300 research outputs found

    The new configuration of metrics, rules, and guidelines creates a disturbing ambiguity in academia

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    Much of academia has become increasingly influenced by metrics and a set of metrical practices. However, few have totally understood the massive wave of conflicting rules and guidelines that are necessary in order to stabilise these metrical practices. Peter Dahler-Larsen, using examples from his own experiences in Denmark, explains how these multiple, cross-cutting rules have created a disturbing ambiguity in academia. The bibliometric system and the rules which accompany it have created an environment in which many if not most researchers can be identified as transgressors

    Bør arbejdspladsvurderinger offentliggøres? Om cirkulation af evaluativ viden på arbejdsmiljøområdet

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    Bør arbejdspladsvurderinger (APV) offentliggøres? Efter en konceptuel introduktion til evaluativ information i lyset af begreber som situerethed, relevans, kodifi cering og cirkulation præsenteres i artiklen nogle empiriske resultater fra en ny undersøgelse af APV i den offentlige sektor i Danmark. På det grundlag argumenteres for, at offentliggørelse af APV vil fremme en bedre implementering af den eksisterende lovgivning, gøre det muligt at identifi cere arbejdspladser med særskilt store arbejdsmiljøproblemer, hjælpe med at sprede gode eksempler og styrke den demokratiske kontrol med arbejdsmiljøet

    Kvalitativ metode

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    Sprogtest, evalueringer og deres virkninger

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    Evalueringer og test har alle de forviklinger og kontroverser ved sig,som man kan forvente,..

    Making visible the impact of researchers working in languages other than English: developing the PLOTE index

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    As outlined in the Leiden Manifesto, if impact is understood in terms of citations to international publications, a bias is created against research which is regionally focused and engaged with local society problems. This is particularly critical for researchers working in contexts with languages other than English. Peter Dahler-Larsen has developed the PLOTE index, a new indicator which hopes to capture variations in the ability of researchers to spread their impact beyond the English language area

    Hvilken pluralisme? Betragtninger om det kausale design og de nitionen af god samfundsvidenskab

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