248 research outputs found

    Analisis Kelembagaan Badan Wakaf Indonesia

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    Organizational Analysis of Indonesian Waqf BoardThe emergence of the idea of ​​cash waqf is surprising to many people, especially experts and practitioners of Islamic economics. The method used in this research is a normative legal research method (legal research). One of the objectives the need to establish Indonesian Waqf Board is to promote and develop waqf. Indonesian Waqf Board plays an active role as a regulator, motivator, mediator, and also can play a role as the administrator of waqf itself (nazhir). Therefore, it is in the case of appointment Indonesian Waqf Board membership management needs are called upon with some requirements such as having the vision and mission of commitment to develop waqf, has a working knowledge of and experience in managing waqf assets in a professional manner on a national scale.DOI: 10.15408/ess.v6i1.312

    Pengaruh Tingkat Bonus Sertifikat Bank Indonesia Syariah Dan Tingkat Inflasi Terhadap Pembiayaan Bank Syariah Di Indonesia

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    This research is to analyze to effect of Islamic bank Indonesia\u27s certificate bonus rate and inflation rate to Islamic bank\u27s financing in Indonesia. The method analysis that used in this research is multiple regressions. The dependent variable is Islamic bank\u27s financing, and the independent variable are SBIS\u27s bonus rate and inflation rate. The result shown that there is a negative effect between Islamic bank Indonesia certificate bonus rate to Islamic bank\u27s financing in Indonesia. But there is no effect between inflation rate and Islamic bank\u27s financing in Indonesia. These results indicate that the higher the level of bonus certificates Indonesia sharia banks, Islamic banks will then have a tendency to reduce the distribution of fundingDOI: 10.15408/etk.v13i2.188

    Impresi Nazhir terhadap Pemahaman Wakaf Uang

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    This research is motivated by the low level of understanding the cash waqf, nazhir and understanding of the Law number 41 of 2004 on endowments. The purpose of this study is to analyze what factors are influencing perceptions cash waqf of nazhir. This research is a descriptive type of research-correlational (causal) by looking at the factors that have the independent variable to see is there a relationship and how much influence each independent variable to the varaiable binding. The method used to analyze the data are descriptive analysisi and logistic regression. This research done in Kebayoran baru district of South Jakarta through questionnaires from 60 respondents. The result of this study showed that perception nazhir influenced by the media access information and understanding of charitable regulation


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    ABSTRACTAbstract of Final Paper Submitted of The Examination Committee in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for The Degree of Master of Management on Graduated Program of Syiah Kuala UniversityTHE EFFECT OF WORK SATISFACTION ON EMPLOYEES PERFORMANCE OF EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING CENTRE OF NAVIGATION (BP2IP) MALAHAYATI ACEH WITH WORK DISCIPLINE AND ORGANIZATION COMMITMENT AS INTERVENING VARIABLESBy:HARRIS R. DAHLANSN:1409200020056Concentration : General Management Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nasir, SE, MBA Co-Supervisor: Dr. Nurdasila Darsono SE, MMThis study aims to examine and analyze the effect of job satisfaction on organizational discipline and commitment as well as its impact on the Performance of the Education and Training Center Students of the Shipping Sciences (BP2IP) Malahayati Aceh. Population in this research is all employees at Education and Training Center of Sailing Science (BP2IP) Malahayati Aceh that is 115 people. Sampling in this study using census method because it involves the entire population to respondents research. Data analysis technique used in this research is The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) of statistical software package AMOS 22.0 for hypothesis testing. Proof of Hypothesis is done by using indicator of CR and P value. Because of the 5 verifikatif hypotheses tested in this study have CR value above 1.96 or P value smaller than 0.05, then all hypotheses tested reject Ho and receive H1. In other words, job satisfaction has an effect to improve employee performance as long as the independent variable can be improved by the management of Education and Training Center of Sea Sciences (BP2IP) Malahayati Aceh. The intervening variable that is discipline and organizational commitment has no influence to increase the dependent variable with other words meaning that the improvement of employee performance will be better done by increasing job satisfaction directly without including the variable of work discipline and organizational commitment.Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Work Discipline, Organizational Commitment, Employee Performance, Educational and Training Center of Navigation (BP2IP) Malahayati, AcehviiiABSTRAKAbstrak Karya Akhir Diserahkan kepada Panitia Ujian Untuk Mendapatkan Gelar Magister Manajemenpada Program PascasarjanaUniversitas Syiah KualaPENGARUH KEPUASAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI BALAI PENDIDIKAN DAN PELATIHAN ILMU PELAYARAN (BP2IP) MALAHAYATI ACEH DENGAN DISIPLIN KERJA DAN KOMITMEN ORGANISASI SEBAGAI INTERVENING VARIABELOleh:HARRIS R. DAHLAN NIM:1409200020056 Konsentrasi : Manajemen Umum Pembimbing Utama : Prof. Dr.Nasir, SE, MBA Pembimbing Pembantu : Dr.Nurdasila Darsono, SE, MMPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap disiplin dan komitmen organisasi serta dampaknya pada Kinerja Pegawai Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Ilmu Pelayaran (BP2IP) Malahayati Aceh. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pegawai pada Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Ilmu Pelayaran (BP2IP) Malahayati Aceh yaitu sebanyak 115 orang. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode sensus karena melibatkan seluruh populasi menjadi responden penelitian.Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) daripaket software statistic AMOS 22.0 untuk pengujian hipotesis. Pembuktian Hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan indicator nilai CR dan P. Karena dari 5 hipotesis verifikatif yang diuji dalam penelitian ini memiliknilai CR diatas 1,96 atau nilai P lebih kecil dari 0,05, maka semua hipotesis yang diuji menolak Ho dan menerima H1. Dengan kata lain kepuasan kerja memiliki pengaruh untuk meningkatkan kinerja pegawai sepanjang variabel independent dapat ditingkatkan oleh pengelola Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Ilmu Pelayaran (BP2IP) Malahayati Aceh. Variabel intervening yakni disiplin dan komitmen organisasi tidak memiliki pengaruh untuk meningkatkan variable dependen dengan kata lain bermakna bahwa peningkatan kinerja pegawai akan lebih baik dilakukan dengan meningkatkan kepuasan Kerja secara langsung tanpa mengikut sertakan variable disiplin kerja dan komitmen organisasi.Kata Kunci: Kepuasan Kerja, Disiplin Kerja, Komitmen Organisasi, Kinerja Pegawai, Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Ilmu Pelayaran (BP2IP) Malahayati, Acehvi

    Preparation of proton exchange membrane by radiation-induced grafting method : Grafting of styrene onto poly(ethylene tetrafluoroethylene) copolymer films

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    Radiation induced grafting of styrene onto poly(ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene) (ETFE) copolymer film was carried out to prepare graft copolymer (ETFE-g-polystyrene) that can host sulfonic acid groups and form proton exchange membrane for polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC). The effect of monomer concentration and type of solvent on the degree of grafting was investigated. The formation of graft copolymer film was confirmed by FTIR spectrum analysis

    Murtad: antara Hukuman Mati dan Kebebasan Beragama

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    One of controversial issues emerged in this country dealing with ethnicity, religion, and race lately is the issue of apostasy and the punishment for the converts. Dealing with this, the religious persons are polarized into two groups; the first group helds the majority opinion of fiqh ulama that the punishment for the coverts is the death sentence. The second one argues that they are merely judged as laden with sin, not a crime case. This article tries to analyze both two views by using hadits approach. Keywords: apostasy, riddah mugha / ladzah, riddah mukhajfafah, capital punishmen

    Efektivitas dakwah LDK Al-intisyar di media sosial instagram terhadap sikap dan kepercayaan anggota LDK Al-intisyar

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    AbstractFast-paced progress from time to time, social media has undergone a significant change, the article in almost all aspects of human life cannot be separated from social media. In 2016 social media users reached 2.31 billion and in the last five years in 2021 it reached 4.2 billion active users.social media network Instagram has now been widely used by the entire world population because Instagram can share information with others in the form of photos, posters and videos. Da'wah is calling people to do good and guided by the teachings of Islam, inviting people to do good and stay away from all forms of disobedience in order to obtain pleasure in this world and the hereafter. Until now, many Islamic da'wah communities use Instagram as a medium for preaching, one of which is the Al-Intisyar Campus Da'wah Institute which has an Instagram named @alintisyar_ldk to spread Islamic symbols both to all LDK Al-Intisyar followers themselves and toactive community of  Instagram . This study aims to find out how response of followers who are members of LDK Al-Intisyar to the effectiveness of propaganda posters uploaded by the Instagram @alintisyar_ldk using the theory of effectiveness of preaching KH. Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid and how the message of the propaganda poster in it has meaning, invitation and practice to do good in the teachings of Islam. Based on the results of research that has been carried out on the Instagram , there are 3 propaganda posters that can influence the attitudes and beliefs of members who are Instagram followers LDK Al-Inisyar Isra and Miraj Nabi Muhammad SAW.AbstrakKemajuan zaman yang serba cepat dari masa ke masa, media sosial mengalami sebuah perubahan yang signifikan, pasalnya hampir di seluruh aspek kehidupan manusia tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan media sosial. Pada tahun 2016 pengguna media sosial mencapai 2,31 Miliar dan lima tahun terakhir pada tahun 2021 mencapai 4,2 Milliar pengguna aktif. Jejaringan media sosial Instagram kini telah banyak digunakan oleh seluruh penduduk dunia dikarenakan pengguna Instagram dapat membagikan informasi kepada orang lain berupa foto, poster dan vidio. Dakwah adalah menyeru manusia untuk berbuat kebaikan serta berpedoman kepada ajaran agama Islam, mengajak manusia berbuat kebajikan dan menjauhi segala bentuk perbuatan kemaksiatan agar memperoleh kenikmatan dunia dan akhirat. Hingga saat ini banyak komunitas dakwah Islam yang menggunakan media sosial Instagram sebagai media berdakwah, salah satunya lembaga dakwah kampus (LDK) Al-Intisyar yang mempunyai akun media sosial dakwah Instagram yang bernama @alintisyar_ldk  untuk menyebarkan syiar islam baik kepada followers LDK Al-Intisyar sendiri maupun kepada seluruh masyarakat aktif pengguna Instagram lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana respon followers yang merupakan anggota LDK Al-Intisyar terhadap efektivitas dakwah poster yang diunggah oleh akun Instagram @alintisyar_ldk menggunakan teori efektivitas dakwah KH. Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid serta bagaimana pesan poster dakwah yang didalamnya memiliki makna, ajakan dan mengamalkan untuk berbuat kebaikan dalam ajaran agama Islam. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dalam akun Instagram LDK Al-Intisyar terdapat tiga poster dakwah yang dapat mempengaruhi sikap dan kepercayaan anggota yang merupakan followers Instagram LDK Al-Inisyar untuk mengajak berbuat kebaikan, saling tolong menolong terhadap sesama dan mempercayai peristiwa isra dan miraj Nabi Muhammad SAW

    Murtad: Antara Hukuman Mati Dan Kebebasan Beragama (Kajian Hadis Dengan Pendekatan Tematik)

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    Apostasy: Between Death Penalty and Religious Freedom: A Thematic Study of Hadîth. One of the most sensitive discussions in Islamiclaw is the issue of apostasy. Some scholars of Islam maintain that the dead penalty for the apostate found in the precept of Islamic law is perceived as contrary to human rights, since it is against the principles of religious freedom. This paper presents a different perspective, which explains that this allegation is not entirely true. Not merely because of the apostasy. By using thematic hadis approach, this essay attempt to proof that it is apostasy which combined with rivalry against the state and enmity against Islam (bughât) that can be penalized with death sentence. And this can be executed after the state have decided to do so
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