8 research outputs found

    Causes and consequences of demographic development in the territory of Velebit Nature Park, 1857ā€“2001

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    Abstract Background and Purpose: The focus of this paper is the population and level of human habitation in Velebit Nature Park. The objective is to show the causes underlying demographic development, including population figures from 1857 to 2001 and overall population trends from 1961 to 2001 (population dynamics, natural trends and migrations) and their consequences in the contemporary habitation structure (settlements based on size and age composition of their populations). Research methodology, periodization and spatial scheme: The research approach was based on application of demographic models (demographic transition, general population trends and percentage evalvation of the populationā€™s age structure), methods (spatial analysis and synthesis) and techniques (tabular and cartographic analysis of relevant indicators). Periodization encompasses the intercensal periods from 1857 to 2001, wherein emphasis is placed on analysis of demographic development during the 1961ā€“2001 period and the 1991ā€“2001 period. The special scheme for research constitutes Velebit Nature Park as a whole, its four population zones (sub-montane settlements, coastal settlements, peripheral Lika settlements and Zrmanja area settlements), and settlements in the wider Park zone (a total of 75 settlements). Results and Conclusions: From the time of its first settlement in the late seventeenth century until the beginning of the twentieth century, the population in the Parkā€™s territory grew, whereafter continual depopulation ensued. At its peak in 1910, the population in the wide territory of the Park was 52,202, which is approximately 22 persons/km2, while in 2001 the population was only 9,219, or less than 4 persons/km2. Main causes for this drastic depopulation were emigration (under conditions of agrarian overpopulation and lagging regional development) and destructive impact of wars (WorldWar II and Croatiaā€™s \u27HomelandWar\u27 inthe 1990s). Given the overriding population trends, the result was that by the 1960s this became an exodus area marked by explicit emigratory trends, while by the 1970s this became a dying-off trend. This fact is reflected in the modern habitation structure, characterized by predominance of small settlements with populations marked by extremely advanced age. Enervation of the social energy to make use of the Parkā€™s resources and threats to habitats by natural succession of vegetation ā€“ with the ensuing negative impact on biological diversity and landscapes ā€“ dictate the need to revitalize the population within the framework of sustainable development in the protected area

    Croatian National Education Standard for Geography - A Review

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    Svjedoci smo sve većeg povećavanja koli-čine znanja u svim područjima znanosti i života. To je opterećivalo naÅ”e obrazovanje na svim stupnjevima. Nastao je raskorak između mogućnosti i htijenja, Å”to je rezultiralo nefunkcionalnim znanjima i nezadovoljstvom kako učenika, tako učitelja i roditelja. Te probleme trebao bi razrijeÅ”iti Hrvatski nacionalni obrazovni standard - HNOS. Hrvatski nacionalni obrazovni standard je cjeloviti pristup obrazovnom procesu i uključuje ciljeve odgoja i obrazovanja, odgojno-obrazovne sadržaje, prijedloge metoda poučavanja, očekivane ishode učenja i poučavanja te nastavno okružje. Sve je to u cilju obrazovanja i pripreme mladih naraÅ”taja za snalaženje u nepredvidivim budućim okolnostima, za gospodarstvo i druÅ”tvo temeljeno na znanju. Na izradi HNOS-a radio je velik broj stručnjaka iz relevantnih visokoÅ”kolskih ustanova i znanstvenih institucija, učitelja praktičara iz cijele Hrvatske. Zadaća je HNOS-a rasterećenje učenika i razvijanje znanja, vjeÅ”tina i navika te odgoj i socijalizacija pojedinca, u skladu s vrijednosnim sustavom EU. HNOS iz geografije prezentiran je, kao i u svim nastavnim predmetima prirodne skupine, kroz nastavne teme. Ustrojstvo tema je tabelarno, s 13 odrednica koje upućuju na ciljeve HNOS-a. Analizom HNOS-a razvidno je da je nastava geografije nezamisliva bez geografske karte jer je složenu prostornu stvarnost nemoguće spoznati bez odgovarajućih znanja, sposobnosti i navika iz područja kartografije. Karta je svojom univerzalnoŔću (kartografski znakovi) jedinstveno sredstvo za odgoj i socijalizaciju učenika. HNOS se počeo provoditi u 2005. godini u oko 5% (49) hrvatskih Å”kola. Za provedbu HNOS-a potrebna je dodatna edukacija učitelja geografije, a ona je osmiÅ”ljena putem seminara u nekoliko faza.We are witnesses to the increasing spreading of knowledge in all fields of scholarship and life itself. This has placed a burden on education at all levels. It has created a gap between possibilities and aspirations, which has in turn resulted in dysfunctional knowledge and dissatisfaction of pupils, teachers and parents. The objective of the Croatian National Education Standard (CNES) is to resolve these problems. The CNES is a comprehensive approach to the educational process and encompasses the objectives of education and learning, educational content, proposed instruction methods, expected outcomes of teaching, instruction and the teaching environment. The overall objective here is to educate and prepare younger generations for getting their bearings under unpredictable future circumstances, for a knowledge-based economy and society. A large number of experts from the relevant higher educational and scholarly institutions and practicing teachers from throughout Croatia participated in the development of the CNES. The task of the CNES in the field of geography is to disburden pupils and to develop knowledge, skills and habits, and to train and socialize individuals, in compliance with the value system of the European Union. The CNES in geography has been presented, as in all subjects of the natural science group, through lecture topics. The structure of topics is tabular, with 13 parameters that indicate objectives of the CNES. An analysis of the CNES clearly shows that teaching geography is inconceivable without maps, because complex spatial reality cannot be perceived without corresponding knowledge, ability and habits from the field of cartography. The map, with its universal nature (cartographic symbols), is an irreplaceable lecture aid to educate and socialize pupils. Implementation of the CNES commenced in 2005 in an experimental 5% (49) of Croatia\u27s schools. Implementation of CNES requires additional education of geography teachers, which has been conceived by means of seminars in several phases

    Hrvatski nacionalni obrazovni standard iz geografije - prikaz

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    We are witnesses to the increasing spreading of knowledge in all fields of scholarship andĀ lifeĀ itself. This has placed a burden on education at all levels. It has created a gap between possibilities and aspirations, which has in turn resulted in dysfunctional knowledge and dissatisfaction of pupils, teachers and parents. The objective of the Croatian National Education Standard (CNES) is to resolve these problems. The CNES is a comprehensive approach to the educational process and encompasses the objectives ofĀ education and learning, educational content, proposed instruction methods, expected outcomes of teaching, instruction and the teaching environment. The overall objective here is to educate and prepare younger generations for getting their bearings under unpredictable future circumstances, for a knowledge-based economy and society. A large number of experts from the relevant higher educational and scholarly institutions and practicing teachers from throughout Croatia participated in the development of the CNES. The task of the CNES in the field of geography is to disburden pupils and to develop knowledge, skills and habits, and to train and socialize individuals, in compliance with the value system of the European Union. The CNES in geography has been presented, as in all subjects of the natural science group, through lecture topics. The structure of topics is tabular, with 13 parameters that indicate objectives of the CNES. An analysis of the CNES clearly shows that teaching geography is inconceivable without maps, because complex spatial reality cannot be perceived without corresponding knowledge, ability and habits from the field of cartography. The map, with its universal nature (cartographic symbols), is an irreplaceable lecture aid to educate and socialize pupils. Implementation of the CNES commenced in 2005 in an experimental 5% (49) of Croatia's schools. Implementation of CNES requires additional education of geography teachers, which has been conceived by means of seminars in several phases.Svjedoci smo sve većeg povećavanja koli-čine znanja u svim područjima znanosti i života. To je opterećivalo naÅ”e obrazovanje na svim stupnjevima. Nastao je raskorak između mogućnosti i htijenja, Å”to je rezultiralo nefunkcionalnim znanjima i nezadovoljstvom kako učenika, tako učitelja i roditelja. Te probleme trebao bi razrijeÅ”iti Hrvatski nacionalni obrazovni standard - HNOS. Hrvatski nacionalni obrazovni standard je cjeloviti pristup obrazovnom procesu i uključuje ciljeve odgoja i obrazovanja, odgojno-obrazovne sadržaje, prijedloge metoda poučavanja, očekivane ishode učenja i poučavanja te nastavno okružje. Sve je to u cilju obrazovanja i pripreme mladih naraÅ”taja za snalaženje u nepredvidivim budućim okolnostima, za gospodarstvo i druÅ”tvo temeljeno na znanju. Na izradi HNOS-a radio je velik broj stručnjaka iz relevantnih visokoÅ”kolskih ustanova i znanstvenih institucija, učitelja praktičara iz cijele Hrvatske. Zadaća je HNOS-a rasterećenje učenika i razvijanje znanja, vjeÅ”tina i navika te odgoj i socijalizacija pojedinca, u skladu s vrijednosnim sustavomĀ EU. HNOS iz geografije prezentiran je, kao i u svim nastavnim predmetima prirodne skupine, kroz nastavne teme. Ustrojstvo tema je tabelarno, s 13 odrednica koje upućuju na ciljeve HNOS-a. Analizom HNOS-a razvidno je da je nastava geografije nezamisliva bez geografskeĀ karteĀ jer je složenu prostornu stvarnost nemoguće spoznati bez odgovarajućih znanja, sposobnosti i navika iz područja kartografije. Karta je svojom univerzalnoŔću (kartografski znakovi) jedinstveno sredstvo za odgoj i socijalizaciju učenika. HNOS se počeo provoditi u 2005. godini u oko 5% (49) hrvatskih Å”kola. Za provedbu HNOS-a potrebna je dodatna edukacija učitelja geografije, a ona je osmiÅ”ljena putem seminara u nekoliko faza.Ključne riječ


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    U radu je razmotren demografski razvoj Podvelebitskog primorja od sredine 19. stoljeća, s težiÅ”tem na razdoblju 1961.-2001. U okviru toga detaljnije je predočeno kretanje broja stanovnika 1857.-2001., opće kretanje stanovniÅ”tva 1961.-2001., prirodno kretanje 2001.-2007. te promjene u strukturi naseljenosti 1961.-2001. Pristup se temelji na prostorno-vremenskoj analizi koja omogućuje uvid u prostornu dinamiku demografskih procesa. Rezultati analize pokazuju sljedeće: 1. težiÅ”te naseljenosti sredinom 19. stoljeća bilo je u sjevernom dijelu velebitske primorske padine, na području grada Senja; 2. izuzev regresije 1870-ih godina, demografski razvoj 1857.-1910. karakterizira porast broja stanovnika, nakon čega slijedi kontinuirana depopulacija; 3. porast broja stanovnika do Prvog svjetskog rata posljedica je rastućeg prirodnog prirasta u uvjetima demografske tranzicije, dok je kasnija depopulacija rezultat intenzivnog iseljavanja; 4. dugotrajno iseljavanje ostavilo je duboke, negativne posljedice u dobnom sastavu i općem kretanju stanovniÅ”tva; 5. unutraÅ”nje razlike u demografskom razvoju određene su različitim smjerom i intenzitetom demografskih procesa između suvremenih jedinica lokalne samouprave, te podgorskih, primorskih i srediÅ”njih naselja promatranog prostora.The sub-Velebit littoral is the most striking example of a rural periphery and, in this vein, a developmentally problematic zone in Croatiaā€™s littoral belt. This is, among other things, reflected in the problematic features of the contemporary settlement structure of this area. With the exception of Senj and Obrovac, which are characterised by long-term developmental continuity, the existing settlement structure was established and developed since the latter half of the 17th century. The first modern census, conducted in 1857, recorded a population of 18,601. The higher natural carrying capacity and the palpable growth in the economic carrying capacity resulting from the activation of the mercantile/intermediary function of Senj since the late 1770s resulted in a focus of settlement in its northern section by the mid- 19th century (over 70% of the population of this section of the coastal belt lived in the territory of the City of Senj). From the mid-19th century until the First World War, the population steadily rose (with the exception of the 1870s), and the maximum population was recorded in 1910. The demographic progress of this time was the result of a growing natural increase (an outcome of the already commenced demographic transition in the northern section of the Velebit coastal front) and emigration (which intensified after the decommissioning of the Austro-Hungarian Military Frontier in the 1870s). Since the early 20th century, emigration increasingly became the fundamental factor of demographic development, which was reflected in depopulation after 1910. The main propulsive factor underlying emigration up to the Second World War was the overpopulation of a passive zone, and thereafter the stagnation in Croatiaā€™s regional development. Despite developmental impulses after the modernisation of the coastal highway in the late 1950s, followed by the application of measures aimed at a more balanced regional development in D. Husanović-Pejnović: Demografski razvoj Podvelebitskog... Senj. zb. 37, 119-142 (2010.) Croatia during the 1970s and 1980s, stagnation in regional development and the ensuing emigration remained a constant in the development of this zone until the onset of the 1990s. In the last inter-census period, significant absolute and relative depopulation was recorded, which were exacerbated by warfare, especially in the southern section of the area under observation. Long-term and intense emigration led to deep and unfavourable consequences in the demographic development and settlement structure of the sub-Velebit littoral. In addition to depopulation, i.e. the continual diminishment of social energy, its impact was also manifested in the rapid ageing and negative natural trends, so that this part of the coastal belt had acquired the features of an exodus zone with a dying-off trend by the 1980s. The negative intensity of demographic processes continues to grow, which is demonstrated by the over one-quarter share of the elderly in the population and the ageing indicators with ā€œextreme deep ageā€ features by 2001, and the negative natural trends and consequent depopulation of 4.2% during the period from 2001-2007. These negative demographic processes are correspondingly reflected in the settlement structure, above all in the continual decline in settlement density and decrease in the average size of settlements. Given the features of demographic processes, there are nonetheless considerably notable internal differences between individual parts of the sub-Velebit littoral. On the one hand, these differences are manifested in the already-commenced demographic transition and emigration from the northern and central sections, which up to the 1870s grew within the scope of the Military Frontier (City of Senj and the Karlobag Municipality), and their absolute (City of Senj) and relative (Karlobag Municipality) depopulation as a periphery to Dalmatian municipalities (Starigrad and Jasenice). On the other hand, they are reflected by differences in the direction and intensity of demographic processes between submontane, coastal and central settlements. In contrast to the remaining sections of the littoral, here the submontane settlements (northern and central sections of the Velebit coastal front) did not move down towards the sea prior to the modernisation of the Adriatic highway, and after this the process lagged greatly behind the emigration outside of this zone. The notably modest demographic growth of Karlobag and several other coastal settlements from 1991 to 2001, as opposed to the depopulation of all other settlements (including central settlements), was in fact due to fictive registration motivated by the speculation of owners of vacation housing. The negative demographic processes in the sub-Velebit littoral shown here indicate the need to undertake appropriate measures aimed at stabilising the settlement structure in this specific coastal belt, which has the explicit features of a peripheral zone. In this regard, the development of the labour function in central settlements should have a crucial importance. Given the seasonality and generally limited proportional possibilities of tourism in this part of the coastal belt, the development of the labour function in the future should be based on production activities to a greater degree, including those which serve the tourism industry. However, this type of development in central settlements, which will give them the capacity to become stabilising hubs of settlement in their local governmental units, certainly requires more complex regional and local developmental policy measures and instruments

    Živjeti na Krivom Putu: Sv. 2, EtnoloŔka monografija o primorskim Bunjevcima

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    Monografija se sastoji od osam cjelina ponajviÅ”e iz duhovne i druÅ”tvene kulture primorskih Bunjevaca na prostoru mikroregije Krivi Put u senjskome zaleđu. Prva cjelina pod nazivom: Obitelj i lokalna zajednica sastoji se od pet priloga (demografski razvoj, obiteljski život odnosi i vrijednosti, podaci iz StaliÅ”a duÅ”a, život zadružne obitelji, prezimena, osobna imena, obiteljski i osobni nadimci Krivopućana), zatim slijede cjeline: odijevanje, prehrana, medicina, pučka pobožnost, godiÅ”nji običaji te vjerovanja. Monografija zavrÅ”ava poglavljem kroz koji se daju smjernice o mogućnosti koriÅ”tenja i prezentacije tradicijske baÅ”tine krivoputskoga područja.Monografija se sastoji od osam cjelina ponajviÅ”e iz duhovne i druÅ”tvene kulture primorskih Bunjevaca na prostoru mikroregije Krivi Put u senjskome zaleđu. Prva cjelina pod nazivom: Obitelj i lokalna zajednica sastoji se od pet priloga (demografski razvoj, obiteljski život odnosi i vrijednosti, podaci iz StaliÅ”a duÅ”a, život zadružne obitelji, prezimena, osobna imena, obiteljski i osobni nadimci Krivopućana), zatim slijede cjeline: odijevanje, prehrana, medicina, pučka pobožnost, godiÅ”nji običaji te vjerovanja. Monografija zavrÅ”ava poglavljem kroz koji se daju smjernice o mogućnosti koriÅ”tenja i prezentacije tradicijske baÅ”tine krivoputskoga područja

    Živjeti na Krivom Putu: Sv. 2, EtnoloŔka monografija o primorskim Bunjevcima

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    Monografija se sastoji od osam cjelina ponajviÅ”e iz duhovne i druÅ”tvene kulture primorskih Bunjevaca na prostoru mikroregije Krivi Put u senjskome zaleđu. Prva cjelina pod nazivom: Obitelj i lokalna zajednica sastoji se od pet priloga (demografski razvoj, obiteljski život odnosi i vrijednosti, podaci iz StaliÅ”a duÅ”a, život zadružne obitelji, prezimena, osobna imena, obiteljski i osobni nadimci Krivopućana), zatim slijede cjeline: odijevanje, prehrana, medicina, pučka pobožnost, godiÅ”nji običaji te vjerovanja. Monografija zavrÅ”ava poglavljem kroz koji se daju smjernice o mogućnosti koriÅ”tenja i prezentacije tradicijske baÅ”tine krivoputskoga područja.Monografija se sastoji od osam cjelina ponajviÅ”e iz duhovne i druÅ”tvene kulture primorskih Bunjevaca na prostoru mikroregije Krivi Put u senjskome zaleđu. Prva cjelina pod nazivom: Obitelj i lokalna zajednica sastoji se od pet priloga (demografski razvoj, obiteljski život odnosi i vrijednosti, podaci iz StaliÅ”a duÅ”a, život zadružne obitelji, prezimena, osobna imena, obiteljski i osobni nadimci Krivopućana), zatim slijede cjeline: odijevanje, prehrana, medicina, pučka pobožnost, godiÅ”nji običaji te vjerovanja. Monografija zavrÅ”ava poglavljem kroz koji se daju smjernice o mogućnosti koriÅ”tenja i prezentacije tradicijske baÅ”tine krivoputskoga područja