215 research outputs found


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    The performance and the behaviour of three different chicken strains, reared according to the EEC-Regulation 1804/1999 organic system, were compared. The strains had very slow (Robusta maculata), slow (Kabir) and fast (Ross) growing rates, respectively. The trial was carried out on 200 chickens (male and female) per strain. Rearing lasted 81 days as required by the EEC Regulations. At slaughter age, 20 birds per group were killed. Robusta maculata and Kabir chickens showed more intense walking activity and better foraging aptitude; their antioxidant capacity was also superior. Ross chickens had a good growth rate and feed conversion index, reaching an excellent body weight, but the mortality and the culling rate were high indicating that fast-growing strains do not adapt well to organic production. Robusta maculata showed the worst productive performance although the mortality was low and Kabir birds gave intermediate results. The carcass traits were the best in Ross and the poorest in Robusta maculata. Male chickens were heavier and leaner than females

    Structural features of catechins responsible for inhibitory action on signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1)

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    Studi epidemiologici e ricerche sperimentali hanno rivelato che il t\ue8 verde ha molte propriet\ue0 sia come agente antitumorale che antiinfiammatorio. Tra tutti i polifenoli presenti nel t\ue8 verde, molti lavori mostrano che l\u2019epigallocatechina gallato (EGCG) \ue8 il principale principio attivo in quanto esso \ue8 in grado di inibire l\u2019angiogenesi, l\u2019urochinasi, le metalloproteinasi e l\u2019induzione dell\u2019ossido nitrico sintasi inducibile (iNOS). Gli effetti benefici del t\ue8 verde si pensavano essere attribuiti alle spiccate propriet\ue0 antiossidanti dei polifenoli in esso contenuti, ma dati ottenuti negli anni passati nel nostro laboratorio hanno evidenziato una diversa azione pi\uf9 specifica. Signal Transducers and Activators of Trascription (STATs) sono una famiglia di fattori trascrizionali che mediano l\u2019azione di citochine coinvolte in numerose funzioni biologiche. Tra tutte la catechine presenti nel t\ue8 verde, solo EGCG era in grado di inibire l\u2019attivazione del fattore trascrizionale Signal Transducer and Activator of Trascription 1 (STAT1), indotta dalla citochina interferone gamma (IFNgamma). L\u2019attivazione di STAT1, indotta da IFNgamma, fa parte di alcune vie di trasduzione del segnale che innescano numerosi processi infiammatori, ed \ue8 necessaria per l\u2019espressione di molteplici geni pro-infiammatori quali iNOS e il complesso maggiore di istompatibilit\ue0 di calsse II DR alfa (MCH II DRA). La loro attivazione \ue8 stata riscontra in numerose malattie e EGCG, essendo in grado di inibirne l\u2019espressione, risulta essere un buon coadiuvante nel trattamento di patologie infiammatorie STAT1 dipendenti. 15 nuove catechine gallato con struttura chimica analoga alla gallocatechina gallato (GCG), diastereoisomero trans dell\u2019EGCG, sono state sintetizzate per il lavoro di ricerca qui proposto. Queste catechine di sintesi presentano un ridotto numero di ossidrili legati ai vari anelli della struttura rispetto alla GCG, composto di riferimento. I composti 2 e 3 presentano un minor numero di ossidrili sull\u2019anello A, i composti 4, 5 e 6 mostrano una riduzione di ossidrili sull\u2019anello B, i composti 7, 8, 9 e 10 presentano modifiche sull\u2019anello D, mentre i composti rimanenti portano riduzioni di ossidrili su pi\uf9 anelli contemporaneamente. Lo studio ha permesso di verificare: 1) In una linea cellulare di carcinoma mammario MDA MB 231, la capacit\ue0 dei composti di sintesi studiati di inibire l\u2019attivazione di STAT1 indotta da IFNgamma, allo scopo di individuare la porzione di molecola minima necessaria e sufficiente per garantirne l\u2019attivit\ue0. I dati ottenuti indicano che la presenza di tre ossidrili in posizione 3', 4' e 5' dell\u2019anello B, e di almeno un ossidrile nell\u2019anello D rendono le catechine capaci di inibire la fosforilazione di STAT1 in Tyr701 e Ser727, di bloccare il legame di STAT1 al DNA ed di impedire l\u2019espressione di geni STAT1 dipendenti iNOS e MCH II DRA. 2) La diretta interazione tra la proteina STAT1 ricombinante e le catechine attive. L\u2019ipotesi che, lungo la via IFNgamma/STAT1, il target molecolare delle catechine studiate potesse essere la proteina STAT1 stessa \ue8 stata verificata mediante Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR), Molecular Modelling, studi di mutagenesi sito specifica e saggi chinasici tra la proteina ricombinate STAT1 e l\u2019enzima ricombinate Janus Kinase 2 (JAK2). I nostri dati hanno permesso di suggerire un possibile, specifico ed efficiente meccanismo d\u2019inibizione dell\u2019attivazione di STAT1, da parte delle catechine. Ci\uf2 pu\uf2 rappresentare un punto d\u2019inizio per lo sviluppo di nuovi composti capaci di modulare selettivamente l\u2019attivazione di STAT1, utili nella prevenzione o terapia di patologie infiammatorie.In the last years, a great interest is emerging about green tea as a tool against human cancer development or inflammation, as pointed out by many reports describing the inhibitory action of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), the main polyphenol component of green tea, on angiogenesis, urokinase, metalloproteinases, and induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). The beneficial effect is believed to be due to their strong antioxidant activity. However, our laboratory evidence indicates the involvement of a more specific action. Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription (STATs) are nuclear factors mediating the action of cytokines involved in various biological functions. Among a number of catechins present in green tea extract, only epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) exerts a strong inhibitory action on interferon gamma (IFNgamma)-elicited activation of Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 1 (STAT1). IFN\u3b3-elicited STAT1 activation is important for iNOS and other STAT1 dependent genes expression, as major histocompatibility complex class II DR alpha (MCH II DRA). 15 new compounds, obtained by chemical modification of gallocatechin gallete (GCG), diastereomer of EGCG, were synthesized. They present fewer hydroxyl groups than GCG in ring A (compounds 1, 2 and 3) or in ring B (compounds 4, 5 and 6) or in ring D (compounds 7, 8, 9 and 10), or simultaneously in more than one ring (compounds 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15). In this work we show: 1) The ability of some of this new synthetic compounds to inhibit IFNgamma-elicited activation of STAT1, in human MDA MB 231 cell line, by showing the minimal chemical features necessary and sufficient for this activity. The synthetic catechins with three hydroxyl groups in 3', 4' and 5' of ring B and at least one hydroxyl group in ring D are able to block STAT1 Tyr701 and Ser727 phosphorylation, STAT1 DNA-binding and STAT1 dependent iNOS and MCH II DRA gene expression. 2) The direct interaction between STAT1 recombinant protein and the anti-STAT1 catechins, identifying STAT1 itself as the real molecular target of catechins in the IFNgamma/STAT1 pathway. This data was confirmed by Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) analysis, Molecular Modelling studies, Site-direct Mutagenesis, and STAT1- Janus Kinase 2 (JAK2) kinase assay. In conclusion, we suggest a specific molecular mechanism of action of the catechins. These results may be considered the first step to the development of new anti-STAT1 molecules, that can be used as new drugs against inflammatory processes by modulation of STAT1 signaling

    Investigation on intestinal bacterial flora and Salmonella spp. presence in organic and conventional chickens

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible differences in the intestinal microflora composition among the different rearing systems (conventional vs organic) and the Salmonella diffusion using bacteriological techniques. The results showed that the differences between the two groups at the same age, expressed by the bacterial count, are not conclusive in showing an influence of the rearing systems. Salmonella Hadar was isolated once in caeca of conventional and once in caeca of organic ones. Though the results are preliminary and referred to a well defined geographic area in Central Italy, Salmonella detection does not seem to be common in conventional and organic chicken farms


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    The aim of this trial was to study the effect of organic housing system on the behaviour, productive performance and the qualitative characteristics of eggs. The experiment was conduced directly in the field on Hy-Line laying hens from the beginning of the productive period (17 weeks of age) till the end of productive career. The animals were divided in two homogeneous groups and assigned to the following housing system: control, conventional cage (18 bird/m2) and organic 6 birds m2 in a covered straw-bedded house with access to a paddock (4 m2/bird). A standard feed with the same nutritive characteristics was given ad libitum to the chickens. For the organic, more than 80% of the ingredients (maize, wheat and whole soybean) were organically grown, as established by Regulation 1804/99. Ethological parameters (first impact, tonic immobility and behavioural patterns) and the plumage conditions showed better welfare conditions in organic laying hens. The greater movement of those animals lowered productive performances (lighter and less eggs); on the contrary the higher welfare and the minor overexploitation of organic animals permitted a longer productive life. The microbiological safety of eggs showed low levels of mesophila bacteria even though the organic system increased their mean value. There were few enterobacteria (< 100 CFU) and Salmonella spp. not present in any of the eggs analysed

    Effect of transport length on in vivo oxidative status and breast meat characteristics in outdoor-reared chicken genotypes

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of transport length on in vivo oxidative status and breast meat characteristics in two chicken genotypes reared under free range conditions. A total of 200 male chicks, 100 from fast-growing (Ross 308) and 100 from medium-growing (Naked Neck) strain were used. Fifty-six of these, 28 for genotype, before slaughtering, were randomly allocated to 2 pre-slaughter conditions: absence (0 h) or 4 h of transport. The transport length significantly affected the in vivo oxidative status of broiler greatly reducing the α and δ-tocopherol, retinol and lutein + zeaxanthin content of plasma, and increased the oxidative stress (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, TBARS) in both strains. Concerning meat quality, the pH (0, 2 and 24 h post-mortem) of breast muscles of chickens transported for 4 h, showed higher values, and respect to strains, Naked Neck had lower values. The pH values were negatively correlated with the lightness (2–24 h) and the shear force of meat. The transport length significantly affected the fatty acid profile of breast muscle, with a decrease in polyunsaturated fatty acids and an increase in TBARS value. Even the antioxidants content of breast was reduced by chicken transport (α-tocotrienol, α-, δ-tocopherol and lutein + zeaxanthin), especially in Naked Neck birds. In conclusion, the results indicate that transport for 4 h prior to slaughter, negatively affect the meat quality of poultry. Slow-growing chickens seem more sensible to stress transport due to the higher kinetic behaviour of these strains

    In vitro effects of tyre debris organic extract on the kinetic and morphologic traits of rabbit spermatozoa

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    [EN] The present study aims at evaluating the effects of the organic extract of tyre debris (TDOE) from tyre wear on the kinetic and morphologic features of rabbit spermatozoa. Rabbit sperm were incubated for 4 h with 0, 5, 10, 50 and 75 Âżg/mL of TDOE. Sperm motility was evaluated by computer-assisted semen analysis. Phosphatidilcholine (PS) externalization (apoptosis) and plasma membrane breakage (necrosis) were assessed using the annexinV/propidium iodide assay. The sperm ultrastructure was observed by scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). A relevant decrease in the motility rate, PS externalization, and in plasma membrane breakage of spermatozoa were observed after incubation with TDOE at concentrations higher than 50 Âżg/mL. The most frequent ultrastructural anomalies detected in the analysed specimens were: plasma and/or acrosomal membrane breakage, swollen and disorganized mitochondria, and altered axonemal patterns. Taken together, these results suggest that the organic extract of tyre debris can be toxic to rabbit spermatozoa Âż affecting their movement and structural integrity Âż when present in seminal plasma at a concentrations higher than 50 Âżg/mL. Although rabbit sperm has been proven to be a suitable model for testing the in vitro effects of many chemical compounds, including TDOE, the obtained results must be considered preliminary and cannot be extrapolated yet to the in vivo outcomes because of scanty data. The results encourage, however, further research in this field.Supported by the PROLIFE Flagship project, city of Milan, ItalyMoretti, E.; Dal Bosco, A.; Mourvaki, E.; Cardinali, R.; Collodel, G.; Geminiani, M.; Cetta, F.... (2009). In vitro effects of tyre debris organic extract on the kinetic and morphologic traits of rabbit spermatozoa. World Rabbit Science. 17(4):213-220. doi:10.4995/wrs.2009.64621322017

    Transient acceleration events in LISA Pathfinder data: properties and possible physical origin

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    We present an in depth analysis of the transient events, or glitches, detected at a rate of about one per day in the differential acceleration data of LISA Pathfinder. We show that these glitches fall in two rather distinct categories: fast transients in the interferometric motion readout on one side, and true force transient events on the other. The former are fast and rare in ordinary conditions. The second may last from seconds to hours and constitute the majority of the glitches. We present an analysis of the physical and statistical properties of both categories, including a cross-analysis with other time series like magnetic fields, temperature, and other dynamical variables. Based on these analyses we discuss the possible sources of the force glitches and identify the most likely, among which the outgassing environment surrounding the test-masses stands out. We discuss the impact of these findings on the LISA design and operation, and some risk mitigation measures, including experimental studies that may be conducted on the ground, aimed at clarifying some of the questions left open by our analysis.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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