18 research outputs found


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    Speaking was one of the essential skills in language learning. It was necessary to communicated effectively in a language. When students speak English they do not explore their speaking skills because of a lack of knowledge in speaking. Therefore, to minimize students' speaking problems, the researcher apply board games as a medium to increase students' speaking ability. The purpose of the research is to increase the students’ speaking ability through Board Game at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Lahewa Timur which the total numbers of the students was 20 persons. The research was conducted by using Classroom Action Research (CAR) design. This research was applied into two cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The instruments used by the researcher to collect the data were observation sheet, test and field note. From the result of each cycle, the researcher finds that the students get an improvement in their speaking through Board Game. At the second meeting of cycle II the researcher obtained an increase in students, that students overall reached MCC (70)

    Increasing The Students’ Ability In Writing Skill By Using IBC Strategy

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    Writing is an ability to express the idea or thought to the other in written form. In writing, the students has to be able to express his/her thought in writing in order that the reader can understand and get message easily. In the syllabus of curiculum 2013 at the eleventh  grade of SMA Negeri 1 Hiliduho expected the students were able to express the meaning in short functional text and simple short essay in the form of recount. In fact, the students are unable to realize what the syllabus hope, so they could not achieve the target of MCC in writing. In solving the problem, the researcher tries to increase the students’ ability in writing paragraph especially in recount text by using IBC strategy by designing Classroom Action Research in  teaching learning process. The subject of this research is the students of the eleventh  grade of SMA Negeri 1 Hiliduho which is the total number of the students is 30 students. The research was applied in two cycles, each cycles consist of two meetings. Each meeting followed the steps of CAR: planning, action, observation and reflection. In collecting the data of the students’ ability in writing recount text by using IBC strategy, the researher use observation papers, field notes, writing test, and camera. Cycle I in first meeting, the students’ observation paper showed that there were 10 students (33,34%) had done all of the activities and 20 students (66,66%) had not done the activities; the second meeting, there were 14 students (46,67%) had done all the activities and 16 students (53,33%) had not done the whole activities; and the result of the students’ evaluation paper showed that there are 3 students (10%) in very good level, 2 students (6,67%) in good level, 8 students (26,66%) in enough level, 15 students (50%) in less level and 2 students (6,67%) in fail level. Then, the average of the students’ value is 58,5. This mean noted that the students still less in achieving MCC 60. In cycle II, the researcher re-planed and improved the weaknesses of the activities of the cycle I in order that the students’ ability could achieve the MCC 60. The result of the students’ evaluation paper in first meeting showed that there are 25 students (83,33%) had done all the activities and 5 students (16,67%) had not done all the activities; in the second meeting there were 29 students (96,67%) had done the activities and 1 student (3,33%) had not done the whole activities; and the result of the students’ evaluation paper stated that there were 15 students (50%) in very good level, 12 students (40%) in Good level and 3 students (10%) in enough level. It showed that all the students achieved MCC is 60. The average of the students’ value is 82,3. This value said that the students’ ability in writing recount text by using IBC strategy was increased effeciently and effectivelly. The researcher had some suggestions, such as: IBC strategy is effective used by English teacher in teaching writing recount text because it interests, encourage, and motivates the students in writing, the students should often practice to write English trainning them to have writing English habit,  the English teacher needs to motivate the students to convey their opinions and ideas in writing form, and be active using dictionary

    An Analysis of Students’ Ability in Reading Comprehension by Applying QAR Strategy At the Eighth Grade of SMPN 1 Hiliserangkai in 2022/2023

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    Membaca pemahaman merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk mendapatkan makna dari hasil membaca sehingga dapat memahami informasi detail yang terkandung dalam bacaan. Ini adalah salah satu tantangan yang dihadapi oleh siswa sekolah menengah pertama dalam memahami makna teks. Mereka memiliki pemahaman bacaan yang buruk sehingga sulit bagi mereka untuk memahami dan menemukan informasi penting yang terkandung dalam sebuah teks. Akibatnya, guru harus menggunakan strategi yang tepat dan efektif untuk membantu siswa memahami teks. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini berfokus pada Question-Answer Relationship (QAR) sebagai strategi pelatihan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa dalam teks deskriptif dan menemukan tanggapan siswa setelah mengimplementasikan QAR dalam kegiatan kelas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa QAR merupakan strategi yang sangat berguna dan efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca pemahaman siswa di kelas. Siswa menjadi lebih baik dalam menanggapi pertanyaan pemahaman dalam teks deskriptif. Strategi ini juga mendorong siswa untuk lebih aktif di kelas dan meningkatkan rasa percaya diri siswa untuk menjawab pertanyaan dan membedakan pertanyaan tentang teks yang dibacanya

    Improving Students’ Writing Skill By Using Mind Mapping Technique At The Tenth Grade Of SMK Swasta Kristen BNKP Luzamanu In 2022/2023

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    Writing is the important skill that must be master by the students.  However, the students had the several problems that caused the Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC) couldn’t achieve by the students they are: the students aren’t able to master the language features, generic structure, and social function of descriptive text; the topic is unfamiliar; the students don’t find interesting and appropriate writing technique; and the students are difficult to generate their ideas. The research aims to improve students’ writing skill in descriptive text by using Mind Mapping Technique at the Tenth Grade of SMK Swasta Kristen BNKP Luzamanu in 2022/2023. The research was conducted by using Classroom Action Research (CAR) and it was applied in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of two meetings and each meeting consisted of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Cycle I showed that  there were 3 (10,71%) students  in excellent category, 3 (10,71%) students in good category, 8 (28,57%) students in average category, 9 (32,14%) students in poor category, and 5 (17,85%) students who classify in very poor category. The result show that most of the students couldn’t pass the MCC. In the Cycle II, it showed that there were 13 students (46,42) who could be classified excellent category and there 15 (53,57) students who could be classified good category. There was no student classified in poor and very poor category”. The average of students’ value was 81. It can be concluded that Mind Mapping Technique improved the students’ writing skill especially in writing descriptive text


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    This research aims to know the strategies of teachers in teaching writing recount text at the 8th grade of UPTD SMP Negeri 2 Mandrehe Barat. This research uses qualitative methods using an inductive approach. The necessary data is collected through observations and interviews. Participants in the research were two English teachers and at the 8th grade of UPTD SMP Negeri 2 Mandrehe Barat of 42 students. Results from data analysis show that English teachers use strategies in teaching writing, the first teacher uses two types of strategies: discussion strategy, and question-and-answer (Q&A) strategy,  while the second teacher uses discussion strategy. Meanwhile, the results of research conducted to students through interviews showed that both teachers have used the above strategy.  From the results of observations and interviews of both teachers, they used several strategies such as discussion strategy, question-and-answer strategy, with the aim of making students easy to understand the material and active in the learning process. This strategy is used because the discussion strategy is one of the most effective teaching strategies to encourage interaction between teachers and students while the question and answer strategy is an effective way for teachers to examine students' understanding of a subject

    Increasing the Students' Reading Comprehension Ability in Descriptive Text Through Discovery Learning at The Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Gido in 2022/2023

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    Students are expected to comprehend English texts correctly. Meanwhile the students of the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Gido did not understand the texts, could not achieve the minimum competences criterion that has been decided in the school. It was caused by some factors namely lacked of the students’ vocabulary, unable to identify main idea and to determine the generic structure of descriptive text, lacked of getting the important points when reading the text. The purpose of this research is to increase the students’ ability in reading comprehension. In increasing students’ reading ability, the researchers used Discovery Learning Strategy and applied it Classroom Action Research (CAR). This research was conducted in two cycles, there were four steps in conducting the research, namely: planning, action, observation and reflection. The result of the data in Cycle I showed that there were 2 students (6%) categorized in “Poor level”, 12 students (37%) categorized in “Less level”, 14 students (42%) categorized in “Enough level, 3 students (9%) categorized in “Good level, and 2 students (6%) categorized in “Very good level”. The mean mark in Cycle I was 50.91. There were still many students who failed and their level was low and really needed to be increased in the next cycle. Cycle II, no one of the students was categorized into less, poor, and enough levels, but 30 students (90.9%) categorized in “Good level, 3 students (9.10%) categorized in “Very good level”. The mean mark in Cycle II was 85.15. Based on the results of the research, it is concluded that Discovery Learning Strategy can increase the students’ ability in reading comprehension in descriptive text at eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Gido in 2022/2023


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    Vocabulary is the most important component of the overall communicative competence that enables students to convey information, ideas or notions to others in such written and oral form. Vocabulary mastery is the ability to use the words in conducting the communication and understanding the meaning of the words or phrases in English. The research was conducted by using Classroom Action Research (CAR) design. This research was applied into two cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, action, observation, and reflection. In the second meeting of cycle II, the researcher obtained the improvement of students, who achieved the Minimum Competence Criterion (70). There were 14 (53%) students who got score among 85-100 classified as “Very Good Criteria”, 12 (42%) students got score among 75-84 classified as “Good Criteria”. Based on the result above the researcher concludes that How Special Am I Game could be done in teaching vocabulary and increasing the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary

    An Analysis of Students' Writing Skill Taught by Project-Based Learning Model at the Tenth Grade of SMK Negeri 1 Dharma Caraka Gunungsitoli Selatan in 2022/2023

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    The researcher conducted a study entitled An Analysis of Students' Writing Skill Taught by Project-Based Learning Model at the Tenth Grade of SMK Negeri 1 Dharma Caraka Gunungsitoli Selatan in 2022/2023, with the aim to find and describe students' writing skill and the problems faced by students in writing taught by project-based learning model at the Tenth Grade of SMK Negeri 1 Dharma Caraka Gunungsitoli Selatan in 2022/2023. This research had conducted using descriptive qualitative research method. The data was collected and analyzed using the Miles and Huberman (1984) data analysis model. The results of the study showed that there were 12% or 4 students got the excellent category, there were 58% or 19 students got the good category, there were 15% or 5 students got the average category, there were 15% or 5 students got the fair category. Meanwhile, the average writing skill of students of class X Askep 2 SMK Negeri 1 Dharma Caraka Gunungsitoli Selatan who were taught using a project-based learning model were good with an average of 65.27, which meant that students had written descriptive text according to the form but still incomplete, less organized but the main idea is already visible, the choice of words and expressions is sometimes less precise but does not interfere with the meaning, and there are some mistakes in spelling but the meaning is not blurred. Meanwhile, the problems that students often encountered when writing English texts were cognitive problems consisting of generic structure, grammar, and spelling problems

    Improving Students’ Ability in Reading Comprehension Through Students Reading And Feedback At The Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 3 Sogae’adu in 2022/2023

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    This research aims to improve students' abilities in reading comprehension by using the Reading and Feedback strategy. Researcher use Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subjects of this study were class VIII-A students of SMP Negeri 3 Sogae'adu for the 2022/2023 academic year, which consisted of 19 students. The researcher has conducted in two cycles. Each cycles consists of two meeting. In collecting the data, the researcher used observation sheet, test and field notes sheet. The result of the data in Cycle I, there were 7 students (37%) categorized in the fail level, 2 students ( 10 %) categorized into the less level, 3 students (16%) categorized into the adequate level, 7 students ( 37%) categorized into the good level. The average of the students’ value was 53.69%. This result showed that the students were unsuccessful. While in Cycle II, there were no students categorized into the fail, less and adequate level, 7 students (37%) categorized into the good level, and 12 students (63%) categorized into the very good level. The average of the students’ value was 83.68%. Therefore, the researcher concluded that the Students' Reading and Feedback (SRF) strategy was successful in improving students' reading comprehension ability in understanding recount text

    Improving the Students Reading Comprehension by Using Scaffolded Reading Experiences (SRE) Strategy

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    Reading is one of the important basic skill in learning English besides Listening, Speaking and Writing. Reading activity has one of the ways to catch up information, to know enough science concepts, to know more knowledge, to understand scientifics books , Through reading in reader may have satisfication and comfort. The were some problems namely : The students are not able  to identify the generic structure of text, The students can not identify the main idea of  text, The students not able to find social function of text, The students had difficulty to find characteristics of text. The students have difficulty to find the language features of text. To overcome the problems, the researcher was implemented Scaffolded Reading Experience (SRE) Strategy. The purpose of the research was to improving the students reading comprehension narrative text by using Scaffolded Reading Experience (SRE) Strategy at the tenth grade of SMA Swasta Kristen BNKP Gunungsitoli in 2022/2023. The research method was Classroom Action Research (CAR) especially Quantitative method. The subject of research was the tenth grade  of SMA Swasta Kristen BNKP Gunungsitoli which the total number of the students was 24 students. The researcher has conducted in two cycles. Each cycles consists of two meeting. In collecting the data, the researcher used observation sheet, field notes and evaluation sheet. The result of the data in Cycle I that there  were 2 students (8%) in fail level, 10 students ( 42%) less level, 6 students (25%) in the enough level, 6 students (25%) in the good level and 0 students in the very good level. The average of the students’ value was 63.58%. This result showed that the students were unsuccessful. In Cycle II that there were 16 students (33.34%) in the Good Level and 8 students (66.66%) in the very good level. The average of the students’ value is 82.50%. Finally, the researcher gave some suggestions as follows: (1) the researcher suggested to the students to be confidence to convey their text to share experience idea if the teacher implement Scaffolded Reading Experience ( SRE) Strategy in teaching comprehension. (2) the teacher was to give a reminder to the students that in giving the response they should do it by themselves without depending on the other friends. (3) the researcher suggested all readers especially to the next researchers to explore how to easy to find main idea of the text that had not been explored by the researcher in the research. &nbsp