer : (a) l’horaire des cours, la souplesse de l’école et l’obtention du diplôme, (b) l’enseignement, l’apprentissage et le curriculum et c) la satisfaction des besoins des élèves en termes de respect, de partenariat et de sentiment d’appartenance. Les impli‐ cations de ces observations pour les apprenants et les enseignants sont discutées.Mots clés : quatrième année au deuxième cycle du secondaire, témoignages d’élèves, témoignages de jeunes, fin du secondaire, recherche herméneutique, recherche axée sur les points forts.

    Postoffer Pre-Placement Screening for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Newly Hired Manufacturing Workers

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    OBJECTIVE: We determined the predictive validity of a post-offer pre-placement (POPP) screen using nerve conduction velocity studies (NCV) to identify future cases of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). METHODS: A cohort of 1648 newly hired manufacturing production workers underwent baseline NCS, and were followed for 5 years. RESULTS: There was no association between abnormal POPP NCV results and incident CTS. Varying NCV diagnostic cut-offs did not improve predictive validity. Workers in jobs with high hand/wrist exposure showed greater risk of CTS than those in low exposed jobs (Relative Risk 2.82; 95% CI 1.52, 5.22). CONCLUSIONS: POPP screening seems ineffective as a preventive strategy for CTS

    Functional Measures Developed for Clinical Populations Identified Impairment Among Active Workers with Upper Extremity Disorders

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    PURPOSE: Few studies have explored measures of function across a range of health outcomes in a general working population. Using four upper extremity (UE) case definitions from the scientific literature, we described the performance of functional measures of work, activities of daily living, and overall health. METHODS: A sample of 573 workers completed several functional measures: modified recall versions of the QuickDASH, Levine Functional Status Scale (FSS), DASH Work module (DASH-W), and standard SF-8 physical component score. We determined case status based on four UE case definitions: 1) UE symptoms, 2) UE musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), 3) carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), and 4) work limitations due to UE symptoms. We calculated effect sizes for each case definition to show the magnitude of the differences that were detected between cases and non-cases for each case definition on each functional measure. Sensitivity and specificity analyses showed how well each measure identified functional impairments across the UE case definitions. RESULTS: All measures discriminated between cases and non-cases for each case definition with the largest effect sizes for CTS and work limitations, particularly for the modified FSS and DASH-W measures. Specificity was high and sensitivity was low for outcomes of UE symptoms and UE MSD in all measures. Sensitivity was high for CTS and work limitations. CONCLUSIONS: Functional measures developed specifically for use in clinical, treatment-seeking populations may identify mild levels of impairment in relatively healthy, active working populations, but measures performed better among workers with CTS or those reporting limitations at work

    Rapid Quantitative Analysis of Toxic Norditerpenoid Alkaloids in Larkspur (Delphinium spp.) by Flow Injection - Electrospray Ionization – Mass Spectrometry

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    A rapid flow injection - electrospray ionization – mass spectrometry (FI-ESI-MS) method for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of norditerpenoid alkaloids in larkspur plants was developed. The FI-ESI-MS method was calibrated for alkaloid concentrations with larkspur plant samples against an existing Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy FTIR method. There was a strong correlation (r = 0.9926, r = 0.9891) between the FTIR and FI-ESI-MS methods. The relative standard deviation (RSD) for all measurements were ≤ 6.2 % except for the sample with the lowest concentration which was 19%. The sample throughput of the FI-ESI-MS method is much higher than the FTIR method due to simpler sample preparation, autosampling capabilities, and short analysis times. Finally, the FIA-ESI-MS can be used to qualitatively analyze the alkaloids in larkspur samples since the data allows the observation of all ions that comprise the alkaloid signals