17 research outputs found

    Analysis and Implementation of Room Assignment Problem and Cannon\u27s Algorithm on General Purpose Programmable Graphical Processing Units with CUDA

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    General-purpose Graphics Processing Units (GP-GPU) has emerged as a popular computing paradigm for high-performance computing over the last few years. The increased interest in GP-GPUs for parallel computing mirrors the trend in general computing with the rise of multi-core processors as an alternative approach to increase processor performance. Many applications that were previously accelerated on distributed processing platforms with MPI or multithreaded techniques such as OpenMP are now being investigated to assess their performance on GP-GPU platforms. Since the GP-GPU platform is designed to give higher performance for parallel problems, applications on other parallel architectures are good candidates for performance studies on GP-GPUs. The first case study in this research is a GP-GPU implementation of a Simulated Annealing-based solution of the Room Assignment problem using CUDA. The Room Assignment problem attempts to arrange N people in N/2 rooms, taking into consideration each person\u27s preference for a roommate. To evaluate the implementation, it was compared against the serial implementation for problem sizes 5000, 10000, 15000 and 20000 people. The GP-GPU implementation achieved as much as 78% higher improvement ratio than the serial version in comparable execution time. The second case study is a GP-GPU implementation of Cannon\u27s Algorithm using CUDA. The GP-GPU implementation is compared with a serial implementation of a conventional matrix multiplication O(n3). The GP-GPU implementation achieved upto 6.2x speedup over the conventional serial multiplication. The results for both applications with varying problem sizes are presented and discussed

    Chief Minister’s Jan Awas Yojna-2015 – An Emerging Prospect Of Affordable Housing In Rajasthan

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     After independence, the country's urban population has exploded. The migration of people from rural and semi-urban areas to urban areas is a common occurrence. They face a significant shelter challenge in urban areas, which is out of reach due to scarce resources, expensive property, construction materials, and labour, as well as a general lack of infrastructure in urban areas. As a result, policymakers must take a constructive position in encouraging the development of EWS and LIG housing stock in urban areas. According to TG-12 reports, the poorer parts of India accounted for 96 percent of the housing shortage.3 As a result policy proposals were needed to close the gap between urban housing demand and supply. The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna-2015 (Urban) and the Chief Minister's Jan Awas Yojna-2015 (Rajasthan) will serve as a watershed moment in this regard. Central and state governments strategically manage the cost of affordable housing units for the EWS and LIG segments by subsidizing affordable houses and extending various incentives, exemptions, rebates, relaxations, interest subsidy, and facilities to various stakeholders with the aim of maximising the use of valuable urban lands to provide EWS and LIG houses at affordable rates to targeted groups. This research paper aims to evaluate the integration of both schemes in order to meet affordable housing goals in the state of Rajasthan, as well as summarise the perspectives of various stakeholders on both schemes

    Design of JPEG Compressor

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    Images are generated, edited and transmitted on a very regular basis in a vast number of systems today. The raw image data generated by the sensors on a camera is very voluminous to store and hence not very efficient. It becomes especially cumbersome to move it around in bandwidth constrained systems or where bandwidth is to be conserved for cost purposes such as the World Wide Web. Such scenarios demand use of efficient image compressing techniques such as the JPEG algorithm technique which compresses the image to a high degree with little loss in perceived quality of the image. Today JPEG algorithm has become the de facto standard in image compression. MATLAB was used to write code for a program which could output a quantized DCT version of the input image and techniques for hardware implementation of JPEG algorithm in a speedy way were investigated

    A Simple PCR–RFLP Method for Genetic Phase Determination in Compound Heterozygotes

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    When susceptibility to diseases is caused by cis-effects of multiple alleles at adjacent polymorphic sites, it may be difficult to assess with confidence the genetic phase and identify individuals carrying the risk haplotype. Experimental assessment of genetic phase is still challenging and most population studies use statistical approaches to infer haplotypes given the observed genotypes. While these statistical approaches are powerful and have been proven very useful in large scale genetic population studies, they may be prone to errors in studies with small sample size, especially in the presence of compound heterozygotes. Here, we describe a simple and novel approach using the popular PCR–RFLP based strategy to assess the genetic phase in compound heterozygotes. We apply this method to two extensively studied SNPs in two clustered immune-related genes: The −308 (G > A) and the +252 (A > G) SNPs of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha and the lymphotoxin alpha (LTA) genes, respectively. Using this method, we successfully determined the genetic phase of these two SNPs in known compound heterozygous individuals and in every sample tested. We show that the A allele of TNF −308 is carried on the same chromosome as the LTA +252(G) allele

    Relevance of Organization Culture Variables on Creating Organizational Learned Helplessness [A Study of Selected Public Sector Units of Rajasthan]

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    There has been a widespread realization that in any organization while other tangible resources (machines, materials, technology, etc.) can be bought and duplicated, human resources cannot be bought into the organization from outside. Organizations face low attrition rate if the employees are happier and satisfied with the environment around them. They show high levels commitment, dedication, and loyalty towards the organization. These values are inculcated within the organization through its cultural dimensions. If the culture is conducive and supportive to the employees, it may increase the efficiency and effectiveness of its workforce. But if the culture of the organization doesn’t support its employees then it may induce Organizational Learned Helplessness. It is a situation where employees feel unable to change themselves or their situation to achieve their objectives. The present research work studies organization culture variables of select Public Sector Units in Rajasthan. An inverse relationship is found to exist between the organization culture variables and Learned Helplessness variables. A similar study has been conducted by Dr. Hardik Shah and Mr. Sharad Saxena on the R&D professionals of Pharmaceutical companies

    Mechanisms of NLRP3 inflammasome-mediated hepatic stellate cell activation: Therapeutic potential for liver fibrosis

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    The liver injury leads to an inflammatory response, which causes the activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) that further secrete ECM proteins and play an important role in liver fibrosis. Moreover, the inflammatory response is a driving force for fibrogenesis, which is triggered by many types of injuries. Exaggerated inflammatory immune responses are mediated by cytoplasmic protein complexes known as inflammasomes, which are involved in many chronic liver diseases. Inflammasomes are pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) that can sense any microbial motifs known as pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), and host- or environmental-derived stress signals known as damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). The inflammasomes cause caspase-mediated proteolytic cleavage of pro-IL-1β and pro-IL-18 into active IL-1β and IL-18. In this review, we provide a comprehensive summary of the important roles of NLRP3 inflammasome in the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis with an emphasis on several direct and indirect pathways responsible for the NLRP3 inflammasome-mediated HSCs activation and fibrogenesis. In addition, we discuss the general pharmacological and genetics strategies for the inhibition of NLRP3 inflammasome activation and its downstream signaling with examples of emerging pharmacotherapeutics, targeting the NLRP3 inflammasome signaling as well as a possible way to develop effective and safer NLRP3 inflammasome inhibitors

    RPNG: A Tool for Random Process Network Generation

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    In this paper, we present a user controllable pseudo random process network generator (RPNG). It generates random process networks which can be used as test cases for tools related to application specific multiprocessor architectures. RPNG generates database of computation and communication attributes of process networks for various processors and communication resources. These attributes are controlled by user specified parameters. RPNG also generates code for the process network ensuring that these networks are deadlock free. Generated code can be used as a workload either on a simulator or on an actual platform to study the underlying architecture. Another advantage of RPNG is that it enables one to reproduce results of other researchers