485 research outputs found

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    7th International Workshop on Marine Technology – Martech Workshop 2016, 26-28 October 2016, Barcelona.-- 1 pagePeer Reviewe

    3-4 urteko gelan Euskal Mitologiako pertsonaien baloreak helarazteko esku-hartze proposamena

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    [EUS] Gradu amaierako lan honetan Euskal Mitologiako pertsonaiek transmititzen dituzten baloreak Haur Hezkuntzako ikasleekin lantzeko esku hartze bat gauzatu da. Lehenengo eta behin, teoria mailan mitoak, mitologia eta euskal mitologia zer diren definitu eta gero, hortik, mitologiako pertsonaien ezaugarriak eta transmititzen edo sinbolizatzen dituzten baloreen berri edukiko da. Gero, Muxikako Urretxindorra eskolako 3-4 urteko gelako umeekin aurrera eramateko esku hartze bat diseinatu da. Astebetean zehar, ekintza eta jarduera desberdinen bidez, euskal mitologiako pertsonaiak ezagutu eta horien baloreak umeekin landuko dira. Amaitzeko, praktikan lorturiko ondorioei dagozkien emaitzak zehaztuko dira.[ES] En el presente trabajo Fin de Grado, se ha realizado una intervención con un alumnado de Educación Infantil con el fin de trabajar los valores que transmiten los personajes mitológicos vascos. En primer lugar, después de definir qué son los mitos, qué es la mitología y qué es la mitología vasca, se tendrán en cuenta las características y los valores que transmiten o simbolizan los personajes mitológicos. Después, se ha diseñado una secuencia didáctica para llevar a cabo con niñas y niños de 3 a 4 años de edad de la escuela Urretxindorra de Muxika. A lo largo de una semana, mediante diversas actividades, se estudiaran los personajes mitológicos y valores relacionados a los mismos. Para finalizar, se darán a conocer los resultados obtenidos mediante dicha práctica.[EN] In the present end of school year’s, an intervention has been carried out with a pupil of Infant school in order to work the values that transmit the Basque mythological personages. First of all, after defining what the myths are, what is mythology and what is Basque mythology, we will take into account the characteristics and values that mythological characters transmit or symbolize. Afterwards, a didactic sequence has been designed to be carried out with children, from 3 to 4 years of age, of the school Urretxindorra de Muxika. Throughout a week, with various activities, we will study the characters and values related to them. Finally, the results obtained by this practice will be commented

    Benefits of chartering RV´s for the offshore industry. Scientific Charter Experiences with BO Sarmiento de Gamboa

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    16th European Research Vessels Operators Annual Meeting (16th ERVO), 11-12 June 2014, CSIC (UTM-CMIMA), Barcelona, Spain.-- 16 pagesPeer Reviewe

    Methodology for an optimal deployment of the recharging infrastructure for electric vehicles

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    184 p.CO2 emissions must be reduced to meet the international commitments to tackle climate change. One of the most promising alternatives for such reduction is the electrification of transport, especially in urban environments, due to its advantages in terms of lack of local emissions and noise reduction. Yet, the lack of publicly accessible charging infrastructure is preventing the mass-adoption of electro-mobility. EV customers want to see a dense enough publicly accessible charging infrastructure network, but they will seldom use it if they can use private home charging. Hence, the economic feasibility of deploying such charging infrastructure must be carefully assessed. Although there have been several attempts to assess the economic performance of operating publicly accessible charging infrastructure, none of them if able to handle the complexity of electro-mobility (by e.g. merging all different charging alternatives into the same analysis). This thesis aims at filling the identified gap, by defining a new methodology which looks at the whole value chain, is business-oriented, performs a quantitative analysis, compares EV against ICE vehicles and takes into account the relationships between the different charging alternatives into a single assessment. The three main contributions of the thesis are: 1) The new methodology extends the scope for analysing complex business cases to consider the different dimensions of the business case at the same time, 2) This new methodology highlights the crucial need to involve appropriate representatives of the relevant stakeholders (decision-makers) in the analysis from the very beginning of the process, and 3) The new methodology has an oriented, tailored approach from the early stages of the analysis to obtain significant results which increase the reliability of the outcomes and guide the decision-making process

    Review of lessons learned after five years of shallow water autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) operations

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    The Unidad de Tecnología Marina (UTM) acquired in 2010, due to the wide scientific requirement to obtain high quality images of the seafloor, a couple of AUV´s for shallow waters applications with the aim to support marine research operations in coastal waters. The vehicles has been used as a routine science vehicle but also for technical development. During these years a valuable experience has been gained for future operation on either, coastal and open waters with new and more performant platforms.Peer Reviewe

    Marine Technology in Spain: a Challenge to Achieve High Quality Research in Marine Sciences

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    Marine Technology Workshop (Martech05), 17-18 November 2005, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona.-- 2 pages, 1 figurePeer Reviewe

    Sigsensual: A Project to Develop an Ocean Bottom Seismometer Prototype and its Associated Signal Processing Software

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    Marine Technology Workshop (Martech05), 17-18 November 2005, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona.-- 2 pages, 2 figuresPeer Reviewe

    R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa: a New Vessel for Spanish Marine Research

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    R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa: a new vessel for spanish marine research

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