752 research outputs found

    Use of Electronic Information Resources at College libraries in Bangalore, India: A Study of College Learners

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    This research article investigates the accessibility and usage of electronic resources among College libraries in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. In India, most of the institutions initiated electronic information resources in library services. Primary data were collected from four selected college libraries through a structured questionnaire method. Secondary data were collected from various national and international journals, various university libraries, books, magazines, newspapers, reports, etc. Besides, the websites and internet services of the institutions were also used for the purpose of secondary data collection. The result shows that the various e-resources, CD-ROM, e-newspaper, online database, full-text database, e-journal and e-books considered as the most importance e-resources by the respondents and 52.41% of the respondents very much satisfied with e-thesis and dissertation

    Multi Objective Criteria for Selection of Manufacturing Method using NLP Parser

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    Installing a manufacturing method might be very expensive and time consuming project. Organization should examine and decide on how best to make this decision of selecting appropriate process meeting their requirements. In order to improve the manufacturing cycle more than 110 manufacturing processes have been proposed. The objectives aimed at and the functions focused on by these processes vary. The process should be flexible enough to accommodate reasonable changes in design. This poses a great challenge to a manager in selection of effective and economical manufacturing process. Different organizations have different objectives and based on their specific requirement they deploy suitable process conforming to their objective. Today’s business scenario is highly competitive, complex and dynamic in nature which demands strategic planning meeting the challenges of changing time. In this paper we have made an attempt to enable the end user a quick selection of appropriate manufacturing method based on multiple objectives. The information pertaining to the method selection is stored in a persistent Relational DataBase Management System (RDBMS) which can be manipulated by the end user as the organizational objectives and the market needs change. The end user instead of querying the database directly will use the natural language, termed as Manufacturing Query Language (MQL) designed by us, which is interfaced with RDBMS using prolog. To implement MQL, we have defined a finite set of symbols, words and language rules, MQL grammar. The parse tree is constructed based on the grammar specified. The NLP query is parsed using NLP parser designed by us and the queries which are successfully parsed are evaluated by mapping them to the corresponding prolog query using Java interface to Prolog (JPL). Prolog rules are stored in three different prolog knowledge bases, mqlgrammar.pl, rules.pl, and methodrules.pl. NLP offers most flexible way to implement grammar which can be readily extended with least efforts and as such offers an efficient way of implementing rules in dynamically changing scenarios. Our current work focuses on a multiple objectives. In real situations multi objective and multi function criteria is required for the proper selection of the manufacturing method. Our future work involves modification of the tool and parser to take account of multiple objectives and function

    Depression – Let’s Talk - Role of Aashwasan Chikitsa

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    The WHO theme for the year 2017 is Depression. Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how a person feels, thinks and behaves. Psychotherapy if incorporated along with medications can be of substantial help in depression. It is also called ‘talking therapy’ and is based on personal interaction with the patient. Patients suffering from this disorder do not easily accept it and hence do not feel the need to seek medical intervention or counselling. In this process the symptoms might get aggravated and suicidal tendency (which is the worst effect of this disease) may develop. So it is extremely essential for the patient, family and society to accept, talk, discuss and seek treatment for this disease. This ‘talking therapy’ is of utmost importance in today’s life where concept of privacy is taking its toll. This therapy is mentioned in Ayurveda as Aashwasan Chikitsa. Aashwasan Chikitsa consists of good, pleasing and benevolent thoughts, spiritual ideas, positive attitude, ethics and communication with near ones. So in the treatment of psychological disorders, along with medications counselling therapy plays a very important role. Finally counselling can act as a part of preventive, curative therapy and also aids to avoid recurrence in the patients of depression

    JSP Custom Tag for Pagination, Sorting and Filtering – A Case Study

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    Tag libraries have the power of reducing complex functionalities to one liners by separating out implementation part from tag declarations. Tags do hide the implementation specific tasks from the end user by making the code more readable. The frequently and widely used functionality in any application is database operations which involve lot of code repetition. Such a repeated code can be hidden behind a couple of custom tags where the end user can be concerned only with the tag usage which renders the application bug free and also aids in rapid application development. Majority of automation softwares at the minimal incorporate functionalities for interaction with repository of data . The need for quick searching of required data and retrieving subsets of data demand sorting, pagination, and filtering capabilities to be an integral part of any application. With the exponential growth in data these functionalities become mandatory to be incorporated in any application irrespective of its type and size. Further, Rich Internet Application (RIA) demands an attractive graphical user interface providing visual clues on the type of data to be entered or to be displayed. In order to cater a solution to this issue, in the current paper, the authors have designed and implemented a JSP custom tag for displaying a database table data in columns of different types such as check boxes, images, hyperlinks etc. Boolean attributes are added to the tag for enabling one or more of the features corresponding to pagination, sorting and filtering

    Cascaded Fuzzy Inference System for Overall Equipment Effectiveness of a Manufacturing Process

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    Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is one of the widely accepted performance evaluation methods most commonly employed for measuring the efficiency of a manufacturing process in a manufacturing industry. It plays a most prominent role in improving the efficiency of a manufacturing process which in turn ensures quality, consistency and productivity. The OEE parameters, availability, performance and quality are not single parameters. But these parameters in turn depend on several other parameters which introduce a cascaded effect in OEE computation. The variation in the value of lowest level parameters propagate to the higher levels making the OEE computation a complex process. To cater such situations, in this paper authors propose cascaded fuzzy inference system for measurement of Overall Equipment Effectiveness. In the simplified model proposed by the authors, only few prominent parameters up to two levels are considered. The model can be easily extended to incorporate more parameters and more levels to render it more realistic

    Custom Annotation for Execution of Data Manipulation Commands in a Generic Manner ? A Case Study

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    Java annotations are the tags employed for providing meta data for Java code. They can be attached to a class, method, or a field to provide some additional information to the compiler and JVM. This paper introduces the concept of Annotations in Java with an emphasis on various in-built annotations in Java and the annotations that are used by other annotations. The reader is introduced to J2EE standard annotations and those employed by Hibernate as a replacement for XML-based mapping document. Steps in designing and using custom annotations are highlighted. A custom annotation design is illustrated with the help of an example for execution of DML commands in a generic way in a database management system independent manner

    Integration of Configurable Dynamic Notification System with CSIBER Website

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    In this digital era every academic institution and commercial setup investments enormously in hosting and maintenance of the website which plays a critical role in the success of an organization by making it reachable across wide geographical area at any time. A carefully designed website reflects institute’s best assets and delivers tremendous first-hand information to any user at any time irrespective of his/her geographical location. To stay in market there is a constant requirement for changing the look and feel and content of the website and incorporating dynamism into the website. It is inevitable to keep the website constantly updated since it is accessible to the public. As the new website data pertaining to event information, notification etc is constantly generated and old data soon becomes obsolete, it demands for continuous manual efforts from the human resource to keep the dynamically changing data current and up-to-date. It can save tremendous amount of human effort and time, if such a task is automated which in turn enables meaningful data to be displayed on the website with very little human intervention. To facilitate this new technologies such as jQuery, JSON, angular JS etc. are emerging continuously to name a few. In the current paper, the author has proposed an algorithm for the integration of dynamic notification system with existing website of CSIBER. The algorithm is implemented in PHP and MySQL and hosted on web server employing the web hosting service availed by the organization. The dynamic module is scheduled to be executed periodically on a daily basic by the Cron utility and server-side include is dynamically created and embedded in home page. Every month’s events can be scheduled and stored in the backend database which is parsed by dynamic module and the required data is accordingly generated. As a measure towards efficiency improvement, the tool is executed once per day instead of executing it for every user request. Two options are proposed for integration, one on client-side and the second one on the server-side. The dialog displaying the notification data is rendered mobile friendly and is subject to Google’s mobile friendly test

    Struts, Hibernate and Spring Integration ? A Case Study

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    Over the last few decades software development has undergone tremendous radical changes in order to enhance user experience, user friendliness and to widen its scope over large geographical area. The key actors in this arena are two leading IT companies Microsoft and Sun Microsystems, now taken owner by Oracle Inc. who compete on a continual basis for rendering rapid professional software design and development process at the same time incorporating more functionality and focusing strongly towards software maintenance issues. Due to this intense competition, the ultimate beneficiary is a software developer who is tremendously benefited at large. In this review paper, the researcher aims at consolidating the technological advancements that have brought a revolutionary change in corporate software development over last few decades. The main substance of the paper is technological advancements facilitating J2EE application development viz., struts framework, hibernate and spring framework which operate in different layers of scalable N-tier architecture. Each technology has its own merits and de-merits. The researcher attempts to aggregate the benefits offered by the trio in a single J2EE application thereby bringing in best of three worlds to a single application. The application is boosted with powerful struts tag library, persistent layer provided by hibernate and dependency injection or Inversion of Control (IoC) user the same roof. A case study is presented to demonstrate the integration of three diverse technologies, struts, hibernate and spring. JBOSS application server is employed as a container for J2EE components

    The concept of Leena Dosha w.s.r. to latent phase of disease

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    Ayurveda is a system of medicine with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent. The main aim of Ayurveda is maintenance of health of a healthy person and to treat the disease. Various fervent concepts with sturdy bed rocks are led down for understanding the human body. Discrete postulates and system in disclosing the gear of the disease in various Ayurveda classics. One of the ultimate and tempting picture is Leena Dosha in fine tune of the disease. During the pathogenesis of the disease the Dosha will undergo various Avastha one such important Avastha is Leena Dosha Avastha which is mostly considered as latent phase of the disease, if the physician understand the concept of Leena Dosha Avastha physician can easily subsides the disease by the proper plan of treatment. As in India many top killer diseases had been short listed among them quite common is Malaria. So in this article an attempt had been made to understand the Leena Dosha Avastha w.s.r to Latent phase

    A Literary Review on Role of Ethno-medicine In Drug Discovery and Development

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    World Health Organization defines Traditional Medicine as, the sum total knowledge, skills and practice based on the theories, beliefs and experiences indigenous to different cultures whether explicable or not used in the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illness. Traditional medicine is a part of health care systems around the globe. Drug discovery and development strategies based on traditional / ethno-medicine is emerging as an alternative option. Traditional knowledge can provide valuable guidance in selecting and obtaining plant material of potential therapeutic interest and knowledge experimental database of traditional herbal medicine can provide a new functional leads to reduce time, Money, Toxicity - the three main hurdles of conventional drug development
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