320 research outputs found

    Biomarkers for sepsis: more than just fever and leukocytosis-a narrative review

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    A biomarker describes a measurable indicator of a patient's clinical condition that can be measured accurately and reproducibly. Biomarkers offer utility for diagnosis, prognosis, early disease recognition, risk stratification, appropriate treatment (theranostics), and trial enrichment for patients with sepsis or suspected sepsis. In this narrative review, we aim to answer the question, "Do biomarkers in patients with sepsis or septic shock predict mortality, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), or organ dysfunction?" We also discuss the role of pro- and anti-inflammatory biomarkers and biomarkers associated with intestinal permeability, endothelial injury, organ dysfunction, blood-brain barrier (BBB) breakdown, brain injury, and short and long-term mortality. For sepsis, a range of biomarkers is identified, including fluid phase pattern recognition molecules (PRMs), complement system, cytokines, chemokines, damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), non-coding RNAs, miRNAs, cell membrane receptors, cell proteins, metabolites, and soluble receptors. We also provide an overview of immune response biomarkers that can help identify or differentiate between systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), sepsis, septic shock, and sepsis-associated encephalopathy. However, significant work is needed to identify the optimal combinations of biomarkers that can augment diagnosis, treatment, and good patient outcomes

    Bulas de medicamentos e a informação adequada ao paciente

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the adequacy of the content and format of the patient information section in package inserts of commonly prescribed drugs at the internal medicine service of a school hospital. METHODS: Forty eight package inserts were collected from six pharmacies of the city of Porto Alegre in June 1998. The presence of mandatory notification and other information required by Brazilian laws that regulate inserts content was examined. RESULTS: No one package inserts contained all the notification required by law. Warnings about medication storage and expiration date were the most frequently information found in package inserts analyzed. CONCLUSION: Important information for the drug user was not presented in package inserts analyzed, limiting the purpose of inserts as an instrument for patient education.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a adequação da forma e conteúdo da seção de "informações ao paciente" das bulas de medicamentos, freqüentemente prescritos no ambulatório de medicina interna de um hospital universitário. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionadas 48 bulas disponíveis em três redes de farmácia e três farmácias de pequeno porte de Porto Alegre, em junho de 1998. Por meio de um formulário, foi verificada a presença de frases de formato padronizado e outras informações exigidas pela Portaria 110, que regulamenta o conteúdo das bulas de medicamentos. RESULTADOS: Em nenhuma das bulas analisadas foi verificada a presença de todas as frases e demais informações exigidas pela legislação. Cuidados com o armazenamento e com o prazo de validade dos medicamentos foram as informações mais freqüentemente apresentadas nas bulas analisadas. CONCLUSÕES: Ausência de informações importantes para o usuário, sobre o medicamento nas bulas, reduz o seu valor enquanto material educativo para o paciente