1,031 research outputs found

    Insight for Teacher Preparation Program Administrators: Enhancing Pre-service Educators’ Intercultural Sensitivity and Deep Proficiency in Culturally Responsive Teaching through Short-term Study Abroad

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    Teacher preparation program administrators face the issue of expanding curricula to prepare teacher candidates for the diverse population of students they will encounter (Trent, Kea, Oh, 2008). Globalization demands that teacher candidates grasp how to function in a more integrated and interdependent society (McGrew, 2005). According to Smith-Davis (2004) students from non-English speaking countries compose the fastest growing United States K-12 student population, and those identified as limited English proficient were over 10 million in 2004. The United States Census reported in the \u27\u27New Census Bureau Report the number of individuals five and older who speak languages other than English at home more than doubled in the past three decades (2010). If teacher preparation program leaders fail to prepare future educators with the dispositions, knowledge, and skills necessary to meet the needs of the nation\u27s school population, the national security and economic development may be hindered, and the position of the United States in the world community may be challenged (Zanh, 2011). Teacher preparation program leaders are faced with how to strengthen teacher candidates\u27 level of intercultural sensitivity and to prepare them to implement culturally responsive pedagogy through course content and other activities (Lin, Lake, & Rice, 2008, p. 188). Integrating multicultural education throughout all courses instead of adding a stand-alone course dedicated to cultural awareness and instruction is one manner to enhance candidates\u27 level of intercultural sensitivity, and this means is supported by many researchers (Cochran-Smith, Davis, & Fries, 2004). Another way to heighten intercultural sensitivity and gain skill in delivering culturally-responsive teaching strategies is through cross-cultural experiences (Foster, 1995; Gay, 2000; McAllister & Irving, 2002; Nieto, 2006). One such cross-cultural experience that deans, department heads, and faculty may explore is short-term study abroad. Short-term study abroad is more affordable and attractive to university students who cannot or will not commit to a semester or yearlong study abroad experience (Donnelly-Smith, 2009). As defined by Donnelly-Smith (2009), short-term study abroad experiences are those where students participate for fewer than eight weeks. These experiences have the potential of positively impacting teacher candidates\u27 intercultural sensitivity (Lawton et al., 2006). DonnellySmith stated that little formal research was displayed in the literature that described study abroad outcomes (2009). The purpose of this paper is to reveal how a short-term study abroad experience affected teacher candidates from a Texas regional university, and thus enhanced their intercultural sensitivity and deepened their knowledge and skill in culturally-responsive teaching strategies. This study was unique from other studies presented in the literature because the focus was how another country implements early childhood education and prepares future teachers. Teacher candidates were afforded an opportunity to compare Italy\u27s early childhood education system to the system they were more familiar with in the United States

    VR Let My Creativity Out: Youth Creating with Immersive Learning Technologies

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    With a greater demand for ingenuity and innovation in today’s creative economy, educators need to be creative practitioners inasmuch as students must be, learn, and grow creatively. This qualitative study explores the affordances and constraints of youth creating with immersive learning technologies at a Youth VR Research Camp. A class of 28 students in grade 8, ages 13 and 14, were invited to participate as the co-researchers. The data collection methods included artifact analysis, student-led pair interviews, sharing circles, surveys, and observation. The process of research-creation involved MultibrushVR and FrameVR design challenges focussed on pro-social and environmental change. Findings revealed that the immersive experiences provided flexible learning pathways for the youth to take creative risks, exercise autonomy over their learning, and co-design with peers in novel ways. Although a few co-researchers reported discomforts, such as dizziness or nausea, from using the Meta Quest headsets, a significant 94% expressed interest in further learning through VR. Furthermore, 78% concurred that VR facilitated creative self-expression, while 88% acknowledged having the freedom to make decisions about their learning in VR. These findings indicate that immersive education, when effectively designed, can be a viable strategy for teachers striving to nurture creative learning and creative thinking in their classrooms. The data collected in this study serves as a foundation for future research on the role of immersive education in augmenting creativity and facilitating self-directed learning

    An in-depth analysis of the health and wellbeing of individuals with autism spectrum disorder

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    Over five studies, this thesis aimed to investigate the overall health and wellbeing of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The primary objectives were to: (a) explore the areas of concern among individuals with ASD across the spectrum; (b) understand the differences pertaining to the overall health, social and motor functioning between high functioning and low functioning individuals; (c) understand the sex differences pertaining to the overall health, social, and motor functioning among high and low functioning individuals with ASD; (d) gain in-depth detail regarding the social and motor functioning of children and youth with ASD through the perspectives of caregivers; and (e) examine the association between imitation, social, and motor performance in individuals with ASD. Findings showed that individuals with ASD experience many issues, namely, health, social, and motor issues. These issues vary depending on the level of functioning of individuals, but not the sex of the individuals. Findings further indicated a reciprocal relationship between social and motor functioning, as well as, imitation and motor performance. In addition to providing further insight into the challenges individuals with ASD experience, this thesis offers many well-informed credible suggestions that warrant the attention of health care professionals, caregivers, family members, the school system, and researchers

    An in-depth analysis of the health and wellbeing of individuals with autism spectrum disorder

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    Over five studies, this thesis aimed to investigate the overall health and wellbeing of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The primary objectives were to: (a) explore the areas of concern among individuals with ASD across the spectrum; (b) understand the differences pertaining to the overall health, social and motor functioning between high functioning and low functioning individuals; (c) understand the sex differences pertaining to the overall health, social, and motor functioning among high and low functioning individuals with ASD; (d) gain in-depth detail regarding the social and motor functioning of children and youth with ASD through the perspectives of caregivers; and (e) examine the association between imitation, social, and motor performance in individuals with ASD. Findings showed that individuals with ASD experience many issues, namely, health, social, and motor issues. These issues vary depending on the level of functioning of individuals, but not the sex of the individuals. Findings further indicated a reciprocal relationship between social and motor functioning, as well as, imitation and motor performance. In addition to providing further insight into the challenges individuals with ASD experience, this thesis offers many well-informed credible suggestions that warrant the attention of health care professionals, caregivers, family members, the school system, and researchers

    The role of notaries in EU law with reference to case law

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    U široj je javnosti problematika sudjelovanja hrvatskih javnih bilježnika u primjeni prava EU-a dobila na značenju u kontekstu recentnih odluka Suda pravde EU-a u predmetima Zulfikarpašić i Pula parking. Međutim, njihova je uloga, s obzirom na uključenost u postupanja predviđena instrumentima pravosudne suradnje u građanskim i trgovačkim stvarima mnogo složenija. Stoga se u radu, u kontekstu judikature Suda pravde EU-a, do sada uspostavljene prakse hrvatskih javnih bilježnika te odluka najviših sudbenih instanci pojedinih država članica propituje postupanje javnih bilježnika u primjeni prava EU-a te njihova spremnost da odgovore na visoko postavljene zahtjeve u okviru povjerenih im ovlasti.In the general public, the issue of the participation of Croatian notaries in the application of EU law has gained importance in the context of recent decisions of the EU Court of Justice in the Zulfikarpašić and Pula parking cases. However, their role is much more complex, considering their involvement in judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters. Therefore in practise, in the context of the judiciary of the EU Court of Justice, the work so far of the Croatian notaries, as well as the decisions of the highest judicial instances of individual Member States, question the notaries\u27 actions in the application of EU law and their ability to respond to high-level requirements within the framework of their authority

    Staubaufwirbeln oder die Kunst der Partizipation

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    Die Dissertation Staubaufwirbeln oder die Kunst der Partizipation stellt die Frage, ob und inwiefern künstlerische Interventionen zur Aktualisierung und Entwicklung demokratischer Teilhabe beitragen können. Im Zentrum der Untersuchung stehen sechs Projektgruppen, die experimentelle Freiräume gestalten, in denen neue Formen von Demokratielernen, Stadtnutzung, gesellschaftlicher Repräsentation und Symbolpolitik erprobt werden. Die Kunst der Partizipation wird in fünf Dimensionen beschrieben: Initiative, Kollektivität, Inszenierung, Öffentlichkeit und Kooperation. Sie erweitert damit das Repertoire demokratischer Beteiligungsformen sowie gegenwärtige Kunstbegriffe. Ihre heimliche Relevanz besteht darin, sich immer wieder dem Risiko auszusetzen, von allen Seiten als unzureichend betrachtet zu werden. Demokratie konstituiert sich hier als ästhetische Erfahrung. Die Kunst besteht darin, die Flüchtigkeit demokratischer Teilhabe erfahrbar zu machen, also gestaltbar und veränderbar

    The role of notaries in EU law with reference to case law

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    U široj je javnosti problematika sudjelovanja hrvatskih javnih bilježnika u primjeni prava EU-a dobila na značenju u kontekstu recentnih odluka Suda pravde EU-a u predmetima Zulfikarpašić i Pula parking. Međutim, njihova je uloga, s obzirom na uključenost u postupanja predviđena instrumentima pravosudne suradnje u građanskim i trgovačkim stvarima mnogo složenija. Stoga se u radu, u kontekstu judikature Suda pravde EU-a, do sada uspostavljene prakse hrvatskih javnih bilježnika te odluka najviših sudbenih instanci pojedinih država članica propituje postupanje javnih bilježnika u primjeni prava EU-a te njihova spremnost da odgovore na visoko postavljene zahtjeve u okviru povjerenih im ovlasti.In the general public, the issue of the participation of Croatian notaries in the application of EU law has gained importance in the context of recent decisions of the EU Court of Justice in the Zulfikarpašić and Pula parking cases. However, their role is much more complex, considering their involvement in judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters. Therefore in practise, in the context of the judiciary of the EU Court of Justice, the work so far of the Croatian notaries, as well as the decisions of the highest judicial instances of individual Member States, question the notaries\u27 actions in the application of EU law and their ability to respond to high-level requirements within the framework of their authority

    Beginning Counselor Educators’ Experiences of Teaching Mentorship

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    Mentoring can positively impact counselor educators’ teaching in terms of self-efficacy and growth in skills. Yet, counselor educators have reported a desire for more mentoring in the development of their teaching. Utilizing consensual qualitative research methodology, we explored the teaching-specific mentorship of beginning counselor educators’ (N = 13) within their first two to four years as faculty. Emergent themes included mentoring structure such as mentors’ methods of providing mentorship, mentoring relationship dynamics such as relational supports and frustrations, and the positive and negative impacts of mentoring relationships. In addition to building rapport and strengthening mentees’ self-efficacy, mentors and mentees can develop intentional mentoring relationships with a comprehensive focus emphasizing the development of teaching knowledge and skills through practices such as teaching observation and feedback. Additionally, discussing the needs, goals, and expectations of both parties and the inherent power differential of the relationships can help focus the mentoring experiences

    Nature-Based Destination Image: An exploratory study on the formation of the destination image of the Legal Amazon.

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    This study aims to measure the Nature-Based Destination Image (NBDI) of the Legal Amazon among national tourists, verifying the image successors related to satisfaction, WOM /e- WOM, recommendation and revisit. With a predominantly quantitative approach, the study presents two purification stages: 1) a group of 15 experts and 2) 151 national tourists. To test convergence and reliability, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was used, with Bartlett\u27s sphericity and KMO and reliability by McDonald\u27s Omega. The findings revealed that 58 variables are suitable to measure the image of the Brazilian Amazon destination, suggesting internal consistency with good convergence and reliability indexes. The successors of the image presented good performances, especially the WOM/e-WOM and Recommendation components. With theoretical, empirical and managerial contributions, the study presents as unprecedented the measurement of destination image based on nature, a theme still absent in the literature, applying the IDBN theoretical matrix developed by Chaves, 2021, in the Legal Amazon destination, with national tourists. It is recommended that future studies test the results with international tourists with a larger sample and with estimators of psychometric properties, in order to validate a model for measuring the NBDI