537 research outputs found

    Exploring the Elements of Postcolonialism and its Exponents

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    Postcolonialism is an academic discipline that analyses, explains and responds to the cultural legacies of colonialism and imperialism. The purpose of the present study is to examine the postcolonialism and elements of postcolonialism such as marginalization, identity, multiculturalism, racial discrimination, hybridity, mimicry etc. The article discusses the thoughts of Frantz Fanon, Edward Said, Homi K. Bhabha, and Gayatri Spivak on postcolonialism as well

    OSSM: Ordered Sequence set mining for maximal length frequent sequences

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    The process of finding sequential rules is an indispensable in frequent sequence mining. Generally, in sequence mining algorithms, suitable methodologies like a bottom2013;up approach will be used for creating large sequences from tiny patterns. This paper proposed on an algorithm that uses a hybrid two-way (bottom-up and top-down) approach for mining maximal length sequences. The model proposed is opting to bottom-up approach called 201C;Concurrent Edge Prevision and Rear Edge Pruning (CE

    Women’s Simmering Discontent, and Emancipatory Attempts in Margaret Laurence’s The Fire-Dwellers

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    The Fire-Dwellers (1969) is one of the Manawaka series novels of Margaret Laurence. The novel was written at the time when women’s emancipation movements were gaining momentum, primarily in the United States, but in other parts of the world as well. So, clearly, the narrative is largely affected by women’s simmering discontent with their stagnant lives in Canada too. The novel reflects Canadian women’s desire to free themselves from the common drudgery at home and to be part of a more active populace working outside the home, themselves writing the rules of their lives. The woman protagonist in the novel, Stacey MacAindra, is a common housewife taking care of her husband and their four children. She feels she is happy keeping the societal values intact but suddenly feels frustrated realizing one day that she is the only one in her family whose existence in the family is only for others, while to everyone else in the family their lives are important for themselves, not for others. However, my reading of The Fire-Dwellers is that Margaret Laurence was not in total disregard of family values, or for complete independence of women from the patriarchal system as we see it in women's emancipation movements today.&nbsp

    Frequent Pattern mining with closeness Considerations: Current State of the art

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    Due to rising importance in frequent pattern mining in the field of data mining research, tremendous progress has been observed in fields ranging from frequent itemset mining in transaction databases to numerous research frontiers. An elaborative note on current condition in frequent pattern mining and potential research directions is discussed in this article. It2019;s a strong belief that with considerably increasing research in frequent pattern mining in data analysis, it will provide a strong foundation for data mining methodologies and its applications which might prove a milestone in data mining applications in mere future

    Broader Definition of Child Labor-Conceptual and Empirical Analysis

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    Research on child labour usually works upon a definition of labour which means work outside home and which is also economically productive. But in recent years the definition of child labour has undergone a change. It has been broadened to include all that work which children undertake at home and which is economically non-productive. Taking this broader definition of child labour the present research conducted in the rural areas of Pakpatten and Faisalabad shows how many children are affected by child labour and which social, economic factors are responsible for it. The research findings show that female chaildren bear greater burden of labour and their work is not paid. The findings also dig into various social and economic factors responsible for increased child labour in rural areas.</p

    Gender Disparity in Education-Extent, Trends and Factors

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    The Program of Action agreed at International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo in 1933 gave considerable attention to the need to raise education enrolment ratios for females. National Education Policy 1998-2010 expressed the feature of making arrangement for reducing gender disparities at all levels. The thrust of Social Action Programs (Phase I and II) was to reduce the gender disparity emphasizing on girls education specifically in rural areas (GOP, 1998:126,123). In the last decade the government has made efforts to decrease the disparity in education. What remained the extent and trend of disparity in the decade is the focus of the study. The possible explanations have also been presented. It is concluded that gender disparity has decreased in the last decade but at a disappointing rate and is still at an alarming level. It is comparatively low at college level.</p

    Adaptation of the Mahabharata, the Myth and Metaphor, into Animation for Children

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    Animation provides a unique window for children through which they could absorb the culturally superior Hindu epic in existence, the Mahabharata, the greatest myth and metaphor of life, and seek wisdom while entertaining themselves simultaneously. Concocting elements of fiction into the great myth in the form of animation gives a completely different perspective to children and show them a world of their own. The main motivation is to introduce them with the great heritage of India, the Mahabharata, in a lighter way through animation

    Credibility of Different Agricultural Information Sources Utilized by Farm Women of Uttarakhand

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    Credibility of agricultural information sources affects the adoption of new or improved agricultural practices by farmers. Credibility refers to perceived trustworthiness accorded to a source by its audience at any given time and situation. Therefore, Credible sources of agriculture information play major role in diffusion of agriculture innovations. This study was carried out in Nainital district of Uttarakhand state with specific objective to explore the relative credibility of information sources as accorded by the farm women of the region. A sample of 120 farm women was selected by PPS (Probability proportional to size) sampling method. The agriculture information sources were categorized into three broad heads namely personal localite, personal cosmopolite and mass media. It was found that majority (62.5%) of respondents had „medium‟ credibility towards agriculture information sources followed by 20 per cent having low credibility and only 17.5 per cent had high credibility to different agriculture information sources. It was further found that family members, KVK officials and newspaper were considered as the most credible sources of agricultural information among personal localite, personal cosmopolite and mass media sources. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i7.00

    Puzzling Pain Of Retained Gutta- Percha (GP) :A Unique Case Report

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    When a tooth is avulsed and replanted following traumatic dental injury, complications such as replacement and inflammatory resorption are a common sequelae. Ultimately, resorption may result in loss of the tooth. This case report describes a traumatic injury (Avulsion) to a permanent tooth resulting in complete root resorption within a short period after endodontic treatment, which required surgery because of persistent GP cones in bone. Even if it is impossible to avoid resorption completely, the overall knowledge of both dentists and patients regarding traumatic dental injuries should be improved to delay the progress of resorption. &nbsp

    Hotel Personnel Retention In Uttar Pradesh: A Study of HYATT Hotels

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    This study has been conveyed to check the impact of retention practices in hotels of Uttar Pradesh and find ideas to get fruitful result. Data collected through a questionnaire. Likert scales were used to build the survey tool. The sample size of the study is 30 and a method of sampling based on probability was used. It is found that four common factors influenced the decision of employees to join the hotel industry, including salary, career growth, senior positions, and job complications. The technology was used effectively by the most common parameters and sufficient resources were available, the working environment was safe, comfortable and appropriately equipped, and management followed consistent policies and practices. Five parameters were used which were important to the productivity of personnel' activities: satisfied with their coworkers, job meant for their performance, suitability for their growth in tomorrow’s time, and acceptance of employees’ views. Personnel of Uttar Pradesh's hotels had different views on scenarios that influenced personnel, many personnel think they will resign for greater career advancement opportunities and better job prospects
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