1,673 research outputs found

    Too Plain to Be Misunderstood: Sovereign Immunity Under the Arkansas Constitution

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    The framers of the constitution certainly knew that instances of hardship would result from the prohibition of suits against the State, but they nevertheless elected to write that immunity into the constitution. The language is too plain to be misunderstood, and it is our duty to give effect to it. Given the fluid nature of the law, time is often the greatest enemy of clarity in court precedent. From law students to experienced judges, anyone who has tried to research the doctrine of sovereign immunity under the Arkansas Constitution has surely struggled with that enemy as they sift through the years of convoluted and inconsistent cases interpreting the scope of the State’s protection from suit. This comment attempts to abate the Arkansas lawyer’s burden in understanding the language that is ostensibly impossible to misunderstand

    An Early Litter for the Opossum (Didelphis Marsupialis) in Ohio

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    Author Institution: Department of Zoology, The Ohio State UniversityA female opossum, Didelphis marsupialis, was found dead on the road in Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, on 25 February 1973, with nine young tightly attached to her teats. The size of the young suggests that they were conceived the first week of January and that the female was reproductively active during the last part of December. Early breeding at this latitude (lat. 40° N) is very unusual and is compared with known breeding dates from other areas of temperate North America

    Magnetically levitated mesenchymal stem cell spheroids cultured with a collagen gel maintain phenotype and quiescence

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    Multicellular spheroids are an established system for three-dimensional cell culture. Spheroids are typically generated using hanging drop or non-adherent culture; however, an emerging technique is to use magnetic levitation. Herein, mesenchymal stem cell spheroids were generated using magnetic nanoparticles and subsequently cultured within a type I collagen gel, with a view towards developing a bone marrow niche environment. Cells were loaded with magnetic nanoparticles, and suspended beneath an external magnet, inducing self-assembly of multicellular spheroids. Cells in spheroids were viable and compared to corresponding monolayer controls, maintained stem cell phenotype and were quiescent. Interestingly, core spheroid necrosis was not observed, even with increasing spheroid size, in contrast to other commonly used spheroid systems. This mesenchymal stem cell spheroid culture presents a potential platform for modelling in vitro bone marrow stem cell niches, elucidating interactions between cells, as well as a useful model for drug delivery studies

    Bioactive composites for bone tissue engineering

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    One of the major challenges of bone tissue engineering is the production of a suitable scaffold material. In this review the current composite materials options available are considered covering both the methods of both production and assessing the scaffolds. A range of production routes have been investigated ranging from the use of porogens to produce the porosity through to controlled deposition methods. The testing regimes have included mechanical testing of the materials produced through to in vivo testing of the scaffolds. While the ideal scaffold material has not yet been produced, progress is being made

    Insights into the stability of a therapeutic antibody Fab fragment by molecular dynamics and its stabilization by computational design

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    Successful development of protein therapeutics depends critically on achieving stability under a range of conditions, while retaining their specific mode of action. Gaining a deeper understanding of the drivers of instability across different stress conditions, will potentially enable the engineering of protein scaffolds that are inherently manufacturable and stable. Here, we compared the structural robustness of a humanized antibody fragment (Fab) A33 using atomistic molecular dynamics simulations under two different stresses of low pH and high temperature. RMSD calculations, structural alignments and contact analysis revealed that low pH unfolding was initiated through loss of contacts at the constant domain interface (CL-CH1), prior to CL domain unfolding. By contrast, thermal unfolding began with loss of contacts in both the CL-CH1 and variable domain interface (VL-VH), followed by domain unfolding of CL and also of VH, thus revealing divergent unfolding pathways. FoldX and Rosetta both agreed that mutations at the CL-CH1 interface have the greatest potential for increasing the stability of Fab A33. Additionally, packing density calculations found these residues to be under-packed relative to other inter-domain residues. Two salt bridges were identified that possibly drive the conformational change at low pH, while at high temperature, salt bridges were lost and reformed quickly, and not always with the same partner, thus contributing to an overall destabilization. Sequence entropy analysis of existing Fab sequences revealed considerable scope for further engineering, where certain natural mutations agreed with FoldX and Rosetta predictions. Lastly, the unfolding events at the two stress conditions exposed different predicted aggregation-prone regions (APR), which would potentially lead to different aggregation mechanisms. Overall, our results identified the early stages of unfolding and stability-limiting regions of Fab A33, which provide interesting targets for future protein engineering work aimed at stabilizing to both thermal and pH-stresses simultaneously

    Eyedness and handedness in relation to certain difficulties in reading

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    I. Handedness - Different types of handedness, Eyedness - the nature of eye-dominance. The relation between eye-dominance and handedness. Theories concerning this relationship. Left-handed children and those subnormal in reading. Possibility of connection between this subnormality and eyedness of the left-handed child. Possible nature of the connection between "eyedness" and retardation in reading (if such connection exists) Types of difficulties in reading experienced by left-handed children which may be due to "eyedness".II. Experiments with left-handed children; 1st set, with results and conclusions.(a) Description of experiments and subjects.(b) Results of experiments showing:-(1) Incidence of left and right eyedness in unselected group.(2) Incidence of left or right eyedness in group of left-handed children(3) Reversals of forms (in words and groups of letters)(4) Transposition of letters in words and groups of letters.(5) Children's remarks with any pertinent introspections. Suggestion of difficulty or orientation arising from these results. Further analysis and conclusions,III. Experiments with adults; 1st set, with results and conclusions.(a) Description of experiments,(b) Description of subjects as to eyedness and handedness,(c) Results of experiments analysed,(d) The prominence of reversals of forms in the case of left-eyed subjects,(e) Other results of the analysis:-(i) type of reaction to exposures.(ii) Subjects, introspections and suggestions arising from these. IV. Further experiments with children.(a) Left-eyed and left-handed group.(b) Left-eyed and right-handed group.(c) Right-eyed and left-handed group.(d) Left-eyed and left-handed group. These experiments are tachistoscopic in character. They are designed to reveal the disability (or otherwise) experienced by left-handed children as regards orientation of forms and position in space. V. Further experiments with adults.(a) Right-handed and right-eyed.(b) Left-handed and left-eyed.(c) Left-handed and right-eyed. These experiments should confirm the results of the first set of experiments as to the characteristics of form most frequently reversed.VI. (l) Experiments with adults and children to prove whether the incidence of reversals of form, or of orientation with regard to position in space, is affected when the objects perceived tachistoscopically are in motion. (2) Analysis of these experiments. VII. General observations and conclusions. <p

    Computational Design To Reduce Conformational Flexibility and Aggregation Rates of an Antibody Fab Fragment

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    Computationally-guided semi-rational design has significant potential for improving the aggregation kinetics of protein biopharmaceuticals. While improvement in the global conformational stability can stabilise proteins to aggregation under some conditions, previous studies suggest that such an approach is limited because thermal transition temperatures (Tm) and the fraction of protein unfolded (fT) tend to only correlate with aggregation kinetics where the protein is incubated at temperatures approaching the Tm. This is because under these conditions, aggregation from globally unfolded protein becomes dominant. However, under native conditions, the aggregation kinetics are presumed to be dependent on local structural fluctuations or partial unfolding of the native state, that reveal regions of high propensity to form protein-protein interactions that lead to aggregation. In this work, we have targeted the design of stabilising mutations to regions of the A33 Fab surface structure, that were predicted to be more flexible. This Fab already has high global stability, and global unfolding is not the main cause of aggregation under most conditions. Therefore, the aim was to reduce the conformational flexibility and entropy of the native protein at various locations, and thus identify which of those regions has the greatest influence on the aggregation kinetics. Highly dynamic regions of structure were identified through both molecular dynamics simulation, and B-factor analysis of related X-ray crystal structures. The most flexible residues were mutated into more stable variants, as predicted by Rosetta, which evaluates the ΔΔGND for each potential point mutation. Additional destabilising variants were prepared as controls to evaluate the prediction accuracy, and also to assess the general influence of conformational stability on aggregation kinetics. The thermal conformational stability, and aggregation rates of eighteen variants at 65 °C, were each examined at pH 4, 200 mM ionic strength, under which conditions the initial wild-type protein was <5% unfolded. Variants with decreased Tm values led to more rapid aggregation due to an increase in the fraction of protein unfolded under the conditions studied. As expected, no significant improvements were observed in the global conformational stability as measured by Tm. However, six of the twelve stable variants led to an increase in the cooperativity of unfolding, consistent with lower conformational flexibility and entropy in the native ensemble. Three of these had 5-11% lower aggregation rates, and their structural clustering indicated that the local dynamics of the C-terminus of the heavy chain had a role in influencing the aggregation rate

    Comparison of the pH- and thermally-induced fluctuations of a therapeutic antibody Fab fragment by molecular dynamics simulation

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    Successful development of protein therapeutics depends critically on achieving stability under a range of conditions. A deeper understanding of the drivers of instability across different stress conditions, will enable the engineering of more robust protein scaffolds. We compared the impacts of low pH and high temperature stresses on the structure of a humanized antibody fragment (Fab) A33, using atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, using a recent 2.5 Å crystal structure. This revealed that low-pH induced the loss of native contacts in the domain CL. By contrast, thermal stress led to 5–7% loss of native contacts in all four domains, and simultaneous loss of >30% of native contacts in the VL-VH and CL-CH interfaces. This revealed divergent destabilising pathways under the two different stresses. The underlying cause of instability was probed using FoldX and Rosetta mutation analysis, and packing density calculations. These agreed that mutations in the CL domain, and CL-CH1 interface have the greatest potential for stabilisation of Fab A33. Several key salt bridge losses underpinned the conformational change in CL at low pH, whereas at high temperature, salt bridges became more dynamic, thus contributing to an overall destabilization. Lastly, the unfolding events at the two stress conditions exposed different predicted aggregation-prone regions (APR) to solvent, which would potentially lead to different aggregation mechanisms. Overall, our results identified the early stages of unfolding and stability-limiting regions of Fab A33, and the VH and CL domains as interesting future targets for engineering stability to both pH- and thermal-stresses simultaneously

    A tough act to follow: collagen hydrogel modifications to improve mechanical and growth factor loading capabilities

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    [EN] Collagen hydrogels are among the most well-studied platforms for drug delivery and in situ tissue engineering, thanks to their low cost, low immunogenicity, versatility, biocompatibility, and similarity to the natural extracellular matrix (ECM). Despite collagen being largely responsible for the tensile properties of native connective tissues, collagen hydrogels have relatively low mechanical properties in the absence of covalent cross-linking. This is particularly problematic when attempting to regenerate stiffer and stronger native tissues such as bone. Furthermore, in contrast to hydrogels based on ECM proteins such as fibronectin, collagen hydrogels do not have any growth factor (GF)-specific binding sites and often cannot sequester physiological (small) amounts of the protein. GF binding and in situ presentation are properties that can aid significantly in the tissue regeneration process by dictating cell fate without causing adverse effects such as malignant tumorigenic tissue growth. To alleviate these issues, researchers have developed several strategies to increase the mechanical properties of collagen hydrogels using physical or chemical modifications. This can expand the applicability of collagen hydrogels to tissues subject to a continuous load. GF delivery has also been explored, mathematically and experimentally, through the development of direct loading, chemical cross-linking, electrostatic interaction, and other carrier systems. This comprehensive article explores the ways in which these parameters, mechanical properties and GF delivery, have been optimized in collagen hydrogel systems and examines their in vitro or in vivo biological effect. This article can, therefore, be a useful tool to streamline future studies in the field, by pointing researchers into the appropriate direction according to their collagen hydrogel design requirements.This work was supported by Medical Research Scotland, EPSRC (through a programme grant EP/P001114/1) and a programme of research funded by the Sir Bobby Charlton Foundation. M.S.S. acknowledges support from a grant from the UK Regenerative Medicine Platform 'Acellular/Smart Materials - 3D Architecture' (MR/R015651/1). The graphical abstract was created using BioRender.com.Sarrigiannidis, S.; Rey, JM.; Dobre, O..; González-García, C.; Dalby, M.; Salmerón Sánchez, M. (2021). A tough act to follow: collagen hydrogel modifications to improve mechanical and growth factor loading capabilities. Materials Today Bio. 10(1):1-22. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtbio.2021.10009812210

    Factors affecting the Faradaic efficiency of Fe(0) electrocoagulation

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    Electrocoagulation (EC) using Fe(0) electrodes is a low cost water treatment technology that relies on efficient production of Fe(II) from the electrolytic dissolution of Fe(0) electrodes (i.e. a high Faradaic efficiency). However, the (electro)chemical factors that favor Fe(0) oxidation rather than O2 evolution during Fe(0) EC have not been identified. In this study, we combined electrochemical methods, electron microscopy and Fe measurements to systematically examine the interdependent effects of current density (i), anodic interface potential (EA) and solution chemistry on the Faradaic efficiency. We found that Fe(0) oxidation was favored (Faradaic efficiency >0.85) in chloride and bromide solutions at all i, whereas carbonate, phosphate, citrate, and nitrate solutions lead to Faradaic efficiencies <0.1. The anodic reaction (i.e. Fe(0) oxidation or O2 evolution) only depended on i in the sulfate and formate solutions. Experiments in binary-anion solutions revealed that molar ratios of [HCO3−]/[Cl−] near 100 and [NO3−]/[Cl−] near 20 separated the electrochemical domains of Fe(0) oxidation and O2 evolution in the EC system. These molar ratios were supported by experiments in synthetic groundwater solutions. We also found that the EA vs i curves for solutions with poor Faradaic efficiency overlapped but were situated 2–4 V vs Ag/AgCl higher than those of solutions with high Faradaic efficiency. Therefore, the position of the EA vs i curve, rather than the EA alone, can be used to determine unambiguously the reaction occurring on the Fe(0) anode during EC treatment
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