40 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Aplikasi MyARS Menggunakan Metode Webqual 4.0

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    Submission of ongoing academic activities and information in the field of education can take advantage of information technology. One of the most important is to create an academic information system that can be accessed by students online. The MyARS application is an academic information system that provides lecture information for ARS University students. The MyARS application page can be accessed via the link https://myars.ars.ac.id/. The question related to this research is whether the quality of the MyARS application used has an impact on user satisfaction. This study focuses on user satisfaction with the webqual method which consists of three variables, namely usability, information quality, and interaction quality. The obtained data is processed using multiple linear regression analysis techniques using SPSS 16 software. the quality of information is 3,620 with a percentage level of 83.79%. This is also supported by the regression results which prove the quality of usability has a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction. The results of the information quality score of 4,051 with a percentage level of 83.35%. This is also supported by the regression results which prove the quality of information has a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction. While the results of the information quality score of 2,167 with a percentage level of 80.25% This is also supported by the regression results which prove that the quality of information has a significant positive effect on customer satisfactionPenyampaian kegiatan dan informasi akademik yang sedang berlangsung di bidang pendidikan dapat memanfaatkan teknologi informasi. Salah satunya yang sangat penting adalahdengan membuat sistem informasi akademik yang dapat diakses oleh siswa secara online. Aplikasi MyARS merupakan sistem informasi akademik yang menyediakan informasi perkuliahan bagi mahasiswa ARS University. Laman aplikasi MyARS dapat diakses melalui tautan https://myars.ars.ac.id/. Pertanyaan terkait penelitian ini adalah apakah kualitas aplikasi MyARS yang digunakan berdampak pada kepuasan pengguna. Penelitian ini berfokus pada kepuasan pengguna dengan metode webqual yang terdiri dari tiga variabel yaitu usability, information quality, dan interaction quality. Data yang telah diperoleh diolah menggunakan teknik analisis regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan software SPSS 16. Berdasarkan variabel webqual, hasil analisis menyatakan hasil skor kualitas informasi sebesar 3.620 dengan tingkat persentase 83,79%. Hal tersebut juga didukung dengan hasil regresi yang membuktikan kualitas kegunaan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Hasil skor kualitas informasi sebesar 4.051 dengan tingkat persentase 83,35%. Hal tersebut juga didukung dengan hasil regresi yang membuktikan kualitas informasi berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan, sedangkan hasil skor kualitas informasi sebesar 2.167 dengan tingkat persentase 80,25% Hal tersebut juga didukung dengan hasil regresi yang membuktikan kualitas informasi berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan

    Locomotion disorders and skin and claw lesions in gestating sows housed in dynamic versus static groups

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    Lameness and lesions to the skin and claws of sows in group housing are commonly occurring indicators of reduced welfare. Typically, these problems are more common in group housing than in individual housing systems. Group management type (dynamic versus static) and stage of gestation influence the behavior of the animals, which in turn influences the occurrence of these problems. The present study compared prevalence, incidence and mean scores of lameness and skin and claw lesions in static versus dynamic group housed sows at different stages of gestation during three consecutive reproductive cycles. A total of 10 Belgian sow herds were monitored; 5 in which dynamic groups and 5 in which static groups were utilized. All sows were visually assessed for lameness and skin lesions three times per cycle and the claws of the hind limbs were assessed once per cycle. Lameness and claw lesions were assessed using visual analogue scales. Static groups, in comparison with dynamic groups, demonstrated lower lameness scores (P<0.05) and decreased skin lesion prevalence (24.9 vs. 47.3%, P<0.05) at the end of gestation. There was no difference between treatment group regarding claw lesion prevalence with 75.5% of sows demonstrating claw lesions regardless of group management. Prevalences of lameness (22.4 vs. 8.9%, P<0.05) and skin lesions (46.6 vs. 4.4%, P<0.05) were highest during the group-housed phase compared to the individually housed phases. Although the prevalence of lameness and skin lesions did not differ three days after grouping versus at the end of the group-housing phase, their incidence peaked during the first three days after moving from the insemination stalls to the group. In conclusion, the first three days after grouping was the most risky period for lameness incidence, but there was no significant difference between static or dynamic group management

    Indirect Genetic Effects and Housing Conditions in Relation to Aggressive Behaviour in Pigs

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    Indirect Genetic Effects (IGEs), also known as associative effects, are the heritable effects that an individual has on the phenotype of its social partners. Selection for IGEs has been proposed as a method to reduce harmful behaviours, in particular aggression, in livestock and aquaculture. The mechanisms behind IGEs, however, have rarely been studied. The objective was therefore to assess aggression in pigs which were divergently selected for IGEs on growth (IGEg). In a one generation selection experiment, we studied 480 offspring of pigs (Sus scrofa) that were selected for relatively high or low IGEg and housed in homogeneous IGEg groups in either barren or enriched environments. Skin lesion scores, a proxy measure of aggression, and aggressive behaviours were recorded. The two distinct IGEg groups did not differ in number of skin lesions, or in amount of reciprocal fighting, both under stable social conditions and in confrontation with unfamiliar pigs in a 24 h regrouping test. Pigs selected for a positive effect on the growth of their group members, however, performed less non-reciprocal biting and showed considerably less aggression at reunion with familiar group members after they had been separated during a 24 h regrouping test. The enriched environment was associated with more skin lesions but less non-reciprocal biting under stable social conditions. Changes in aggression between pigs selected for IGEg were not influenced by G脳E interactions with regard to the level of environmental enrichment. It is likely that selection on IGEg targets a behavioural strategy, rather than a single behavioural trait such as aggressiveness

    Estudio comparativo de peso vivo de ovinos criollos en tres diferentes pisos ecol贸gicos de la Regi贸n. Huayllay, Ticlacayan, Huachon y Tapuc.

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    TesisEn la Regi贸n Pasco, los ovinos criollos se desenvuelven bien ya que estos animales se caracterizan por su alta rusticidad, excelente habilidad de pastoreo y una buena conversi贸n alimentaria. Por otro lado, estos ovinos se encuentran ubicados en distintos pisos ecol贸gicos de la regi贸n Pasco, obteniendo de este modo una diversidad de caracteres gen茅ticos de ovinos, permitiendo as铆 utilizar a estos ovinos como madres para implantar nuevas razas de acuerdo a la zona o piso ecol贸gico del lugar, generando de este modo nuevas razas a mediano y largo plazo, promoviendo hacia la crianza de ovinos de mejor caracteres productivos de acuerdo al piso ecol贸gico, promoviendo as铆 el desarrollo de la poblaci贸n y finalmente mejorar la econom铆a del poblador rural