11 research outputs found

    Actual state of expert activities in the Czech republic in 2013

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    V příspěvku je analyzován současný stav znalecké činnosti a počty znalců a znaleckých ústavů v ČRActual state of expert activities is analyzed in this contribution and numbers of experts and expert institutions in the Czech Republic

    Determining influence of new construction on market value of nearby building sites

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    Developerské projekty prováděnými změnami v infrastruktuře výrazně ovlivňují některé z cenotvorných vlastností stavebních pozemků. Jmenovitě se jedná např. o dopravní dostupnost a napojení na inženýrské sítě. Dalším průvodním jevem rozsáhlé rezidenční výstavby je ovlivňování cen pozemků spekulacemi. S drahými novostavbami vzniká i tzv. „dobrá adresa“, posunují se hranice zastavěného území obytných ploch a v očekávání další výstavby se začínají obchodovat za vyšší ceny i původně neatraktivní parcely v blízkém okolí. Stanovení míry vlivu plánované, popř. probíhající výstavby na okolní pozemky bude provedeno komparativní metodou, tedy vzájemným porovnáním cen pozemků v různých fázích výstavby. Jako srovnávací vzorky poslouží pozemky obchodované, oceňované nebo nabízené k prodeji v lokalitách, kde probíhá nebo proběhla významná stavební činnost (např. k.ú. Bystrc, Komín, Sadová). Jako pomocný podklad pro sestavení srovnávací databáze bude rovněž sloužit cenová mapa stavebních pozemků. Výsledky statistického vyhodnocení srovnávacích databází budou následně konfrontováno s koeficienty uváděnými v oceňovací vyhlášce. Cílem práce je navrhnout způsob vyčíslení míry ovlivnění tržní hodnoty pozemku v závislosti na plánované nebo probíhající výstavbě v jeho okolí. Dizertace bude prioritně zaměřena na stavební pozemky dle definice § 9 zákona č. 151/1997 Sb. V souvislosti s plánovanou výstavbou však skupují developerské společnosti i jiné než stavební pozemky za ceny odvozené od cen pozemků stavebních. K tomuto faktu se běžně přihlíží při oceňování obvyklou cenou, a proto bude tato skutečnost zohledněna i při zpracování dizertační práce. Výsledkem práce bude návrh metodiky využitelné pro stanovení obvyklé ceny pozemků komparativní metodou, a to konkrétně: 1. metodiky na korekci indexu odlišnosti o vlivy vyvolané změnami okolí v souvislosti se stavební činností, 2. metodiky na korekci indexu odlišnosti o spekulativní složku související se stavební činností (i potenciální) u nestavebních pozemků (např. zemědělské pozemky).New building projects make changes in infrastructure and it is the reason of changing some of the characteristics of pricing building plots. For example: transport accessibility and connection to utilities. Side-effect of large-scale residential development is rising the price of land by speculation, because the expensive new buildings are creating places of "Good address". New construction pushing the boundaries of built-up area and in anticipation of further construction will begin trading at higher prices. The aim is to provide a method of determining of new construction on market value of nearby building sites. The project will be primarily focused on building sites as defined by law. Determination of the impact will be made by a comparative method. As comparative examples will be used traded, valued or offered real estates in locations with some new housing constructions (e.g. cadaster Bystrc, Komín, Sadova). The result of the work will be usable for real estate valuation: 1. Methodology for correction of index of variations to effects of new construction. 2. Methodology for correction of index of variations to speculative component of price.

    Technological Process of Implementation of truss of the Residential Building in Ostrava

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    Cílem bakalářské práce je zpracovat stavebně-technologický postup pro provádění nosné konstrukce střešního pláště. Obsahem bakalářské práce je průvodní zpráva, technická zpráva, situace, základy, výkopy, půdorysy, řez, půdorys střechy, pohledy, technologický postup provedení krovu bytového domu, časový harmonogram, rozpočet popisované části objektuThe goal of this bachelor thesis is the processing of implementation of truss in residential building of the specific object. The bachelor's thesis is anaccompanying report,technical report, situation, foundation, excavations, floorplans, cut, roof, ground plan, views, technological progress of the roof on apartment building, times schedule, budget of the part described.225 - Katedra pozemního stavitelstvívýborn

    A study of the timing and correlation of deploying selected back up Czech Army forces during non-military crisis situations

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    The main task of the Integrated Rescue System is to ensure the safety of people and reduce the impact of extraordinary incidents on people, property and the environment of the Czech Republic. In the event that the incident exceeds its range of capabilities and the effectiveness of the main elements of the Integrated Rescue System, which is the Fire Brigade, Police of the Czech Republic and the Emergency Medical Service and is in accordance with current legislation and the central alarm plan, the Czech Army can also be involved. It is possible to say that in the instance where an extraordinary incident may arise, if necessary, the Army of the Czech Republic and its earmarked forces can provide the necessary support to the main elements of the Integrated Rescue System. Therefore it follows that by including the Army of the Czech Republic amongst all other elements, it ensures that the Army of Czech Republic participates in the operations of the Integrated Rescue System but only at the time when it is of a greater extent and only in the event, where the extent or period of duration of the extraordinary incident lead to a declaration of a third or emergency level of alarm. For example, in the strengthening of the Integrated Rescue System in rescue work during natural disasters of a greater magnitude. It participates in these cases, especially in saving human life, in the evacuation of people from affected areas and also on the initial liquidation of consequences in cases where it is necessary. The research group in statistical inquiries of this work is therefore made up of members from the active reserves of the Army of the Czech Republic. I gathered basic data from report spreadsheets to a senior level regarding fulfilment and staffing levels of table positions in the structure of active reserves, according to their individual locations. Another source was the electronic database of the Information System for planning the mobilization of the Army of the Czech Republic, within the framework of the functionality of its subtasks; it is possible from RESOURCES (filter setting data) to obtain data on the distribution of members of the active reserves according to individual military and individual functions. From the perspective of correlation regression, this division is important, given that within the statistical part of the work the research files are also divided according to functions, which, if realized by the members of the active reserves were for the Integrated Rescue System beneficial and applicable. The hypothesis of the statistical research of this study is: "The number of Czech citizens in the mandatory reserve Army of the Czech Republic available for deployment within ACR in a state of emergency is inadequate ". This hypothesis under investigation emerged from my professional curiosity and also from the many discussions and polemics discussed with my professional colleagues and friends from the general public and with members from the ranks of active reservists. The purpose of the above-defined hypothesis was to verify whether there is a sufficient number of citizens in the mandatory reserve Army of the Czech Republic, who would be available for deployment in the Army of the Czech Republic during the announcement of the state of a non-military crisis. Due to current legislation and in particular the postulate on which it is based, namely that active service in the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic in peacetime is purely voluntary, from whereby citizens of the so-called mandatory reserve are deployable and from which only those citizens who voluntarily undertook conscription, therefore, become members of Active backups. Research hypothesis, indicates that the number of selected - active reservists is insufficient, given that the overall capacity over the long term is moving on average around 50% of the total planned numbers and was provided by the simple knowledge of the issue

    Variant solutions of cladding of residential house in Bohumín - Constructional technological project

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    DAŇHEL, P. Variantní řešení obvodového pláště polyfunkčního domu v Bohumíně – stavebně technologický projekt. Ostrava, 2019. Diplomová práce. Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta stavební, Katedra pozemního stavitelství. Vedoucí diplomové práce Ing. Eva Machovčáková, Ph.D. Cílem diplomové práce je zpracovat technologický postup pro variantní řešení obvodového pláště, průvodní zpráva, technická zpráva, situace, základy, výkopy, půdorysy, řezy, půdorys střechy, pohledy, technologický postup, časový harmonogram, rozpočet popisované části objektu.The aim of the thesis is to elaboration of the technological procedure of external walls construction in two alternatives. Reports such as summary technical report, situation, foundation, excavations, floorplans, cut, roof, ground plan, views, times schedule, economical and time-consuming aspect of describe building.225 - Katedra pozemního stavitelstvívelmi dobř

    Actual state of expert activities in the Czech republic in 2012

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    Actual state of expert activities is analyzed in this contribution and numbers of experts and expert institutions in the Czech Republic. The second section covers the amendments to the Act No. 36/19*67 Coll. On experts and interpreters, which brought the Act No. 444/2011 Coll

    Data collection for the comparative method of valuation

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    The article solves the issue of collecting data from real estate advertising which could be used for the comparative method of valuation. It focuses on attributes of advertised prices, ie. what is included in the offer price and how they differ from the final sales price realized. The next section solves the issue of use of computer to collect raw data from an Internet and represents the current range of software, which can be used for this purpose

    Actual state of expert activities in the Czech republic in 2013

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    Actual state of expert activities is analyzed in this contribution and numbers of experts and expert institutions in the Czech Republic