556 research outputs found

    Import Demand Estimation and the Generalized Composite Commodity Theorem

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    A frequently encountered problem in import demand estimation is how to account for competition between imports and domestic production. Traditionally, use of the Armington model has been a way to handle this problem. This is a disaggregate model which distinguishes commodities by country of origin with import demand determined in a separable two-step procedure. The model appears frequently in analysis of international agricultural markets. However, the Armington model relies on a set of weak separability assumptions, which several authors have shown to be highly questionable. In this paper, a new aggregation theorem, the Generalized Composite Commodity Theorem (GCCT), is applied to test whether imports can be treated as a separate group. An advantage with the GCCT is that only import data is required to conduct the test. The application is to the imports of swordfish to the U.S. with implications for U.S. and international swordfish management policies.Armington, separability, GCCT, demand system, sword fish, International Relations/Trade, F18, Q11, Q22,

    Teori Penjulukan

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    Labelling theory, famously associated with Howard Becker, was resulted from deviation studies which flourished in the late years of 1950s. Labelling theory, as part of interaction symbolic school of thought, assumed deviation as interactional function between deviants and non-deviants, rather than individual inherent characteristic. Labelling theory consisted of four tenets: (1) Social label for particular action; (2) criminal act is resulted from social rules; (2) social control is worsening criminal problems; and (4) there are interrelated bonds within people who being labeled and their counterparts who give them any label. Media, for some ideological reasons, implied labeling theory in their narration which acted as a mean for social construction

    Dual Faces Architecture of Nias

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    Many Indonesian people built a traditional house based on beliefs of their ancestors for generations, without knowing the scientific reason. Meanwhile, indirectly, ancestors already thinking about housing that adapts the environmental conditions such as in Nias Island. Nias is an island that has two different forms of traditional houses which are affected by the differences geographic, highland and lowland. Geographic factors and beliefs not only affect the shape of the house but also the structure of the house. Located on the earthquake fault lines, Nias traditional houses was designed to withstand earthquakes that often befall. A study using description and analysis methods about design and structure which used in traditional houses in Nias Island, would develop a good sense of the idea to apply these materials on modern building to preserve the culture of Indonesia

    A data-mining approach for wind turbine fault detection based on scada data analysis using artificial neural networks

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    Wind energy has shown significant growth in terms of installed power in the last decade. However, one of the most critical problems for a wind farm is represented by Operation and Maintenance (O&M) costs, which can represent 20-30% of the total costs related to power generation. Various monitoring methodologies targeted to the identification of faults, such as vibration analysis or analysis of oils, are often used. However, they have the main disadvantage of involving additional costs as they usually entail the installation of other sensors to provide real-time control of the system. In this paper, we propose a methodology based on machine learning techniques using data from SCADA systems (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition). Since these systems are generally already implemented on most wind turbines, they provide a large amount of data without requiring extra sensors. In particular, we developed models using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to characterize the behavior of some of the main components of the wind turbine, such as gearbox and generator, and predict operating anomalies. The proposed method is tested on real wind turbines in Italy to verify its effectiveness and applicability, and it was demonstrated to be able to provide significant help for the maintenance of a wind farm


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    This research aims to test the effectiveness of using reflective maternal method in increasing interest in learning and understanding the language of hearing impairment students in grade 2 SLB Pemalang, with 6 numbered subjects, consisting of 3 boys and 3 girls. The researchers used a mixed method research (mixed methods research) sequential exploratory strategy type of design. The results showed an increase in interest in learning with the average percentage as follows 14.28%, 23.08%, 15.28%, 28.89%, 37.03% and 30.90%. The raising of students language understanding with an average increase as follows 15.62%, 26.18%, 14.28%, 26.18%, 25.79% and 35.59%.  Article visualizations

    Technology Literation: the Effect on Quality of Learning in Elementary School of Lentera Hati Islamic Boarding School

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of technological literacy on the quality of learning in the primary school of Lentera Hati Islamic boarding school. This research is a quantitative research with an ex post facto approach. The population of this study consists of all 22 primary school teachers in Lentera Hati Islamic boarding school, who also serve as research samples. Observations, documentation, and questionnaires were performed for data collection. Data were analyzed using partial regression analysis and multiple regression techniques. The results showed that there was a positive and significant influence between technological literacy on the quality of learning at the primary school of Lentera Hati Islamic boarding school. This is evident from the correlation coefficient rx1y value of 0723 and the determination coefficient r2x1y value of 31.1%, so the higher the technological literacy, the higher the quality of learning

    Synthesis, crystal structure, structural phase transition and dielectric properties of new organic-inorganic hybrid compound: (C6H5CH2N(C2H5)3)CdCl3

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    Single crystal of new organic-inorganic hybrid compound, (C6H5CH2N(C2H5)3)CdCl3, was successfully synthesis by slow evaporation method at room temperature and characterized by divers techniques such as single X-ray diffraction, Infrared and Raman spectroscopy, Thermal analysis (TGA and DSC), Variable temperature X-ray powder diffraction (VT‒XRPD) and dielectric properties. The results of single X-ray studies demonstrated that the title compound crystallizes in the monoclinic system with the space group P21/n. The atomic arrangement of the crystal structure can be described as 1D polymeric inorganic chain CdCl5 along the a-axis between which the organic groups are located. It consists on isolated square-pyramidal [CdCl5]3− anions and triethylbenzylammonuim (C6H5CH2N(C2H5)3)+ cations, which are interconnected via C−H…Cl weak hydrogen bonds forming 3D network. Investigation of RT‒XRPD was carried out to identify the purity of the bulk material. Hirshfeld surface and fingerprint plots reveal that the structure is dominated by H…H and H…Cl/Cl…H contacts. It is found that the (C6H5CH2N(C2H5)3)CdCl3 material displays a irreversible structural phase transition at T = 413 K. This latter was confirmed by means of variable temperature X- ray powder diffraction and dielectric permittivity (ε′andε′)

    Produksi Biogasoline Dari Minyak Sawit Melalui Reaksi Perengkahan Katalitik Dengan Katalis γ-Alumina

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    Biogasoline Production from Palm Oil Via Catalytic Hydrocracking over Gamma-Alumina Catalyst. Bio gasolineconversion from palm oil is an alternative energy resources method which can be substituted fossil fuel base energyutilization. Previous research resulted that palm oil can be converted into hydrocarbon by catalytic cracking reactionwith γ-alumina catalyst. In this research, catalytic cracking reaction of palm oil by γ-alumina catalyst is done in a stirrerbatch reactor with the oil/catalyst weight ratio variation of 100:1, 75:1, and 50:1; at suhue variation of 260 to 340oCand reaction time variation of 1 to 2 hour. Post cracking reaction, bio gasoline yield could be obtained after 2 steps batch distillation. Physical property test result such as density and viscosity of this cracking reaction product and commercialgasoline tended a closed similarity. According to result of the cracking product's density, viscosity and FTIR, it canconclude that optimum yield of the palm oil catalytic cracking reaction could be occurred when oil/catalyst weight ratio100:1 at 340 oC in 1.5 hour and base on this bio gasoline's FTIR, GC and GC-MS identification results, its hydrocarbons content was resembled to the commercial gasoline. This palm oil catalytic cracking reaction shown 11.8% (v/v) in yield and 28.0% (v/v) in conversion concern to feed palm oil base and produced a 61.0 octane number's biogasoline

    Analisis Kesiapan Akreditasi Berbasis SAPTO Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi Universitas Mataram

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    Sistem penjaminan mutu pendidikan tinggi meliputi Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal (SPMI) dan Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Eksternal (SPME) yang lebih dikenal dengan Akreditasi. Salah satu indikator mutu program studi adalah baik tidaknya nilai akreditasi prodi yang menggambarkan program studi secara menyeluruh. Pelaksanaan akreditasi prodi yang merupakan sistem penjaminan mutu eksternal terus berkembang dari waktu ke waktu dan sistem yang berlaku adalah berbasis SAPTO (Sistem Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi Online). Prodi Pendidikan Biologi adalah salah satu prodi di lingkungan FKIP UNRAM yang akan mengajukan akreditasi disebabkan masa berlakunnya akan segera berakhir dalan satu tahun mendatang. Namun demikian untuk bisa memperoleh nilai tersebut perlu dilakukan persiapan-persiapan baik di tingkat prodi maupun fakultas, sehingga perlu dilakukan kajian kesiapan program studi dan fakultas dalam mengahadapi akreditasi prodi berbasis SAPTO. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis kesiapan Prodi Pendidikan Biologi dan institusi/fakultas dalam menghadapi akreditasi berbasis SAPTO yang mencakup 7 estándar akreditasi. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian evaluatif kualitatif. Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai dari akhir bulan Mei 2018 sampai dengan akhir Nopember 2018.Tempat pelaksanaan di FKIP Universitas Mataram. Subjek penelitian dan sumber adalah dosen program studi, tenaga kependidikan dan dekanat di lingkungan FKIP UNRAM serta dokumen. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui angket, dokumen dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan cara merangkum, memilih hal-hal pokok, memfokuskan pada hal-hal yang penting untuk dicari tema dan polanya data reduction , kemudian data display, setelah itu ditarik sebuah conclusion drawing. Hasil menunjukan bahwa tingkat kesiapan prodi untuk akreditasi pada tingkatan kurang siap dengan data dan informasi sesuai dengan tagihan dari standar pada borang seperti : standar Visi, Misi, Tujuan dan Sasaran, Serta Strategi Pencapaian, Tata Pamong, Kepemimpinan, Sistem Pengelolaan, dan Penjaminan Mutu, Mahasiswa dan Lulusan Sumber Daya Manusia, Kurikulum, Pembelajaran, dan Suasana Akademik, Penelitian, Pelayanan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, dan Kerjasama, Pembiayaan, Sarana dan Prasarana, serta Sistem Infsi.ormasi. Dengan demikian perlu dipersiapkan data informasi yang dibutuhkan serta penjelasan yang fokus dan komprehensif untuk bagian-bagian tertentu dari standar pada borang akreditasi
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