56 research outputs found

    Laporan Tugas Akhir Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan Pada Ny K.D.N Di Puskesmas Paga Kabupaten Sikka Periode 15 April s/d 19 Juni 2019

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    Latar Belakang: Angka kematian di wilayah NTT terutama Kabupaten Sikka terbilang cukup tinggi. Berdasarkan data yang dilaporkan oleh Bidang Kesehatan Keluarga tercatat tahun 2017 AKI di Kabupaten Sikka sebesar 93,27/100.000 KH. AKB di Kab. Sikka tahun 2016 sebesar 251,9/100.000 KH. Dengan dilakukan asuhan kebidanan secara berkelanjutan pada ibu hamil Trimester III sampai dengan perawatan masa nifas diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam upaya menurunkan AKI dan AKB di Indonesia serta tercapai kesehatan ibu dan anak yang optimal. Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui dan menerapkan asuhan kebidanan secara berkelanjut pada ibu hamil Trimester III sampai perawatan masa nifas dan KB dengan menggunakan metode 7 langkah Varney. Metode Penelitian:Studi kasus menggunakan metode penelaahan kasus, lokasi studi kasus di Puskesmas Paga, subjek studi kasus adalah NY.K.D.N dilaksanakan tanggal 15 April sampai 19 Juni 2019 dengan menggunakan format asuhan kebidanan pada ibu hamil dengan metode Varney dan pendokumentasian SOAP, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian:Berdasarkan asuhan yang telah diberikan diperoleh keadaan ibu dan bayi baik, bayi masih aktif menyusui, ibumenggunakan KB suntik. Kesimpulan:Asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan yang diberikan kepada Ny. K.D.N sebagian besar telah dilakukan dengan baik dan sistematis, serta ibu dan bayi sehat hingga masa nifas

    Evaluation of Yield, Yield Components, and Forage Quality in the Intercropping of Kochia (Kochia scoparia L.) and Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)

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    IntroductionThe agricultural systems are facing numerous challenges in maintaining and providing food security. Achieving this goal, considering the growing global population is possible through the application of sustainable agricultural principles to increase crop yield and reduce environmental costs. The widespread use of chemical inputs, particularly nitrogen fertilizers, by farmers globally to enhance yields has resulted in numerous environmental hazards, including soil and groundwater pollution. Intercropping systems emerge as a viable strategy to augment yield, curtail reliance on chemical fertilizers, and safeguard the environment. Enhancing the yield and quality of forage has become a paramount concern in the agricultural sector in recent times. Various approaches exist to achieve this objective, among which intercropping cereals and legumes stands out as a promising solution. One of the most sustainable farming methods in saline and arid lands is drying livestock products using salt-tolerant plants, which can also be beneficial for farmers.Materials and MethodsThis experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Research Institute of Zabol University using a randomized complete block design with three replications. The experimental treatments include different patterns of intercropping kochia and cowpea, namely: 100% Kochia (K100), 50% kochia: 50% cowpea (K50:C50), 75% kochia: 25% cowpea (K75:C25), 25% kochia: 75% cowpea (K25:C75), 100% kochia: 50% cowpea (K100:C50), 50% kochia: 100% cowpea (K50:C100), 100% kochia:100% cowpea (K100:C100), and 100% cowpea (C100). Dry forage yield, yield components, percentage of crude protein (CP), ash, acid detergent fiber (ADF), and dry matter digestibility (DMD) were measured in Kochia plants. Additionally, in cowpea, economic and biological yield, the number of pods per plant, and the 1000-grain weight were measured. To assess the profitability of intercropping, the land equivalent ratio (LER) was utilized.Results and DiscussionAccording to the obtained results, the planting pattern had a significant effect on the yield of kochia and cowpea, as well as the morphological characteristics of cowpea, including height, lateral branch, stem weight, and leaf weight. Additionally, the planting pattern had a significant effect on the quality parameters of forage, including the percentage of protein, ash, ADF, and DMD of Kochia. The highest yield was obtained for kochia (22,788 kg.ha-1) in the cropping pattern of K100:C100, and for cowpea (3590.3 kg.ha-1) in pure cowpea. The highest percentages of protein (19.90) and ash (14.83) were achieved in the additive intercropping pattern of K100:C100. It also achieved the highest and lowest percentage of DMD (41%) and, ADF (41.30%), respectively, in the pattern of K100:C50. The research results indicated that the highest LER (1.80) was achieved from the treatment of K50:C50.ConclusionThe yield and quality of forage in dry areas have significant importance, considering the prevailing climatic conditions. Therefore, intercropping is considered a practical solution to achieve the mentioned goals. or Despite the numerous benefits of intercropping, the selection of compatible forage and companion plants that are suitable for specific regional conditions, combined with the design of an appropriate cropping pattern, can greatly enhance the yield and efficiency of this cultivation system. According to the results, intercropping demonstrates higher forage quality compared to the sole crop of Kochia. High-quality forage has higher percentages of CP, ash, and DMD while having lower levels of ADF. Based on these findings, the additive patterns K100:C100 and K100:C50 are recommended. The research results indicate an increase in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of both kochia and cowpea in intercropping. The LER in all replacement patterns was greater than one, indicating an increase in land efficiency compared to the sole crop. As a result, the natural potential of Kochia, a salt-tolerant plant, can be used as a suitable strategy for using saline soil and water resources and feeding livestock in the Zabol region

    Evaluating the merits of climate smart technologies under smallholder agriculture in Malawi

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    The merits of three climate smart agriculture (CSA) technologies implemented by farmers were assessed in Machinga district of Malawi with respect to their soil quality and maize yield effects. Data were collected from farms implementing the three CSA technologies, namely conservation agriculture (CA), maize–pigeonpea (Maize-PP) intercrops and a local organic and inorganic soil amendment known as Mbeya fertilization (Mbeya-fert), from 2018 to 2019. With respect to resilience and adaptation, particulate organic matter, soil organic carbon (SOC), N, P, K, Ca and Mg all significantly improved while bulk densities were lowered under the three CSA systems. Higher annual biomass inputs and improved water infiltration from the Maize-PP intercrops were observed. With respect to productivity, CA and Mbeya-fert improved maize yields by 51 and 19%, respectively, compared to conventional farmer practices. With regard to climate change mitigation, increases in measured SOC in the top 20 cm depth compared to the conventional farmer practices amounted to 6.5, 12 and 10.5 t C ha−1 for CA, Mbeya-fert, and Maize-PP intercrops, respectively, over a period of 2–6 years. This suggests higher potential for carbon sequestration from CSA technologies. Furthermore, use of drought tolerant varieties, timely weeding and optimum plant populations, increased productivity. Improved gross margins from CSA practices were also apparent. Thus, employing these CSA technologies could enable farmers to be more resilient, productive and adapt better to climate change shocks leading to improved food security and livelihoods

    Breaking Bread: the Functions of Social Eating

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    Communal eating, whether in feasts or everyday meals with family or friends, is a human universal, yet it has attracted surprisingly little evolutionary attention. I use data from a UK national stratified survey to test the hypothesis that eating with others provides both social and individual benefits. I show that those who eat socially more often feel happier and are more satisfied with life, are more trusting of others, are more engaged with their local communities, and have more friends they can depend on for support. Evening meals that result in respondents feeling closer to those with whom they eat involve more people, more laughter and reminiscing, as well as alcohol. A path analysis suggests that the causal direction runs from eating together to bondedness rather than the other way around. I suggest that social eating may have evolved as a mechanism for facilitating social bonding

    Exploring the potential of standalone and tandem solar cells with Sb2S3 and Sb2Se3 absorbers: a simulation study

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    Abstract Thin-film antimony chalcogenide binary compounds are potential candidates for efficient and low-cost photovoltaic absorbers. This study investigates the performance of Sb2S3 and Sb2Se3 as photovoltaic absorbers, aiming to optimize their efficiency. The standalone Sb2S3 and Sb2Se3 sub-cells are analyzed using SCAPS-1D simulations, and then a tandem structure with Sb2S3 as the top-cell absorber and Sb2Se3 as the bottom-cell absorber is designed, using the filtered spectrum and the current matching technique. The optimal configuration for maximum efficiency is achieved by adjusting the thickness of the absorber layer. The results show that antimony chalcogenide binary compounds have great potential as photovoltaic absorbers, enabling the development of efficient and low-cost solar cells. A remarkable conversion efficiency of 22.2% is achieved for the optimized tandem cell structure, with absorber thicknesses of 420 nm and 1020 nm for the top and bottom sub-cells respectively. This study presents a promising approach towards high-performance tandem solar cells

    Effect of plant density and cultivars on growth, yield and yield components of faba bean (Vicia faba L.)

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    One field experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agriculture at Zabol University during the 2006/2007 season to study the effect of plant density (D) and cultivars (V) on some growth characters of faba bean. The experimental design applied was randomized completeblock (RCBD) in factorial arrangement with three replications. Plant density at three levels (12.5, 16.7 and 20 plant m-2) and cultivars at four levels (Aljazayeri, Barekat, Shami and var. 3514) were used asexperimental treatments. The obtained results showed that some characters were markedly affected by plant density, except plant height, height of the lowest pods of soil surface, 100 seeds weight, numberof pods per plant and number of seed per pod. Increasing plant density from 12.5 to 20 plant m-2 significantly increased economical yield and biological yield. As such, the cultivars had a significant effect on economical and biological yields. Aljazaeri cultivar surpassed all other cultivars in terms of biological and economical yields, whereas the interaction effect of ‘D x V’ was significant for both biological and economical yields. Increasing plant spacing increased the number of pods per plant, but a decrease in the number of seed/pods consequently gave the highest seed yield. However, cultivars had no significant effect on yield and other investigated characters. Thus, the use of Algazayeri cultivar at the highest plant density produced the best seed and biological yield in this condition.Keyword: Hundred (100) seeds weight, number of pods, growth characters, economical and biological yiel

    A novel combined DTC method and SFOC system for three-phase induction machine drives with PWM switching method

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    In this paper, a novel combined Direct Torque Control (DTC) method and Stator-Flux Oriented Control (SFOC) system to increase general performances of Three-Phase Induction Motor (TPIM) drives is proposed. The introduced control scheme includes merits of DTC for instance simple structure, less dependent on PI controller coefficients, fast dynamics, and merits of SFOC such as high precision and constant switching frequency. Specifically, the proposed control scheme includes a table-based variable structure developed on DTC strategy and a PI controller in connection with a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) algorithm based on SFOC strategy. To confirm the usefulness of the introduced controller, simulation studies are accomplished for a 2.5kW TPIM in different situations. Results under the presented control system approve the good performances of this technique in comparison with classic DTC and classic SFOC. Investigation in TPIM performances under the introduced control system indicates relatively quick dynamic responses with low torque and stator flux ripples

    High-aspect-ratio, 3-D micromachining of carbon-nanotube forests by micro-electro-discharge machining in air

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    This paper reports micro-electro-discharge machining of vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests for the formation of high-aspect-ratio, three-dimensional microstructures in the material. The developed forest machining method is a dry process performed in air, generating high-frequency pulses of electrical discharge to locally machine the nanotubes in order to create target shapes in a forest. With this approach, forest microstructures can be fabricated to have varying shapes along their height, unachievable with conventional pre-patterned chemical vapor deposition growth techniques. The use of the pulses with a minimized discharge energy defined with 35 V and 10 pF in the discharge generation circuit leads to an aspect ratio of 20 with the smallest feature of 5 µm in forests without disordering the vertical orientation of the nanotubes. Micromachining of multilayer geometries as well as arrayed needle-like microstructures with angled surfaces is demonstrated