10 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Prototip ASR terdiri dari instalasi pengolahan air (IPA) dan sumur ASR merupakan pendekatan teknologi konservasi air tanah dalam di Kelurahan Utama, Kecamatan Cimahi Selatan. Konservasi ini bertujuan memperbaiki kuantitas air tanah dalam, memperbaiki kualitas air tanah dalam melalui kualitas air imbuhan yang baik serta memanfaatkan air tanah dalam untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih. Metode penelitian ini antara lain, commissioning IPA SNI 0004 : 2008 untuk mengoptimalisasi kinerja IPA, RSNI T-06-2002-03 untuk menguji efisiensi sumur, serta metode pengujian kualitas air. Kualitas air Kolam Penampung sebagai air baku untuk imbuhan air tanah belum memenuhi baku mutu untuk parameter kekeruhan 18,61 NTU; pH 8,65; COD 24 mg/l; dan zat organik 42,34 mg/l. Dengan pengujian beberapa variasi debit didapatkan pengolahan IPA optimal pada 0,58 l/detik sebagai debit operasional terpilih. Hasil operasional semua parameter kualitas air yang diujikan memenuhi baku mutu kualitas air kecuali COD 16 mg/l dan zat organik 10,7 mg/l. Debit 0,58 l/detik berpotensi mengimbuhan volume air 3.006.720 liter selama musim hujan (6 bulan). Hasil uji efisiensi pemompaan sumur ASR yaitu debit 0,13 l/detik, sehingga volume produksi sumur ASR selama musim kemarau adalah 2.021.760 liter. Antara pengimbuhan dan pemompaan terdapat surplus air tanah dalam sebesar 984.960 liter/tahun untuk mengurangi krisis air tanah dalam. Dengan pemompaan 2.021.760 liter selama musim kemarau (6 bulan), maka 7,8 % dari 25.920.000 l/tahun kebutuhan air bersih industri terpenuhi. Kata kunci : air tanah dalam, commissioning IPA, imbuhan, sumur ASR, Uji efisiensi sumu

    The relationship between physical activity and leg health in the broiler chicken

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    1. The relationship between the physical activity and leg health of broiler chickens was assessed on a semi-commercial scale. 2. Three batches of birds (2128 per batch) were raised under two lighting regimes during the photoperiod; either a step-wise change of light intensity alternating between an illuminance of 200 and 10 lx or a constant illuminance of 10 lx. The activity of focal individuals (24 per batch) was observed at 2, 4 and 6 weeks of age, and leg health assessed weekly, based on gait score, the prevalence of burns on the hock and foot pad, and angulation and rotation of the leg at the intertarsal joint. Cortical bone density and thickness and area moments of inertia of the mid-physis tibiotarsus were measured post mortem at 6 weeks of age. 3. The step-wise change in light intensity did not affect overall performance, activity or leg health. 4. An individual bird’s activity did not affect its gait score, the prevalence of hock burn or foot pad burn, cortical density or thickness or shape of the tibiotarsus. Sex of the bird was the only factor to affect significantly the area moment of inertia in the horizontal and vertical planes of the tibiotarsus, with females showing a lower moment of inertia for both. No variable had a significant effect on cortical density or thickness. Mean cortical density was low across all birds and may indicate that, when allowed to move freely as much or as little as they choose, broiler chickens do not exercise enough or do not perform the higher impact activities required to affect bone quality. 5. These findings imply that the activity of broiler chickens raised on a semi-commercial scale is unaffected by step-wise changes in light intensity and that other husbandry measures are needed to raise activity and hence improve leg health.L. Sherlock, T.G.M. Demmers, A.E. Goodship, I.D. Mccarthy and C.M. Wathe

    Current challenges and implications for dengue, chikungunya and Zika seroprevalence studies worldwide: A scoping review.

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    BACKGROUND:Arboviral infections are a public health concern and an escalating problem worldwide. Estimating the burden of these diseases represents a major challenge that is complicated by the large number of unapparent infections, especially those of dengue fever. Serological surveys are thus required to identify the distribution of these diseases and measure their impact. Therefore, we undertook a scoping review of the literature to describe and summarize epidemiological practices, findings and insights related to seroprevalence studies of dengue, chikungunya and Zika virus, which have rapidly expanded across the globe in recent years. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Relevant studies were retrieved through a literature search of MEDLINE, WHOLIS, Lilacs, SciELO and Scopus (2000 to 2018). In total, 1389 publications were identified. Studies addressing the seroprevalence of dengue, chikungunya and/or Zika written in English or French and meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included. In total, 147 studies were included, from which 185 data points were retrieved, as some studies used several different samples. Most of the studies were exclusively conducted on dengue (66.5%), but 16% were exclusively conducted on chikungunya, and 7 were exclusively conducted on Zika; the remainder were conducted on multiple arboviruses. A wide range of designs were applied, but most studies were conducted in the general population (39%) and in households (41%). Although several assays were used, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) were the predominant test used (77%). The temporal distribution of chikungunya studies followed the virus during its rapid expansion since 2004. The results revealed heterogeneity of arboviruses seroprevalence between continents and within a given country for dengue, chikungunya and Zika viruses, ranging from 0 to 100%, 76% and 73% respectively. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Serological surveys provide the most direct measurement for defining the immunity landscape for infectious diseases, but the methodology remains difficult to implement. Overall, dengue, chikungunya and Zika serosurveys followed the expansion of these arboviruses, but there remain gaps in their geographic distribution. This review addresses the challenges for researchers regarding study design biases. Moreover, the development of reliable, rapid and affordable diagnosis tools represents a significant issue concerning the ability of seroprevalence surveys to differentiate infections when multiple viruses co-circulate

    The Role of Auxin in Root-Symbiont and Root-Pathogen Interactions: From Development to Defense

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    Current challenges and implications for dengue, chikungunya and Zika seroprevalence studies worldwide: A scoping review

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    The Famlily Vibrionaceae

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