14 research outputs found

    Sensory: Human Biology And Physiology

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    [No abstract available]4560Afshar, M., Hubbard, R.E., Demaille, J., Towards structural models of molecular recognition in olfactory receptors (1998) Biochimie, 80, pp. 129-135Amoore, J.E., The stereochemical specificities of human olfactory receptors (1952) Perfumery & Essential Oil Record, 43, pp. 321-330Amoore, J.E., The stereochemical theory of olfaction (1963) Nature, 198, pp. 271-272Amoore, J.E., The stereochemical theory of olfaction (1963) Nature, 199, pp. 912-913Anderson, A.K., Christoff, K., Stappen, I., Panitz, D., Ghahremani, D.G., Glover, G., Gabrieli, J.D.E., Sobel, N., Dissociated neural representations of intensity and valence in human olfaction (2003) Nature Neuroscience, 6, pp. ZAraujo, I.E.T., Rolss, E.T., Kringelbach, M.L., McGlone, F., Phillips, N., Taste-olfactory convergence and the representation of the pleasantness of flavour, in the human brain (2003) European Journal of Neuroscience, 18, pp. 2059-2068Aufferman, H., Gerull, G., Mathe, F., Mrownski, D., Olfactory evoked potentials and contingent negative variation simultaneously recorded for diagnosis of smell disorders (1993) Ann. 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    Fermentation of soymilk by commercial lactic cultures: Development of a product with market potential

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    Soymilk supplemented with 2% sucrose was inoculated with a mixture of Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis and Lactobacillus acidophilus. The fermentation was monitored by pH as a function of time. This sample was used as a basis for the formulation of beverages flavoured with pineapple, strawberry, coconut, kiwi, guava and hazelnut. The beverages were submitted to a sensory acceptance test with consumers using the nine-point structured hedonic scale. ANOVA and Preference Mapping were used to analyse data and results showed higher significant (P<0.05) acceptance for pineapple and guava flavours. The strawberry, kiwi and coconut flavours obtained acceptance close to 6.0 (liked slightly), while the hazelnut flavour was rejected (acceptance less than 5.0). This study demonstrated that it is possible to formulate highly acceptable soymilk beverages by way of lactic fermentation and addition of flavourings

    Impact Of Microwave Drying On The Sensory Profile Of Macadamia Nuts [impacto Da Secagem Com Microondas Sobre O Perfil Sensorial De Amêndoas De Noz Macadâmia]

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    The impact caused by microwave drying on the sensory profile of macadamia nuts as opposed to the effects of the conventional drying process was evaluated by means of a quantitative descriptive analysis. Modifications of the sensory profile after a six-month storage period were also analyzed. The study involved seven samples of microwave-dried macadamia nuts and one sample of conventionally dried nuts. Post-processing tests indicated that the conventionally dried nuts tasted more rancid. As for the other characteristics of the nuts, no significant differences were found between the microwave and conventional drying processes. The microwave-dried samples showed no statistically significant difference from one another except in their aroma. The results after the six-month storage period were similar to those found immediately after processing. As for modifications in the samples' sensory profile, there was a loss of intensity of the sensory attributes of texture and an increase in the sensory attributes of rancidity. From the sensory standpoint, it was concluded that the use of microwave-drying is viable, since the resulting product is similar to the conventionally dried one. The use of this type of energy reduced the drying time and therefore the impact on the product, particularly in terms of rancidity, when compared to the conventionally dried product.273553561AOAC - Nuts and Nut Products. In: Official Methods of Analysis of Association of Official Analytical Chemist's. 16 ed. Gaithersburg: AOAC, 1997, v. 2, cap. 40, p. 40BARROS NETO, BSCARMINO, I. S.BRUNS, R. E. Planejamento e otimização de experimentos. Campinas: Ed. Unicamp, 1996BERTELI, M.N., MARSAIOLI Jr., A., Evaluation of short cut pasta air dehydration assisted by microwaves as compared to the conventional drying process (2005) Journal of Food Engineering, 68 (2), pp. 175-183CAVALETTO, C.G., Nut, M., (1983) Handbook of Tropical Foods, pp. 361-397. , CHAN, H. Jr, ed, New York: Marcel Dekker, IncCHONG, C. L.ONG, A. S. H. Effect of water in vegetable oils with special reference to palm oil. In: Seow, C. C. Food Preservation by Moisture Control, Elsevier Apllied Science. p. 253-270, Malaysia, 1988DECAREAU, R.V., PETERSON, R.A., (1986) Microwave processing and engineering, , Chichester: Ellis Horwood, 224 pDIERBERGER, J.E., NETTO, L.M., Noz macadamia - uma nova opção para a fruticultura brasileira (1985) São Paulo: Nobel, , 120 pDUKE, J.A., (1989) Handbook of Nuts, , New York: CRC Press, INC, 343 pDESROSIER N. W.DESROSIER J. N. The technology of Food Preservation. 4 ed., AVI Publishing Company, p. 240-250, 1977. Westport, CT, E.U.AKAIJSER, A., DUTTA, P., SAVAGE, G., Oxidative stability and lipid composition of macadamia nuts grown in New Zealand (2000) Food Chemistry, 71 (1), pp. 67-70MARSAIOLI Jr., A., CUNHA, M.L., CANTO, M.W., Secagem de Café Cereja Descascado por Ar Quente e Microondas (2003) Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 23 (3), pp. 381-385. , Campinas, Brasil, vMASON, R.L., WILLS, R.B.H., Macadamia nut quality research the processing challenge (2000) Food Australia, 52 (9), pp. 416-419MASON, R.L., Mc CONACHIE, I., A hard met to crak. A review of the Australian macadamia nut industry (1994) Food Australia, 46 (10), pp. 466-471MOSKOWITZ, H.R., (1983) Product testing and sensory evaluation of foods, , Westport: Food & Nutrition Press, 605 pO'MAHONY, M., (1986) Sensory Evaluation of Foods - Statistical Methods and Procedures, , New York and Basel: Marcel Dekker Inc, 478 pSACRAMENTO, C. K. A macadamicultura no Brasil. In: São José, A. R. Macadâmia. Tecnologia de produção e comercialização. DFZ/UESB, 1991. p. 192-197(1993) SAS user's guide: Statistics, , SAS Institute, Cary, USA: SAS InstSILVA, F.A., Microwave assisted drying of macadamia nuts (2006) Journal of Food Engineering, 77 (3), pp. 550-558SILVA, F. A.MARSAIOLI, A. Jr. Estudo comparativo da conservação de castanha-do Brasil (Bertholletia excelsa) seca por microondas e convencionalmente, B.CEPPA, Curitiba, PR, v. 22, n. 2, p. 387-404, jul./dez. 2004SOUSA, W. A. et al. Sensory Evaluation of Dried Bananas Obtained from Air Dehydration Assisted by Microwaves: Advances in Microwave & Radio Frequency Processing. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROWAVE AND HIGH FREQUENCY HEATING, 8., Reports... Bayreuth, Germany, Sept.3-7, 2001, Editor: Monika Willert-Porada, Springer Verlag, p. 289-302, 2001STONE, H., SIDEL, J.L., (1993) Sensory evaluation practices, , Academic Press. New York, USA, 338 pSTONE, H., Sensory evaluation by quantitative descriptive analysis (1974) Food Technology, 28 (11), pp. 24-34. , Chicago, v, novTOLEDO PIZA, P. L. B. Segunda etapa de secagem da noz macadâmia. Botucatu, 2000. 93 f.. Tese (Mestrado em Agronomia/Energia na Agricultura) - Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, UNES

    Odor Significance Of The Volatiles Formed During Deep-frying With Palm Olein

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    Palm olein is currently considered to be one of the best options for deep-frying, but as with any other edible oil, during frying, deteriorative reactions produce off-flavor compounds that reduce the oil sensory quality. This study assessed the odor significance of the volatiles formed during 136 h of deep-frying a chicken product in palm olein, aiming to identify potential markers of the oil sensory quality during frying. The volatiles were isolated by solid phase microextraction, and identified by GC-MS. Trained judges assessed the odor intensity and quality of the volatiles formed during frying, evaluating the GC effluents through a GC-olfactometry technique called OSME. Two hundred and eight volatiles were detected by GC/MS in the palm olein after 136 h frying. Of these, heptanal, t-2-heptenal, decanal and t-2-undecenal were identified as potential markers of the sensory quality of palm olein during frying. Hexanal, pentanal and pentane, usually associated with lipid oxidation, showed no odor impact in the GC effluents, and were thus proven not to be good markers of the sensory quality of palm olein when used for a long frying period. © 2012 AOCS.902183189Basiron, Y., Palm oil (2005) Bailey's Industrial Oil and Fat Products, 2, pp. 333-429. , Shahidi F (ed) John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, chap. 8Choe, E., Min, D.B., Chemistry of deep-fat frying oils (2007) J Food Sci, 72 (5), pp. 77-R86. , 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2007.00352.x 1:CAS:528:DC%2BD2sXnvVWmsrY%3DWarner, K., Chemistry of deep-fat frying oils (2009) Advances in Deep-fat Frying of Foods, pp. 201-213. , S. Sahin S.G. Sumnu (eds) CRC Press Boca Raton(2004) Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the American Oil Chemists' Society, , AOCS American Oil Chemists' Society ChampaignLalas, S., Quality of frying oil (2009) Advances in Deep-fat Frying of Foods, pp. 57-200. , S. Sahin S.G. 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    Acceptance Of Banana Cultivars Resistant To Black Sigatoka By The Consumer Market Of Northeast Brazilian Region [aceitação De Cultivares De Bananas Resistentes à Sigatoka Negra Junto Ao Consumidor Da Região Nordeste Do Brasil]

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    The Black Sigatoka Disease is devastating to traditional banana cultivars. In Brazil, resistant cultivars are being developed but if the consumer's preference is not taken into account, the breeding program may not succeed. In this research the acceptability of four resistant cultivars was accessed in the Northeastern Brazilian region and compared to four commercial varieties. Two groups of consumers participated: young adults and housewives. Hedonic scale was applied to external appearance of bunches, global acceptance and acceptance of fruits' attributes (appearance without peel, aroma, flavor and texture). Preference and purchase intent were also evaluated. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Preference Mapping. Women and young adults showed similar opinions. 'Preciosa' and 'Pacovan Ken' cultivars showed to be the most promising ones. 'Preciosa' can already substitute the commercial 'Prata' and 'Pacovan' cultivars without impairing their global acceptability, but 'Pacovan Ken' still needs to be improved regarding its appearance.425948954(2007), http://www.abep.org/novo/Content.aspx?ContentID=302, ABEP - Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Pesquisa. Critério padrão de classificação econômica Brasil/2008, Disponível em, Online. Acesso em: 25 fev. 2008Castro, M.E.A., First report of Black-Sigatoka in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil (2005) Fitopatologia Brasileira, 30 (6), p. 688. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0100-41582005000600018, Disponível em, Acesso em: 19 nov. 2011. doi:10.1590/S0100-41582005000600018Cordeiro, Z.J.M., et al, 'Preciosa': Variedade de banana resistente àSigatoka-Negra (2005) Sigatoka-Amarela E Ao Mal-do-Panamá.Fitopatologia Brasileira, 30 (3), p. 316. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0100-41582005000300022, Disponível em, Acesso em: 19 nov. 2011. doi:10.1590/S0100-41582005000300022(2006), DA RE Desempenho de crianças em testes sensoriais discriminativos e afetivos com escalas híbridas ilustradas, 150f. Tese (Doutorado em Alimentos e Nutrição) - Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos, Campinas, SPFancelli, M., (2003), p. 4. , Cultivo da banana para o estado do Amazonas. Cruz das Almas: Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura, (Sistema de produção, 6)(2008), http://faostat.fao.org/site/339/default.aspx, FAO. Agricultural Data, FAOSTAT, Agricultural Production. Disponível em, Online. Acesso em: 25 jan. 2011Ferrari, J.T., Ocorrência de Sigatoka-Negra em São Paulo (2005) Arquivos Do Instituto Biológico, 72 (1), pp. 133-134. , http://www.biologico.sp.gov.br/rev_arq.php?vol=72&num=1, Disponível em:, Acesso em: 15 jan. 2011Gasparotto, L., (2003) Sigatoka-negra: Situação Atual E Avanços Obtidos, pp. 28-34. , SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO SOBRE BANANICULTURA, 5., 2003, Paracatu. Anais... Cruz das Almas: Nova Civilização(2006), http://www.sidra.ibge.gov.br/bda/tabela/protabl.asp?c=1730&z=t&o =1&i=P, IBGE, Sistema IBGE de recuperação automática -SIDRA. Disponível em, Online. Acesso em: 25 jan. 2011Lopes, E.B., Albuquerque, I.C., (2006) Levantamento Fitopatológico De Doenças Da Bananeira Com Ênfase À Sigatoka Negra (Mycosphaerella Fijensis Morelet) Nos Municípios Produtores De Banana Da Paraíba, , http://www.emepa.org/inform/sigatoka_0.htm, Disponível em, Acesso em: 26 jan. 2009Macfie, H.J., Designs to balance the effect of order of presentation and first-order carry-over effects in hall tests (1989) Journal of Sensory Studies, 4, pp. 129-148. , http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1745-459X.1989.tb00463.x/ab stract, Disponível em, Acesso em: 19 nov. 2011. doi:10.1111/j.1745-459X.1989.tb00463.xMacfie, H.J., Thomson, D.M.H., Preference mapping and multidimensional scaling (1988) Sensory Analysis of Food, pp. 341-409. , PIGGOT, R.J. (Ed.), New York: ElsevierMeilgaard, M.R., (1999), p. 382. , Sensory evaluation techniques.Boca Raton: CRCNewell, G.J., Mac, F.J.D., Expanded tables for multiple comparison procedures in the analysis of ranked data (1987) Journal of Food Science, 52 (6), pp. 1721-1725. , http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-621.1987.tb05913.x/abs tract, Disponível em, Acesso em: 19 nov. 2011. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2621.1987.tb05913.xOliveira, A.A.R., Dantas, J.L.L., (2003) Variedades Melhoradas De Fruteiras, , http://www.paginarural.com.br/artigo/691/variedades-melhoradas-defruteir as, Disponível em, Acesso em:16 jul. 2010NoteSilva, S.O., (2003) Programa De Melhoramento De Bananeira No Brasil - Resultados Recentes, p. 36. , Cruz das Almas: Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura, (Documentos. ISSN 1516-5728. n.123)Soto, B.M., (1992) Bananos: Cultivo Y Comercialización, p. 674. , San Jose, Costa Rica: Litografia e Imprensa LILVillanueva, N., Dasilva, M., Comparative performance of the nine-point hedonic, hybrid and self-adjusting scales in the generation of internal preference maps (2009) Food Quality and Preference, 20, pp. 1-12. , http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0950329308000803, Disponível em, Acesso em: 19 nov. 2011. doi:10.1016/j.foodqual.2008.06.00

    Acceptability And Preference Drivers Of Red Wines Produced From Vitis Labrusca And Hybrid Grapes

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    Wines produced from non-Vitis vinifera varieties have great economic importance in Brazil and represent more than 80% of the national production, but scientific information regarding the quality of these wines is rare. The objective of this research was to determine consumer acceptability, the sensory profile and the chemical composition of the most consumed Brazilian red wines produced with Vitis labrusca and promising hybrid varieties, identifying the parameters that drive the preference of consumers. Commercial wines collected directly from different wineries were evaluated regarding their overall acceptance by 120 consumers. Twelve trained panelists developed the sensory profile of the wines using Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA). Physicochemical analyses carried out to determine the pH, titratable and volatile acidity, total solids, alcohol degree, total phenolics, free SO2 and the reducing sugar contents of the wines. The data was analyzed by ANOVA, Tukey test, Internal Preference Mapping (MDPREF), Cluster analysis, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Partial Least Square regression (PLS), and Extended Internal Preference Map (EPM). In general wines produced from Ives (V. labrusca) grape showed higher aroma/flavor notes described as sweet, grape, grape juice, blackberry and roses. The wines produced from the hybrid grape Máximo differed from those elaborated with the variety Ives, especially due to their higher intensity of earthy/mushroom, vegetative/green beans, woody and yeast sensory notes. The PLS and EPM analyses indicated that fruity notes associated with the aroma and flavor of grape and grape juice were sensory drivers of Brazilian consumers' preference. On the other hand, the majority of the consumers did not like the sensory notes described as earthy/mushroom, vegetative/green beans and yeast found in the wines produced from Máximo. The wine elaborated exclusively with the hybrid Seibel 2 and the wine containing the V. labrusca grapes Ives and Isabella were preferred by the majority of the consumers and only a minor segment of consumers appreciated the wines elaborated solely with Máximo grape. Thus the hybrid grape Seibel 2 and the recently developed hybrid Máximo were shown to be promising varieties for the winemaking of quality wines in Brazilian regions where the environmental conditions are not good for the cultivation of V. vinifera varieties. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.62456466Amerine, M.A., Singleton, V.L., (1984) Wine an introduction, , University of California Press, Berkeley, CAAOAC - Association of official analytical chemists (2005). 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    Dynamics Of The Loss And Emergence Of Volatile Compounds During The Concentration Of Cashew Apple Juice (anacardium Occidentale L.) And The Impact On Juice Sensory Quality

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    Concentrating cashew apple juice alters the beverage aroma and flavor, compromising consumer acceptability of the concentrated beverage. To understand the mechanisms involved in these changes, this research characterized the dynamics of the loss and emergence of volatile compounds during cashew apple juice concentration, reporting their impact on beverage sensory quality. Fresh cashew apple juice (10.3°Brix) was concentrated in a thermal-siphon type evaporator operating in a closed system. Five samples were taken throughout the concentration process with the following soluble solids contents: 11.8°Brix, 14.9°Brix, 20.2°Brix, 29.6°Brix and 42.1°Brix. Trained judges rated the aroma note intensities, described as "fresh cashew apple" and "cooked" as perceived in the fresh and concentrated beverages. The headspace volatiles of the six samples were identified and quantified by GC-MS. The results indicated the esters as the major component in the fresh juice (226.46μgkg-1) representing 45.0% of the total mass of volatiles, followed by the terpenes (118.98μgkg-1), acids (45.23μgkg-1), aldehydes (39.10μgkg-1), alcohols (18.91μgkg-1), lactones (19.15μgkg-1), hydrocarbons (18.02μgkg-1) and ketones (11.05μgkg-1). Predictive statistical models (R2&gt;0.956, p≤0.002) revealed that on reaching 14.9°Brix, the ester concentration declined more than 90%, the terpene content almost 100%, alcohols 85%, aldehydes 80% and hydrocarbons 90%. At 14.9°Brix, the intensity of "fresh cashew apple" aroma still predominated in the juice, but the panelists detected the presence of a weak "cooked" aroma. Concentration of the beverage to 20.2°Brix or above expressively increased the cooked aroma intensity and the concentration of hydrocarbons, alcohols and some aldehydes usually associated with off-flavors such as pentanal and decanal. This raises the possibility that some of these compounds might have been formed during juice processing. Juice with better sensory quality could possibly be obtained by concentrating the beverage to levels below 20.2°Brix, recovering the esters that evaporated off the juice until ~15°Brix is reached, and re-adding them to the juice concentrated.69224234Acree, T.E., Arn, H., Flavornet - Gas chromatography-olfactometry (CGO) of natural products, , http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/flavornet, Available in, (access in January 16)Biasoto, A.C.T., Netto, F.M., Marques, E.J.N., Da Silva, M.A.A.P., Acceptability and preference drivers of red wines produced from Vitis labrusca and hybrid grapes (2014) Food Research International, 62, pp. 456-466Bicalho, B., Pereira, A.S., Aquino Neto, F.R., Pinto, A.C., Rezende, C.M., Application of high-temperature gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to the investigation of glycosidically bound components related to cashew apple (Anacardium occidentale L, Var, nanum) volatiles (2000) Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 48, pp. 1167-1174Cacho, J., Moncayo, L., Palma, J.C., Ferreira, V., Culleré, L., Characterization of the aromatic profile of the Italia variety of Peruvian pisco by a gas chromatography-olfactometry and gas chromatography coupled with flame ionization and mass spectrometry detection systems (2012) Food Research International, 49, pp. 117-125Clark, B.C., Chamblee, T.S., Acid-catalyzed reactions of citrus oils and other terpene-containing flavors (1992) Off-flavors in food and beverages, pp. 229-285. , Elsevier Science Publishers, New York, G. 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    Aroma volatiles recovered in the water phase of cashew apple (Anacardium occidentale L.) juice during concentration

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    There is a considerable loss of volatile compounds during the thermal concentration of cashew apple juice, damaging product quality, and as yet there is little research on the subject. Thus the purpose of this research was to identify the aroma volatiles evaporated off from cashew apple juice and recovered in the water phase during concentration of this beverage in an industrial plant. Water phase volatiles were extracted using dichloromethane, concentrated under a nitrogen flow, separated by gas chromatography (GC) and identified by GC-mass spectrometry. In order to determine the contribution of each volatile to the cashew aroma, five trained judges evaluated the GC effluents using the Osme GC-olfactometry technique. Results: 71 volatiles were identified; of these, 47 were odour active. Alcohols were preferentially recovered in the cashew water phase, notably heptanol, trans-3-hexen-1-ol and 3-methyl-1-butanol, representing 42% of the total chromatogram area and imparting green grass and fruity aroma notes to the water phase. Esters represented 21% of the total chromatogram area, especially ethyl 2-hydroxyhexanoate, ethyl trans-2-butenoate and ethyl 2-methylbutanoate, and were responsible for the fruity/cashew-like aroma of the water phase. On the other hand, 3-methylbutanoic and 2-methylbutanoic acids were the volatiles that presented the greatest odour impact in the GC effluents of the water phase. Conclusion: Overall, the results of the present study strongly indicated that further concentration of the esters recovered in the water phase, either by partial distillation or by alternative technologies such as pervaporation, could generate a higher-quality natural cashew apple essence.911018011809CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESSem informaçãoSem informaçã

    Aroma Compounds Derived From The Thermal Degradation Of Carotenoids In A Cashew Apple Juice Model

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    The thermal degradation of carotenoids in cashew apple (Anacardium occidentale L.) juice leads to changes in the beverage colour, and possibly in the aroma and flavour, although the latter hypothesis has not yet been properly investigated. Thus the objective of this study was to investigate the formation of odour active volatiles derived from the thermal degradation of carotenoids in a cashew apple juice model. A carotenoid extract in an acidic aqueous medium was submitted to 60 and 90. °C for 1 and 2. h. The non-volatile compounds were identified by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with a photodiode array and mass spectrometry detectors (HPLC-PDA). The volatiles were isolated by headspace-solid phase micro-extraction, separated by gas chromatography, identified by mass spectrometry (SPME-GC-MS) and their odour significance assessed by GC-Olfactometry. Thirty-three odour active volatiles were identified in the heated system, amongst which 1,2,3,5-tetramethylbenzene, naphthalene and p-xylene. The results indicated that the volatiles formed from the thermal degradation of the carotenoids influence the aroma and flavour of thermally processed cashew apple products. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.56108114Assunção, R.B., Mercadante, A.Z., Carotenoids and ascorbic acid from cashew apple (Anacardium occidentale L.): Variety and geographic effects (2003) Food Chemistry, 81, pp. 495-502Bicalho, B., Pereira, A.S., Aquino Neto, F.R., Pinto, A.C., Rezende, C.M., Application of high-temperature gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to the investigation of glycosidically bound components related to cashew apple (Anacardium occidentale L, Var. nanum) volatiles (2000) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 48, pp. 1167-1174Day, C.W., Erdman, G.J., Ionene: A thermal degradation product of β-carotene (1963) Science, 141, pp. 808-808Da Silva, M.A.A.P., Lundhal, D.S., McDaniel, M.R., The capability and psychophysics of Osme: a new CG-Olfactometry technique (1994) Trends in flavor research, pp. 191-209. , Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, H. 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Determination of aromatic hydrocarbon thermal degradation products by gas chromatography (2000) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 48, pp. 484-488Ueno, T., Masuda, H., Ho, C., Formation mechanism of p-methylacetophenone from citral via a tert-alkoxy radical intermediate (2004) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52, pp. 5677-5684Valim, M.F., Rouseff, R.L., Lin, J., Gas chromatographic-olfactometric characterization of aroma compounds in two types of cashew apple nectar (2003) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51, pp. 1010-1015Zepka, L.Q., Borsarelli, C.D., Da Silva, M.A.A.P., Mercadante, A.Z., Thermal degradation kinetics of carotenoids in a cashew apple juice model and its impact on the system color (2009) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57, pp. 7841-7845Zepka, L.Q., Mercadante, A.Z., Degradation compounds of carotenoids formed during heating of a simulated cashew apple juice (2009) Food Chemistry, 117, pp. 28-34Acree, T.E., Arn, H., Flavornet: Gas chromatography-olfactometry (CGO) of natural products, , http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/flavornet, Retrieved April 12, 2010, fro

    Assessment of aroma impact compounds in a cashew apple-based alcoholic beverage by GC-MS and GC-olfactometry

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    The alcoholic fermentation of cashew apple juice has been investigated as an attempt to develop a novel alcoholic beverage, alternative to wine. The objective of this study was to determine the volatile compounds in this beverage and their role in the aroma. Compounds from the headspace were swept to a Porapak Q trap for 2 h by suction and eluted from the polymer with acetone, separated by HRGC and identified by GC-MS. Five experienced assessors evaluated the GC effluents in three replicates using Osme GC-olfactometry technique. Fermented, fruity and cashew were the beverage primary aroma descriptors. GC-MS and Osme analysis revealed that the esters methyl 3-methyl butyrate, ethyl 3-methyl butyrate, methyl butyrate, ethyl butyrate, trans-ethyl crotonate and methyl 3-methyl pentanoate were important to the sweet, fruity and cashew-like aroma of the beverage. The most unpleasant odor was due to 2-methyl butanoic acid, which was described as sweaty.394373378CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPSem informaçãoSem informaçã