366 research outputs found

    What effect does network size have on NRTK positioning?

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    The Network Real Time Kinematic (NRTK) positioning is nowadays a very common practice not only in academia but also in the professional world. To support the users several networks of Continuous Operating Reference Stations (CORSs) were born. These networks offer real-time services for NRTK positioning, providing a centimetric positioning accuracy with an average distance of 25-35 kms between the reference stations. But what is the effective distance between reference stations that allows to achieve the precision required for real-time positioning, using both geodetic and GIS receivers? How the positional accuracy changes with increasing distances between CORS? Can a service of geostationary satellites, such as the European EGNOS, be an alternative to the network positioning for medium-low cost receivers? These are only some of the questions that the Authors try to answer in this articl

    The usability of GNSS mass-market receivers for cadastral surveys considering RTK and NRTK techniques

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    Nowadays many positioning techniques and methods are applied to the cadastral surveys. Starting from last decade, GPS/GNSS positioning had become one of the most used methodology thanks to the rapid development of satellite-based positioning and to the appearance of GNSS mass-market receivers and antennas. Methods based on these instruments are more affordable than the conventional ones even if their use for precise positioning is not so intuitive. This study is aimed to evaluate the use of single-frequency GPS/GNSS mass-market receivers for cadastral surveys, considering both single-base Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) and Network Real-Time Kinematic (NRTK) methodologies. Furthermore, a particular tool for predicting and estimating the occurrence of false fix of the phase ambiguities has been considered, in order to improve the accuracy and precision of the solutions. Considering the single-base positioning, the research results showed the difference of a few centimetres between the reference coordinates and the estimated ones if the distance between master and rover is less than 3 km, while considering the network positioning and the Virtual Reference Station correction, the difference are about a couple of centimetres for East and North component, and about 5 cm for the Up. Keywords: GNSS, Cadastral surveying, RTK, NRTK positioning, Mass-market receiver

    An overview about Geographic free and open-source software

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    Since the last decade, numerous free and open-source software (FOSS) has been developed: this new approach, thanks to its quick update and its affordability, has guaranteed the employment of FOSS both by public and private bodies. In the field of open tools, the development of geographic software (GFOSS) became particularly relevant, whose distribution increased enormously and whose innovations are constantly increasing.This work aims to show the main innovations in the field of GFOSS in order to highlight, by macro themes, what could be the future developments in the field of open source

    Citizenship and human rights for old people: from gerontological policies to elder law

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    En este trabajo se indaga cuáles son los problemas derivados de los paradigmas referidos a la vejez que se han empleado hasta ahora en las políticas sociales y el derecho. También se señalan los caminos que hoy requiere la perspectiva gerontológica del envejecimiento positivo. Se utilizó la metodología de las teorías integrativistas del Derecho y la Política, en las que se reconocen cuatro dimensiones de análisis: plano histórico, sociológico, normativo y valorativo. En la actual era de la globalización, la discriminación negativa por edad avanzada no logra ser revertida por la sola implementación de las políticas públicas gerontológicas. Hace falta desarrollar un modelo de ciudadanía basado en una nueva especialidad: el Derecho de la Vejez sustentado en los Derechos Humanos Fundamentales.This paper inquires about the problems related to the aging paradigms that have been used so far in social policy and law. It also explores the paths currently required for a gerontological perspective of positive aging. Methodology used was based in integrativism theories of law and policy which recognize four dimensions of analysis: historical background, sociological, normative and evaluative. In the current era of globalization, the negative discrimination due to age cannot be reversed by the mere implementation of public gerontological policies. We need to develop a model of citizenship based on a newspecialty: Elder law supported by Human Rights.Fil: Dabove, Maria Isolina

    El arte de enseñar las lenguas extranjeras

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    Este libro es el resultado de las prácticas áulicas realizadas dentro del Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras del Bachillerato de Bellas Artes, basada en una metodología unificada de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las Lenguas Extranjeras Inglés y Francés. El enfoque adoptado es el comunicativo y los ejes temáticos que lo sustentan son la música, el arte y la literatura complementados con temas de las Ciencias Sociales y adoptando como marco teórico los principios de AICLE: el aprendizaje basado en contenidos de materias curriculares; acentuando el trabajo sobre estrategias de aprendizaje e incorporando las nuevas tecnologías. Enseñar las Lenguas Extranjeras a través de contenidos curriculares tomados de otras asignaturas implica un cambio de paradigma en la metodología de trabajo y en la selección y elaboración de materiales.Bachillerato de Bellas Artes "Prof. Francisco A. De Santo

    A study of morpheme order acquisition in an EFL corpus of L1 Spanish – L2 English: some pedagogical implications

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    If we want to know what Second Language Acquisition is, we have to go back in time and locate ourselves in the 70s when Brown (1973) suggested that native speakers acquire grammatical morphemes in a specific order. Another example of this kind of studies is the one conducted by Bailey, Madden and Krashen in 1974. This study also deals with the same topic, that is, the morpheme order acquisition. It is important to highlight that, despite the fact that these studies were criticized because of their limitations due to the methodology used or the limited number of subjects, they provided important evidence that there is a given sequence in the acquisition of grammatical morphemes. Nowadays, recent MOS studies (see Tono, 2000; Kwon, 2005) have been carried out taking into account these limitations that the first MO studies had. Tono (2000) could be seen as a useful example of this kind of studies because it focuses on how Japanese students acquire grammatical morphemes using a new methodology which consists of the creation of a learner corpus and its subsequent analysis. Following Tono’s example we have decided to conduct a MO study using a learner corpus based on the language produced by Spanish EFL students. The grammatical morphemes we analyzed were past regular -ed, past irregular, third person singular -s, present progressive –ing, copula be, auxiliary be, plural, articles and possessive –s. This morphemes’ choice is influenced by Krashen’s (1977) study “The Monitor Model” in which Krashen studies adult second language performance. The completion of the present study relied on a process which started with the study of previous MOS. Once we set the topic, we decided to find out if our EFL students and the subjects of previously conducted MO studies (Brown 1973, Bailey, Madden and Krashen 1974; Dulay and Burt (1974). Therefore, this study consists of the collection of data in two state high schools in Jaen and Granada, the subsequent compilation of a Learner Corpus and its analysis and interpretation. In this study several tools have been used. We believe that the UAM Corpus Tool deserves a special reference since it is a free software program designed for the annotation of text corpora and for data analysis. This instrument was used to tag, analyze and study the results of our Corpus project. This dissertation has been organized in 6 main chapters: in the first chapter, i.e., the introduction, we present the aims of this study. The second chapter, Second Language Acquisition and Language Corpora, provides a review of the relevant studies on morpheme acquisition and language corpus. This chapter consists of three sub-sections: the morpheme, relevant studies, language corpora and learner corpora. In chapter 3, the Hypotheses research questions are stated. Chapter 4 consists of the description of the methodology used. In this regard we make reference to the participants, the materials, the procedure and the data coding and analysis. In chapter 5 we present the general and the specific results of our study regarding our subjects’ accuracy rates in the use of the nine morphemes at issue. We should mention that in the analysis of our data we have taken into account other variables such as the students’ age and their proficiency level, in this chapter we can also find the discussion and interpretation of our main findings. Finally, in chapter 6 the reader can find a conclusion in terms of the objectives, the positive points and the limitations of this study. The aims of this dissertation are: - To find out if there are similarities between our participants´ morpheme acquisition order and the one that has been suggested by scholars such as Bailey, Madden & Krashen (1974) or Brown (1973) despite the different scoring methods used. - The collection and creation of an English learner corpus by Spanish EFL students. - To find the pedagogical implications that a specific morpheme acquisition order can imply. That is to say, I would like to know if Spanish EFL students follow a certain sequence when they acquire the aforementioned nine morphemes in order to take it into account when we teach English.Univ. Granada. Departamento de Filologías Inglesa y Alemana. Máster Universitario de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idioma

    The use of smartphone in the 21st century

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    Smartphone devices are nowadays common affordable devices not only for communication purposes but also for determining the user’s position, for sending emails, managing digital agendas and to allow internet access. Starting from last decade, they become interesting instruments also for engineering and biomedical applications, thanks to their high diffusion. In 2018, 66% of individuals in 52 key countries owned a smartphone, with an increment of about 3% in only one year. This fact permitted the rapid development of apps for different goals, starting from precise positioning both in outdoor and indoor scenarios, to the 3D reconstruction of the environment using images up to driving evaluation purposes or healthcare and biomedical engineering applications. This chapter resumes the main research fields where smartphone devices are considered, providing the main references. It also introduces and briefly describes the contributions contained in this book, guiding the reader through the logical structure of the book in order to point out new possible studies and future perspectives in different reserch fields

    Performance Assessment of an Ultra Low-Cost Inertial Measurement Unit for Ground Vehicle Navigation

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    Nowadays, navigation systems are becoming common in the automotive industry due to advanced driver assistance systems and the development of autonomous vehicles. The MPU-6000 is a popular ultra low-cost Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) inertial measurement unit (IMU) used in several applications. Although this mass-market sensor is used extensively in a variety of fields, it has not caught the attention of the automotive industry. Moreover, a detailed performance analysis of this inertial sensor for ground navigation systems is not available in the previous literature. In this work, a deep examination of one MPU-6000 IMU as part of a low-cost navigation system for ground vehicles is provided. The steps to characterize the performance of the MPU-6000 are divided in two phases: static and kinematic analyses. Besides, an additional MEMS IMU of superior quality is also included in all experiments just for the purpose of comparison. After the static analysis, a kinematic test is conducted by generating a real urban trajectory registering an MPU-6000 IMU, the higher-grade MEMS IMU, and two GNSS receivers. The kinematic trajectory is divided in two parts, a normal trajectory with good satellites visibility and a second part where the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signal is forced to be lost. Evaluating the attitude and position inaccuracies from these two scenarios, it is concluded in this preliminary work that this mass-market IMU can be considered as a convenient inertial sensor for low-cost integrated navigation systems for applications that can tolerate a 3D position error of about 2 m and a heading angle error of about 3 °

    New photogrammetric sensors for precision agriculture: the use of hyperspectral cameras

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    Photogrammetric and remote sensing techniques are increasingly getting used in precision agriculture to improve monitoring and management of the crops and at the same time to increase the crop yield and reduce the environmental impacts derived from the treatments.The entire production sector can benefit from the advance in technologies and the development of lightweight sensors for UAV (uncrewed aerial vehicles) with a higher spectral and spatial resolution such as the hyperspectral sensors. The hyperspectral sensors' ability for measuring hundreds of bands has impacts on the complexity and the data processing. Indeed, it is necessary to handle a considerable quantity of acquired data and select the relevant information for interventions in the agricultural area. The aims of this work are providing a survey of the UAV-based hyperspectral sensors available on the market and their acquisition technology and a global view of possible applications in the agriculture field. Moreover, the paper highlights future research developments related to this new type of device

    GPS & GLONASS Mass-Market Receivers: Positioning Performances and Peculiarities

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    Over the last twenty years, positioning with low cost Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) sensors have rapidly developed around the world at both a commercial and academic research level. For many years these instruments have only acquired the GPS constellation but are now able to track the Global'naja Navigacionnaja Sputnikovaja Sistema (GLONASS) constellation. This characteristic is very interesting, especially if used in hard-urban environments or in hard conditions where satellite visibility is low. The goal of this research is to investigate the contribution of the GLONASS constellation for mass-market receivers in order to analyse the performance in real time (Network Real Time Kinematic—NRTK positioning) with post-processing approaches. Under these conditions, it is possible to confirm that mass-market sensors could be a valid alternative to a more expensive receiver for a large number of surveying applications, but with low cost hardware the contribution of the GLONASS constellation for fixing ambiguities is useless, if not dangerous
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