1,102 research outputs found

    When is it Time for Science?

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    The title of this article begs the question, When should we be teaching science to our children? Even before birth human beings may recognize natural phenomena such as pressure and temperature differences, and spontaneously react to changes in such things. These are learning experiences. It can be argued that as the brain continues to grow and develop, connections are beginning to be formed and subconscious memories created. Information gathered through the senses may be stored in unarticulated patterns in the brain. Here is the foundation for a scientific understanding of nature

    Multiatom and transit-time effects on photon-correlation measurements in resonance fluorescence

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    An expression is derived for the expected number of photon pairs separated by a time interval τ that are detected in photoelectric correlation measurements of an atomic beam, when due account is taken of the fluctuations of the number of radiating atoms and of the effect of their finite transit time through the field of view. The theoretical expression is checked against some recent measurements and good agreement is obtained

    Innovativity: a comparison across seven European countries

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    Nous proposons, dans cette étude, un cadre d'analyse, ou « comptabilité de l'innovation », semblable à celui très généralement utilisé pour la « comptabilité de la croissance », ainsi qu'une mesure de la « productivité des facteurs d'innovation » ou « innovativité » comparable à celle de la productivité totale des facteurs. Nous appliquons ce cadre d'analyse à la comparaison de l'innovation pour sept pays européens - l'Allemagne, la Belgique, le Danemark, l'Irlande, l'Italie, la Norvège et les Pays-Bas -, à partir des données d'entreprises « micro agrégées » de la première enquête communautaire sur l'innovation (CIS1) portant sur l'année 1992. Sur la base d'un modèle Tobit généralisé et en mesurant l'innovation par la part du chiffre d'affaires des entreprises en produits innovants (nouveaux ou améliorés sur les trois années 1990-1992), nous estimons la propension à innover et l'intensité de l'innovation (conditionnellement ou non au fait d'innover) pour les industries manufacturières de haute et basse technologie des sept pays. Bien que disposant de variables explicatives peu nombreuses, nous rendons compte ainsi de différences déjà très significatives d'intensité d'innovation entre pays. Les différences d'innovativité entre pays restent néanmoins très fortes.This paper proposes a framework to account for innovation similar to the usual accounting framework in production analysis and a measure of "innovativity" comparable to that of total factor productivity. This innovation accounting framework is illustrated using micro-aggregated firm data from the first Community Innovation Surveys (CIS1) for seven European countries: Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Italy for the year 1992. Based on the estimation of a generalized Tobit model and measuring innovation as the share of total sales due to improved or new products, it compares the propensity to innovate, and the innovation intensity conditional and unconditional on being innovative, across the seven countries and low- and high-tech manufacturing sectors. Even with relatively few explanatory variables our innovation framework already accounts for sizeable differences in country innovation intensity. It also shows that differences in innovativity across countries can be nonetheless very large

    The Emeritus Teacher

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    Mary, Clara, and Harry are part of what they call the gray brigade. They met 6 years ago at a Retired Teachers Association meeting, warmed up to one another immediately, and began a lasting friendship. The trio has reached the emeritus phase of the Life Cycle of the Career Teacher model. They cared passionately about their profession when they were teachers, and that passion continues today. All are actively involved in helping schools improve and children succeed. Each of them goes about this quest in a very different way. Mary is a political activist well known in the halls of the state legislature. Clara, who volunteers in a fourth-grade classroom at a neighborhood school, knows how to provide underachieving students with the gift of resilience. Harry is known for achieving a 100 % success rate in mentoring teachers through the apprentice phase. All of these emeritus teachers continue to make significant contributions to the field of teaching, yet on their own terms and in their own ways

    Efficient cloud tracing: From very high level to very low level

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    With the increase of cloud infrastructure complexity, the origin of service deterioration is difficult to detect because issues may occur at the different layer of the system. We propose a multi-layer tracing approach to gather all the relevant information needed for a full workflow analysis. The idea is to collect trace events from all the cloud nodes to follow users' requests from the cloud interface to their execution on the hardware. Our approach involves tracing OpenStack's interfaces, the virtualization layer, and the host kernel space to perform analysis and show abnormal tasks and the main causes of latency or failures in the system. Experimental results about virtual machines live migration confirm that we are able to analyse services efficiency by locating platforms' weakest links

    Testing predictions of inclusive fitness theory in inbreeding relatives with biparental care

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    Data accessibility Data are deposited in Dryad https:doi.org/10.5061/dryad.1zcrdfnf. R code supporting this article has been uploaded as part of the electronic supplementary material. Acknowledgements We thank the Tsawout and Tseycum First Nation bands for allowing access to Mandarte, numerous field assistants, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who contributed to long-term data collection, and Brad Duthie for insightful discussions regarding underlying concepts. National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (P.A., E.A.G); Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund for Advanced Studies (E.A.G, J.M.R.), UK Natural Environment Research Council (R.J.S.) and the European Research Council (J.M.R.) provided funding.Peer reviewedPostprin