614 research outputs found

    The competitive productivity (CP) of tourism destinations: an integrative conceptual framework and a reflection on big data and analytics

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is twofold. First, this study elaborates an integrative conceptual framework of tourism destination competitive productivity (TDCP) by blending established destination competitiveness frameworks, the competitive productivity (CP) framework and studies pertaining to big data and big data analytics (BDA) within destination management information systems and smart tourism destinations. Second, this study examines the drivers of TDCP in the context of the ongoing 4th industrial revolution by conceptualizing the destination business intelligence unit (DBIU) as a platform able to create sustained destination business intelligence under the guise of BDA, useful to support destination managers to achieve the tourism destination’s economic objectives. Design/methodology/approach: In this work, the authors leverage both extant literature (under the guise of research on CP, tourism destination competitiveness [TDC] and destination management information systems) and empirical work (in the form of interviews and field work involving destination managers and chief executive officers of destination management organizations and convention bureaus, as well as secondary data) to elaborate, develop and present an integrative conceptual framework of TDCP. Findings: The integrative conceptual framework of TDCP elaborated has been found helpful by a number of destination managers trying to understand how to effectively and efficiently manage and market a tourism destination in today’s fast-paced, digital and hypercompetitive environment. While DBIUs are at different stages of implementation, often as part of broader smart destination initiatives, it appears that they are increasingly fulfilling the purpose of creating sustained destination business intelligence by means of BDA to help tourism destinations achieve their economic goals. Research limitations/implications: This work bears several practical implications for tourism policymakers, destination managers and marketers, technology developers, as well as tourism and hospitality firms and practitioners. Tourism policymakers could embed TDCP into tourism and economic policies, and destination managers and marketers might build and make use of platforms such as the proposed DBIU. Technology developers need to understand that designing destination management information systems in general and more specifically DBIUs requires an in-depth analysis of the stakeholders that are going to contribute, share, control and use BDA. Originality/value: To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study constitutes the first attempt to integrate the CP, TDC and destination management information systems research streams to elaborate an integrative conceptual framework of TDCP. Second, the authors contribute to the Industry 4.0 research stream by examining the drivers of tourism destination CP in the context of the ongoing 4th industrial revolution. Third, the authors contribute to the destination management information systems research stream by introducing and conceptualizing the DBIU and the related sustained destination business intelligence


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    One of the more difficult tasks in surgery is to apply the optimal instrument forces and torques necessary to conduct an operation without damaging the tissue of the patient. This is especially problematic in surgical robotics, where force-feedback is totally eliminated. Thus, force sensing instruments emerge as a critical need for improving safety and surgical outcome. We propose a new measurement system that can be used in real fracture surgeries to generate quantitative knowledge of forces/torques applied by surgeon on tissues.We instrumented a periosteal elevator with a 6-DOF load-cell in order to measure forces/torques applied by the surgeons on live tissues during fracture surgeries. Acquisition software was developed in LabView to acquire force/torque data together with synchronised visual information (USB camera) of the tip interacting with the tissue, and surgeon voice recording (microphone) describing the actual procedure. Measurement system and surgical protocol were designed according to patient safety and sterilisation standards.The developed technology was tested in a pilot study during real orthopaedic surgery (consisting of removing a metal plate from the femur shaft of a patient) resulting reliable and usable. As demonstrated by subsequent data analysis, coupling force/torque data with video and audio information produced quantitative knowledge of forces/torques applied by the surgeon during the surgery. The outlined approach will be used to perform intensive force measurements during orthopaedic surgeries. The generated quantitative knowledge will be used to design a force controller and optimised actuators for a robot-assisted fracture surgery system under development at the Bristol Robotics Laboratory

    Towards Robot-Assisted Fracture Surgery For Intra-Articular Joint Fractures

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    Background Treating fractures is expensive and includes a long post-operative care. Intra-articular fractures are often treated with open surgery that require massive soft tissue incisions, long healing time and are often accompanied by deep wound infections. Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is an alternative to this but when performed by surgeons and supported by X-rays does not achieve the required accuracy of surgical treatment. Methods Functional and non-functional requirements of the system were established by conducting interviews with orthopaedic surgeons and attending fracture surgeries at Bristol Royal Infirmary to gain first-hand experience of the complexities involved. A robot-assisted fracture system (RAFS) has been designed and built for a distal femur fracture but can generally serve as a platform for other fracture types. Results The RAFS system has been tested in BRL and the individual robots can achieve the required level of reduction positional accuracy (less than 1mm translational and 5 degrees of rotational accuracy). The system can simultaneously move two fragments. The positioning tests have been made on Sawbones. Conclusions The proposed approach is providing an optimal solution by merging the fracture reduction knowledge of the orthopaedic surgeon and the robotic system's precision in 3D

    Content Analysis and Social Network Analysis: a Two-phase Methodology in Obtaining Fundamental Concepts of Coopetition

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    This study introduces a two-phase methodology in obtaining fundamental concepts from literature. Content analysis performed in the first phase leads to the most frequent concepts scholars used in scrutinizing a theme. Social networkanalysis in the second phase results a network of the relationships between concepts and examines the importance of every concept in the network. To elucidate the advantage of the methodology, the study applies the methodology onCoopetition – to cooperate and compete simultaneously – literature. Ten most frequent concepts occur in the coopetition literature are: Competition, Cooperation, Coopetition, Knowledge, Market, Network, Relationships, Resources, Strategy and Value. Under the social network analysis terms, the importance of every concept in the network is denoted in degree, closeness and betweenness centrality measures. Ranging from the most important concepts to the least are Relationships, Strategy, Resources, Competition, Cooperation, Coopetition, Market, Network, Value and Knowledge.Keywords: content analysis, social network analysis, coopetitio

    Image-Based Robotic System for Enhanced Minimally Invasive Intra-Articular Fracture Surgeries

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    Abstract: Robotic assistance can bring significant improvements to orthopedic fracture surgery: facilitate more accurate fracture fragment repositioning without open access and obviate problems related to the current minimally invasive fracture surgery techniques by providing a better clinical outcome, reduced recovery time, and health-related costs. This paper presents a new design of the robot-assisted fracture surgery (RAFS) system developed at Bristol Robotics Laboratory, featuring a new robotic architecture, and real-time 3D imaging of the fractured anatomy. The technology presented in this paper focuses on distal femur fractures, but can be adapted to the larger domain of fracture surgeries, improving the state-of-the-art in robot assistance in orthopedics. To demonstrate the enhanced performance of the RAFS system, 10 reductions of a distal femur fracture are performed using the system on a bone model. The experimental results clearly demonstrate the accuracy, effectiveness, and safety of the new RAFS system. The system allows the surgeon to precisely reduce the fractures with a reduction accuracy of 1.15 mm and 1.3°, meeting the clinical requirements for this procedure

    Relationships between phenotypic plasticity and environmental variables.

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    To understand the relations between environment and phenotypic plasticity is important to forecast any possible adaptation of plants to climate change. We tested for any difference between central and marginal (Mediterranean and Alpine). Study was performed on 20 populations chosen on the basis of their distance from niche optimum.In Mediterranean marginal populations : \u2022 wide flowers display corolla, \u2022 short stamen, inducing more investment in attractiveness than in seed maturation \u2022 lower pollen production and seed set. Our results suggestthat: Largest floral display and lowest allocation of resources for seeds production in Mediterranean populations may be due to the highest competition for resources (pollinators, water and soil nutrient) together with the lowest resource availability. Future climate change will probably bring about: extinction of low altitudes populations the upward shift of other

    Management of an invasive plant in a Mediterranean Protected Area: the experience of Senecio deltoideus in Italy

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    Biological invasions are one of the most serious threats to global biodiversity and ecosystem integrity. The problem is growing year by year and a large number of protected areas worldwide are today invaded by at least one exotic species. In this study, we tested the eco-friendly and cost-effective weeding control of Senecio deltoideus in a Regional Protected Area in the North Mediterranean region. During a two years experiment, four techniques compatible with the local laws on protected areas (natural-herbicide, flame-weeding, mulching and mowing) were applied five times a season on sixty plots, compared with fifteen untreated controls. All techniques were effective in reducing Senecio covering: after the first year the maximum covering was limited to 37.93% (flame weeding) with a mean value of 10%; after second year the covering was further reduced (17.02% max; 2% mean). Interestingly, during the second year all plots submitted to a one-year treatment showed an enduring control of S. deltoideus covering (40.73% max; 20% mean). Taking into account feasibility and their impact on the environment, the weeding control recommendable for S. deltoideus is mowing. In a long-time management strategy, the selected treatment could be applied every two years with a drastic reduction in costs for the manager of the protected area

    Robot-Bone Attachment Device for Robot-Assisted Percutaneous Bone Fragment Manipulation

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    The treatment of joint-fractures is a common task in orthopaedic surgery causing considerable health costs and patient disabilities. Percutaneous techniques have been developed to mitigate the problems related to open surgery (e.g. soft tissue damage), although their application to joint-fractures is limited by the sub-optimal intra-operative imaging (2D-fluoroscopy) and by the high forces involved. Our earlier research toward improving percutaneous reduction of intra-articular fractures has resulted in the creation of a robotic system prototype, i.e. RAFS (Robot-Assisted Fracture Surgery) system. We propose a robot-bone attachment device for percutaneous bone manipulation, which can be anchored to the bone fragment through one small incision, ensuring the required stability and reducing the “biological cost” of the procedure. The device has been evaluated through the reduction of 9 distal femur fractures on human cadavers using the RAFS system
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