188 research outputs found

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan Gula Tembakau Pada Ud. Muji Yanto Berbasis Visual Basic 6.0

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    At UD.Muji Yanto, recording and processing of data items, the number and price of the goods, the supplier of data, as well as the sales transaction data is still done using handwriting.Difficulty in recording and counting the number of types of goods, quantity of goods, as well as the large number of prices, resulting in the data obtained to be less accurate. To improve the accuracy of the data, sales information systems development required tobacco sugar on UD.Muji Yanto computerized.Sugar tobacco sales information system may be one solution that can be used to facilitate the seller in the sale of data processing sugar tobacco, sugar and tobacco make data reports, supplier data reports, sales reports sugar tobacco, sugar and tobacco memorandum of sale transactions easier, quickly and efficiently

    Absorptive scattering model for rough laminar surfaces

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    Transformasi Struktur Ekonomi Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu Tahun 2000-2013

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    This study aims to determine whether there was a shift in the economic structure of the district Upstream Indragiri years 2000-2013. This study uses secondary data by collecting data by recording directly necessary data, both went to the Office of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Riau Province and Upstream Indragir and undertakes a review of the literature, including books, journals, print media and scientific reports , Methods of data analysis using the Shift Share Analysis Classical and Shift Share Analysis modification of Esteban-Marquilass. The results of this study indicate that the economic structure of Upstream Indragiri district in 2000-2013 began to experience transformation from the primary sector to the secondary and tertiary sectors, although the level of friction is relatively small, but the structure of the economy from year to year, the agricultural sector still provides a major contribution to total GDP District Upstream Indragiri overall. Economic sectors in the district Upstream Indragiri yet has two advantages at once, but there are economic structures which have one of the two advantages, namely the sectors of processing industry and sector of electricity, gas and water supply with a competitive advantage, while the agricultural sector and the mining sector has the advantage of specialization

    Theoretical Analysis of a Two-stage Sagnac loop filter using Jones Matrices

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    In this work, a theoretical analysis of a Sagnac loop filter (SLF) with two-stage polarization maintaining fibers (PMFs) and polarization controllers (PCs) is presented. The transmission function of this two-stage SLF is calculated in detail by using Jones matrix. The calculation is performed in order to investigate the filtering characteristics. The theoretical results show that the wavelength interval is depending on the dynamic settings of the length of the PMFs and the polarization angle of the PCs. By changing the polarization angle of the PCs, a multiple of single, dual or triple wavelength in each channel can be achieved. Based on this study, a flat multiwavelength spectrum can be obtained by adjusting the PMFs and the PCs in the two-stage SLF. This finding significantly contributes to the generation of multiwavelength fiber laser (MWFL) that can be used for many optical applications

    The Role of Proper Use Factor Model for the Prediction of Available Forage in Rangeland in the South of Iran

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    In Iran, 80 to 90% of the livestock production is associated with rangeland but 48% of the rangeland has been classified as in poor condition (Farahpour, 2002). Available Forage (AF) is that portion of the forage production accessible for use by a specified kind or class of grazing animal. Estimates of AF by plant species, consumption by the animal, and the contribution of the forage to the animal\u27s diet must be synchronised with each other in the same time frame (Valentine, 2001). The Proper Use Factor (PUF) is the degree of utilisation of current year\u27s growth of the vegetation that, if continued, will achieve management objectives and maintain or improve the long-term productivity of the site. The objective of this study was to identify and determine the PUF of forage that cause effect the qualitative and quantitative aspects of AF in rangeland of Bakkan, south Iran

    Implementasi Perangkat Berbasis Mikrokontroler sebagai Sistem Pengendali Kursi Roda

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    Beberapa kesenjangan dari teknologi kursi roda elektrik yaitu tidak memiliki sistem cerdas pendeteksi halangan dan lubang yang berguna untuk meminimalkan risiko pengguna mengalami benturan/tabrakan. Serta tidak adanya sistem pengontrolan kecepatan gerakan kursi roda melalui bobot pengguna, sehingga terjadi penurunan kecepatan pada pengguna yang memiliki bobot lebih berat ataupun sebaliknya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut,  dirancang sebuah purwarupa kursi roda elektrik yang memiliki kemampuan mendeteksi halangan dan lubang, serta mampu menyesuaikan kelajuan putaran motor DC berdasarkan bobot yang dimuatnya. Sensor berat (load cell) digunakan untuk mendeteksi beban serta ditambahkan sensor kemiringan untuk menstabilkan pergerakan pada kemiringan ruang gerak/area (naik, turun, dan rata). Sensor ultrasonik digunakan untuk mendeteksi halangan dan lubang. Dalam penelitian ini, akan diteliti sistem kerja dari pendeteksian halangan, lubang dan beban dalam mengontrol kecepatan putaran motor DC pada purwarupa kursi roda yang akan dibuat. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa kecepatan kursi roda elektrik diatur dari nilai PWM yang dikendalikan melalui driver motor. Nilai PWM tersebut disesuaikan berdasarkan beban tambahan dan nilai kemiringan kursi. Selain itu, kecepatan juga dikendalikan jika sensor jarak mendeteksi area yang berpotensi halangan. Kendali arah pergerakan kursi roda dapat dilakukan dengan menekan tombol tekan di antaranya Maju, Mundur, Kiri dan Kana

    Reconfigurable Metamaterial Structure at Millimeter Wave Frequency Range

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    In this paper, reconfigurable metamaterial structure at millimeter wave frequency range was designed and simulated for a future fifth generation (5G) mobile-phone beam switching applications. The new proposed structure was composed of a bridge-shaped resonator (BSR) in the front face and strip line at the back face of the unit cell which operates at 28 GHz. First, non-reconfigurable low loss BSR unit cell was designed and subsequently, the reconfigurability was achieved using four switches formed in the gaps of the structure. The proposed structure achieves the lowest loss and almost full transmission among its counterparts by -0.06 dB (0.99 in linear scale). To demonstrate the reconfigurability of the metamaterial, the reflection and transmission coefficients and real parts of the effective refractive index at each reconfigured frequency were studied and investigated. Simulation results showed that a high transmission and reflection peaks occur at each resonance frequency according to change the state of the switches