448 research outputs found

    Generators and relations for wreath products

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    Generators and defining relations for wreath products of groups are given. Under some condition (conormality of the generators) they are minimal. In particular, it is just the case for the Sylow subgroups of the symmetric groups.Comment: 4 page

    One branch curve singularities with at most 2-parameter families of ideals

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    A criterion is given in order that the ideals of a one branch curve singularity form at most 2-parameter families. Namely, we present a list of plane curve singularities from the Arnold's classification which are the smallest among all one branch singularities having at most 2-parameter families of ideals.Comment: 10 page

    Representations of nodal algebras of type A

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    We define nodal finite dimensional algebras and describe their structure over an algebraically closed field. For a special class of such algebras (type A) we find a criterion of tameness.Comment: 19 pages

    Magnetostimulated inhomogeneity of electric field in aluminum

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    The results of low temperature experimental and theoretical study of potential distribution of stationary electric field in Al under the action of inhomogeneous magnetic field are presented

    On Gelfand-Zetlin modules

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    summary:[For the entire collection see Zbl 0742.00067.]\par Let {\germ g}\sb k be the Lie algebra {\germ gl}(k,\mathcal{C}), and let U\sb k be the universal enveloping algebra for {\germ g}\sb k. Let Z\sb k be the center of U\sb k. The authors consider the chain of Lie algebras {\germ g}\sb n\supset {\germ g}\sb{n-1}\supset\dots\supset {\germ g}\sb 1. Then Z=\langle Z\sb k\mid k=1,2,\dots n\rangle is an associative algebra which is called the Gel'fand-Zetlin subalgebra of U\sb n. A {\germ g}\sb n module VV is called a GZGZ-module if V=\sum\sb x\oplus V(x), where the summation is over the space of characters of ZZ and V(x)=\{v\in V\mid(a-x(a))\sp mv=0, m\in\mathcal{Z}\sb +, aZ}a\in\mathcal{Z}\}. The authors describe several properties of GZGZ- modules. For example, they prove that if V(x)=0V(x)=0 for some xx and the module VV is simple, then VV is a GZGZ-module. Indecomposable GZGZ- modules are also described. The authors give three conjectures on GZGZ- modules and

    On the appearance of space temperature electric structures in hyperconductors under high magnetic fields

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    As part of the study of low temperature galvanomagnetic properties of high purity A1 in the Corbino geometry the voltage-current characteristics (IV) under external transverse magnetic field in the regime of given current revealed the effects of voltage stabilization. Here we attempt to ascribe these phenomena to appearance in the sample of bulk temperature structures characteristic of highly nonequilibrium systems. Joule’s heat of flowing electric current gives rise to disk warming. We also discuss the problems of the influence of warming in disks on the phenomena of electric transport with allowance for own magnetic fields being generated in disk

    Structural phase transitions and their influence on Cu+ mobility in superionic ferroelastic Cu6PS5I single crystals

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    The structural origin of Cu+ ions conductivity in Cu6PS5I single crystals is described in terms of structural phase transitions studied by X-ray diffraction, polarizing microscope and calorimetric measurements. Below the phase transition at Tc=(144-169) K Cu6PS5I belongs to monoclinic, ferroelastic phase, space group Cc. Above Tc crystal changes the symmetry to cubic superstructure, space group F-43c (a=19.528); finally at 274K disordering of the Cu+ ions increases the symmetry to F-43m, (a=9.794). The phase transition at 274K coincides well with a strong anomaly in electrical conductivity observed in the Arrhenius plot. Diffusion paths for Cu+ ions are evidenced by means of the atomic displacement factors and split model. Influence of the copper stechiometry on the Tc is also discussed.Comment: conference pape

    Десятирічний досвід лікування хворих на гострий медіастиніт

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    Проблема діагностики та лікування гострого медіастиніту зберігає свою актуальність в зв’язку з тяжкістю захворюван-ня та незадовільними результатами лікування. У статті представлено 10-річний досвід лікування 73 хворих на гостриймедіастиніт різної етіології. Серед найбільш частих причин гострого медіастиніту є гнійно-запальні процеси щелепно-лицевої зони та гнійна патологія ЛОР-органів у 56 (75,2 %) хворих, які призводять до флегмони шиї та медіастиніту.На другому місці – 7 (10,2 %) випадків перфорації стравоходу. Задовільний результат отримано в 64 (88,6 7%) пацієнтів.Померли 9 хворих 12,33 %. Основними причинами смерті стали гостра серцево-судинна недостатність та системна поліорганна недостатність


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    The research results of the changes of marketable product quality and natural losses during common cold storage and a shelf life period of 7 days at 20°C (cv. Golden Delicious) under post-harvest treatment with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) were presented in the paper. It was found out that postharvest treatment of apples (cv. Golden Delicious) with 1-MCP increased marketable products output by 0,6–16,9% with the advantage of higher commodity grade and reduced a natural loss. Postharvest treatment ensures 1.5 times lower losses from wilting, 2.5 – from fruit ro