13 research outputs found

    NÀr hans vÀrld blir hennes - en sociologisk studie om kvinnors upplevelser av sina destruktiva förhÄllanden.

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    MÀns vÄld mot kvinnor Àr idag ett stort globalt samhÀllsproblem som inte uppmÀrksammandes pÄ allvar förrÀn 1990-talet. En förklaring till att det rÄder kvinnomisshandel, beror pÄ den obalans som rÄder i maktförhÄllandet mellan kvinnor och mÀn. VÄld som sker i parrelationer kan förekomma bland alla sociala grupper och Àr oberoende av miljön. Studien Àmnar studera den internaliseringsprocess som kvinnor genomgÄr i ett förhÄllande med fysisk och/eller psykisk misshandel. Studien Àmnar Àven studera den skam som uppstÄr med vÄldet och dess olika konsekvenser. Studiens empiri grundar sig pÄ fem intervjuer med kvinnor som tidigare har levt i destruktiva förhÄllanden. Studiens syfte besvaras genom att ge en tydlig insikt i kvinnors upplevelser kring sina relationer dÀr de utsÀtts för fysisk och/eller psykisk misshandel. Utöver det ges Àven en förstÄelse för skammen som uppstÄr och de olika flyktstrategierna som tillÀmpas vid kÀnslan skam

    “Medical treatment” at Pristina Hospital of 30 albanians injured persons in Dubrava prison during the period 19-22 May 1999

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    The horror experienced by the 30 wounded in Dubrava Prison from 19.05.1999 until release from Pristina Hospital which then continued in Serbian prisons. The study involved 30 patients injured in Dubrava Prison from 19-22 May 1999. Their hospitalization was performed at the Pristina Hospital at the Vascular Surgery Clinic from 26.05.1999-08.06.1999. They stayed in the hospital 1-15 days and then they returned to prison again. Their average age was 32.4 years, The youngest was 17 years old The oldest was 50 years old Two patients had no birthdays in the hospital admission protocol. Of the 30 Albanian wounded, two died during hospitalization and another, after being released from the hospital was then sent in Serbia’s prison where he died after 11 days. Injuries were various: explosive wounds, scapular injuries and injuries from beatings by various means. The aim of this paper is to present the maltreatment, medical and institutional non humanism of the Serb state by violating every human right of the wounded persons in prison as well as those of the patients in hospital

    The use of Ibuprofen and our knowledge about it

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    Ibuprofen is a medication in the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug class that is used for treating pain, fever, and inflammation. It can be used by mouth or intravenous. It typically begins working within an hour. Usual adult dose for pain or fever is 200 to 400 mg orally every 4 to 6 hours as needed. Side effects include nausea, dyspepsia, diarrhea, constipation, gastrointestinal ulceration/bleeding, headache, dizziness, rash, salt and fluid retention, and high blood pressure. Infrequent side effects include esophageal ulceration, heart failure, high blood levels of potassium, kidney impairment, confusion, and bronchospasm. Ibuprofen can exacerbate asthma, sometimes fatality. Ibuprofen was derived from propionic acid by the research arm of Boots Group during the 1960s. The purpose of this paper is to compare the use of Ibuprofen as analgesic with other drugs of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory group and to see the knowledge of the young people on its use. The study includes 117 students at the UBT - University of Business and Technology. Of which 76.1% were women and 23.9% males. Their age was 17-32 years. The students who attended were mostly in the field of Nursing, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Architecture, etc. The students underwent the survey which was questions about the use of ibuprofen. Although results showed that Paracetamol is used mostly by many young people, the use of Ibuprofen is still high compared to other analgesics. The reason for the use of Ibuprofen was headache, menstrual pain, muscle pain, and less other type of pains. Only a small percentage of 0.9% of participants found that they were allergic to Ibuprofen. Although Ibuprofen can be taken without a doctor\u27s description only 76.9% of them took it without description. Most of the participants did not have side effects, but the most common side effect was stomach ache. Based on the results presented and the conclusion of this paper we may suggest that Ibuprofen is a safe drug to use, side effects are not observed much among young people, and participants have used the ibuprofen for the intended purpose

    Hypodontia, Gender-Based Differences and its Correlation with other Dental Clinical Features in Kosovar Adolescents

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    Cilj: U ovom istraĆŸivanju primarno se ĆŸeljelo procijeniti razlike između ispitanika s hipodoncijom na temelju spola. Sekundarno se proučavala korelacija između hipodoncije i drugih kliničkih dentalnih obiljeĆŸja kosovskih adolescenata. Materijal i metode: U ĆĄkolama diljem Kosova pregledano je 3306 učenika i studenata u dobi od 15 do 21 godine. Pregledi su obavljeni dentalnim zrcalom, a biljeĆŸio se broj prisutnih zuba. Ispitanicima s hipodoncijom uzeti su otisci. Svim pacijentima za koje je postojala sumnja na hipodonciju učinjene su panoramska i periapikalne rendgenske snimke te intraoralne fotografije kako bi se potvrdila dijagnoza. Rezultati: Hipodonciju je imalo 77 ispitanika – 46 djevojaka (59,7 %) i 31 mladić (40,3 %). Najčeơće im je nedostajao gornji lateralni inciziv, a nakon njega drugi donji premolar. JoĆĄ jedna klinička karakteristika, uz hipodonciju, zabiljeĆŸena kod najmanje 68 pacijenata (88,3 %). Zaključak: Nije bilo značajne razlike u prevalenciji hipodoncije s obzirom na spol. Najčeơća klinička dentalna značajka bila je rotacija zuba, a slijedi je inklinacija.Aim: The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the gender-based differences in patients with hypodontia. As a secondary outcome, the study looked into the correlation between hypodontia and other dental clinical features among Kosovar adolescents. Material and Methods: 3,306 students, aged between 15-21 years were examined in schools in Kosovo. Examinations were performed using a dental mirror to assess the number of teeth present, and dental impressions were taken from hypodontia subjects. Panoramic and periapical radiographs, as well as intraoral photographs, were taken in subjects who were suspected to have hypodontia to verify the diagnosis. Results: 77 of the examined subjects had hypodontia, among which 46 were females (59.7%) and 31 were males (40.3%). The most frequently missing teeth were the maxillary lateral incisors, followed by the mandibular second premolars. 68 patients (88.3%) had at least one dental clinical feature concurrent with hypodontia. Conclusion: No significant difference was noted in the prevalence of hypodontia according to gender. Teeth rotation was the most commonly observed clinical feature followed by inclination

    The Predictive Role of Procalcitonin On the Treatment of Intra-Abdominal Infections

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    Aim: This study aims to evaluate the algorithm of procalcitonin (PCT) and its role on the duration of antibiotics prescription for intra-abdominal infections.Materials and Methods: This study is a prospective controlled study that is conducted in groups of 50 hospitalised patients and 50 controlled group patients.Results: The results indicated that the average duration of antibiotic delivery to the PCT group was -10.6 days (SD ± 6.6 days), while in the control group -13.2 days (SD ± 4.2 days). These data showed a significant difference in the duration of antibiotic therapy and the monitoring role of PCTs in the prediction success of antibiotic treatment. The antibiotic delivery was longer in the septic shock 17 (SD ± 11.7) that corresponds to high PCT values of 67.8 (SD ± 50.9). Recurrence of the infection after the cessation of antibiotics occurred in 2 cases (4%) in the standard group, while it occurred in 3 cases (6%) in the control group.Conclusion: The treatment of the intra-abdominal infections based on the PCT algorithm shortens the duration of antibiotic treatment and does not pose a risk for the recurrence of the infection

    Correlation of Procalcitonin and C-Reactive Protein with Intra-Abdominal Hypertension in Intra-Abdominal Infections: Their Predictive Role in the Progress of the Disease

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    AIM: To analyse the correlation of procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP) values with increased intra-abdominal pressure and to evaluate their predictive role in the progression of Intra-abdominal infections.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A non-randomized prospective study conducted in the group of 80 patients. We have measured the PCT, CRP and intra-abdominal pressure (IAP).RESULTS: According to IAH grades (G), there was a significant difference of PCT values: G I 3.6 ± 5.1 ng/ml, G II 10.9 ± 22.6 ng/ml, G III 15.2 ± 30.2 ng/ml (p = 0.045) until CRP values were increased in all IAH groups but without distinction between the groups: GI 183 ± 64.5, GII 196 ± 90.2, GIII 224 ± 96.3 (p = 0.17). According to the severity of the infection, we yielded increased values of PCT, IAP and CRP in septic shock, severe sepsis and SIRS/sepsis resulting in significant differences of PCT and IAP.CONCLUSION: Based on the results of our research, we conclude that the correlation of PCT values with IAH grades is quite significant while the CRP results remain high in IAH but without significant difference between the different grades of IAH

    Sustainability in the Fashion Industry : uncovering of critical Factors

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    Nachhaltige Entwicklung umfasst die gleichberechtigte BerĂŒcksichtigung ökonomischer, ökologischer und sozialer Aspekte. Da das Thema Nachhaltigkeit in den letzten Jahren immer mehr an Bedeutung gewonnen hat, sind nun vor allem Unternehmen gefordert, sich dieser Problematik zu stellen. Unternehmen mĂŒssen sich fĂŒr einen langfristigen Unternehmenserfolg ihrer Verantwortung gegenĂŒber Umwelt und Gesellschaft stellen und dies transparent kommunizieren und dokumentieren. Dies impliziert eine umweltbewusste Wirtschaftsweise. In dieser Arbeit wird das Konzept der Nachhaltigkeit kritisch untersucht. Vor allem aber die hĂ€ufige Verwendung des Begriffes in der Modeindustrie und die darauffolgende immer grĂ¶ĂŸer werdende UnglaubwĂŒrdigkeit der Unternehmen. Die vorliegende Arbeit soll die nötige Aufmerksamkeit die dieses Thema erfordert wecken und Vorgehensweisen aufzeigen, die verlorene GlaubwĂŒrdigkeit in den Begriff wieder herzustellen und Greenwashing in Zukunft zu vermeiden

    Change of Electrolytes and Acid-Base Balance in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis

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    Gastrotheritis is inflammation (redness, irritation) of the stomach and intestines. Gastroenteritis - which literally means an inflammation of the stomach (gastrointestinal tract) and bowel (viral gastroenteritis, often called the stomach flu, or whatever you call it in medical terms, all fall down for one thing - entero) that usually makes its known condition in the form of vomiting and / or diarrhea. The purpose of the study is to compare electrolyte parameters (Na+, K+, Ca2+), HCO3, pH, and pCO2 in children with acute gastroenteritis before treatment and after treatment with the applied therapy. The study included 30 examined. The biochemical parameters of these children with acute gastroenteritis before and after therapy have been analyzed. The children included in the study belong to the ages of 2 months to 8 years, of which 15 females and 15 males. Out of these children, 26 children live in Kosovo, 3 in Germany and one in the US. All these patients, after clinical processing at the Pediatric Clinic in gastroenterology in Prishtina, conducted laboratory tests at the Biochemistry Institute in Prishtina. The level of electrolytes, Na+, K+, Ca2+ ionized, as well as pH, HCO3, and pCO2 is determined. The aforementioned tests were performed immediately after the blood was taken. Blood was taken from the vein with VACUTEST KIMA with additional heparin 48UI anticoagulant. Although there is a tendency to decrease the mean levels of indicators hematologists in acute gastroenteritis participants, after adequate therapy, statistically different differences have been observed in some statistical parameters, while in others there is no difference in reliability. Based on the results presented and the conclusion of this paper we may suggest that the most important option for preventing complications that may occur in acute gastroenteritis such as dehydration or hyperhydration from uncontrolled delivery and dissolution is the follow up of the level electrolytes and acidobazic status. According to this study we can conclude that children have been treated with appropriate therapy

    Compliance of clinical diagnoses with histopathological diagnoses of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in UCCK for one year (2003)

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    In this paper, the compatibility of clinical diagnoses with histopathological ones has been analyzed. 418 laparoscopic cholecystectomy with clinical diagnoses were analyzed at the UCCK Laparoscopic Center with histopathological diagnoses performed at the UCCK Pathological Institute. In 173 cases, the clinical diagnoses did not match the histopathological ones. No cases of cholecystitis have been reported. Diagnosis was inconsistent in every 2.41 patients. The female-male ratio was 5: 1. All cholecysts operated on at the Laparoscopic Center were sent for histopathological analysis. Purpose of the paper - To see the compatibility between the clinical diagnoses of cholecystitis and histopathological ones - Examine the rationale for sending each cholecyst for histopathological analysis