146 research outputs found

    Policosanols from grape marc: A new step towards a sustainable biorefinery for the wine industry by SC-CO2 extraction

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    Supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) extraction of policosanol (PC) from grape marc was investigated for the first time. Employing the broken plus intact cells (BIC) model (Sovov ́a’s model) the investigation focused on analyzing the SC-CO2 process to extract the nonpolar fraction from grape marc efficiently. Operating conditions for SC-CO2 extraction—280 bar pressure, 70 ◦C temperature, and a flow rate of 10 kgCO2/h—yielded the highest policosanol content. The extracted policosanol ranged between 3922 and 4083 mg/kgDM, constituting approximately 8 % of the total extraction yield. Surprisingly, this amount of PC was of the same order of magnitude found in beeswax yellow, a well-known rich natural source of PC. The primary aliphatic alcohols found in the PC from grape marc were hexacosanol, octacosanol, and triacontanol. These findings were consistent with grape marc samples from other Italian regions. Furthermore, a comparative analysis between SC-CO2 and Soxhlet extraction methods for PC was carried out

    Separation of aroma compounds from industrial hemp inflorescences (Cannabis sativa L.) by supercritical CO2 extraction and on-line fractionation

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    The use of supercritical carbon dioxide (Sc-CO2) extraction at 10 and 14 MPa and 40 \ub0C and on-line fractionation using two separators (Sep 1: 7 MPa/25 \ub0C; Sep2: 5 MPa/15 \ub0C) to recovery volatile compounds from the inflorescences of fiber type Cannabis sativa L. was investigated by HS-SPME/GC\u2013MS and direct GC\u2013MS and compared with hydrodistillation. The best results were obtained by Sc-CO2 extraction carried out at 10 MPa and 40 \ub0C. Under these operating conditions, cuticular waxes covering the surface of flowers were collected in the first separator and volatile compounds (100%) in the second. The superior quality of this last extract was proved by the perfect overlapping of its HS-SPME/GC\u2013MS volatile profile to that of inflorescences. The recovery of fractions with different composition and biological properties, made the inflorescences of fiber type Cannabis sativa L suitable for cosmetic and/or food industry

    Application of a supercritical CO2 extraction procedure to recover volatile compounds and polyphenols from Rosa damascena

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    A supercritical CO2 (Sc-CO2) extraction procedure to recover volatile compounds and polyphenols from Rosa damascena is investigated. It consists of two steps: the first by Sc-CO2 at 16 MPa and 313.15 K and on-line fractionation using two separators (S1: 7 MPa/ 298.15 K; S2: 5 MPa/ 288.15 K) for volatile compounds, the second by Sc-CO2 added with 10% ethanol-water mixture (57% v/v) at 8 MPa and 313.15 K for polyphenols. Sc-CO2 extract obtained in S2 resulted of high quality compared with essential oil. Polyphenol yield by SC-CO2 added with co-solvent resulted about 80 % of methanol extraction (3250 mg GAE/100 g dw)

    Improved Sustainability in Wine Industry Byproducts: A Scale-up and Economical Feasibility Study for High-Value Compounds Extraction Using Modified SC-CO2

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    [Image: see text] The objective of the present work was to optimize the operating conditions (P, T cosolvent %) and to study the scale-up and the feasibility of the supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) process for polyphenols from grape pomace, the main solid byproduct of the wine industry. Pilot-scale equipment (1 L extraction vessel) was used to study the scale-up prediction for extraction vessels of 50, 100, 500, and 1000 L capacity. The adopted scale-up criteria consisted of maintaining and keeping constant the solvent mass-to-feed mass ratio and the bed geometry dimension. The results indicated an excellent predictive level obtained by Sovová’s model and success of the adopted scale-up criteria. At industrial scale, yields were close to 2.3 g(GAE)/100 g(DM), a value obtained using the pilot-scale equipment. High concentrations of high-added-value phenols such as cis-resveratrol glucoside, cis-coutaric acid, trans-p-coumaric acid, quercetin, and proanthocyanidins were found in the extract. An economic evaluation of the process indicated the feasibility of an industrial SFE plant with a capacity of 500 L for producing in 60 min an extract with an expected phenolics’ concentration of approximately 133 g(GAE)/kg (extract) at an estimated 67€ /kg(extract) cost of manufacturing. Notably, all values are better than those currently reported in the literature

    Hyperinsulinism, Insulin Resistance and Impaired Fasting Glucose Revealing an Insulin Autoimmune Syndrome

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    We report a case of a 55-year-old woman who was evaluated for multiple episodes of late postprandial hypoglycaemia. We diagnosed her condition as insulin autoimmune syndrome (Hirata disease) because of a high insulin autoantibody (IAA) titre in association with high levels of plasmatic insulin and hypoglycaemia in a patient with no history of exogenous insulin administration and the exclusion of other causes of late postprandial hypoglycaemia

    Evaluate of amplificability of genomic DNA from two in-house protocols of conserved sequence by biosynthesis pathway of filamentous fungi producers of aflotoxins

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    In the present study, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was evaluated as a molecular technique to identify the aflotoxins filamentous fungi producers. The PCR was carry out using a specific pair of primers for b-tubulin amplification, that has a high conserved sequence in filamentous fungi. It was tested two DNA extraction methods: Lee et al. and Weising et. al. both methods were efficient in DNA isolation. The results showed that using Lee et. al. method was possible to extract DNA with better quality, and the PCR runs presented the expected band for b-tubulin. These results showed that the lee et al. method and PCR is adequate for Aspergillus sp. detection. There is a perspective to improve the detection using specific primers to amplify genes related to aflotoxin biosynthesis, allowing the development of a molecular method to evaluate the risk contamination of this substance in food

    Estudo Dirigido ao Latrocínio: Uma Abordagem ao Delito no Município de Gravataí no Período de 2003 a 2013

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    ESTUDO DIRIGIDO AO LATROCÍNIO: UMA ABORDAGEM AO DELITO NO MUNICÍPIO DE GRAVATAÍ NO PERÍODO DE 2003 A 2013  LARCENY DIRECTED STUDY: AN APPROACH TO CRIME IN MUNICIPALITY OF GRAVATAÍ IN THE PERIOD OF 2003 TO 2013  Andrea Porto da Costa*José Antônio Gerzson Linck**  Resumo: A pesquisa teve como objetivo problematizar cursos de ação exercidos por autores de crime de latrocínio na cidade de Gravataí e a existência de ocorrências violentas na execução da pena destes autores. Para isso, primeiramente buscou-se identificar quantos crimes foram elucidados no Município de Gravataí no período de 2003 a 2013. Após esse levantamento, averiguou-se como e onde esses autores cumprem a pena a fim de rastrear a existência ou não de atitudes violentas no estabelecimento prisional que possam ser caracterizadas como uma extensão da violência. Para responder ao objetivo da pesquisa foram adotados três trajetos: no primeiro relatou-se o contexto da violência na região metropolitana, bem como, um possível parâmetro entre os autores selecionados, no segundo analisou-se a execução penal desses autores e no terceiro trajeto verificou-se de que maneira a Administração Carcerária aborda as condutas no cárcere. No cenário da pesquisa foram utilizadas as opiniões de profissionais que lidam diariamente com o tema violência tanto na sociedade como no ambiente prisional. Não foram verificadas atitudes que demonstrem uma continuidade da violência no ambiente prisional a partir de duas assertivas: primeiro porque os autores analisados não apresentaram condutas violentas no curso da sua execução penal e segundo porque, aparentemente, a Administração Carcerária possui um controle sobre as atitudes violentas no cárcere. Por fim, foi realizado esboço crítico sobre os resultados da pesquisa.  Palavras-chave: Violência. Comportamento. Latrocínio. Cárcere. Abstract: This study aimed to investigate if the violent attitude exercised by robbery crime perpetrators can be caught or return to manifest in the course of execution of the sentence. For this, first sought to identify how many crimes have been elucidated in the municipality of Gravataí from 2003 to 2013. After this survey, it was investigated how and where these authors met the sentence to trace the existence of violent attitudes prison that can be characterized as an extension of violence. To met the objective of the research there was adopted three paths: the first reported to the context of violence in the metropolitan area, as well as a possible parameter of the selected authors, the second analyzed the criminal enforcement of these authors and the third path found itself that way the prison Administration addresses the conduct in prison. In the scenario of the research were used the opinions of professionals who daily deal with the topic violence both in society and in the prison environment. Finally, attitudes have not been verified to demonstrate a continuity of violence in the prison environment from two assertions: first because the authors analyzed showed no violent conduct in the course of its criminal enforcement and second because, apparently, the Prison Administration has control over violent attitudes in prison. Keywords: Violence. Behavior. Armed Robbery. Prison.  SUMÁRIO:Introdução. 1 Sobre o Latrocínio. 2 Metodologia. 3 O Retrato do Latrocínio no Município de Gravataí/RS. 4 A Execução Penal e a Situação Atual dos Autores. Considerações Finais. Referências. * Graduada em Direito pela Campanha Nacional de Escolas da Comunidade (CNEC), Rio Grande do Sul.** Pos-Doutorando, Doutor e Mestre em Ciências Criminais pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS). Professor Colaborador do programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Criminais da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS). Professor da Faculdade de Direito da Campanha Nacional de Escolas da Comunidade (CNEC), Rio Grande do Sul.

    Seismic performance of bridges during the 2016 Central Italy earthquakes

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    This paper focuses on the structural performance of existing masonry and reinforced concrete bridges which were surveyed in the aftermath of the 2016 Central Italy earthquakes. Typical bridge vulnerabilities are first reviewed, as they provide a reference for the response of the bridges that were damaged by the 2016 earthquake swarm. Case studies are then discussed and preliminary numerical analyses are carried out to interpret the observed failure modes. In general, all surveyed masonry bridges experienced some extent of damage, particularly when built with poor-quality materials and subjected to geotechnical-induced effects. However, they offered a robust response in terms of collapse prevention. The majority of existing reinforced concrete bridges, although designed primarily for gravity loads, exhibited acceptable performance; however, local damage due to the poor maintenance of the structural systems was observed, which affected primarily the non-structural components of the bridges

    Masonry Italian code-conforming buildings. Part 1: case studies and design methods

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    Several architectural configurations of unreinforced masonry residential buildings are designed according to the different methods proposed in the Italian code: rules for the so-called simple masonry buildings, linear and nonlinear static analyses. Always complying with code requirements, for each building-site combination, the design was made, as much as possible, without an excessive margin of safety. The different design methods provided buildings with very different levels of safety, being linear static analysis largely overconservative with respect to the nonlinear static approach. These buildings were then analyzed in the companion pape