26 research outputs found

    Multiple risk factors for persistent HBV viraemia in an adult receiving nucleos/tide analogue therapy

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    Diagnosing and treating chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection are key interventions to support progress towards elimination of viral hepatitis by 2030. Although nucleos/tide analogue (NA) therapy is typically highly effective, challenges remain for viral load (VL) suppression, including medication access, incomplete adherence and drug resistance. We present a case of a long-term HBV and HIV coinfected adult prescribed with sequential NA therapy regimens, with episodes of breakthrough viraemia. Multiple factors contribute to virological breakthrough, including exposure to old NA agents, initial high HBV VL, therapy interruptions, intercurrent illnesses and potential contribution from resistance mutations. The case underscores the importance of individualised treatment approaches and adherence support in achieving HBV suppression. Furthermore, it emphasises the need for improved clinical pathways addressing education, support and access to care, particularly for marginalised populations. Comprehensive data collection inclusive of under-represented individuals is crucial for maintaining retention in the care cascade and informing effective interventions

    Comparison of quantitative real time PCR with Sequencing and ribosomal RNA-FISH for the identification of fungi in Formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue specimens

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    Background: Identification of the causative agents of invasive fungal infections (IFI) is critical for guiding antifungal therapy. Cultures remain negative in a substantial number of IFI cases. Accordingly, species identification from formalin fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue specimens by molecular methods such as fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) and PCR provides an appealing approach to improve management of patients. Methods: We designed FISH probes targeting the 28S rRNA of Aspergillus and Candida and evaluated them with type strains. Fluorescence microscopy (FM), using FISH probes and quantitative broadrange fungal PCR targeting the rRNA gene were applied to FFPE tissue specimens from patients with proven IFI in order to explore benefits and limitations of each approach. Results: PCR followed by sequencing identified a broad spectrum of pathogenic fungi in 28 of 40 evaluable samples (70%). Hybridisation of FISH probes to fungal rRNA was documented in 19 of 40 tissue samples (47.5%), including 3 PCR negative samples with low fungal burden. The use of FISH was highly sensitive in invasive yeast infections, but less sensitive for moulds. In samples with hyphal elements, the evaluation of hybridisation was impaired due to autofluorescence of hyphae and necrotic tissue background. Conclusions: While PCR appears to be more sensitive in identifying the causative agents of IFI, some PCR negative and FISH positive samples suggest that FISH has some potential in the rapid identification of fungi from FFPE tissue samples

    Development and optimization of quantitative PCR for the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis with bronchoalveolar lavage fluid

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    Background: The diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) remains challenging. Culture and histopathological examination of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid are useful but have suboptimal sensitivity and in the case of culture may require several days for fungal growth to be evident. Detection of Aspergillus DNA in BAL fluid by quantitative PCR (qPCR) offers the potential for earlier diagnosis and higher sensitivity. It is important to adopt quality control measures in PCR assays to address false positives and negatives which can hinder accurate evaluation of diagnostic performance. Methods: BAL fluid from 94 episodes of pneumonia in 81 patients was analyzed. Thirteen episodes were categorized as proven or probable IPA using Mycoses Study Group criteria. The pellet and the supernatant fractions of the BAL were separately assayed. A successful extraction was confirmed with a human 18S rRNA gene qPCR. Inhibition in each qPCR was measured using an exogenous DNA based internal amplification control (IAC). The presence of DNA from pathogens in the Aspergillus genus was detected using qPCR targeting fungal 18S rRNA gene. Results: Human 18S rRNA gene qPCR confirmed successful DNA extraction of all samples. IAC detected some degree of initial inhibition in 11 samples. When culture was used to diagnose IPA, the sensitivity and specificity were 84.5% and 100% respectively. Receiver-operating characteristic analysis of qPCR showed that a cutoff of 13 fg of Aspergillus genomic DNA generated a sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of 77%, 88%, 50%, 96% respectively. BAL pellet and supernatant analyzed together resulted in sensitivity and specificity similar to BAL pellet alone. Some patients did not meet standard criteria for IPA, but had consistently high levels of Aspergillus DNA in BAL fluid by qPCR. Conclusion: The Aspergillus qPCR assay detected Aspergillus DNA in 76.9% of subjects with proven or probable IPA when the concentrated BAL fluid pellet fraction was used for diagnosis. There was no benefit from analyzing the BAL supernatant fraction. Use of both extraction and amplification controls provided optimal quality control for interpreting qPCR results and therefore may increase our understanding of the true potential of qPCR for the diagnosis of IPA.Supported by NIH grant R01 AI054703 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

    Urinary catecholamines and mitral valve prolapse in panic-anxiety patients

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    Free norepinephrine and epinephrine were measured in two consecutive 12-hour urine collections gathered during normal activity and sleep from 23 panic-anxiety patients and 9 normal subjects. Mitral value prolapse (MVP) was found in 7 of 20 patients who had echocardiograms. Mean nighttime norepinephrine and epinephrine excretion in panic-anxiety patients without MVP was significantly higher than that of control subjects, and was significantly higher than that of anxiety patients with MVP. In the daytime, all groups had higher catecholamine (CA) levels, but the differences between the groups were less pronounced. Medication significantly relieved symptoms and was associated with decreased CA levels. Elevated basal CA levels may characterize the subgroup of panic-anxiety patients who do not have MVP.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/25817/1/0000380.pd

    Perceptions About Work/Life Balance Among DU Community Members with Young Children

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    Background: In the past fifty years, families in the USA have changed in configuration, size and dynamics. The percentage of families that do not conform to the traditional family unit (married mother and father with children) has increased as there are more single-parent families, LGBTQ families and interracial families. The proportion of unmarried or divorced families has also increased, as it has the number of married and unmarried couples that opt to not have children and, additionally, more couples are opting for adoption and foster parenting (Pew Research Center 2010). Furthermore, the percentage of households where all the adults work has increased, which impacts the amount and quality of time available for family activities and household chores (Bianchi, Robinson and Milkie 2006). These and other trends have led to the identification of “work-family balance” as an important challenge of our times, one that families have been facing for decades and that institutions are only starting to pay attention to (Hochschild 2013). Although there are many aspects of family life that are challenging to balance with workplace demands, childcare has been specifically identified as one that needs attention (Desilver 2014). Methods: Study goal: To describe the perceptions that some DU community members with children have about work-family balance with attention to challenges, difficulties and institutional responses. Study design: Descriptive, cross-sectional, qualitative study. Population and sample: We recruited 63 University of Denver students (13), staff (14) and faculty (36) who are responsible of parenting at least one child under 10 years of age. We used purposive sampling. which consists in actively finding individuals who meet the criteria. Data collection: Semi structured interviews (January 23-February 8, 2017), in person, audio recorded and transcribed within one week. Participants’ autonomy, confidentiality and anonymity were protected throughout the process. Data analysis: Thematic analysis, which consists in the systematic identification of themes in the interview transcripts, followed by their conceptual organization and hierarchization. Research team: sixty-six undergraduate students taking Cultural Anthropology (ANTH 2010) in winter 2017, four graduate teaching assistants and one course instructor. Findings: Student participants portrayed work/life balance as set of interconnected situations and relations that go from the deeply personal to the interpersonal, communal and institutional. Aiming at capturing such complexity, we organized our findings in four themes: work/life balance, family dynamics, personal challenges and support. Participants told us about their struggles when negotiating work and life responsibilities which often lead to feelings of guilt, which are mediated by their colleagues’ reactions, schedule flexibility, their job situation and the presence or absence of maternity leave. Family dynamics reflected a tension between a narrative of independence and one of dependence in raising children, highlighting the importance of social networks, both of which are also affected by immigration status and intra-household negotiations particularly, Perceptions about work/life balance among DU community members with young children Cultural Anthropology (ANTH 2010) winter 2017 4 with their partners. Personal challenges relate primarily with time management and establishing clear boundaries between work and family, which related to managing emails, organization and scheduling of activities, maintaining a financial balance, and solving transportation needs, all of which were mediated the ability parents have of controlling a flexible work schedule, an ability greatly diminished among students. Support parents need related to child care goes from the one that happens in interpersonal interactions with neighbors, friends, relatives and colleagues, to the institutionalized forms of support, where participants expressed their frustration for the insufficiency of accessible options in Denver, the lack of options at DU, and the inaccessibility of DU’s Fisher Early Learning Center. Conclusions and recommendations: Participant’s ability to control their schedules together with their financial and social capital seem to shape important differences in the ability that parents have for balancing work and life. Students, single parents and recent immigrants seem to have a combination of elements that add to the challenges. At the interpersonal level, simple acts of kindness, sympathy and empathy in the everyday interactions seem to make an important difference to parents. The perception that many of the student participants expressed about the academy not being comfortable with children, families or parents could be addressed by making it normal to talk about all these aspects of life. At the institutional level, efforts could be made at reaching out to parents, especially students and single parents, to offer them guidance and support that is already in place at DU, such as counselling and wellbeing resources, as well as orientation related to institutional policies. Policies related to maternity and paternity leave should be refined to ensure that they do not negatively affect those they are supposed to support. Convenient, affordable and sustainable on-campus child care options should be seriously considered given that they would enhance the possibilities for parents to participate in activities at DU. Events should be organized where members of the DU community have the opportunity to share not as students, staff or faculty, but as members of families

    Enhanced fungal DNA-extraction from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue specimens by application of thermal energy

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    Determining the etiology of invasive fungal infections (IFI) is critical for patient management as fungi vary in their susceptibility to antifungals. However, the etiology remains obscure in many cases due to negative culture results. The identification of fungal DNA by PCR in pathology blocks and sequencing it is an alternative approach to determine the cause of IFI. Previous studies identified fungal DNA in only 50% of samples with positive histopathology results, probably due to DNA damage by tissue fixation. We used realtime PCR to quantify human and fungal DNA from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue specimens in order to study the effect of thermal energy during extraction on the yield of amplifiable DNA and subsequent identification of fungal DNA. Tissue sections from eight patients with proven IFI were subjected to DNA extraction with varying exposure to thermal energy. Amplifiable DNA increased up to 76-fold by increasing the incubation temperature from 65°C to 90°C and an additional increase was documented by incubating samples for up to 6 hours at this temperature. The augmented amplification of fungal DNA was associated with improved species identification by the sequencing of the PCR amplicons. This may help illuminate the etiology of IFI and thereby improve patient management by guiding antifungal therapy

    Sequencing and Analysis of Fungal rRNA Operons for Development of Broad-Range Fungal PCR Assays▿ †

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    rRNA genes are attractive targets for developing PCR assays targeting human fungal pathogens. Most studies have focused on the 18S rRNA gene, internal transcribed spacers, and the 5′ end of the 28S rRNA gene. An approximately 2,900-bp region of the 28S rRNA gene remains largely unexplored because sequences of many medically relevant fungi are either unavailable or undefined in genomic databases. The internal transcribed spacers and 28S rRNA gene of nine medically and phylogenetically important fungi were sequenced. In addition, 42 sequences from this region were acquired from public databases, resulting in an alignment of 51 fungal sequences spanning 30 fungal genera. For the nearly 3,950-bp region from the 3′ end of 18S rRNA gene to the 3′ end of the 28S rRNA gene, 27 broad-range PCR primers were designed such that their sequence homology with the human rRNA gene was minimal. All 62 possible amplicons in the size range from 75 to 400 bp from 27 primers were screened using fungal genomic DNA from 26 species spanning 14 genera. Eleven of the 62 amplicons did not cross-react with 1 μg/PCR human DNA but simultaneously amplified 10 fg of fungal DNA. Phylogenetic distance matrices were calculated for regions covered by these 11 amplicons based on 51 fungi. Two of these 11 amplicons successfully amplified 30 fg of fungal DNA from 25 of 26 fungi and provided the most phylogenetic information for species identification based on the distance matrices. These PCR assays hold promise for detection and identification of fungal pathogens in human tissues