17 research outputs found

    Molecular detection of Ehrlichia canisand Anaplasma platys in dogs in Southern Brazil

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    The aims of this study were to determine the occurrence of Anaplasma platys and Ehrlichia canis infection in dogs in Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil; and to investigate their association with hematological abnormalities. Serum samples from 196 dogs were first tested using dot-ELISA for antibodies against Anaplasma spp. and Ehrlichia canis. Peripheral blood samples from 199 dogs were subjected to 16S rRNA nested PCR (nPCR) for A. platys and E. canis, followed by DNA sequencing to ensure pathogen identity. A total of 19/196 samples (9.69%) were positive for Anaplasma spp. using ELISA and 28/199 (14.07%) samples were positive for A. platys by nested PCR. All the dog samples were negative for E. canis, both in anti-E. canis antibody tests and in nested PCR. There were no significant differences in hematological parameters between A. platys-PCR positive and negative dogs and Anaplasma spp. serologically positive dogs, except for basophil counts, which were higher in nPCR-positive dogs. This is the first report showing A. platys presence in dogs in Southern Brazil. In conclusion, hematological parameters may not be sufficient to diagnose A. platys infection in dogs in Southern Brazil, probably due either to low pathogenicity or to chronic infection. On the other hand, E. canis may either have very low occurrence or be absent in dogs in Porto Alegre.O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a ocorrência de Anaplasma platys e Ehrlichia canis em cães de Porto Alegre, sul do Brasil, sua detecção molecular e associação com anormalidades hematológicas. Amostras séricas de 196 cães foram inicialmente triadas por dot-ELISA para a presença de anticorpos contra Anaplasma spp. e Ehrlichia canis. Amostras de sangue periférico de 199 cães foram submetidas à nested PCR (16S rRNA) para A. platys e E. canis, seguido de sequenciamento do DNA para confirmar a identidade do agente. Do total, 19/196 (9,69%) amostras foram positivas para Anaplasma spp. por dot-ELISA e 28/199 (14,07%) por nPCR. Todas as amostras dos cães foram negativas para E. canis no teste sorológico anti-E. canis e também na nPCR. Não houve diferença significativa nos parâmetros hematológicos, exceto a contagem de basófilos, que apresentou valores mais altos em cães positivos na nPCR para A. platys. Este é o primeiro relato da presença de A. platys no Rio Grande do Sul, e a primeira detecção molecular do agente no sul do Brasil. Em conclusão, parâmetros hematológicos não são suficientes para diagnosticar a infecção por A. platys em cães, provavelmente devido sua baixa patogenicidade ou infecção crônica. Por outro lado, E. canis parece ter ocorrência baixa ou mesmo nula em cães de Porto Alegre

    Molecular Detection of Cytauxzoon spp. in Asymptomatic Brazilian Wild Captive Felids

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    Cytauxzoon. spp. DNA was detected for the first time in blood samples from asymptomatic Brazilian wild captive felids. In 2606, 72 EDTA blood samples from seven wild felids species: Puma concolor (pinna), Leopardus pardalis (ocelot), Puma yagouaroundi (jaguarundi), Leopardus wiedii (margay), Leopardus tigrinus (little spotted cat), Oncifelis colocolo (pampas cat) and Panthera. onca. (jaguar) were analyzed using polymerase chain reaction to amplify the 18S rRNA gene segment in order to verify the presence of Cytauxzoon spp. DNA. Nine samples were positive: six ocelots, two pumas, and one jaguar. In Brazil, wild felids may be natural reservoirs for Cytauxzoon spp.45123423