1,763 research outputs found

    COPASAAR – A database for proteomic analysis of single amino acid repeats

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    BACKGROUND: Single amino acid repeats make up a significant proportion in all of the proteomes that have currently been determined. They have been shown to be functionally and medically significant, and are associated with cancers and neuro-degenerative diseases such as Huntington's Chorea, where a poly-glutamine repeat is responsible for causing the disease. The COPASAAR database is a new tool to facilitate the rapid analysis of single amino acid repeats at a proteome level. The database aims to simplify the comparison of repeat distributions between proteomes in order to provide a better understanding of their function and evolution. RESULTS: A comparative analysis of all proteomes in the database (currently 244) shows that single amino acid repeats account for about 12–14% of the proteome of any given species. They are more common in eukaryotes (14%) than in either archaea or bacteria (both 13%). Individual analyses of proteomes show that long single amino acid repeats (6+ residues) are much more common in the Eukaryotes and that longer repeats are usually made up of hydrophilic amino acids such as glutamine, glutamic acid, asparagine, aspartic acid and serine. CONCLUSION: COPASAAR is a useful tool for comparative proteomics that provides rapid access to amino acid repeat data that can be readily data-mined. The COPASAAR database can be queried at the kingdom, proteome or individual protein level. As the amount of available proteome data increases this will be increasingly important in order to automate proteome comparison. The insights gained from these studies will give a better insight into the evolution of protein sequence and function

    Preliminary X-ray analysis of a new crystal form of the vanadium-dependent bromoperoxidase from Corallina officinalis.

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    Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tA new crystal form of the vanadium-dependent bromoperoxidase from Corallina officinalis has been obtained. The crystals exhibit a 'teardrop' morphology and are grown from 2 M ammonium dihydrogen phosphate pH and diffract to beyond 1.7 A resolution. They are in tetragonal space group P4222 with unit-cell dimensions of a = b = 201.9, c = 178.19 A, alpha = beta = gamma = 90 degrees. A 2.3 A resolution native data set has been collected at the Hamburg Synchrotron. A mercury derivative data set has also been collected, and the heavy-atom positions have been determined. The self-rotation function and the positions of the heavy atoms are consistent with the molecule being a dodecamer with local 23 symmetry.Biotechnology and Biological Research Council

    Social Class and television audiences in the 1990s

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    TV dramas produced in the 1990s – which have often been unfavourably compared with those from the so-called ‘golden age’ due to their supposedly audience pleasing and derivative focus on ratings after 1980s deregulation – still have an important part to play in studies of social class in UK TV drama. While more traditional themes of social class in programming, such as working-class perspectives and social-realist approaches, waned in the 1990s, the fact that commissioning became increasingly audience-led at this time allows an insight into some of the prevailing goals, aspirations and self-image of class-society in the post-Thatcher era

    Biophysical characterization of the inactivation of E. coli transketolase by aqueous co-solvents

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    Transketolase (TK) has been previously engineered, using semi-rational directed evolution and substrate walking, to accept increasingly aliphatic, cyclic, and then aromatic substrates. This has ultimately led to the poor water solubility of new substrates, as a potential bottleneck to further exploitation of this enzyme in biocatalysis. Here we used a range of biophysical studies to characterise the response of both E. coli apo- and holo-TK activity and structure to a range of polar organic co-solvents: acetonitrile (AcCN), n-butanol (nBuOH), ethyl acetate (EtOAc), isopropanol (iPrOH), and tetrahydrofuran (THF). The mechanism of enzyme deactivation was found to be predominantly via solvent-induced local unfolding. Holo-TK is thermodynamically more stable than apo-TK and yet for four of the five co-solvents it retained less activity than apo-TK after exposure to organic solvents, indicating that solvent tolerance was not simply correlated to global conformational stability. The co-solvent concentrations required for complete enzyme inactivation was inversely proportional to co-solvent log(P), while the unfolding rate was directly proportional, indicating that the solvents interact with and partially unfold the enzyme through hydrophobic contacts. Small amounts of aggregate formed in some cases, but this was not sufficient to explain the enzyme inactivation. TK was found to be tolerant to 15% (v/v) iPrOH, 10% (v/v) AcCN, or 6% (v/v) nBuOH over 3 h. This work indicates that future attempts to engineer the enzyme to better tolerate co-solvents should focus on increasing the stability of the protein to local unfolding, particularly in and around the cofactor-binding loops

    Structure of a phosphoglycerate mutase:3-phosphoglyceric acid complex at 1.7 A.

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    Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tThe crystal structure of the tetrameric glycolytic enzyme phosphoglycerate mutase from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been determined to 1.7 A resolution in complex with the sugar substrate. The difference map indicates that 3-phosphoglycerate is bound at the base of a 12 A cleft, positioning C2 of the substrate within 3.5 A of the primary catalytic residue, histidine 8.BBSR

    Label-free segmentation of co-cultured cells on a nanotopographical gradient

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    The function and fate of cells is influenced by many different factors, one of which is surface topography of the support culture substrate. Systematic studies of nanotopography and cell response have typically been limited to single cell types and a small set of topographical variations. Here, we show a radical expansion of experimental throughput using automated detection, measurement, and classification of co-cultured cells on a nanopillar array where feature height changes continuously from planar to 250 nm over 9 mm. Individual cells are identified and characterized by more than 200 descriptors, which are used to construct a set of rules for label-free segmentation into individual cell types. Using this approach we can achieve label-free segmentation with 84% confidence across large image data sets and suggest optimized surface parameters for nanostructuring of implant devices such as vascular stents

    The early life microbiota protects neonatal mice from pathological small intestinal epithelial cell shedding

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    The early life gut microbiota plays a crucial role in regulating and maintaining the intestinal barrier, with disturbances in these communities linked to dysregulated renewal and replenishment of intestinal epithelial cells. Here we sought to determine pathological cell shedding outcomes throughout the postnatal developmental period, and which host and microbial factors mediate these responses. Surprisingly, neonatal mice (Day 14 and 21) were highly refractory to induction of cell shedding after intraperitoneal administration of liposaccharide (LPS), with Day 29 mice showing strong pathological responses, more similar to those observed in adult mice. These differential responses were not linked to defects in the cellular mechanisms and pathways known to regulate cell shedding responses. When we profiled microbiota and metabolites, we observed significant alterations. Neonatal mice had high relative abundances of Streptococcus, Escherichia, and Enterococcus and increased primary bile acids. In contrast, older mice were dominated by Candidatus Arthromitus, Alistipes, and Lachnoclostridium, and had increased concentrations of SCFAs and methyamines. Antibiotic treatment of neonates restored LPS-induced small intestinal cell shedding, whereas adult fecal microbiota transplant alone had no effect. Our findings further support the importance of the early life window for microbiota-epithelial interactions in the presence of inflammatory stimuli and highlights areas for further investigation
