121 research outputs found

    Trace element evidence for the origin of ocean island basalts : an example from the Austral Islands (French Polynesia)

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    Cet article présente une étude géochimique des roches magmatiques des Iles Australes. La présence et la distribution d'éléments en trace incompatibles indiquent que ces laves dérivent d'une source magmatique hétérogène. Comme le montrent les données isotopiques, ces hétérogénéités sont à attribuer à un mélange entre le manteau supérieur et une croûte océanique en subduction qui, auparavant, avait été la source d'un magma tholeiitiqu

    Subducted and recycled lithosphere as the mantle source of ocean island basalts from southern Polynesia, central Pacific

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    L'étude géochimique et pétrographique des basaltes des archipels volcaniques de la Polynésie Française montre que ces roches dérivent d'une lithosphère ancienne ayant subi une subduction et un recyclage. La composition chimique et isotopique des basaltes montre l'existence d'hétérogénéités géochimiques pour la source magmatique : elles s'expliquent par un mélange de la croûte océanique avec une péridotite résiduelle

    Calibrating and adjusting expectations in life: A grounded theory on how elderly persons with somatic health problems maintain control and balance in life and optimize well-being

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    Aim: This study aims at exploring the main concern for elderly individuals with somatic health problems and what they do to manage this. Method: In total, 14 individuals (mean = 74.2 years; range = 68–86 years) of both gender including hospitalized and outpatient persons participated in the study. Open interviews were conducted and analyzed according to grounded theory, an inductive theory-generating method. Results: The main concern for the elderly individuals with somatic health problems was identified as their striving to maintain control and balance in life. The analysis ended up in a substantive theory explaining how elderly individuals with somatic disease were calibrating and adjusting their expectations in life in order to adapt to their reduced energy level, health problems, and aging. By adjusting the expectations to their actual abilities, the elderly can maintain a sense of that they still have the control over their lives and create stability. The ongoing adjustment process is facilitated by different strategies and result despite lower expectations in subjective well-being. The facilitating strategies are utilizing the network of important others, enjoying cultural heritage, being occupied with interests, having a mission to fulfill, improving the situation by limiting boundaries and, finally, creating meaning in everyday life. Conclusion: The main concern of the elderly with somatic health problems was to maintain control and balance in life. The emerging theory explains how elderly people with somatic health problems calibrate their expectations of life in order to adjust to reduced energy, health problems, and aging. This process is facilitated by different strategies and result despite lower expectation in subjective well-being

    Defining signatures of peripheral T-cell lymphoma with a targeted 20-marker gene expression profiling assay.

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    Peripheral T-cell lymphoma comprises a heterogeneous group of mature non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Their diagnosis is challenging, with up to 30% of cases remaining unclassifiable and referred to as "not otherwise specified". We developed a reverse transcriptase-multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification gene expression profiling assay to differentiate the main T-cell lymphoma entities and to study the heterogeneity of the "not specified" category. The test evaluates the expression of 20 genes, including 17 markers relevant to T-cell immunology and lymphoma biopathology, one Epstein-Barr virus-related transcript, and variants of RHOA (G17V) and IDH2 (R172K/T). By unsupervised hierarchical clustering, our assay accurately identified 21 of 21 ALK-positive anaplastic large cell lymphomas, 16 of 16 extranodal natural killer (NK)/T-cell lymphomas, 6 of 6 hepatosplenic T-cell lymphomas, and 13 of 13 adult T-cell leukemia/lymphomas. ALK-negative anaplastic lymphomas (n=34) segregated into one cytotoxic cluster (n=10) and one non-cytotoxic cluster expressing Th2 markers (n=24) and enriched in DUSP22-rearranged cases. The 63 T <sub>FH</sub> -derived lymphomas divided into two subgroups according to a predominant T <sub>FH</sub> (n=50) or an enrichment in Th2 (n=13) signatures. We next developed a support vector machine predictor which attributed a molecular class to 27 of 77 not specified T-cell lymphomas: 17 T <sub>FH</sub> , five cytotoxic ALK-negative anaplastic and five NK/T-cell lymphomas. Among the remaining cases, we identified two cell-of-origin subgroups corresponding to cytotoxic/Th1 (n=19) and Th2 (n=24) signatures. A reproducibility test on 40 cases yielded a 90% concordance between three independent laboratories. This study demonstrates the applicability of a simple gene expression assay for the classification of peripheral T-cell lymphomas. Its applicability to routinely-fixed samples makes it an attractive adjunct in diagnostic practice