64 research outputs found

    Resective, Ablative and Radiosurgical Interventions for Drug Resistant Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Outcomes

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    Objectives: One-third of individuals with focal epilepsy do not achieve seizure freedom despite best medical therapy. Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) is the most common form of drug resistant focal epilepsy. Surgery may lead to long-term seizure remission if the epileptogenic zone can be defined and safely removed or disconnected. We compare published outcomes following open surgical techniques, radiosurgery (SRS), laser interstitial thermal therapy (LITT) and radiofrequency ablation (RF-TC). / Methods: PRISMA systematic review was performed through structured searches of PubMed, Embase and Cochrane databases. Inclusion criteria encompassed studies of MTLE reporting seizure-free outcomes in β‰₯10 patients with β‰₯12 months follow-up. Due to variability in open surgical approaches, only comparative studies were included to minimize the risk of bias. Random effects meta-analysis was performed to calculate effects sizes and a pooled estimate of the probability of seizure freedom per person-year. A mixed effects linear regression model was performed to compare effect sizes between interventions. / Results: From 1,801 screened articles, 41 articles were included in the quantitative analysis. Open surgery included anterior temporal lobe resection as well as transcortical and trans-sylvian selective amygdalohippocampectomy. The pooled seizure-free rate per person-year was 0.72 (95% CI 0.66–0.79) with trans-sylvian selective amygdalohippocampectomy, 0.59 (95% CI 0.53–0.65) with LITT, 0.70 (95% CI 0.64–0.77) with anterior temporal lobe resection, 0.60 (95% CI 0.49–0.73) with transcortical selective amygdalohippocampectomy, 0.38 (95% CI 0.14–1.00) with RF-TC and 0.50 (95% CI 0.34–0.73) with SRS. Follow up duration and study sizes were limited with LITT and RF-TC. A mixed-effects linear regression model suggests significant differences between interventions, with LITT, ATLR and SAH demonstrating the largest effects estimates and RF-TC the lowest. / Conclusions: Overall, novel β€œminimally invasive” approaches are still comparatively less efficacious than open surgery. LITT shows promising seizure effectiveness, however follow-up durations are shorter for minimally invasive approaches so the durability of the outcomes cannot yet be assessed. Secondary outcome measures such as Neurological complications, neuropsychological outcome and interventional morbidity are poorly reported but are important considerations when deciding on first-line treatments

    Machine Learning for Localizing Epileptogenic-Zone in the Temporal Lobe: Quantifying the Value of Multimodal Clinical-Semiology and Imaging Concordance

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    Background: Epilepsy affects 50 million people worldwide and a third are refractory to medication. If a discrete cerebral focus or network can be identified, neurosurgical resection can be curative. Most excisions are in the temporal-lobe, and are more likely to result in seizure-freedom than extra-temporal resections. However, less than half of patients undergoing surgery become entirely seizure-free. Localizing the epileptogenic-zone and individualized outcome predictions are difficult, requiring detailed evaluations at specialist centers. Methods: We used bespoke natural language processing to text-mine 3,800 electronic health records, from 309 epilepsy surgery patients, evaluated over a decade, of whom 126 remained entirely seizure-free. We investigated the diagnostic performances of machine learning models using set-of-semiology (SoS) with and without hippocampal sclerosis (HS) on MRI as features, using STARD criteria. Findings: Support Vector Classifiers (SVC) and Gradient Boosted (GB) decision trees were the best performing algorithms for temporal-lobe epileptogenic zone localization (cross-validated Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) SVC 0.73 Β± 0.25, balanced accuracy 0.81 Β± 0.14, AUC 0.95 Β± 0.05). Models that only used seizure semiology were not always better than internal benchmarks. The combination of multimodal features, however, enhanced performance metrics including MCC and normalized mutual information (NMI) compared to either alone (p < 0.0001). This combination of semiology and HS on MRI increased both cross-validated MCC and NMI by over 25% (NMI, SVC SoS: 0.35 Β± 0.28 vs. SVC SoS+HS: 0.61 Β± 0.27). Interpretation: Machine learning models using only the set of seizure semiology (SoS) cannot unequivocally perform better than benchmarks in temporal epileptogenic-zone localization. However, the combination of SoS with an imaging feature (HS) enhance epileptogenic lobe localization. We quantified this added NMI value to be 25% in absolute terms. Despite good performance in localization, no model was able to predict seizure-freedom better than benchmarks. The methods used are widely applicable, and the performance enhancements by combining other clinical, imaging and neurophysiological features could be similarly quantified. Multicenter studies are required to confirm generalizability. Funding: Wellcome/EPSRC Center for Interventional and Surgical Sciences (WEISS) (203145Z/16/Z)

    Developing a methodology for three-dimensional correlation of PET–CT images and whole-mount histopathology in non-small-cell lung cancer

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    Background: Understanding the three-dimensional (3D) volumetric relationship between imaging and functional or histopathologic heterogeneity of tumours is a key concept in the development of image-guided radiotherapy. Our aim was to develop a methodologic framework to enable the reconstruction of resected lung specimens containing non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), to register the result in 3D with diagnostic imaging, and to import the reconstruction into a radiation treatment planning system. Methods and Results: We recruited 12 patients for an investigation of radiology-pathology correlation (RPC) in NSCLC. Before resection, imaging by positron emission tomography (PET) or computed tomography (CT) was obtained. Resected specimens were formalin-fixed for 1-24 hours before sectioning at 3-mm to 10-mm intervals. To try to retain the original shape, we embedded the specimens in agar before sectioning. Consecutive sections were laid out for photography and manually adjusted to maintain shape. Following embedding, the tissue blocks underwent whole-mount sectioning (4-ΞΌm sections) and staining with hematoxylin and eosin. Large histopathology slides were used to whole-mount entire sections for digitization. The correct sequence was maintained to assist in subsequent reconstruction. Using Photoshop (Adobe Systems Incorporated, San Jose, CA, U.S.A.), contours were placed on the photographic images to represent the external borders of the section and the extent of macroscopic disease. Sections were stacked in sequence and manually oriented in Photoshop. The macroscopic tumour contours were then transferred to MATLAB (The Mathworks, Natick, MA, U.S.A.) and stacked, producing 3D surface renderings of the resected specimen and embedded gross tumour. To evaluate the microscopic extent of disease, customized "tile-based" and commercial confocal panoramic laser scanning (TISSUEscope: Biomedical Photometrics, Waterloo, ON) systems were used to generate digital images of whole-mount histopathology sections. Using the digital whole-mount images and imaging software, we contoured the gross and microscopic extent of disease. Two methods of registering pathology and imaging were used. First, selected PET and CT images were transferred into Photoshop, where they were contoured, stacked, and reconstructed. After importing the pathology and the imaging contours to MATLAB, the contours were reconstructed, manually rotated, and rigidly registered. In the second method, MATLAB tumour renderings were exported to a software platform for manual registration with the original PET and CT images in multiple planes. Data from this software platform were then exported to the Pinnacle radiation treatment planning system in DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) format. Conclusions: There is no one definitive method for 3D volumetric RPC in NSCLC. An innovative approach to the 3D reconstruction of resected NSCLC specimens incorporates agar embedding of the specimen and whole-mount digital histopathology. The reconstructions can be rigidly and manually registered to imaging modalities such as CT and PET and exported to a radiation treatment planning system

    Body Composition, Symptoms, and Survival in Advanced Cancer Patients Referred to a Phase I Service

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    Background: Body weight and body composition are relevant to the outcomes of cancer and antineoplastic therapy. However, their role in Phase I clinical trial patients is unknown. Methods: We reviewed symptom burden, body composition, and survival in 104 patients with advanced cancer referred to a Phase I oncology service. Symptom burden was analyzed using the MD Anderson Symptom Assessment Inventory(MDASI); body composition was evaluated utilizing computerized tomography(CT) images. A body mass index (BMI)25kg/m2wasconsideredoverweight.Sarcopenia,severemuscledepletion,wasassessedusingCTβˆ’basedcriteria.Results:Mostpatientswereoverweight(n=65,6325 kg/m 2 was considered overweight. Sarcopenia, severe muscle depletion, was assessed using CT-based criteria. Results: Most patients were overweight (n = 65, 63%); 53 patients were sarcopenic (51%), including 79 % of patients with a BMI,25 kg/m 2 and 34 % of those with BMI25 kg/m 2. Sarcopenic patients were older and less frequently African-American. Symptom burden did not differ among patients classified according to BMI and presence of sarcopenia. Median (95% confidence interval) survival (days) varied according to body composition: 215 (71–358) (BMI,25 kg/m 2; sarcopenic), 271 (99–443) (BMI,25 kg/m 2; non-sarcopenic), 484 (286–681) (BMI25kg/m2;sarcopenic);501d(309–693)(BMI25 kg/m 2; sarcopenic); 501 d (309–693) (BMI25 kg/m 2; non-sarcopenic). Higher muscle index and gastrointestinal cancer diagnosis predicted longer survival in multivariate analysis after controlling for age, gender, performance status, and fat index. Conclusions: Patients referred to a Phase I clinic had a high frequency of sarcopenia and a BMI$25 kg/m 2, independent o

    Mechanism-Based Screen Establishes Signalling Framework for DNA Damage-Associated G1 Checkpoint Response

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    DNA damage activates checkpoint controls which block progression of cells through the division cycle. Several different checkpoints exist that control transit at different positions in the cell cycle. A role for checkpoint activation in providing resistance of cells to genotoxic anticancer therapy, including chemotherapy and ionizing radiation, is widely recognized. Although the core molecular functions that execute different damage activated checkpoints are known, the signals that control checkpoint activation are far from understood. We used a kinome-spanning RNA interference screen to delineate signalling required for radiation-mediated retinoblastoma protein activation, the recognized executor of G1 checkpoint control. Our results corroborate the involvement of the p53 tumour suppressor (TP53) and its downstream targets p21CIP1/WAF1 but infer lack of involvement of canonical double strand break (DSB) recognition known for its role in activating TP53 in damaged cells. Instead our results predict signalling involving the known TP53 phosphorylating kinase PRPK/TP53RK and the JNK/p38MAPK activating kinase STK4/MST1, both hitherto unrecognised for their contribution to DNA damage G1 checkpoint signalling. Our results further predict a network topology whereby induction of p21CIP1/WAF1 is required but not sufficient to elicit checkpoint activation. Our experiments document a role of the kinases identified in radiation protection proposing their pharmacological inhibition as a potential strategy to increase radiation sensitivity in proliferating cancer cells

    Research methodology: Cancer cachexia syndrome

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    Cachexia is a syndrome and therefore does not have a specific definition. Patients are characterized by the presence of anorexia, early satiety, weight loss, weakness, anaemia and oedema. These features occur to a variable extent in different patients and may change in severity during the course of a patient's illness. The multifactorial origin of cachexia precludes a uniform pathophysiological definition. Taken together these factors have hindered clinical studies both at a fundamental level and in terms of the introduction of effective therapy. The advent of novel therapeutic targets (e.g., ubiquitin-proteasome pathway) and biological response modifiers has opened possibilities for new clinical trials in cachexia. Regulatory authorities feel it is important not only to demonstrate efficacy in terms of patients' nutritional status (e.g., lean body mass) but also functional status (e.g., performance status). This article reviews current methods to assess the latter. Methods focused on measuring physical activity level (e.g., doubly labelled water technique or physical activity meters) promise objective data which can be readily interpreted in terms of clinically meaningful benefit
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