5 research outputs found

    Asteroid taxonomic signatures from photometric phase curves

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    We explore the correlation between an asteroid's taxonomy and photometric phase curve using the H, G12 photometric phase function, with the shape of the phase function described by the single parameter G12. We explore the usability of G12 in taxonomic classification for individual objects, asteroid families, and dynamical groups. We conclude that the mean values of G12 for the considered taxonomic complexes are statistically different, and also discuss the overall shape of the G12 distribution for each taxonomic complex. Based on the values of G12 for about half a million asteroids, we compute the probabilities of C, S, and X complex membership for each asteroid. For an individual asteroid, these probabilities are rather evenly distributed over all of the complexes, thus preventing meaningful classification. We then present and discuss the G12 distributions for asteroid families, and predict the taxonomic complex preponderance for asteroid families given the distribution of G12 in each family. For certain asteroid families, the probabilistic prediction of taxonomic complex preponderance can clearly be made. The Nysa-Polana family shows two distinct regions in the proper element space with different G12 values dominating in each region. We conclude that the G12-based probabilistic distribution of taxonomic complexes through the main belt agrees with the general view of C complex asteroid proportion increasing towards the outer belt. We conclude that the G12 photometric parameter cannot be used in determining taxonomic complex for individual asteroids, but it can be utilized in the statistical treatment of asteroid families and different regions of the main asteroid belt.Comment: submitted to Icaru


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    死産を経験した両親。家族は,再び妊娠したとき同様のことが生じるのではないかという強い不安を抱くと言われている.今回,第2子を子宮内胎児死亡後,第3rを妊娠,出産したケースを受け持った.不安が強く前回の死産経験が影響していると考えられた為,Henseモデルを用いて心理過程を分析すると共に,前回の経験が受容でき,次子の出産を受容する援助を検討した その結果,妊娠期からの継続的な関わり,前回の分娩の振り返り,バースプランの活用,今回の分娩の振り返りが必要と考えられた

    Physical and dynamical properties of the unusual V-type asteroid (2579) Spartacus

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    Context. Asteroid (2579) Spartacus is a small V-type object located in the inner main belt. This object shows spectral characteristics unusual for typical Vestoids, which may indicate an origin deeper than average within Vesta or an origin from an altogether different parent body. Aims. Our main goal is to study the origin of Spartacus. We derive the spin of Spartacus and a convex shape model of Spartacus in order to increase the knowledge of the body's physical properties. The rotational parameters are then used to investigate dynamical evolution of the object as well as to distinguish regions sampled by spectral observations to determine whether its surface displays heterogeneity. Methods. We collected lightcurves available from the literature (oppositions of 2009, 2012) and obtained additional photometric observations at various telescopes in 2016, 2017, and 2018. We used the lightcurve inversion method to derive a spin and convex shape model. We have collected spectral observations over two rotational periods of Spartacus and determined its spectral parameters using the modified Gaussian model (MGM). We then dynamically integrated the orbital elements of Spartacus, taking into account existing information, including its thermal properties, size and the derived spin axis orientation. Results. We find two models for (2579) Spartacus: (a) lambda = 312 degrees +/- 5 degrees, beta = -57 degrees +/- 5 degrees and (b) lambda = 113 degrees +/- 5 degrees, beta = -60 degrees +/- 5 degrees both retrograde. We find that the drift direction for Spartacus is consistent with separation from Vesta, and after a backward integration of 1 Gyr the asteroid reaches the boundary of the family. We did not observe spectral variations with rotation, thus the body most likely has a homogeneous surface. Additionally, new spectral analysis indicates that the 1.0 and 2.0 mu m band centers are within ranges that are typical for Vestoids while the area ratio of these bands is about half that of typical Vestoids. Conclusions. The asteroid (2579) Spartacus is in retrograde rotation and has a drift direction consistent with an origin from Vesta. The revised spectral band centers are within ranges typical for Vestoids, while band area ratio (BAR) is unusually low compared to that of other V-types. The dynamical model shows that the asteroid could have migrated to its current location from the edges of the Vesta family within 1 Gyr, but an origin from an earlier impact on Vesta could also be plausible.Peer reviewe

    Non-Vestoid candidate asteroids in the inner main belt

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    Most Howardite-Eucrite-Diogenite (HED) meteorites (analogs to V-type asteroids) are thought to originate from asteroid (4) Vesta. However, some HEDs show distinct oxygen isotope ratios and therefore are thought to originate from other asteroids. In this study, we try to identify asteroids that may represent parent bodies of those mismatching HEDs. In particular, the origin of the anomalous Bunburra Rockhole meteorite was traced back to the inner main asteroid belt, showing that there might be asteroids that are not genetically linked to the asteroid (4) Vesta (the main source of V-type asteroids and HED meteorites) in the inner main belt. In this work we identify V-type asteroids outside the dynamical Vesta family whose rotational properties (retrograde vs prograde rotation) suggest the direction of Yarkovsky drift that sets them apart from typical Vestoids and Vesta fugitives. Specifically Nesvorny et al. 2008 simulated escapes paths from the Vesta family and showed that typical Vesta fugitives in the inner main asteroid belt at semi-major axis a < 2.3 AU have to have retrograde rotations and physical and thermal parameters that maximize the Yarkovsky force in order to evolve to scattered orbits within 1-2 Gyrs (age of the Vesta collisional family). Therefore large asteroids outside the Vesta family and with a < 2.3 AU and having thermal and rotational properties minimizing the Yarkovsky drift or showing Yarkovsky drift direction towards (4) Vesta are the best candidates for non-Vestoids V-type asteroids and therefore parent bodies of anomalous HED. In this study, we have performed accurate photometric observations and determined sense of rotation for several asteroids testing their links to Vesta and anomalous HED. We have found several potential non-Vestoid candidates. Those objects have to be studied in more detail to fully confirm their link to anomalous HEDs

    Spin rates of V-type asteroids

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    Context. Basaltic V-type asteroids play a crucial role in studies of Solar System evolution and planetesimal formation. Comprehensive studies of their physical, dynamical, and statistical properties provide insight into these processes. Thanks to wide surveys, currently there are numerous known V-type and putative V-type asteroids, allowing a detailed statistical analysis. Aims. Our main goal is to analyze I corrected for US language conventions in this paper the currently available large sample of V-type spin rates, to find signatures of the non-gravitational Yarkovsky–O’Keefe–Radzievskii–Paddack (YORP) effect among the different V-type populations, and to estimate the spin barrier and critical density for V-type asteroids. Our intention is to increase the pool of information about the intriguing V-types. Methods. We collected rotational periods from the literature for spectrally confirmed V-types, putative V-types, and Vesta family members. Through spectroscopic observations we confirmed their taxonomic type and verified the high confirmation rates of the putative V-types. We combined the collected periods with periods estimated in this manuscript and produced rotational frequency distributions. We determined the spin barrier in the frequency–light curve amplitude space for V-type asteroids. Results. We analyzed rotational periods of 536 asteroids in our sample. As expected, due to the small size of the objects analyzed, the frequency distributions for the Vesta family and the V-types outside the family are inconsistent with a Maxwellian shape. The Vesta family shows an excess of slow-rotators. V-types outside the family show an excess of both slow and fast rotators. Interestingly, we found that the population of V-types outside the Vesta family shows a significant excess of fast rotators compared to the Vesta family. The estimated critical density for V-type asteroids exceeds ρc = 2.0 g cm−3, which surpasses the previous estimates. Conclusions. We demonstrated that V-type asteroids have been influenced by the thermal radiation YORP effect and that their critical spin rate is higher than for C-type asteroids. The population of V-types outside the Vesta family shows a significant excess of fast rotators compared to the Vesta family. We hypothesize that the objects that evolved from the Vesta family though the Yarkovsky drift are also more susceptible to the YORP effect. Objects for which YORP has not yet had enough time to act and those that are more YORP resistant will be left in the family, which explains the relatively small proportion of fast rotators being left. The YORP timescale must thus be similar to the migration timescale for those objects