31 research outputs found

    The performance of MSMEs of Gresik based on maqasid sharia

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    The purpose of this research is to know the performance and activity of UMKM in Gresik, East Java from maqasid syariah side, which based on the principle of maqasid syariah can give welfare (maslahah) to society wide. Therefore, whether the performance and activities undertaken by SMEs according to the principles of maqasid syariah especially SMEs in Gresik. Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are business actors that directly touch the community so that it has a very important role in the absorption of manpower and regional income and the economy widely. Although MSMEs have fundamental problems mainly on internal and external issues such as limited capital, human resources, business network and market penetration, business climate, facilities and infrastructure, short life time product, market access, and free trade. This research was conducted in three stages. The first phase of the exploration aims to provide initial insight, research design, and test theoretical framework through pilot study and interview on UMKM Gresik. The second phase is a survey of MSME Gresik to form the basis of generalization. And the third stage is a case study on SMEs Gresik sample to explore relationships and relevant results on the performance and activities of MSMEs with maqasid sharia

    Pelatihan Smart Home Berbasis Internet of Things (IoT) di SMK Taruna 2 Padang

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    Jurusan Teknik Audio dan Video (TAV) SMK 2 Taruna Padang memiliki tujuan untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang memiliki kompetensi dan daya saing yang mampu menangani permasalahan elektronika serta kebutuhan industri. Jika mengamati perkembangan teknologi yang ada di pasar industri, khususnya di indonesia, secara langsung sudah dapat terintegrasi dengan internet, dimana teknologi cerdas ini dikenal sebagai Internet of Things (IoT). Namun, hasil penelusuran survei lapangan menunjukkan bahwa kurikulum jurusan TAV SMK 2 Taruna Padang saat ini belum memiliki mata pelajaran khusus mengenai IoT sehingga pengetahuan dan pemahaman siswa mengenai IoT belum optimal. Berdasarkan permasalahan ini, tim Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) Politeknik Negeri Padang (PNP) memberikan solusi berupa kemampuan teknis (hard skill) dan kemampuan sosial (soft skill) kepada siswa melalui pelatihan smart home berbasis IoT. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode ceramah dan diskusi bersama siswa terkait penerapan IoT pada smart home serta bimbingan, pelatihan perakitan dan perancangan sistem kontrol smart home menggunakan software Arduino UNO. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan dan kuisioner menunjukkan bahwa siswa TAV SMK 2 Padang mampu menguasi kompetensi yang diberikan. Selain pelatihan, tim PkM PNP yang terdiri dari dosen dan mahasiswa menyerahkan modul pembelajaran, prototype, serta komponen sistem smart home kepada jurusan TAV SMK 2 Padang sebagai pengembangan bahan pembelajaran sekolah


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    Pada ruang produksi bagian mesin puffing gun atau disebut mesin palappo oleh masyarakat Kabupaten Gowa, pekerja sering mengeluhkan temperatur yang tinggi. Ruang produksi tersebut juga tidak memiliki ventilasi sehingga sirkulasi udara sangat kurang yang mengakibatkan ruangan panas dan tidak sejuk yang dapat mempengaruhi kondisi pekerja. maka yang menjadi rumusan masalah adalah penerapan ergonomi yaitu lingkungan kerja Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM) Bipang Putri Sehati pada bagian mesin puffing gun belum ergonomis sehingga diperlukan identifikasi terhadap penerapan lingkungan kerja yang ergonomis ditinjau dari aspek- aspek lingkungan kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki lingkungan kerja pada bagian mesin puffing gun yang memproduksi beras lebih mengembang akibat dari suhu panas yang ditimbulkan oleh mesin sehingga menghasilkan bipang. Faktor- faktor lingkungan kerja fisik yaitu pencahayaan, temperatur, sirkulasi udara, kebisingan, warna, bau-bauan, dan hiburan (musik). Dari hasil penelitian pengukuran waktu kerja dengan metode langsung menunjukkan waktu baku sebesar berturut- turut 17,67 menit, 18,66 menit, dan 17,38 menit pada pukul 08.00, 13.00, dan 15.00. Setelah dilakukan perbaikan lingkungan kerja yaitu dengan memberikan ear plug dan pemasangan kipas angin, sehingga peningkatan efesiensi waktu baku sebesar 16,53%, 17,15%, dan 17,21%. Perbaikan lingkungan kerja fisik adalah adanya ventilasi di sisi kanan tembok atau menanam tanaman di sekitar tempat kerja dan tidak mendengarkan musik pada saat bekerja

    Business model shifts: masjid kitchens as soup kitchens, jobs employment and empowering asnaf entrepreneurs, and income generation for the masjid

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    The UNICEF report titled “Families on The Edge” dated October 2020, stated that COVID-19 crisis has pushed more low-income or poor B40 urban Malaysian families into poverty. The poverty rate of these B40 urban families in 2020 is higher than last year, with 50% of the families now living in absolute poverty. 70% of these households reported that COVID-19 had affected their ability to meet their basic living expenses. 37% reporting that they struggle to purchase enough food for their families, while 35% are unable to pay their bills on time. This paper adapted the Design Thinking (DT) methodology. This is to understand and define the key B40 urban families problems; ideation of possible solution options, validation of solution options by various customer segments; and to suggest a conceptual business model as possible solution. This includes conducting literature review and benchmarking, and conducting interviews. An initial business model using Business Model Canvas (BMC) framework was formulated; tested and validated by various customer segments. Hence, the main contribution of this paper is to offer a validated conceptual business model in transforming current masjid kitchen (or mKitchen) as a potential in (a) providing soup kitchen for the poor B40 and Asnaf community, (b) providing job employment while reskilling, empowering, and nurturing the Asnaf as food entrepreneurs, and (c) generating income for the masjid via rental of existing kitchen facilities. This is to turn the Asnaf community ‘Dari Penerima Zakat ke Pembayar Zakat’ or from Zakat receivers to Zakat contributors. The conceptual mKitchen business model can be adopted or adapted for possible implementation, in general, by masjid or mosques

    Inaugural edu-action journey with cooperative behavior (Ta’awun) of mKitchen® students in free food for the needy

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    This book narrates the inaugural edu-action journey with cooperative behaviour (ta’awun) in free food for the needy people at IIUM mKitchen® with Sri Mutiara Teguh Enterprise (cafeteria vendor at Mahallah Aminah IIUM Gombak). The main objective of the project is to transform Mahallah kitchen as a platform to provide free food, to up skill in food-preneurship, to create new employment opportunities, to give empowerment and to nurture entrepreneurship (3Es) among students. Ta’awun refers to cooperative behaviour among the participants, the sponsors, and the beneficiaries in initiating, planning, sponsoring, executing and evaluating the mKitchen® project at Sri Mutiara Teguh Enterprise, Mahallah Aminah. The journey officially started on 1 July 2021 with various student development entities at IIUM. After providing a 4-day online training on business model and plan, financial modelling, and digital marketing, the steering committee has decided to provide the real experience to the students. In conjunction with Malaysia Day on 16 September 2021, the students proposed for cooking and distributing free food to the needy as part of the first proof-of-concept for mKitchen students with the “Keluarga Malaysia” spirit. Nevertheless, the project has to adhere to movement restriction by the authority to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The second proof-of-concept is cooking food based on mKitchen students’ business plan

    A Journey of Ta’awun (Cooperative Behaviour) in Edu-Action at IIUM Mkitchen® and Masjid al-Syakirin Gombak (MASG)

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    This book narrates the journey of ta’awun (cooperative behaviour) at IIUM Mkitchen® project with Masjid Al-Syakirin Gombak (MASG). The main objective of the project is transform the mosque as a platform to provide free food, to up skill in foodpreneurship, to create new employment opportunities, to give empowerment and to nurture entrepreneurship (3Es) for poor and needy people in the surrounding area of it. Ta’awun refers to cooperative behaviour among the participants, the sponsors, and the beneficiaries in initiating, planning, sponsoring, executing and evaluating the Mkitchen® project at Masjid Al-Syakirin Gombak (MASG). The journey officially started on 24th January 2021 through its first meeting among the interested as well as committed members. After executing two events, the project was continued with a full scale project for a month. The project has secured its proof of concept (POC). Nevertheless, the project has been continued with a small scale due to the movement restriction by the authority to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

    Budiman Mahallah kitchen

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    This book narrates budiman journey in Mahallah Kitchen. Budiman Mahallah Kitchen who are searching for adab (virtue), budi (kindness) and sejahtera (peace). By doing so, budiman and budiwati will have the capacity of bijak berbudi (wisdom in kindness), berani (brave) and bijaksana (full with wisdom). Budiman and budiwati with these attributes will manifest budi bahasa (rasa), budi pekerti (rupa), and budi bicara (roh). Thus, budiman and budiwati will have sejahtera niat (peaceful intentions), sejahtera keputusan (peaceful decisions), and sejahtera tindakan (peaceful actions). Budiman and budiwati will be continuously making contribution of sejahtera to self and others. The foundation of adab (virtue) is based on formula A-D-A-B. A is amanah (trustworthy), dakar (staunch), akhlak (ethics), and bestari (intelligent)

    Redesign business model of masjid kitchens as soup kitchens, providing jobs employment and nurturing of asnaf as entrepreneurs, and income generation for the masjid

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    A survey conducted by the Department of Statistics Malaysia in May 2020 has found that: (a) 46.6% of self-employed respondents had reported losing their jobs; (b) an estimated 90% respondents were still working with lower than usual salaries; (c) more than two-thirds (71.4%) of self-employed respondents have sufficient financial savings for less than one month; and (d) the majority of respondents said they are unprepared if the duration of the MCO was extended except for employees under Government Linked Companies and multinational companies. In the “Families on The Edge” UNICEF report dated October 2020, COVID-19 crisis has pushed more low-income (or B40) urban Malaysian families into poverty. The poverty rate in the B40 community is higher than last year, with 50% of the families now living in absolute poverty. 70% of these households reported that COVID-19 had affected their ability to meet their basic living expenses, with 37% reporting that they struggle to purchase enough food for their families while 35% are unable to pay their bills on time. Hence, the main objectives of this paper is to offer a conceptual business model in turning masjid kitchens (or mKitchen) as a potential (a) soup kitchen for the B40 and Asnaf community, (b) job employment and nurturing of the Asnaf as entrepreneurs, and (c) income generation for the masjid via rental of kitchens. This is to turn the Asnaf community ‘Dari Penerima Zakat ke Pembayar Zakat’. The conceptual mKitchen business model can be adapted for possible implementation by masjid or mosques