11 research outputs found

    Structure and cytotoxic activity relationship of curcumin derivatives on Myeloma cells

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    Curcumin is a compound having broad spectrum of biological activities for example as anti-cancer. The aim of this research is to evaluate the relationship of structure and the cytotoxicity effect of curcumin and its derivatives on myeloma cell line. Some alkyl curcumin derivatives have beensynthesized and evaluated for the activity on myeloma cell lines with direct counting method. The IC50 values for curcumin, 4-methyl, 4-ethyl, 4-propyl, 4-isopropyl,4-benzyl, 4-phenyl dan 4-paramethylphenylcurcumin are 8.78, 3.45, 2.93, 2.18, 4.20, 3.87, >100, >100 ÎŒM respectively. Its seem that the activity of the curcumin derivatives is corelated to the stabilization of ÎČ diketone moiety and positive partial charge of those compound.Key words: Curcumin, myeloma cells, Curcumin derivative

    PGV-1 is a Potent Antimitotic Agent

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    Carcinogenesis may resulted from the malfunctioning of programmed cell death. Most of the anticancer drugs incurrent use induce apoptosis in susceptible cells. The fact that disparate agent interacting with different targets seemto induce cell death through some common mechanisms suggest that anticancer activity is determined by the abilityof inhibiting cell growth. Pentagamavunon-1 (PGV-1) is one of the curcumin analogues which showed to havepotency in inhibiting proliferation of T47D human breast carcinoma cells. The effects on T47D cells growth isassociated with cell cycle arrest in G2/M phase at the concentration of 2.5 ?M, followed by hyperploidy. The data onpolymerization assay, indicated that PGV-1 interact with tubulin in different manner from taxol. PGV-1 inhibittubulin polymerization on cell culture while taxol stabilized tubulin polymerization. Immunostainning data onPGV-1 treated cells showed slightly tubulin condensation, while taxol treated cells showed tubulin condensationdistinctly at 12 minutes after releasing from depolymerizing agent.In conclusion, PGV-1 represent a new microtubule inhibitor and has the potential to be developed for antimitoticdrugKey words: Pentagamavunon-1, T47D, tubuli


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    Biomassa menjadi salah satu alternatif teknologi yang menghasilkan bahan bakar ramah lingkungan karena berasal dari material yang kompleks, sampah organik, limbah cair organik, sisa makanan, daun-daunan dan kotoran hewan. Biopelet merupakan salah satu bentuk bahan bakar padat yang terbuat dari biomassa dengan ukuran yang lebih kecil dari ukuran briket. Salah satu solusi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi yang terus meningkat adalah dengan memanfaatkan biomassa tanaman yang telah diolah untuk meningkatkan kegunaannya. Salah satu jenis tumbuhan yang dapat dijadikan energi biomassa yaitu eceng gondok (Eichornia crassipes). Eceng gondok merupakan jenis tumbuhan air yang tumbuh cepat dan mudah menyebar melalui media air serta merupakan salah satu bahan serat alam yang belum banyak termanfaatkan. Berdasarkan uraian diatas, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan Eceng Gondok menjadi biopelet sebagai bahan bakar padat dan juga mengetahui efektivitas perekat tepung tapioka dengan variasi 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, dan 25%. Prosedur penelitian ini terdiri dari pembuatan biopelet, analisa karakteristik dan waktu pembakaran biopelet. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan didapatkan kualitas biopelet terbaik yaitu pada konsentrasi perekat 25%. Dimana hasil yang didapat pada uji karakteristik yaitu, nilai kadar air 7,921%, nilai kadar abu 0,922%, nilai kadar zat terbang 18,567%, nilai karbon terikat 72,59% dan nilai kalor 4.135,6871 kal/g. sedangkan uji waktu pembakaran dengan laju pembakaran 1,1153 g/menit dan nyala api pada 182 detik

    Sitotoksisitas dan Induksi Apoptosis Ekstrak Etanol Teripang holothuria atra Jaeger, 1833 pada beberapa Sel Kanker

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    Teripang Holothuria atra merupakan biota laut yang banyak ditemukan di perairan Indonesia yang termasuk dalam filum Echinodermata dan berpotensi sebagai antikanker. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sitotoksisitas dan induksi apoptosis ekstrak etanol teripang H. atra secara in vitro terhadap beberapa sel lestari. Pengujian sitotoksisitas dilakukan dengan metode MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) menggunakan sel HeLa, T47D, WiDr dan sel normal Vero, sedangkan uji induksi apoptosis dilakukan terhadap sel dengan hasil uji sitotoksisitas terbaik menggunakan metode flowcytometry dan double staining. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol  teripang H. atra mampu menghambat pertumbuhan sel kanker HeLa, T47D dan WiDr. Nilai IC50 ekstrak H. atra terhadap ketiga sel tersebut masing-masing sebesar 41,06±4,21; 20,89±1,55; 26,50±4,43 ”g/ml tetapi esktrak tersebut memiliki sitotoksisitas  yang lebih rendah terhadap sel Vero (IC50 sebesar 128,00). Analisis flowcytometry dan double staining pada sel T47D memperlihatkan bahwa ekstrak etanol teripang H.atra mampu menginduksi apoptosis pada sel tersebut

    Eksplorasi Agen Kemoterapi Non Toksik: Kajian Terhadap Riset Kurkumin, Turunan Dan Analog Kurkumin, Serta Senyawa Lain Bersumber Dari Tanaman

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    Tanaman Indonesia mengandung senyawa-senyawa yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai agen kemoterapi yang bersifat non toksik, selektif dan aman. Modifikasi senyawa dari tanaman menjadi turunan dan analognya dapat meningkatkan sifat farmakologis, fisik dan kimia dari senyawa induk. Pengembangan kurkumin menjadi PGV-1 dapat menjadi model pengembangan senyawa dari tanaman Indonesia untuk dijadikan sebagai agen kemoterapi. Untuk meningkatkan sifat farmaklogis, sifat fisik dan sifat kimia senyawa tersebut dapat pula dilakukan dengan perbaikan formula antara lain dengan teknik nanoformulasi maupun dengan formulasi untuk terapi tertarget. Pemanfaatan dari senyawa-senyawa tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan baik sebagai kombinasi maupun sebagai agen tunggal

    PGV-1 is a Potent Antimitotic Agent

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    Carcinogenesis may resulted from the malfunctioning of programmed cell death. Most of the anticancer drugs incurrent use induce apoptosis in susceptible cells. The fact that disparate agent interacting with different targets seemto induce cell death through some common mechanisms suggest that anticancer activity is determined by the abilityof inhibiting cell growth. Pentagamavunon-1 (PGV-1) is one of the curcumin analogues which showed to havepotency in inhibiting proliferation of T47D human breast carcinoma cells. The effects on T47D cells growth isassociated with cell cycle arrest in G2/M phase at the concentration of 2.5 ?M, followed by hyperploidy. The data onpolymerization assay, indicated that PGV-1 interact with tubulin in different manner from taxol. PGV-1 inhibittubulin polymerization on cell culture while taxol stabilized tubulin polymerization. Immunostainning data onPGV-1 treated cells showed slightly tubulin condensation, while taxol treated cells showed tubulin condensationdistinctly at 12 minutes after releasing from depolymerizing agent.In conclusion, PGV-1 represent a new microtubule inhibitor and has the potential to be developed for antimitoticdrugKey words: Pentagamavunon-1, T47D, tubuli

    T47D cells arrested at G2M and Hyperploidy Formation Induced by a Curcumin’s Analogue PGV-1

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    its chemical structure than curcumin. As a curcumin analogue, PGV-1 was considered to have anticanceractivities. This research was conducted to study the effect of PGV-1 on the cycle progression of T47D cells. Cytotoxiceffects of PGV-1 on T47D cells were determined using MTT assay, and the the effect on cell cycle progressionwas carried out using flowcytometry. Western blot analysis was used to analyze protein expression correspondingto cell cycle progression. The result showed that at the concentration of 2.5 ÎŒM PGV-1 inhibited cell cycleprogression through G2/M arrest and induced of cells hyperploidy formation. The hyperploidy formation inducedby PGV-1 was related to the increase of cdc-2 expression. PGV-1 2.5 ÎŒM elevated the level of p21 CIP/KIPthrough p53- independent manner. Apoptosis was also induced by PGV-1 at early phase of treatment indicated byPARP cleavage due to activation of caspase-3/7 after 12 h treatment. The results above suggest that PGV-1 inhibitsthe growth of T47D cells targeted on microtubules.Keywords: PGV-1, G2/M arrest, apoptosis, p2

    Review Artikel: Pengaruh Metode Ekstraksi Terhadap Profil Metabolit Sekunder Bangle Hantu (Zingiber ottensii Val.)

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    Non-medical treatment using herbal plants is still the choice of many traditional communities in Indonesia. Black bangle (Zingiber ottensii Val.) is a herbal plant that has many benefits for treating various diseases. One of the main compounds of black bangle (Zingiber ottensii Val.) which has a lot of pharmacological activity is zerumbone. This literature review aims to compare the extraction methods on their effect on the profile of secondary metabolites of black bangle (Zingiber ottensii Val.), so that the method to obtain the best zerumbone levels can be found. In the preparation of this literature review, articles from electronic databases such as PubMed were carried out with the keywords (“Zingiber” OR “ottensii”) AND (“extraction method” OR “extract*”) and through Google Scholar with the keywords (“Zingiber ottensii”) AND (“extraction method” OR "extract*") AND (“secondary metabolites”). There were 396 articles published between 2015-2020. Then the inclusion criteria were determined, namely the tested plants came from the Zingiberaceae family, mentioned the extraction method and there was zerumbone in the profile analysis of the extracted compounds. Exclusion criteria were also determined, namely article in the form of a review article, articles published before 2015, and did not mention zerumbone in the analysis of the extracted compound. The final results were 8 articles that met the inclusion criteria and were ready to be reviewed. The results of the analysis showed that a good extraction method used to obtain the main secondary metabolite (zerumbone) from black bangle rhizome (Zingiber ottensii Val.) is microwave-assisted extraction (MAE)

    Literature Review : Aktivitas Antikanker Payudara Bawang Dayak (Eleutherine bulbosa (Mill.) Urb.)

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    Dayak onions have been widely studied for their activity in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. The purpose of this literature review is to examine the anticancer activity of dayak onions plants extracts and their mechanisms in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. The method used in article search is using the PubMed and Google Scholar databases with the type of literature being analyzed, namely research on the cytotoxic activity of dayak onions plant extracts using the keywords ("Eleutherine" or “dayak onions”) and ("cancer" or “cytotoxicity”). The inclusion criteria used were journals containing cytotoxic or breast anticancer tests of the dayak onions plant with the publication year 2011-2020, and full text journals. The exclusion criteria used were journals about the combination of dayak onions plant extracts with other plants, there was no IC50 value, and journals about review articles, abstracts, or books. The result of the analysis showed that the content of the dayak onion extract contained isoliquiritigenin and eleutherine compound which a role in the inhibition of breast cancer

    Tinjauan Artikel : Aktivitas Antidiabetes Antosianin

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    Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease which characterized by increased blood sugar levels. The prevalence of diabetes sufferers in Indonesia in 2013 was 6.9% and increased by 8.5% in 2018. Increased use of diabetes drugs has the potential to increase side effects. Some of the side effects often experienced by diabetes patients are nausea and hypoglycemia. Therefore, a new focus is needed to overcome the side effects that occur, one of which is to use traditional medicine. There have been many studies on plants that have antidiabetic activity with compounds that play an active role, namely terpenoid flavonoids and saponins. One group of flavonoid is an anthocyanin that has been widely studied for its properties, including anti-cancer and antidiabetic properties. This literature review aims to determine the effectiveness of anthocyanins as antidiabetic agents. This literature review is obtained from articles searched through the PubMed database, using the keyword "anthocyanins and antidiabetic activity". Some of the inclusion criteria were in vitro studies and primary articles with the publication year 2016-2020. From these results, 7 articles that met the criteria were determined and used as reviews. Based on the analysis, the anthocyanin compoundsfound in plants have pharmacological activity as an antidiabetic agent with several mechanis