119 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Consumer Level Factors Terhadap Keputusan Private Label (Survei Pada Pelanggan Nevada Di Matahari Deparment Store Malang Town Square)

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    This research is based on strategy of company to expand by means of use consumer level factors that is able to compare between one product is exsist in public. The strategy enable costumer to choose between national brand and Private label which is able as alternative choice for functional thing. The type of this research is explanatory research. The sample of this study were 119 respondents who are costumers of nevada in Matahari Department Store, Malang Town Square.Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis, multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling technique. The conclusion of this study, there are four variables that make up the costumer level factors, namely Consumer risk perception, price consciousness, price quality. Companies can harness the power of brand nevada to create its own Brand Loyalytiy on the costumer of Matahari Department Store that can influence the sales level of nevada

    Pengaruh Modifikasi Media Pembelajaran terhadap Keterampilan Passing Bawah Bolavoli

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    : The problem in this study was "Is there any effect of modifications tothe learning media skills on the volleyball passing under the eighth grade studentsof SMP Negeri 1 Seluas". The study objective was to determine the effect ofmodifications to the learning media volleyball passing skills under the eighthgrade students of SMP Negeri 1 Seluas an area. This research method isexperimental. Research population is the son of eighth grade students of SMPNegeri 1 Seluas an area totaling 24 people. Sampling technique using totalsampling technique. Then conducted initial tests, treatments, and final tests, thepassing down of volleyball. The results showed that the average value of the pretestand post-test 61.20, 74.22 or an increase of 21%. T value (6.85)> t table(2.069). The conclusion of this research is the study of the influence of mediamodifications under volleyball passing skills

    Analisis Tuturan Tradisi Upacara Ladung Bio\u27 Suku Dayak Kenyah Lepo\u27 Tau di Desa Nawang Baru Kecamatan Kayan Hulu Kabupaten Malinau: Kajian Folklor

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    Penulis tertarik mengajikan Tuturan Tradisi Upacara Ladung Bio\u27 Suku Dayak Kenyah Lepo\u27 Tau karena Upacara Ladung Bio\u27 adalah upcara Adat Dayak Kenyah yang sangat penting. Tuturan Tradisi Upacara Ladung Bio\u27 Suku Dayak Kenyah Lepo\u27 Tau adalah tuturan yang wajib dilakukan oleh Dayak Kenyah Lepo\u27 Tau pada saat upacara Ladung Bio\u27. Jenis penelitian ini mengunakan deskriptif dan kualitatif, yang dimana peneliti berusaha mengambarkan dan menjelaskan tentang Tuturan Tradisi Upacara Ladung Bio\u27 Suku Dayak Kenyah Lepo\u27 Tau. Tuturan Tradisi Upacara Ladung Bio\u27 Suku Dayak Kenyah Lepo\u27 Tau mengunakan sumber data penelitian adalah Narasumber atas nama Lutang Imang. Teknik pengumpulan data mengunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data mengunakan Reduksi data, Teknik transkripsi, Penyajian data dan Penarik simpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Analisis Tuturan Tradisi Upacara Ladung Bio\u27 Suku Dayak Kenyah Lepo\u27 Tau di Desa Nawang Baru Kecamatan Kayan Hulu Kabupaten Malinau:Kajian Folklor. Adalah Tuturan Tradisi yang ada sejak zaman dulu. Yakni pada saat peperangan antar suku. Tuturan Tradisi Upacara Ladung Bio\u27 ini hanya dimiliki oleh Dayak Kenyah Lepo\u27 Tau, yang dipandang sebagai sakral, karena didalam upacara Ladung Bio\u27 ini berbagi petua-petua fungsi melindungi masyarakat Dayak Kenyah Lepo\u27 Tau dari ancaman sakit penyakit dan dari serangan musuh (ngayau)

    Pengembangan Software Basis Data Bimbingan Konseling

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    The aims of research are : (1) to describe potency and condition BK software which has been used in saving data/ BK information, (2) to produce software database, (3) to evaluate degree of effectiveness of software database USAge. This research is developing research. Subjects of research are SMPN 19 Bandarlampung, SMPN 20 Bandarlampung, SMAN 13 Bandarlampung and SMAN 15 Bandarlampung. Result of reseacrh shown that (1) software database has potency in saving BK information service at SMP and SMA Bandarlampung, (2) to produce database product which can save BK information and this product which has been developed based on BK teacher’s needs in school, (3) had been used efective product as information saving, it was shown that score average after product USAge, that is 3,84 by very effective criteria.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mendeskripsikan potensi dan kondisi software BK yang telah digunakan dalam penyimpanan data/informasi BK, (2) menghasilkan software basis data, (3) menguji tingkat efektivitas penggunaan software basis data. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan.Tempat penelitian di SMPN 19 Bandarlampung, SMPN 20 Bandarlampung, SMAN 13 Bandarlampung dan SMAN 15 Bandarlampung. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) software basis data berpotensi sebagai penyimpanan informasi pelayanan BK di SMP dan SMA Kota Bandarlampung, (2) menghasilkan produk basis data yang dapat menyimpan informasi BK dan produk yang dikembangkan sudah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan guru BK di sekolah, (3) produk efektif digunakan sebagai penyimpanan informasi hal ini ditunjukkan dengan rata-rata skor setelah penggunaan produk yaitu 3,84 dengan kriteria sangat efektif

    Analisis Dampak Pemekaran Daerah Ditinjau Dari Aspek Percepatan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dan Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Publik (Studi Pemekaran Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti Dari Kabupaten Bengkalis)

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    Since the enectment of Law No. 22 year 1999 on Regional Government, the phenomenon of regional expansion in Indonesia was growing. Post-birth of the Act, in Riau province have formed a new autonomous region 6 under Law No. 53 Year 1999. From 6 DOB formed, Kepulauan Meranti Regency is DOB youngest of which was formed in 2009 under Law No.12 Year 2009. This study to analyze the impact of Regional Expansion Kepulauan Meranti regency after the secession of the District Bangkalis especially from the aspect of accelerating economic growth and improving the quality of public services. This research uses descriptive quantitative methode and test hypotheses using t-test.The results of this study showed that there was no significant difference on the performance of the regional economy Kepulauan Meranti regency after the expansion, the impact of the expansion have not indicated a positive result of the acceleration of economic growth while the performance of public services there are significant differences after the expansion, the impact of the division showed positive results towards improving the quality of local public services. This is thought to occur because the area is getting smaller so that the span of control is getting better

    Pertumbuhan dan Serapan Nitrogen Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) pada Fase Main-Nursery di Beberapa Medium Tumbuh dengan Efek Sisa Pupuk Organik

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    This research aimed to determine the response of the growth of oil palm seedlings and how much nitrogen can reserve by oil palm seedlings on different organic fertilizer sources with some planting medium. This research has done in experimental plantation Agriculture Faculty, University of Riau from October until December 2012. This research used completely randomized factorial design with two treatment factors and three replications. The first factor was source of residue effect of different organic fertilizer include P0: without fertilizer, P1: bird\u27s manure, P2: Sludge fertilizer, P3: liquid organic fertilizer. The second factor was plant medium as T1: PMK soil, T2: Peat soil, T3: the combination of PMK soil and Peat Soil 50:50. The result showed that the best treatment was of residue effect of liquid organic fertilizer in PMK and Peat soil medium because its can be inclined grow up plant height, stump diameter, amount of leaves, root volume, seedling dry weight and the reserve of nitrogen. Treatment of plant medium was not significant for all parameters. Interaction between the two treatments significantly effect plant height, seedling dry weight and the reserve of nitrogen, but non significantly for amount of leaves, stump diameter and root volume

    Asosiasi Jenis Pada Komunitas Vegetasi Suksesi Di Kawasan Pengendapan Tailing Tanggul Ganda Di Pertambangan PTFI Papua

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    Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui asosisasi jenis pada komunitas vegetasi di lahan tailing. Tailing adalah residu akhir batuan alami setelah mengalami proses mineralisasi dan berbentuk lumpur pasir. PT Freeport mengelola dan menempatkan tailing pada suatu kawasan lahan basah yang direkayasa khusus yaitu Modified Ajkwa Deposition Area (ModADA). Terdapat kawasan terpisah dalam ModADA yang tidak dipengaruhi tailing secara aktif dan relatif stabil, struktur tanah mulai berkembang dan dimanfaatkan sebagai area suksesi alami atau reklamasi disebut Tanggul Ganda. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah metode transek terdiri dari beberapa plot bujur sangkar. Parameter pengamatan adalah struktur dan komposisi vegetasi pada semua tingkat pertumbuhan (pohon, tiang, pancang, dan semai), serta kehadiran jenis pada setiap plot. Penghitungan Indeks Nilai Penting (INP) jenis dan nilai asosiasi dua jenis tumbuhan menggunakan uji Chi Square dan rumus Indeks Jacard. Hasil memperlihatkan jenis pionir Phragminthes karka dominan pada kawasan Tanggul Ganda, dan keanekaragaman jenis lebih tinggi pada area relatif kering. Nilai asosiasi untuk tingkat pohon tergolong tinggi ditemukan antara Campnosperma brevipetiolata dan Ficus benjamina, tingkat pancang ditemukan antara Neprolephis cardifolia dan Phylodendron sp. Berubahnya karakteristik biofisik lahan tailing berkaitan dengan meningkatnya kualitas tanah yang akan mempengaruhi asosiasi jenis dan keanekaragaman pada hutan suksesi
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