277 research outputs found

    How connected is aspen to former agricultural land? : a study of aspen and previous land use in five regions in central Sweden

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    Aspen (Populus tremula) is a tree that is important for biodiversity. It is a pioneer tree that is favored by much light. It is possible that aspens that regenerated on agricultural land have a different importance for biodiversity than aspens that regenerated in forests, since their conditions have been different. By studying how the land use have changed you can see how many of today’s aspens regeneretad on agricultural land. This paper studies three questions and includes five regions (Stockholm, Uppsala, VĂ€stmanland, Örebro and VĂ€rmland): * How has the land use changed from the time the historical map was made (1860-1911) until now? * Is aspen more frequent in today’s forests on land that used to be agricultural land than coniferous trees are? * How many percent of today’s aspens have grown up on land that used to be agricultural land? A historical map was used to analyse the land use, separated into forest, agricultural land and the border between agricultural land and forest. Data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory were used, including plots with an age of the forest of 70 years or more, and more than 10 % aspen or with 0 % aspen and more than 90 % spruce and/or pine. The percentage of agricultural land and forest were compared on the historical map and on the modern map to analyse how the land use had changed. The agricultural land had decreased in all the regions while the forest had increased. The results show that aspen is more frequent on land that historically was agricultural land compared to spruce and/or pine. The percentage of aspen that regenerated on agricultural land is higher in the forest regions VĂ€rm-land (30,8 %) and Örebro (23,5 %) than in the agricultural regions Stockholm and Uppsala, while the agricultural land has decreased equally in all the regions. A possible reason is that small meadows and fields have been abandoned in VĂ€rmland and Örebro, but farms have merged and become bigger implying a small change in the total area of agricultural land. Aspen can establish quickly on abandoned agricultural land, which leads to a high percentage on old fields and meadows.Aspen (Populus tremula) Ă€r ett trĂ€dslag som Ă€r viktigt för biologisk mĂ„ngfald. Den Ă€r ett pionjĂ€rtrĂ€d som trivs med stor ljustillgĂ„ng och dĂ€rmed vĂ€xer bĂ€ttre pĂ„ öppna marker Ă€n i skog. Det Ă€r dĂ„ möjligt att aspar som Ă€r uppvuxna pĂ„ jordbruksmark har en annan betydelse för biologisk mĂ„ngfald Ă€n aspar uppvuxna i skog, eftersom de haft andra förutsĂ€ttningar nĂ€r de vuxit upp. Genom att studera hur markanvĂ€ndningen har förĂ€ndrats kan man se hur stor del av dagens skogsaspar som har vuxit upp pĂ„ tidigare jordbruksmark. Den hĂ€r studien undersöker tre frĂ„gestĂ€llningar och inkluderar fem lĂ€n (Stockholm, Uppsala, VĂ€stmanland, Örebro och VĂ€rmland): * Hur har markanvĂ€ndningen förĂ€ndrats i de utvalda lĂ€nen frĂ„n det att den hĂ€radsekonomiska kartan ritades 1860-1911 till nu? * Förekommer aspen i dagens skogslandskap i större utstrĂ€ckning pĂ„ tidigare odlingsmark Ă€n vad gran och/eller tall gör? * Hur stor andel av dagens aspar har vuxit upp pĂ„ tidigare jord-bruksmark? HĂ€radsekonomiska kartor anvĂ€ndes för att kontrollera tidigare markanvĂ€ndning i de tre klasserna skog, Ă€ngs-/Ă„kermark och kantzon mellan Ă€ng/Ă„ker och skog. Provytor frĂ„n Riksskogstaxeringens inventeringar med en bestĂ„ndsĂ„lder över 70 Ă„r och mer Ă€n 10 % asp respektive 0 % asp och över 90 % gran och/eller tall undersöktes. Andelen skogsmark och jordbruksmark jĂ€mfördes pĂ„ den hĂ€radsekonomiska kartan frĂ„n slutet av 1800-talet/början av 1900-talet och dagens fastighetskarta för att se förĂ€ndringar i markanvĂ€ndningen. Analysen visade att jordbruksmarken har minskat lite medan skogsmarken har ökat i samtliga lĂ€n. Resultaten visar att asp förekommer i större utstrĂ€ckning pĂ„ tidigare jordbruksmark Ă€n vad gran och/eller tall gör. Andelen asp som vuxit upp pĂ„ tidigare jordbruksmark Ă€r högre i ”skogslĂ€nen” Örebro (23,5 %) och VĂ€rmland (30,8 %) Ă€n i ”jordbrukslĂ€nen” Stockholm och Uppsala, samtidigt som Ă€ngs-/Ă„kermarken minskat ungefĂ€r lika mycket i alla lĂ€n. En möjlig orsak kan vara att smĂ„ Ă„krar och Ă€ngar har övergivits i större utstrĂ€ckning i VĂ€rm-land och Örebro, men att smĂ„ gĂ„rdar slagits ihop till stora sĂ„ att andelen jordbruksmark fortfarande Ă€r ungefĂ€r lika hög. Aspen kan etablera sig snabbt pĂ„ övergiven jordbruksmark vilket ger en hög andel asp som Ă€r uppvuxen pĂ„ denna typ av mark

    Hur pÄverkas markens kolförrÄd i Àldre boreala naturskogar av skogsbruk

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    Boreal forests are able to store large amounts of carbon in soil and biomass, and forest management is considered an important strategy for mitigating climate change. Sweden has a long history of forest management that have intensified during the last century, but there are still old-growth forests that have not been disturbed by management. These forests have accumulated carbon in the soil during a long time. Since this carbon stock is large, even small changes can affect carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Therefore, it is important to know how soil carbon is affected by management. The aim of this study was to investigate how a change in land use from old-growth forest with long tree cover continuity to young, managed forest affects the soil carbon stock. This was done by quantifying carbon stock in soil and tree biomass in 15 sites of adjacent old and younger forest in VÀsterbotten and Norrbotten in northern Sweden. The results shows a reduction of total soil carbon stock in managed forests. The reduction was mainly driven by a decrease in humus layer carbon stock, causing an 11 % decrease in total soil carbon stock. It is likely that this was caused by disturbance of the humus layer during harvesting and site preparation, and lack of litter fall during the clear cut period. Mineral soil carbon stock was not significantly affected by management, indicating that above ground operations have little effect on deeper soil layers. These results are in line with earlier studies. It has previously been proved that soil carbon has slow turnover and long term modelling studies predict a decline in soil carbon after several rotations. This study focuses on a short time perspective and the results can be different with a longer time frame perspective.Sammanfattning Boreala skogar kan lagra stora mÀngder kol i mark och biomassa, vilket gör skog och skogsskötsel till en viktig del i arbetet för att minska klimatförÀndringar. Sverige har en lÄng historia av skogsbruk, vilket har intensifierats under det senaste seklet. Trots det finns det fortfarande Àldre skogar som hittills har undantagits trakthyggesbruket. DÀr har det ackumulerats kol i marken under mycket lÄng tid. KolförrÄdet Àr stort och Àven smÄ förÀndringar i det kan pÄverka kolhalten i atmosfÀren. DÀrför Àr det av stor vikt att veta hur markkolsförrÄdet reagerar pÄ störning frÄn avverkning. Syftet med den hÀr studien Àr dÀrför att undersöka om en förÀndring i markanvÀndning frÄn gammelskog med lÄng trÀdkontinuitet till en yngre, brukad skog pÄverkar kolförrÄdet. Det gjordes genom att kvantifiera kolförrÄdet i mark och trÀdbiomassa pÄ 15 lokaler med intilliggande Àldre och yngre skog VÀsterbotten och Norrbotten i norra Sverige. Resultaten visar en minskning i markkol i de brukade skogarna. Den Àr frÀmst driven av förÀndring i humuslagrets kolförrÄd, vilken orsakar en minskning pÄ elva procent i markens totala kolförrÄd. Troliga orsaker Àr att humuslagret pÄverkats av störningen frÄn avverkning och markberedning, och minskat förnafall under hyggesperioden. KolförrÄdet i mineraljorden pÄverkades inte signifikant av avverkningen, vilket indikerar att störningar ovan jord inte pÄverkar djupare jordlager. Tidigare studier av hur skogsskötsel pÄverkar markkol visar liknande resultat. Det har tidigare visats att det kan ta lÄng tid innan mineraljordens kolförrÄd reagerar, och modelleringar har visat att över en lÀngre tidshorisont över flera rotationsperioder minskar kolförrÄdet till följd av avverkningar. Den hÀr studien har ett relativt kort tidsperspektiv och det Àr viktigt att ta i beaktan att resultatet kan bli annorlunda sett över lÀngre tid

    A High-Resolution Chronology of Human Arrival and Environmental Impact in Northland, New Zealand

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    Our understanding of when Polynesian colonists first arrived in New Zealand, how the landscape was altered, and the pace of anthropogenic modification has been primarily sourced from archaeological evidence and environmental histories collected from the South Island. Research from the South Island suggests that once humans arrived in New Zealand around 1300 AD they quickly and dramatically impacted the environment. Though more research has been undertaken on the North Island recently, the north remains under-researched compared to the south regarding these issues. The variety of subsistence practices available in this sub-tropical microclimate and the wetter, less combustible forests may have led to different land use practices and pace of landscape alteration compared to the drier, cooler climate of the South Island. For this project two lacustrine systems proximal to archaeological sites in Northland, New Zealand were cored, and a multi-proxy approach was undertaken to create a high-resolution chronology of anthropogenic environmental change. The age-model was used to identify the timing of human arrival and develop a catchment specific environmental history to determine the speed and duration of land use in this area to compare to records from the south. Thorough testing was performed to identify reliable radiocarbon targets to provide confidence in the precision for the chronology. Elemental and isotopic carbon and nitrogen measurement, C:N ratios and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) measurements were performed on the lake sediments to create catchment specific proxy data. These data, supported by the age-depth model and pollen and charcoal records, were used to determine the pace and intensity of local land use through time. The results of the research indicate that pollen concentrated from post-human impact sediment produced unreliably old 14C ages and could not be used to develop the lake chronologies through those time-depths. However, terrestrial macrofossils appear to have returned accurate ages for deposition and can be used in cultural landscapes to build chronologies. The age-depth model projects human arrival for the Far North District between 1164-1277cal AD, suggesting that this area was colonized early in New Zealand’s settlement history. The isotopic and elemental data for both lakes show evidence of human modification of the environment but raise the possibility that different processes were occurring in each lake. The pace of human modification of the landscape appears to be longer in duration compared to environmental records from the south but indicate that shortly after Polynesian arrival the study area was completely altered by anthropogenic modification

    Marketing Communications

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    With the proliferation of digital and social media, there has never been a more dynamic time to engage with marketing communications - and never has the integration of marketing communications (marcoms) principles into a strategic marketing plan been more challenging. Even the best product in the world won't sell without the right reach to your potential customers and the right message to engage them. This textbook applies a uniquely practical approach to the topic so that, whilst a structured overview of planning, development, implementation and evaluation of marketing communications is in place, the detailed cases made available by the Institute for Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) show how actual challenges faced by professionals in the field were addressed. This book will help you to develop the skills you need to turn theory into the right integrated communication plan, in order to succeed in an increasingly competitive environment. Aided by a veritable wealth of pedagogical features, Marketing Communications will be essential reading for both students and professionals in marketing, communications and public relations. This textbook also benefits from a companion website which includes a comprehensive instructor's guide with PowerPoint slides, testbank questions and answer checklists

    Cellulose synthase genes in two Populus species : phylogeny and expression pattern during wood formation

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    Cellulosa Ă€r ett förnyelsebart material som Ă€r högaktuellt i dagens miljömedvetna samhĂ€lle. För att kunna nyttja den effektivt krĂ€vs kunskap om de processer som styr vedbildning och trĂ€dens tillvĂ€xt. Detta arbete syftar till att reda ut vilka gener som medverkar i cellulosasyntas (cesA-gener) i Populus trichocarpa och i Populus tremula, samt att kartlĂ€gga genernas uttrycksmönster under vedbildning. BĂ„da arternas genom Ă€r fullstĂ€ndigt sekvenserade och finns tillgĂ€ngliga i databasen PopgenIE. Som utgĂ„ngspunkt anvĂ€ndes en lista över cesA-gener frĂ„n Kumar et al.(2009). En del av de funna generna visade sig vara CSL-gener, eller gener som inte uttrycks under vedbildningen. Dessa gener anvĂ€ndes inte för vidare analyser. I P. trichocarpa hittades 19 cesA-gener som uttrycks under vedbildning, medan 18 gener hittades i P. tremula. Av dessa skapades ett fylogenetiskt trĂ€d. CesA-generna i P. trichocarpa har i de flesta fall en motsvarighet i P. tremula pĂ„ samma gren. För att undersöka genernas uttrycksmönster anvĂ€ndes databasen Aspwood. Uttrycksmönstren varierar mycket mellan generna och tĂ€cker bĂ„de primĂ€r och sekundĂ€r cellvĂ€gssyntes samt den sista fasen med mognad och celldöd. De som Ă€r aktiva under den sista fasen Ă€r troligen inblandade i mĂ€rgstrĂ„lecellernas cellvĂ€ggssyntes. Merparten av generna uttrycks under sekundĂ€r cellvĂ€ggssyntes. Generna delades in i grupper efter uttrycksmönster, och i det fylogenetiska trĂ€det Ă€r generna i hög utstrĂ€ckning grupperade pĂ„ ett liknande sĂ€tt. VĂ„ra resultat ger en översikt av cesA-generna och deras funktion.Cellulose is a renewable material with great importance in today’s society, where the concern of environmental issues is increasing. To be able to use it efficiently, there is a need for deeper knowledge concerning wood formation processes. This paper aims to unravel which genes are contributing in cellulose synthase (cesA genes) in Populus trichocarpa and Populus tremula, and to map the expression patterns of the genes during wood formation. The genomes of both species are sequenced and available in PopGenIE. As an outset a list of cesA genes from Kumar et al. (2009) was used. Some of the found genes turned out to be cesa like genes (CSL), or genes that are not expressed during wood formation. These genes were not further analysed. 19 cesA genes were found in P. trichocarpa, while 18 were found in P. tremula. From these, a phylogenetic tree was created. In most cases, P. trichocarpa has an equivalent in P. tremula on the same branch. To examine the expression patterns of the genes, the database Aspwood was used. The expression varies between the genes and covers primary and secondary cell wall synthesis, as well as the last phase with maturation and cell death. The genes active during the last phase are probably involved in ray cells. Most of the genes are expressed during secondary cell wall synthesis. The genes were grouped based on expression pattern, and are in the phylogenetic tree grouped in a similar way. Our results give an overview of the cesA genes and their function

    The efficacy of pivmecillinam: 3 days or 5 days t.i.d against community acquired uncomplicated lower urinary tract infections – a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial study protocol

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    BACKGROUND: Uncomplicated lower urinary tract infections (LUTI) are very common, and presumably around 200,000 female patients are treated for this annually in Denmark. The current Danish national clinical practice guidelines recommend pivmecillinam as a first-line drug (i.e., 400 mg t.i.d. for 3 days). Pivmecillinam is also one of the first-line drugs recommended in the international guidelines for LUTIs (i.e., 400 mg b.i.d. for 5 days). The international recommended duration is based on evidence saying that a 7-day regimen is better than a 3-day regimen. However, no data says that a 5-day regimen is superior to a 3-day regimen. With this study we aim to identify and to compare the efficacy of pivmecillinam 400 mg t.i.d in a 3-day respectively 5-day regimen, against community acquired uncomplicated LUTI, i.e., in women at the age of 18–70 year old. METHOD/DESIGN: The general practitioner will at consultation give a suitable patient the opportunity to participate in the study. If the patient will give her consent, a double-blinded kit (i.e., the antibiotic with/without placebo, questionnaires and self-urinary samples) will be given to the patient. We aim for 161 evaluable patients in each arm. DISCUSSION: Pivmecillinam is an excellent choice against urinary tract infections and we believe this study will fill in the gaps and strengthen the evidence on the treatment against one of the most common infections in our society. Thus, aiming to provide a more rational and ecological beneficial antimicrobial therapy. TRIAL REGISTRATION: EudraCTno.: 2014-001321-32

    Mutual trust is a prerequisite for nurses’ sense of safety and work satisfaction – Mobile Integrated Care Model: A qualitative interview study

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    An increasing number of older persons have complex health care needs. This, along with the organizational principle of remaining at home, emphasizes the need to develop collaborations among organizations caring for older persons. A health care model developed in Sweden, the Mobile Integrated Care Model aims to promote work in teams across organizations. The aim of the study was to describe nurses’ experiences in working and providing health care in the Mobile Integrated Care Model in the home with home health care physicians. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 nurses and analyzed through qualitative content analysis. The method was compliant with the COREQ checklist. A mutually trusting collaboration with physicians, which formed person-centered care, created work satisfaction for the nurses. Working within the Mobile Integrated Care Model was negatively impacted by being employed by different organizations, lack of time to provide health care, and physicians’ person-centered work abilities

    The role of the home health care physician in mobile integrated care: a qualitative phenomenograpic study

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    Background: An increasing older population, along with the organizational principle of remaining at home, has moved health care from institutions into the older person’s home, where several health care providers facilitate care. The Mobile Integrated Care Model strives to provide cost-efficient, coherent, person-centered health care in the home. In the integrated care team, where the home health care physician is the medical authority, several health care professions work across organizational borders. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe Home Health Care Physicians perceptions of working and providing health care in the Mobile Integrated Care Model, as well as perceptions of participating in and forming health care. Methods: A phenomenographic qualitative study design, with semi-structured interviews using an interview guide. Results: Working within Mobile Integrated Care Model was a different way of working as a physician. The physicians’ role was to support the patient by making safe medical decisions. Physicians described themselves as a piece in the team puzzle, where the professional knowledge of others was crucial to give quality health care. Being in the patients’ homes was expressed as adding a unique dimension in the provision of health care, and the physicians learned more about the patients by meeting them in their homes than at an institution. This aided the physicians in respecting patient autonomy in medical decision making, even though the physicians sometimes disregarded patient autonomy in favor of their own medical experience. There was a divided view on next of kin participation among the home health care physicians, ranging from always including to total absence of involving next of kin in decision making. Conclusions: The home health care physicians described the Mobile Integrated Care Model as the best way to work, but there was still a need for additional resources and structure when working in different organizations. The need for full-time employment, additional time or hours, more equipment, access to each other’s medical records, and additional collaboration with other health care providers were expressed, which could contribute to increased work satisfaction and facilitate further development of person-centered care in the Mobile Integrated Care Model

    Identification and Quantification of Chemical Forms of Cu and Zn in MSWI Ashes Using XANES

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    Incineration is in many countries a common treatment method for municipal solid waste, and utilization of the ash residues has attracted significant interest. The bottom ash is best suited as a secondary construction material, whereas the fly ash is being investigated as a secondary raw material for recovery of, for example, Zn, Cu, and salts. For both types of application, knowledge about the chemical speciation of Zn and Cu in the ashes is valuable. The present work focuses on identifying and quantifying the chemical species of Zn and Cu in 12 samples of fly ash and bottom ash from three waste-to-energy plants using X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES). The XANES spectra of the ash samples showed similar distinctive features, and both in the bottom and fly ash samples, the same chemical forms were identified but in various ratios. Cu and Zn occurred in several chemical forms, with typically 5-7 forms present in the same sample. For Cu, the XANES spectra of the fly ash samples were nearly identical, indicating very similar chemical speciation (same chemical forms and similar ratios). Cu was found to exist in various oxide, hydroxide, chloride, silicate, and metallic forms. The most commonly occurring Zn compounds were the aluminate, ferrite, silicate, and oxide along with chloride, basic carbonate (hydrozincite), and occasionally metallic forms, probably alloyed with Cu in brass. Cu occurred in different oxidation states from zero to +II, with a higher prevalence of the lower oxidation states in bottom ash than in fly ash. Zn occurred mainly in oxidation state +II in all ashes analyzed. Finally, we showed that during outdoor storage of bottom ash, levels of Cu and Zn hydroxycarbonates were increased compared to fresh bottom ash. This carbonate formation aims to make Cu and Zn less leachable
