603 research outputs found

    An Evaluation of Bacterial Flagella Staining Procedures

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    Five currently used flagella stains and staining procedures have been studied and evaluated. A staining method that is simplest, most reliable, and highly reproducible, especially for beginning students and technicians has been assembled and recommended. Four important variables necessary for successful flagella staining were stressed. These variables are: growth of organisms, smear pre paration, staining procedure, and reagent stability. Two important procedures which are part of some, but not all of the flagella staining methods studied are strongly recommended. One is the practice of enclosing a smear with wax pencil and adding a known, constant volume of dye. An effective ratio of staining surface area to volume of dye used is obtained with this procedure resulting in a stan dardization that greatly diminishes overstaining and understaining reactions. The second procedure is the use of a freshly mixed dye mordant staining mixture. This procedure is the key to reproducible production of good flagella stains that have clear backgrounds and few interfering artifacts. Dye and mordant reagents may be stored separate ly for long periods of time, probably indefinitely, and still provide good, clean, reproducible flagella stains when mixed just prior to use

    Design, Layout, and Testing of a Silicon Carbide-based Under Voltage Lock-out Circuit

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    Silicon carbide-based power devices play an increasingly important role in modern power conversion systems. Finding a means to reduce the size and complexity of these systems by even incremental amounts can have a significant impact on cost and reliability. One approach to achieving this goal is the die-level integration of gate driver circuitry with the SiC power devices. Aside from cost reductions, there are significant advantages to the integration of the gate driver circuits with the power devices. By integrating the gate driver circuitry with the power devices, the parasitic inductances traditionally seen between the gate driver and the switching devices can be significantly reduced, allowing faster switching speeds, which in turn leads to higher efficiencies, less aggressive thermal management requirements, and physically smaller passives. Collaborators from Toyota, Cree, the University of Arkansas, Oak Ridge National Labs, and Arkansas Power Electronics International have designed, fabricated, and tested a custom gate driver circuit implemented in a low-voltage SiC-based process by Cree. This gate driver implementation is the first step toward the goal of a completely integrated system. One key sub-component of this gate driver is the Under Voltage Lock-Out (UVLO) circuit, which asserts a signal whenever the supply voltage to the die falls below a set threshold and allows circuitry both on- and off-chip to take steps to prevent damage to the system. The work presented herein is the design, layout, and testing of a UVLO circuit implemented in the low-voltage silicon carbide process available from Cree. The UVLO was demonstrated to operate over a temperature range between -55 oC and 300 oC. An overview of the gate driver design, the fabrication process, and the trade-offs made during the UVLO circuit design process will be presented, as well as the integrated circuit layout workflow. A synopsis of the die testing apparatus and results will also be provided

    The relationship between mathematics teachersā€™ content and pedagogical knowledge and their handling of student contributions: the case of Saudi trainee primary teachers

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    This research aimed to investigate how Saudi mathematics trainee primary teachers respond to their studentsā€™ contributions and the reasons for their actions. Also, to outline the possible influence of teachersā€™ knowledge, both subject matter knowledge (SMK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), on their handling of studentsā€™ contributions. To achieve these goals five participants were observed for eight lessons each and interviewed. The data from three out of the five participants formed three case studies of teachers with differences in terms of their SMK and PCK. Three lesson observations for each case plus the interviews were analysed. The Knowledge Quartet framework was used to analyse the data in order to highlight the knowledge of the trainees and to direct attention towards the incidents where the teachers responded to the studentsā€™ answers. The interactions in these incidents were also analysed by the (Initiation-Response-Feedback) IRF tool to classify the teachersā€™ responses in relation to the studentsā€™ contributions. The findings suggest that the trainees responded to the studentsā€™ answers usually with one of two types of response. Confirmation actions in which the teachers confirmed the correctness or the fault of a given answer and questioning actions where the teachers asked further questions usually before making a decision about the answer. They reasoned their ways of accepting correct answers into two types of reasons: class-focused and individual-focused actions. Conversely, the teachersā€™ justification of their rejection of incorrect answers fell into three groups: protection actions, checking actions and other. Moreover, the teachersā€™ SMK and PCK have influenced their response to the studentsā€™ answers. Their response approach was mainly shaped by the teachersā€™ beliefs of how mathematics is best learnt whereas PCK influenced the quality of their responses. Also, they depended mainly on their SMK, and to some extent on their PCK, in deciding to accept or reject answers


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    Some diphthongs in Pagu, rather than being pronounced as a single syllable in a normal/rapid speed of speech, can alternate to appear in two different adjacent syllables when pronounced in a slow speech. In Pagu, the speed of speech affects the words syllable number and word stress placement. The previous study suggests that word stress in Pagu is placed on the penultimate syllable. This paper will discuss word stress placement in Pagu in two different speed of speech (normal and slow) as well as two adjacent vowels as affected by the speed and their position in the word. This sheds a light on the behaviors of two adjacent vowels in the stress placement area i.e. whether they are different vowels they can alternate between a diphthong or two separate vowels in two different syllables and when they are identical they cannot be separated into two different syllables when occur in the final position

    An Extended Study on Tense and Aspect Markers in Pagu

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    This paper revisits four clitics of Pagu (a West-Papuan language spoken in North Halmahera, Indonesia) those that have been described as Tense and Aspect markers (Wimbish 1991): -oka, -ou -osi, and -uli. The first one is considered a tense marker for ā€˜non-futureā€™ time, while the other three are aspect markers for ā€˜perfectiveā€™, ā€˜imperfectiveā€™, and ā€˜repetitiveā€™ respectively. Following a metatypy approach (Ross 2006; 2001), I argue that while these clitics have the tense-aspect functions, at the same time under a unified analysis, each should have an extended function vis. a ā€˜locational marker of space and timeā€™, ā€˜confirmativeā€™, ā€˜durativeā€™, and ā€˜repetitive presupposition markerā€™, respectively. These meanings and functions are based on the speakersā€™ interpretation of them in the local lingua franca (a variety of the North Maluku Malay). This supports Bowdenā€™s (2012) argument that the indigenous languages of North Halmahera (Papuan) have influenced the present varieties of Malay spoken as the lingua franca in the region

    Virtual Dashboard for Tanker Truck

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    Society has been very concern about the new technologies that are increasing like mushroom lately. In addition, the replacement of hardware by software has been one of the major developments in the electronics industry for many years. However, it has basically been too small to be noticed by the end user. In this new age where everything is computerized, human become more curious to learn as well as make use of new application of the virtual dashboard as it grant a significant impacts on vehicle's users. Therefore, this report present information base on the research involves in Virtual Dashboard, which is purposely design for monitoring the performance of the truck. This report features the introduction that explains about background of study, problem statement, the significant of the project, objectives and the scope of study of the project research. There is also some part of studies for supporting information or reference to support the project research. Process of identification is in short talked about in order to entire the research and describe tools of hardware and software apply to design the product. The end-result of the research is the static virtual dashboard software prototype that caters the basic needs of virtual truck. In shorts, the 2D virtual dashboard is a replacing of the collector of mechanical instruments by software-configurable display. It enabled truck driver to maintain the truck's performance while driving. Hence, the interfaces need to be simple and intuitive to use in addition to provide interaction with the users, in order to increase operation efficiency. The virtual dashboard also provides a clear visualisation from the other part of the truck, in recognizable graphics and graphs. A message window indicates the gauges' performance as well as displaying warnings when the state values approach presets limits. With this, private, secure, fast digital connection from oil tanker will be directed to the knowledge of the user

    A study of Pagu proverbs: Saving an endangered language of North Halmahera

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    Pagu is an endangeredĀ  Non-AustronesianĀ  language spokenĀ  in North Halmahera, Indonesia. This research is an endeavor to save the language specifically through documenting and studying its proverbs in order to reveal the linguistic patterns and meanings of these proverbs. A mixed qualitative and quantitative method is applied to see their structure and characteristics (Angouri, 2010; Rasinger, 2010). It presents a number of stylistic and structural features of Pagu proverbs based on the preliminary research of 2012-2014 (D. Perangin-Angin, 2013) and recent online communication with one of the PaguĀ  community leaders. The findings show that, first, metaphor and simile are the most common features in Pagu proverbs that function to express politeness through indirectness (Brown Levinson, 1987; Thomas, 2014). Second, structurally it was found out that Pagu proverbs do not follow the typical Europeans structure such as relationships between elements (Dundes, 1975), number of clause, types of sentences (Mac Coinnigh, 2015), and types of figurative languages (e.g. Eaglestone, 2000). But rather, Pagu proverbs vary in different structures that intend to express the Pagu culture and thought namely indirect politeness

    Monetary Approach to Exchange Rate Determination: The Case of Argentina, Brazil, Taiwan and Turkey, 1986-2006

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    This study evaluates the short-run and long-run performance of the monetary model approach of exchange rate determination for the emerging economies like Argentina, Brazil, Taiwan and Turkey. The study is based on whether there is a cointegration relationship between the nominal exchange rate and the monetary variables such as the money supply, the output, the nominal interest rate and the price differentials. Various estimation techniques are used for testing long-run relationship both for single-country analysis and panel analysis

    Influence of genome-scale RNA structure disruption on the replication of murine norovirus--similar replication kinetics in cell culture but attenuation of viral fitness in vivo

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    Mechanisms by which certain RNA viruses, such as hepatitis C virus, establish persistent infections and cause chronic disease are of fundamental importance in viral pathogenesis. Mammalian positive-stranded RNA viruses establishing persistence typically possess genome-scale ordered RNA secondary structure (GORS) in their genomes. Murine norovirus (MNV) persists in immunocompetent mice and provides an experimental model to functionally characterize GORS. Substitution mutants were constructed with coding sequences in NS3/4- and NS6/7-coding regions replaced with sequences with identical coding and (di-)nucleotide composition but disrupted RNA secondary structure (F1, F2, F1/F2 mutants). Mutants replicated with similar kinetics to wild-type (WT) MNV3 in RAW264.7 cells and primary macrophages, exhibited similar (highly restricted) induction and susceptibility to interferon-coupled cellular responses and equal replication fitness by serial passaging of co-cultures. In vivo, both WT and F1/F2 mutant viruses persistently infected mice, although F1, F2 and F1/F2 mutant viruses were rapidly eliminated 1ā€“7 days post-inoculation in competition experiments with WT. F1/F2 mutants recovered from tissues at 9 months showed higher synonymous substitution rates than WT and nucleotide substitutions that potentially restored of RNA secondary structure. GORS plays no role in basic replication of MNV but potentially contributes to viral fitness and persistence in vivo
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